The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 Interstellar world

Chapter 156 Interstellar World

The imperial army has not launched an offensive yet, they just aimed their guns at the Winter Prison, seeming to be waiting for surrender or negotiation.

Across the meteorite belt, the army lineup is actually not very clear, but the sense of oppression has been transmitted to the warden’s office on the top floor through a long distance.

The first prisoner who lay down at the window and looked at the opposite side fought in two battles. He was so scared that he could not speak. He was almost slumped to the ground, pointing out with panic.

The other prisoners didn’t laugh at his timidity, and their performance was not much stronger. The army outside looked like they were trying to level the building.

Seeing that their lives are in danger, their joy in seeing the evidence to prove their innocence before has been wiped out.

Only Aveiro remained calm amidst the panic-stricken prisoners, and said to Ning Su with certainty: “You must have planned long ago, right?”

He didn’t believe that Cicely, who had a military career, would underestimate the empire. He didn’t believe that someone who could find the right time to take down the Winter Prison in one fell swoop. People who thought about fighting against the empire would be careless about the empire. Unprepared to fight back.

Ning Su did not answer. She did not even look outwards. Instead, in the office, she called up the army holographic projection outside. The timid prisoner did not notice these virtual images and was frightened by the fleet that suddenly appeared inside the house. Scream.

Aveiro squinted his eyes, and he vaguely remembered that the Winter Prison should not have such equipment that could record in all directions.

There seemed to be more and more mysteries on Cicelli’s body, and he looked at the opponent calmly, observing her next move.

Aveiro didn’t realize that her mentality had changed from guard to see what kind of abilities she had and whether she was worthy of cooperation.

Aveiro is a man who seizes the opportunity very well, but he had a failed experience before, which led him to learn to be more cautious now.

After the fleet was shrunk and put into the room, there was a sense of terror that made people scalp numb. Some prisoners standing in the middle of the warship had already got up and shrank to the corner, otherwise there would always be an illusion that they would be penetrated by weapons in the next second.

In such an atmosphere, the meteorite belt that originally operated according to a certain rule began to move in disorder, and even if all the original rules of entry and exit were mastered, there was no way to easily cross it.

At the same time, the several surveillance stars on the side were originally aimed at the muzzle of the prison, all of them turned automatically, and they all pointed at the direction of the warship.

But this is only a defensive force. Such a meager force can’t stop the enemy’s attack at all. At most, it can buy some time under the offensive so that the people in the building can write the last words.

Aveiro waited, Ning Su did not take the next step, he almost doubted whether his opinion was wrong.

What shocked him even more was that the side of the empire had not yet issued any intention of declaring war or negotiating, but their side was the first to open fire.

In everyone’s astonished almost dull eyes, the supervising star’s weapon dragged a long red flame tail and exploded on the protective layer of the ship’s hull.


Aveiro was speechless, and suddenly realized that Cicelli in front of him was an activist. He looked out the window anxiously. The stationary fleet was indeed irritated, and he could see the dangerous light gathering from their muzzles.

The expression of the women sitting behind the desk did not change: “Their attacks will fall on the meteorite belt.”

As her voice fell, the opposite attack was also issued, not aimed at the direction of the attack, nor at the Winter Prison, but slammed on the meteorite belt surrounding the prison.

“There is an imperial garrison on the Supervision Star, and there are noble children like Cavinster and the warden in Winter Prison. If they dare to aim their guns at these two places, they need to be prepared to be punished after returning.”

Ning Su looked at the fleet in front of him with a smile on his face. It was unclear whether it was a sarcasm or a sneer: “If they are all civilians, then they can be sacrificed for the benefit of the empire, but if there are nobles, they need to weigh it. The state of the empire.”

“What do you think they will do next?”

Corsi listened and asked unconsciously, everyone in the room focused on Ning Su.

“Explore the meteorite belt, threaten to lay down the weapon, contact the Supervision Star Garrison to control the weapon, and if it fails to achieve the effect, it will enter alone.

If I get rid of my behind-the-scenes master, this mission can be successfully concluded. ”

A series of artillery fires that fell on the meteorite belt confirmed her statement. The stones were smashed to pieces, and even annihilation bombs fell on the meteorite belt, and the stones disappeared quietly without making any movement.

“So what the **** did you do if all the weapons that exceed the specifications were taken out?”

Aveiro had a weird expression, just controlling the Winter Prison, it shouldn’t be necessary for such a formation.

Ning Su looked at him and pointed to the location of the previous light screen. Aveiro remembered what she had said before and immediately understood the reason.

Letting out the things on them will inevitably cause turmoil in the empire, and with the fact that Cicely has more than this, it is no wonder that she is immortal now.

“What are you going to do?”

He began to have a sense of urgency. From the moment he stepped into this office, he was on the thief ship, and there was no way to get out safely.

When these evidences are published, these people will become the thorns of the empire, and it is impossible to live with their family in peace. He knows the manners of the imperial aristocracy, and would rather kill the wrong person than anyone who might shake their interests. .

If soldiers from outside attacked, there would be no signs of life left in the entire room to ensure that nothing was lost and no one would take these shady evidence to disclose it.

That being the case, “they will not retreat easily. If they can’t attack them all the time, they will also worry that you will die and send things to the star net, so the stalemate will not last too long. After consulting the great nobles, the outside army may Will sacrifice the garrison and the nobles in the prison.”

Aveiro’s words made the other people who were a little relieved, their hearts returned to their throats again. They did not dare to urge Ning Su, nor did they dare to leave, each shivering, looking a bit pitiful.

Ning Su sighed, “Don’t worry, they won’t come.”

However, this time she was wrong. The attack stopped, but the tentative aircraft approached the meteorite belt, preparing to force a breakthrough.

The pilots should be the elite of the army, facing the chaotic meteorite belt, they can still avoid the stones, looking for the gaps to gradually deepen.

Most of the prisoners in the room have gone through the process of fear, relaxation, and fright. When they reached the point of despair, some even began to think about whether to leave a suicide note, or close their eyes and pray for a peaceful way of death, crying bitterly. Also, in such an atmosphere, people who are still calm and barely calm are particularly prominent.

Ning Su took down the information of these people, and the situation outside the window changed again.

In the meteorite belt, when the aircraft that went deep into the meteorite belt nearly passed the rocks next to them, the stones that were traveling along the trajectory suddenly moved. The meteorite as large as the aircraft suddenly divided into two parts, and the divided piece suddenly The attack was on the aircraft.

The unguarded driver naturally couldn’t avoid this attack. The flanks were damaged, and he lost control at a skewed angle. It staggered and fell on another rock, turning into a spark.

Countless fireworks lit up the entire meteorite belt and even reflected in this room.

Corsi suddenly leaped to the window, he clung to the window frame tightly, and the cold material could not conceal his fanatical expression: “What is that?”

The stone that attacked the aircraft did not maintain its original shape, but differentiated into several strangely shaped robots. Their skins had faded the color of meteorites, revealing a shiny silver bottom layer.

In the meteorite belt, there were more than one such changes. Soon, an army of robots appeared and confronted the army.

“A camouflage combat robot, I gained control before the war started.”

This is the secret weapon of the Winter Prison, the robot army hidden in the meteorite belt, except for the warden in the entire prison, not even the guards know this.

As a new attempt, and also as the last barrier to restrain the prisoners, after the Dominican was sent in, they began planning, and then they also sent in the advanced combat power of other races against the empire, the number of robots Just more.

The empire was too arrogant. They guarded against these resistance forces, designed special prison uniforms and special cells for them, reduced their combat power to the weakest, and used all kinds of embankments.

However, they would rather create such an army, but also keep them, and watch how the empire rules their race and planet.

In order to restrain Dominionman, who can stand alone against an entire army, countless weapons are placed on the robot, coupled with various advanced and latest technological equipment, to ensure that the warden can quickly control the situation through them when in the Winter Prison.

But now, this army has changed hands.

Ning Su knew about the existence of this army long before he provoked, otherwise she would not be so high-profile, but it would take some time to modify the procedures of these robots. Fortunately, before a large-scale attack, she managed to hold these forces in her hands. There is no need to create its own army by collecting prison resources and releasing the imprisoned Dominican tribes as originally planned.

There was no suspense about the next thing. The destruction of the vanguard army and the appearance of robots also gave the opposing army a sense of crisis, and the war kicked off.

The disparity in the number of teams should have been a one-sided situation, but they are evenly matched.

Ning Su only needs to hold the position, which is easier than the attacker, while those robots without intelligence and self-awareness, like the best soldiers, have a tacit understanding of cooperation.

Whether it is avoiding attacks or fighting with soldiers driving mechs, or destroying aircraft, submerging into ships and destroying facilities, it is even much stronger than a well-trained imperial army.

Because the robots are not afraid of death or pain, their attacks are aimed at the cockpit of the mecha, the vital point of the aircraft, but they themselves, no matter what part of the body is damaged, will not hinder their actions, and they seem to have no control center at all. , Even if only one palm is left after being bombarded by a shell, it can jump into a sharp blade and insert it into the enemy’s heart.

And this team even has a division of labor. In addition to the frontline combatants, there are also cleaning personnel on the battlefield, dragging the destroyed mechas and aircraft, the disassembled spacecraft weapons and appearances back to the meteorite belt, and the damaged robots. Will be brought back by them.

After a while, the robot with stitch marks on its body will rejoin the battlefield, and its performance will not even be affected much.

A team that is not afraid of death, even endless, and the imperial army that has not found a way to suppress it, can no longer make such a senseless sacrifice, and they chose to retreat temporarily.

While the fleet was slowly retreating, the battle continued, and the interstellar battles were always silent and splendid, and every spark was the passing of life.

They were once comrades-in-arms.

Aveiro’s gaze fell on Ning Su, and the fleet’s shadow was printed in her eyes, inexplicably bringing a bit of coldness, and he quickly dissipated this illusion.

Calm was restored near the Winter Prison, and the robots cleaned the battlefield and brought back all available resources.

No one in the room spoke, they maintained their previous postures until Ning Su spoke again.

“Have you decided which way to choose?”

Her face was paler than before, and everyone looked at her with implied awe. No one spoke. The two roads before the battle pulled them from side to side like two hands, each with infinite attraction. .

For these people, Ning Su is very patient: “You don’t have to give me the answer now, you can think slowly, and it won’t be too late to give me the answer in two days.”

She nodded to the people in the room and walked out, leaving them to think quietly.

[Host, are you okay?


020 asked with concern, and Ning Su shook his head: “It’s okay, but the consumption is larger than expected.”

In the previous battles, she directed the actions of each robot to make them drew with the soldiers of the Empire. Although the number of robots can be doubled, there is no problem, but for Ning Su in the possessed state There are still some sequelae.

But it doesn’t matter, she won the first victory, which is the most important thing.

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