The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 126 – Panacea

Jun hadn’t seen Tsunade or Jiraiya much since they returned to the village. They’ve all been busy. Tsunade had taken over the hospital and had little time to socialize. Plus, she was gone for so long she didn’t have many friends left in Konoha. So the Uchiha clan leader was surprised when he got home and found the Senju princess on his doorstep. She seemed to be having a staring contest with one of the cats there. Jun shook his head, amused.

“Lady Tsunade, are you trying to intimidate this poor cat?”

She remained silent as the intensity of her gaze increased. The cat held her gaze, and then, suddenly, as if it was no longer interested, it turned away and began to lick his side with indifference.

Tsunade smirked at the feline and turned to Jun. 

“I was just playing with him.”

Jun held back an amused smile and invited her in. He was curious to know what the legendary ninja wanted. 

“What brings you here? Don’t tell me you like to play with stray cats…” 

“Stray cat, my ass. Kid, I knew more Uchihas than you. I know how to recognize a summoning when I see one.”

Jun doubted it. The cats of the Uchihas were special. Some were summonings, but most of the cats around the clan residence weren’t.  Moreover, the summonings easily pass for normal cats to blend in. It wasn’t that easy to differentiate them. The cat from earlier wasn’t a summoning. But Jun made the wise decision to keep the information to himself and not contradict Tsunade. 

“I came here to see you.”

Jun blinked. 

“Just to see me?”

The Sannin sketched a thin smile, no doubt perceiving his disbelief.

“Don’t look so surprised. I like you, little Uchiha. Oh, your moralistic side made me want to throw you out the window when we met, and you're way too presumptuous for a kid your age. But I like your conviction. Also, I don't know many people in this village. All my close relatives and friends already passed away. 

“I heard you reconnected with the other Senju descendants.”

Tsunade gave him a sharp look.

“That’s true. I met with some of them. I knew their parents or grandparents. It's strange, isn't it? I thought the Senju clan was dead. But... They are still here. They had children, and these children grew up, and now they all have such familiar traits…”

She was silent, no doubt immersed in her memories. Jun understood her. He sometimes found his mother and other Uchihas’s traits when looking at Izumi, Kazuma, or Sasuke.  Maybe they had more in common than he thought. They were both among the last remnants of two glorious clans. They represented the pillar of the new generation. 

“Most of the people I've talked to know you, and they like you. There is little Tenten, of course… But also Kanna, Ibiki, Ume, Gemma, and Yamato. I was surprised. Yamato doesn’t have many friends, but you’re one of them.” 

With a little surprise, Jun realized he felt the same way. He had known Yamato for a short time, and he didn’t have with him the bond forged with time like with his other friends. But he liked Yamato’s company. The Uchiha clan leader trusted him. He would help him in a heartbeat if he faced danger. So yes, they were friends. 

“I also consider him a friend. But I’m guessing you didn't come to tell me that.”

“No,” the Sannin replied in a sharp tone. “I came to tell you that you did well to bring me back and to remind me that I have a place here. I reconnected with distant relatives from branches of the Senju I thought were missing. You did well bringing me back, but it isn’t going to change things here.” 

“Of course it is. The Sandaime isn’t immortal. He grows older with each breath. I know you don't want to succeed him, but you're his student. The next Hokage should be you or Jiraiya. But we both know Jiraiya isn’t cut out for the task. He’s a nomad. He can’t stay put for too long.”

“You think Sarutobi-sensei is the only one old? Don’t you dare repeat what I’m about to say, or I’ll kill you.”

“I won’t say a word.”

“I may not look like it, but I’m not young anymore. Jiraiya, Orochimaru, me…We are all things of the past. We are relics of war who have trouble existing in times of peace.”

Jun didn’t know what to say.

“I have another question for you, Jun Uchiha. You don't have to answer.”

“Ask away.”

The Senju took the time to weigh her words. When she spoke, it was in a slow, almost cautious voice.

“Why did you become the head of the Uchiha clan? The clan could have disappeared. It would have been enough to refuse to bear the last name. And it probably would have been easier. The Uchiha clan doesn’t have a good reputation. It is a family name that carries with it a long history of drama and tragedies.”

It was an unexpected question. Jun frowned, trying to find an answer. Why did Tsunade ask him that? He remained silent for a long moment before answering. 

“Because I owed it to them, and I owed it to myself.”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought of Sasuke. I didn't want everything he knew to disappear. It would have been cruel. But Sasuke is just one person. To take the name Uchiha, to revive the clan was a collective task. It’s not something I could do on my own. I need them… Izumi, Sasuke, Kazuma… Even the ones without the Uchiha bloodline. I wanted them to have a place to call home. A part of me wanted to reject that though. Growing up I wanted nothing to do with the Uchiha clan. I did my best to separate myself from them. But ultimately, I am a Uchiha whether I like it or not. The Uchiha blood courses through my veins, and I possess their Dojutsu. I can’t run away from that fact. After they died, I had no one to fight against. I realized what bothered me the most wasn’t the Uchiha name, but their rules, their traditions… I agreed to become the clan leader to create the kind of clan I wish I had grown up in. I want to shape the clan according to my vision.”

He paused for a brief moment.

“My Uchiha clan will probably not have the greatness that Fugaku or his predecessors dreamed of. But it will be a strong clan, where we will support ourselves and support the village, where we will be loved, respected, and supported in return. It will be a home, a family. And if, in two or three decades, the Uchiha clan becomes as vast and powerful as it once was… well, I would have done my best to give them good values to build on not repeat past mistakes.”

Tsunade stared at him in silence, completely motionless. Jun frowned.

“Did I answer your question?”

She smiled.

“Yes. I believe you did. And I have something for you.” She said as she took a vial from her pocket.

“What is it?” Jun asked, looking at the translucent, slightly whitish liquid inside the glass container.

“Didn’t you ask me to analyze a blood sample?”

“Oh yes! What did you find?”

“The owner of the blood… I won’t say his name… is indeed sick as you suspected.”

“What kind of sickness?” Jun asked anxiously. 

“A severe one. It is a rare condition where the body’s immune system attacks the small blood vessels, causing them to become inflamed and damaged. Symptoms are shortness of breath, and coughing up blood, among others. He must be in constant pain. I almost feel bad for him.”

“Yet he is still one of the most powerful nukenins around.” 

“Oh, so you admire him?”

“His talent is undeniable. He is a genius among geniuses. Even with such a disease, he’s still so strong.”

“You have a point there. He is indeed something. The disease he has is a major handicap. Your average ninja couldn’t fight well with it. Maybe I shouldn’t give you this.” Tsunade said retracting her hand.

But Jun was faster and took the vial from her.

“What is it anyway?”

“It is Katsuyu’s healing fluid. Since I don’t want to heal him myself, this was the best I could do.”

“Katsuyu’s healing fluid?”

“Katsuyu is my summoning slug. Her healing abilities are even better than mine. What you are holding is also infused with her chakra. It greatly boosts cell regeneration, repairs damaged tissues, and detoxifies any impurities in the body. In other words, it can cure anything.”

“Cure? You mean this can cure his disease?”

“Don’t be so surprised. Who do you think I am? If I say it can cure his disease, then it will.”

“So if he takes this liquid, he will be cured? Are you sure?”

“Are you doubting me, kid?”

Jun shook his head.

“No, not at all. I’m just shocked. I was expecting something to maybe alleviate the symptoms. But a cure? I underestimated you, lady Tsunade.”

“It’s good you realized it. I’m guessing you’re planning to give it to him somehow.”

Jun nodded.

“Are you sure? He’s Konoha’s enemy.”

“Things aren’t so black and white. I can assure Itachi will never harm Konoha. And if he does, I will stop him myself.”

“You won our last bet, so I will trust your judgment. He will be cured after he drinks it. However, there is a catch.”

“What’s the catch?”

“Katsuyu’s fluid is very potent. Without her to monitor the potency, whoever drinks it will be in a weakened state. So, he will be bedridden for a few days while his blood vessels and organs are healing. If someone wants to kill him, that would be the perfect opportunity.”

Jun committed the information to memory.

“Thank you, lady Tsunade. I owe you one.”

“If this helps you achieve that utopic dream of yours, then you owe me nothing.”

They made some small talk before Tsunade left. Jun stored the precious liquid away in his storage scroll. He realized the value of what he now possessed. A cure to Itachi illness… He wondered how much the story he knew would change if Itachi was cured. Also, he was relieved. He felt like a weight was off his heart. His promise to Shisui had been a burden to his conscience. Shisui had asked him to take care of Itachi. Curing Itachi’s illness felt like he was beginning to fulfill Shisui’s wish.

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