The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 365

Chapter 354 “Night Hunter” (2 in 1)

Wei Han received Fan Zhe’s instruction, saying that he wanted to talk to Lewen Group about the essay activity of “Steam Daming”, which was aimed at the author of Great God.

Prior to this, he was conducting a copyright negotiation with Lewen Group involving hundreds of millions of dollars and involving dozens of works.

There have been some twists and turns in the negotiation work before. Lewen Group requires itself to have the qualifications to enter the market and to have the qualifications for copyright sharing, but these obviously involve the bottom line of Dimension Entertainment, so Wei Han refused all of them. He turned around and bought several other networks. The copyright of the works on the novel website scared Lewen Group, and finally returned to the negotiating table.

And this business was basically negotiated.

Both parties gave certain concessions, and Wei Han, on behalf of the company, accepted the Lewen Group’s request for a certain later share. Lewen Group sold 15 excellent works at a price of 50 million yuan, and sold the full copyright to Dimension Entertainment-the price is much lower than the initial contact. Behind the substantial price reduction, Lewen Group got its wish to obtain the investment right to adapt these 15 works.

According to the contract, Lewen Group can choose whether to invest in any one of these fifteen works when adapting animations, games, and movies. The maximum investment is not more than 2% of the total budget cost and share The profit equivalent to the investment ratio.

2% investment rights… this is better than nothing.

But there is no way, Wei Han understood that this told the representative of Lewen Group, namely Kappa, that this is the biggest bottom line of Dimension Entertainment, and the premise of joining this bottom line is that their copyright prices must be drastically reduced.

In the end, they can only choose to accept.

Counting it down, the average cost of a single copyright authorization for the fifteen works sold is more than three million yuan. Some are not worth that much, some are about the same, and some are actually far more valuable.

Among these fifteen works, they are basically selected by Dimension Entertainment. Including “Lord of Mysteries”, “Overwhelming Han”, “Destroying Kyushu”, “Study Tyrant’s Black Technology System” and so on.

For these purchased works, there will inevitably be corresponding development plans in the future, but for the time being, Dimension Entertainment has already promoted a lot of projects at the same time, and there is not much energy to start related work immediately.

After talking about these things, the original negotiation should be considered as a successful conclusion. However, after receiving this new task, Wei Han quickly thought of a solution.

This negotiation has not yet been signed and has come to an end. With this relatively good cooperative relationship formed with Lewen Group, it seems that it is possible to directly talk about things related to “Steam Da Ming”.

Moreover, when he was doing this, he directly contacted Wu Jingtong and explained his thoughts-an essay involving tens of millions can be regarded as a huge momentum. Do not take this opportunity to engage in a wave of propaganda, it is simply a violent thing.

At the same time, Lewen Group is also more interested.

The essay for the tens of millions of prizes is also very attractive to many famous gods.

However, combining steampunk with the history of the late Ming Dynasty is not easy to write. Although, in online novels, there are not a few well-written historical essays and even at the end of the Ming Dynasty. However, there are not many authors who are good at steampunk. Combining the two together is even better. Big problem.

However, this is not without a solution.

After finding the right author, you can ask Gao Yixiang to give the author the whole world view structure, and let him write according to the world background.

This will save you a lot of energy from the creator, so he doesn’t need to do the whole setting himself. In addition, the story written in this way will be more in line with the requirements of the game “Steam Daming”.

In this cooperation, the three departments of Dimension Entertainment are working together.

Gao Yixiang’s “Second World” studio is responsible for content control; Wu Jingtong’s marketing department is responsible for propagating “Steam Daming” with the help of the “Ten Thousand Bonus Call for Papers”; Wei Han’s copyright department is responsible for the specifics Copyright negotiation matters.

The three departments perform their duties and work together to advance this work. The whole thing is quite smooth. In this way, Fan Zhe will be able to focus on another project with greater peace of mind.

It is a movie project under the LOL series, an independent film of the popular hero “The Hunter of the Night.” The current tentative name is “The Hunter of the Night”.

This film, almost when the project of “De Marcia: Glory” was just approved, followed the project. It is estimated that the investment will reach 650 million US dollars, which is not much worse than “Glory”.

However, the advancing speed of the “Night Hunter” project is much slower than that of “Demacia: Glory.”

The main reason is that although Dimension Entertainment can be considered rich and powerful now, especially through “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2”, a game that has swept the world, it made a lot of money. However, the money is divided into the hands of Dimension Entertainment through various channels, and then a tax is paid. The rest will have to support the company’s operation and development. Supporting so many project expenses will always put a certain amount of pressure.

If it was last year, even if he opened multiple projects, Ye Jiayi would need to control the financial pressure and deal with the risk.

However, by now, it is not a big problem.

After “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2”, such as the upper and lower TV series of “Budo Master”, the drama of “Ruzi Di”, the movie of “Hell Apartment 2″… the success of these works has also brought to Dimension Entertainment. Very generous financial return.

The revenue brought by “Ruzi Di” has reached nearly one billion; “Hell Apartment 2” is just a box office split and can make more than 200 million, and other derivative copyrights of this movie will also bring hundreds of millions. One of the most important part of the income of the company is to broadcast online on the’Dimension Platform’. There are also overseas distribution, overseas copyright marketing…

And even more exaggerated than the income of these two works is “Budo Master”

With just one upper part, the overall revenue has reached 1.4 or 500 million. And the lower part, which hasn’t been online for a long time, just two weeks of pre-sale, it got 800 million. And now, the online sales of this work has risen to a billion scale, and it is expected to reach about 1.2 billion. In addition, the TV broadcasts, overseas copyright operations, and derivative copyright operations after the network broadcast is completed… the total is estimated to reach more than 1.6 billion. ,

This means that the combined income of the upper and lower parts of “Budo Master” will exceed 3 billion.

From last summer to now, not counting “Taiwu 2”, it is just the development of film and television. Dimension Entertainment’s works have also harvested more than 4 billion in revenue.

Of course, it was the popularity of “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2” that was able to support the Dimensional Entertainment Project before. But now, it’s a completely different situation.

Dimension Entertainment takes out the planned VN independent movies and makes them without any pressure at all.

In fact, it is precisely because the company is very profitable, and even so much money is too much to know how to spend it, so Fan Zhe feels confident and bold to invest money to make “Steam Da Ming” such a particularly risky thing.

As long as the stuff you make is fun, it’s rushing.

It’s only an investment of several hundred million yuan, and it won’t hurt your muscles and bones if you lose it all!

Starting with the current economic situation of Dimension Entertainment, if they are a little crazy, they even have the capital to start five projects of the same scale at the same time-of course, if they lose money, it will be more miserable.

Fan Zhe couldn’t be so crazy no matter what, what’s more, Ye Jiayi would not agree with him to take risks that would harm the foundation of the company.

Of course, VN’s independent films are not included in this list.

This was one of the two film projects that Dimension Entertainment and Penguin Pictures had negotiated on copyright cooperation at the beginning.

According to Versace’s original intention, this is to be produced together with “De Marcia: Glory”. However, this idea made Ye Jiayi pressed it down at the time. It is recommended to postpone it a little bit and wait until some of the money that has not been received before is recovered from the outside before starting the project.

As a result, the delay was more than four months, and now it is all started.

The director of this film, in fact, Fan Zhe was in favor of Ji Jiaxin at the beginning, and he was going to let the guy take a half-month break after filming “Hell Apartment 2”, and then he would take over “The Hunter in the Dark”.

But unfortunately, that guy was not so lucky.

Except for the previous thing, Fan Zhe couldn’t give him this opportunity.

Several Dimension Brokers came over, and Fan Zhe chose Wang Zhicheng after some selections.

This is also an old acquaintance of Fan Zhe. When he was filming “Hell Apartment”, he was worried that he would not have enough experience and found two assistant directors. Wang Zhicheng was one of them. Later, when he was filming “Budo Master”, he continued to cooperate with Wang Zhicheng.

Wang Zhicheng belongs to the kind of director with no talent. According to his qualifications, he has been in this industry for so many years and at such an age, and he has not yet become a real director. This has also explained a certain problem.

However, after the success of the “Hell Apartment” movie and the “Budo Master” series, he got some opportunities by virtue of this, and got the opportunity to direct a TV series. It’s just that this opportunity seems to prove only once that he really has no talent as a director.

The TV series that Fan Zhe can’t remember the name were launched some time ago, and the results seem to be poor…

Fan Zhe also took a look at some fragments of the show. The whole film seems to lack something that makes people eye-catching. In addition, the subject matter is not attractive, there are no special popular actors, performances are not good, not to mention any good post-production, resulting in the whole film is particularly mediocre, there is nothing to watch, and it naturally fails.

However, Fan Zhe still found some shining points exclusive to the director.

I found that the shooting skills of some shots are still there, and the overall structure is also quite good. It can be seen that the director’s skills are still there.

It’s just no talent.

But this shortcoming was never what Fan Zhe cared about.

Recalling the details of the previous collaborations, Fan Zhe felt that it seemed a good choice for Wang Zhicheng to be the director of “The Hunter in the Dark”.

As the chief producer, I will inevitably lead the company’s team and make excellent designs in accordance with the past dimensions of entertainment when doing movie projects. The next thing is to be handed over to Wang Zhicheng, let him complete the shooting task according to the plan, there is definitely no problem.

As long as he can do this, the quality of the final work will be guaranteed by the entire team of Dimension Entertainment.

After weighing left and right, Fan Zhe asked Dimension Broker to invite Wang Zhicheng.

After receiving the invitation, Wang Zhicheng accepted it with almost no hesitation, and didn’t even struggle with salary.

To be honest, he was surprised.

Before, after serving as an assistant director for Fan Zhe twice in succession, producing “Hell Apartment” and “Budo Master” in succession, and both of them were successful, he really ignited his ambitions again www . I think I can put it together again.

However, this was the last bit of ambition to fight and ended in a disastrous defeat.

He seemed to be depressed for a while, but even if he was not depressed and looked at it with a sensible attitude, he felt that his career as a director was almost over. Finally, relying on “Hell Apartment” and “Budo Master” to obtain a bit of successful qualifications, and then obtained the opportunity to be a serious director, participated in a TV drama project with an investment of tens of millions.

I thought this was a great opportunity for me to stand up, but I didn’t expect that he would die so miserably.

However, it was a great surprise to receive an invitation from Dimension Entertainment!

He didn’t expect that after a defeat, he would still encounter such an opportunity. Especially after he learned what kind of project it was, the feeling of surprise in his mind became more intense!

650 million investment in movies! This is close to 100 million U.S. dollars!

This level of investment, even if it is placed in Hollywood, is a big investment out of the box.

However, after the surprise, he couldn’t help feeling a little nervous. I even messed up the TV series with an investment of 10 million yuan. Can you really direct such a movie with an investment of more than 600 million yuan?

He didn’t know why Fan Zhe would choose himself.

In a nervous mood, he had a meeting with Fan Zhe.

After listening to what Fan Zhe said, although Wang Zhicheng could not say that he completely let go of the worry and tension in his heart, at least, he also understood what Fan Zhe was thinking.

Although it cannot be said to be completely sure, at least, he feels that he will not miss this opportunity and will definitely go all out.


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