The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 127 – Confronting Jiraiya

The Hokage's office was the heart of Konoha’s leadership. Nestled atop the Hokage tower, it radiated an aura of authority and history. The room offered a panoramic view of the village with its large windows. The walls were decorated with portraits of previous Hokages. A large, sturdy wooden desk dominated the center of the room, cluttered with scrolls, mission reports, and a few personal mementos. Behind the desk was the Hokage's high-backed chair, made in rich, dark leather, slightly worn by the weight of responsibility. Flanking the desk were towering bookshelves, filled with ancient texts, village records, and strategic manuals, their covers showing signs of frequent use.

In one corner, a small table held a steaming teapot and a set of cups for impromptu meetings or moments of quiet reflection. The room also featured a large, intricate map of the ninja world with markers indicating current threats and alliances. A sense of calm efficiency emanated from the space, balanced by ounces of vigilance and readiness for any crisis.

When Jiraiya entered the room, he noticed it hadn’t changed much from what he remembered. It just seemed more crowded with stuff.

“You’ve asked for me?” 

“You haven’t come to visit me since you came back.”

“I’ve been busy with my research,” Jiraiya said.

The Sandaime sighed.

“You haven’t seen Naruto.”

“I have time, sensei. I’m not leaving yet…” 


The Hokage’s voice showed his disappointment. Jiraiya knew the old man wanted him to stay in the village for good to take care of Naruto. The boy was his godson after all. Moreover, Jiraiya was a master of Fuinjutsu and even possessed the key to the Biju’s seal inside the boy. But the Sannin didn’t want to be stuck in the village with a child.

When Jiraiya agreed to be the boy’s godfather, he didn’t think his parents would meet a premature end. He was shocked to learn of Minato and Kushina’s death. He didn’t step up to be with the kid as he should have, and the Sandaime wasn’t happy about his decision. 

“I’ll do it later, sensei.”

“When, Jiraiya? He’s already twelve years old. He knows about the Kyuubi and his parents.”

“If he already knows, then why do you need me?”

“The boy needs to feel he has a family. Also, he needs someone to guide him.”

“I thought Konoha was one big family. And Kakashi is decent. He should guide him.”

“Kakashi isn’t his sensei. It’s Yamato.”

Jiraiya shrugged his shoulders.

“He already has a sensei. Then, it’s all good.”

“It isn’t. You are his godfather. The boy must know about you. You must fulfill your responsibility to him. You gave your word to Minato…”

“I did not. He just gave the boy a name I came up with for a character in one of my books. I just went along with it. I didn’t promise anything.” 

The Sandaime sighed again.

“You’re still hurt by Minato’s death. He was your most cherished student. I know you had high hopes for him. You think seeing Naruto may bring back the pain. But you could see Naruto as a new chance, a new hope, and guide him as you guided Minato.”

“I don't want a sequel to a story that ended badly. I want a blank page. I want to write a new story, not a sequel to a tragedy.”

“A new story…” repeated the Sandaime. “What about your other students?”

Jiraya thought of Nagato, Yahiko and Konan. He didn’t think Hiruzen knew about them.

“My other students? What other students?” 

“The ones I sent you. Jun, Genma, and Koguro.”

“Them? They are not my students!”

The Sandaime raised an eyebrow. 

“Really? They spent some time with you, receiving your teaching.“

“That doesn’t count.” Jiraya protested, waving his hands indignantly. “That Koguro had no imagination, and I sent him back after a week or two. I didn’t form a special relationship with Genma, and he will never master the Hiraishin like Minato. He’s a lost cause.  And the Uchiha, Jun, he was decent, but he spent all his time challenging me. I didn’t choose them… They’re not special… not like Minato.” 

He even wanted to add not like Nagato, Yahiko or Konan either. These four students of his were unique. They had that spark in them. They had the potential to be extraordinary. Charisma, charm, power… they had it. Jiraiya didn’t want to waste his time with people he believed weren’t special. He was on a mission. He must find and lead the one who would bring peace to the world. It was the prophecy he received from the great toad. The Sannin thought that savior was Minato, but his death proved him wrong.

“Nobody is perfect, Jiraiya. If you’re chasing after Minato’s shadow, you’ll always be disappointed. There will never be another Minato. But that doesn’t mean others don’t have the potential to surpass him.”

“I know, sensei.”

“No, you don't know,” The Sandaime retorted with a hint of exasperation. “You are so focused on chasing an ideal that you turn away from all you find imperfect. You believe that finding something perfect is more important than trying to save or improve something imperfect. You turn your back on everyone who needs you. It's irresponsible, Jiraiya. It's selfish.”

“Being selfish and irresponsible is what us Sannins do best.” 

Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru... They were in a way similar yet different. Hiruzen massaged his temples with a weary air, then put his pipe to his lips…

“Not forever. You must pass on your knowledge, Jiraiya. There will be a time when each one of you will come to that realization… even Orochimaru and Tsunade.  As for you, you must approach Naruto. It's not a request. It's an order given by your Hokage. You’re still a Konoha shinobi, aren’t you?”

Jiraiya grimaced. The old man was forcing his hands, but he really didn’t want to obey the order.

“Any news on Orochimaru?” Hiruzen suddenly asked. “I know you’ve been keeping an eye on his whereabouts?”

“I don’t have much. As you know he’s very good at hiding. But I’m sure he’s preparing something.”

“Why do you think that?”

“When he’s laying so low, it augurs nothing good. My guess is he’s preparing something big. It’s just an assumption though.”

Hiruzen exhaled smoke from his mouth and put his pipe down. Maybe Jun was right after all. Even Jiraiya seemed to think Orochimaru would act. And with the Chunin exam in Konoha, it gives him the perfect opportunity to make his move. Perhaps he should use the next few days to train. His old body had gotten stiff from the years not seeing any action.

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