The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Interstellar world

Chapter 155 Interstellar World

“The Confederate journey started in prison, and I was surprised to see the realistic version of this sentence played out in front of me.”

In a room decorated like a huge library, there is an octopus with several tentacles and two people tall and speaks. He is wearing a bachelor hat on his head and a neat suit on his upper body, using standard Interstellar lingua franca.

Behind the octopus is a whole book wall, which contains paper books. For the interstellar era of comprehensive data, it is also rare to have such a large area of ​​paper books.

More importantly, each book here is not as brand new as the collector’s collection, but has traces of flipping through comments.

In front of him, there are creatures of various shapes, human-like creatures with sharp ears that look like elves; there is a mermaid with a red fish tail, surrounded by a transparent original cover full of water. ; There are also transparent stars that look like glazed products; there is also a cloud of white mist.

These strange creatures that would be alarmed on the ancient earth are just a few ordinary interstellar races in this huge universe.

The reason why they gathered is also because Star Network has recently set up a live broadcast room with the top portal. These creatures who love interstellar history ask friends who also like these to discuss together.

In their eyes, the scandals and live broadcast stars that Edvis broke before were far less attractive than the latter’s anchors being transmitted to the past.

They were talking to their friends, their eyes were still looking at the magnified screen in the middle, watching what Ning Su was doing.

“It feels too strange to reflect the facts in the history books into reality.”

The mermaid also sighed, and Samanthal didn’t expect that the anchor he liked was actually his most admired intellectual brain, and he also became his most admired historical figure.

She sighed: “But the problem now is that we can’t get in touch with Susu at all.”

No way to contact, not only means that the future interstellar crowd will not be able to intervene in the past, it also means that they cannot prevent the anchor from changing the past.

No one can guarantee that Ning Su, who has traveled to key historical figures, will change the course of history. They can only be a bystander, which feels too uncomfortable.

“We can also think better,” Octopus was very optimistic, picked up a book with his tentacles backwards, and opened it. “At present, everything the anchor does is indistinguishable from the historical records. Is it proof? Now, the past will not change because of these.”

“Maybe she knew what would happen, so she acted according to historical records?”

Samanthal guessed, and shook his head to retort after speaking, “No, Susu seems to have never read interstellar history. Even if he did, how could he be able to perfectly overlap with historical records without any change? This is impossible. ”

“Perhaps history has changed, and we in it have no way to discover it.”

The elves poured cold water, and everyone wanted to say something, but seeing Ning Su on the screen seemed to be about to speak, so he shut up quickly, afraid of missing a word.

They still have an idea in their minds. If this idea is correct, then they don’t need to worry about history being changed. But this idea is too absurd, so everyone doesn’t want to say it, but is ready to wait and see. How to develop later.

In fact, there are not many creatures in StarCraft who have the same ideas as them, and even today the federal government is desperately trying to study how to call back the anchor, break the obstacles left by the overall system, and try other methods. Scholars who told the history of the anchor also had such a conjecture.

But they still made a two-handed plan, ready to minimize the changes in the future.

But apart from these people who have studied this, ordinary interstellar people have only “666” thoughts about going back to the past and becoming Cicelli. In the literary creations from the founding of the Federation to the present, many people have written about going back to the past. With that lady fighting side by side, no one really wrote a novel that became her. I didn’t expect reality to be more exciting than fantasy creation.

It’s normal for Z79 not to know Cicelli. The alliance’s relationship with the empire was very tense at this time, and only one spark could explode. Z79 was also due to the fact that after the death of Professor Zuo Yat, the alliance did not trust the intellectual brain power It had the upper hand, it had to be limited to the alliance’s internal star network, unable to observe the situation of the empire.

But later, after Z79 re-focused on the empire, Cicelli was no longer active in front of people with her current name.

Putting aside the obstacles like Z79 in Cicelli’s body, they were very curious about the past, and when Ning Su made the exact same decision in history, he watched many creatures in the live broadcast room and planned to change this See it as a documentary on the establishment of the Federation.

These viewers figured out the rules of the live broadcast room earlier than the federal government, and cannot reveal the content of future generations, nor can they imply, but they can call the anchor.

020 looked at all the rainbow farts on the light screen barrage, as well as the soaring broadcast volume, online number and reward amount, without any fluctuations in his heart.

If it was first bound, it would be ecstatic when faced with such a result, but now it is no longer the original 020, it has been sublimated, and now it has become a loyal host. What is this achievement? It is only natural that all stars come to watch the host’s live broadcast!

As a result, the system did not interrupt Ning Su’s thinking aloud. When a knock on the door made Ning Su return from the star network, 020 even felt dissatisfied that these people had come too untimely.

In fact, the people standing at the door have been waiting for a while. Because the floor and the distance are different, their arrival time is also different. The robot left before leading them to the house, and there is no worry that they will run away. Of course, It is also a foolish thing to escape from a prison full of lethal weapons in every corner.

The first person to arrive didn’t knock on the door immediately, and the same was true for the latecomers. They waited until everyone on the list was there before they knocked on the door in front of them.

The warden’s office, these people almost only visited once when they were in prison. At that time, they were angry or confused, and they were not in the mood to watch this room. It is the same now. They don’t know what kind of character the new person in charge of the prison is, nor do they Knowing her purpose makes some of them even more nervous than when they first arrived.

The dark black door opened, and there was only one person in the warden’s office, sitting behind a large desk.

With short black hair, black eyes, and thorn-like patterns on his face, the race closest to human beings on the ancient earth, there are no other mutant new humans.

Thanks to the entertainment light brain in the rest area, some of them are familiar with this face. Cicely, the former first legion squad leader, is now an imperial deserter, and has been turned into a framed innocent.

Corsi hid himself in the crowd, and he heard people around him breathe a sigh of relief.

Many people in the empire are very relieved of this highly regarded civilian officer.

Cicelli’s team is well-known throughout the empire. When fighting with the surroundings, she will also go hand in hand. Compared with the imperial army holding things in the people’s houses in the war zone, Cicelli not only takes the principle of protecting the people and not taking anything. , Also restrained his subordinates, tried his best to persuade others, acting like a saint.

Such a deep-rooted impression made them even know that the other party now does not look like their original character and is even colder, but they still have no sense of fear after seeing the iron-blooded methods used by the other party after taking control of the prison. Instead, they relax.

Among the relaxed people, the two who were still tight were particularly outstanding. Corsi also discovered this. He stiffened for a moment, and then made a relaxed posture.

Unlike other people, he was more vigilant after discovering Cicelli’s changes. The new star of the army, who was originally a promising army, was framed as a prisoner by the upper loyalty of the empire, and was betrayed by everyone.

He has experienced such a situation, betrayed by friends in the research institute, and given up by trusted mentors. He was cynical when he first arrived in Winter Prison, and he wanted to destroy the empire. Now it is only day after day despair that has overwhelmed such feelings. However, he There was still a flame deep in his heart, either burning the darkness of the empire or burning himself.

It is precisely because of the same experience that Corsi is more cautious. As long as he thinks about what he used to be, he can’t relax his mind if he has mastered what the prison will do.

The same idea as Corsi, and Aveiro, who was imprisoned in fighting for the interests of civilians. He did not pretend to be like Corsi, but straightforwardly expressed his distrust, looking at Cicelli. His eyes are full of scrutiny, as if assessing her danger.

With idealistic politicians and cautious and indifferent scientists who have not lost hope, Ning Su’s gaze swept over them, and then other people, and the initially noisy office suddenly became quiet.

“Sit down as you please, I am calling you over this time just for one thing.”

Ning Su pointed to the stool in front of him. Only then did they turn their attention away from Ning Su and found that the number of iron stools at their feet was incompatible with the decoration of the entire house. The number of them was exactly the same as theirs.

These people sat down hesitantly, and Ning Su took their performance to the bottom of their eyes and had some judgments about their personalities.

“I checked the files of the Winter Prison and found something.”

She waved her hand, and two big screens immediately appeared in the air. The left side neatly arranged their prison files, and the right side showed various videos of their past.

When they found themselves on the screen, they were all in a daze. What was playing there was their past. Since entering the Winter Prison, they have been too far away from their past selves.

Gradually, someone discovered that there was something wrong with the video and the archive.

“Me, my time…” A woman looked at the screen in shock, trembling with excitement, stammering unclear.

Everyone found her file and compared it with the video. She was accused of child abuse and the video at the time of the death of the children was found. The video showed that she was just passing there and never met the children at all.

The woman who was detained almost cried when she watched the video that proved her innocence in front of her.

Everyone was also refreshed and began to compare their own files and videos. Unsurprisingly, it was the same evidence that could wash them away.

The group looked at the screen and then at Ning Su, not knowing what to say.

Corsi and Aveiro were horrified. To find these scattered videos in the vast star network data, it is still impossible for the new humans to do it in such a short period of time, or in other words, it is also very difficult for the imperial race today. No one can do it.

All they can think of is the Alliance Zhinao Z79 that can do this, and even the Zhinao developed by the Empire can hardly be so perfect.

So how did Cicelli in front of me do it?

Did she really vote for the league?

With many questions circling in his mind, Aveiro looked directly into Ning Su’s eyes: “What do you want us to do?”

“You can treat this as a win-win.”

Ning Su looked at everyone’s face through the virtual screen, “I searched all the files and found these things.

In addition to you, there is another part of the people who have been tampered with files and the innocent people who have been falsely put into prison. ”

“Do you know why it is you?”

This question was a bit sloppy, but everyone understood what she meant. Aveiro’s heart shook, Ning Su snapped his fingers, and the video picture immediately changed. It was no longer their figure, but the people who really let go of the mistake. , Or the person who framed them.

“You are scapegoats, and you will enter here, just because those powerful and powerful need to give the people an explanation. If they can’t catch the real culprits of the nobles, they can only find you.

Others are victims of the nobles’ interests. No, I was wrong. You are all victims. ”

Ning Su’s expression was still calm, and the people on the opposite side were overwhelmed with anger. She looked at the expressions of these people with satisfaction, and then said: “I will publish all the videos on the Star Network in three days.

You have two choices. One is to return to the empire, to your hometown and family, and to live upright with the evidence I found for you. ”

“What about the second one?”

Corsi almost couldn’t wait to ask this question. He had no family, and his friend was the real murderer of betraying him. He looked at Ning Su, his heart beating fundamentally, and his heart seemed to have guessed what the other party wanted to say.

“I have a plan to overthrow the empire. Do you want to join?”

The tone of her question was like today’s pork price cut. Would you like to buy some as plain as possible? A uniform gasp came from the office, and people began to whisper and hesitate.

Ning Su’s ears moved, and she turned her head and looked out the window: “It seems that your answer will take a while. Now I need to deal with the uninvited guests.”

The courageous prisoner had walked to the window, and there was a nightmare scene outside. Outside the meteorite belt, there were densely packed warships. Soldiers and aircraft driving mechs surrounded the fleet, aiming at the meteorite belt, showing their weapons. .

“How can I do it!”

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