The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 353 The torn manor

Xu Feng's expression immediately became tense. It was clear that after guarding the passage, the situation in the manor would no longer be in a bad direction.

Why did it suddenly reach the worst situation?

In the same mood as Xu Feng, there was Tang Yulong who had easily ended a battle.

Obviously they had arrived immediately, and the two of them joined the battle very promptly, so that they did not interrupt the destruction of the manor. This only meant that there was still a crisis here that the two of them were not aware of.

Sure enough, a figure quietly appeared. It had not joined the battle group before because the number of wanderers had an advantage.

While others were attacking and fighting each other, this man was quietly destroying the foundation of the manor.

Tang Yulong rushed towards the man angrily, and the man also completed the identity transformation in an instant, and the two tall supervisors fought together.

This is a spider-style regulator. The spider web creates a lot of protection for itself in the first place.

But it was not worth mentioning in front of Tang Yulong. Defeat would be a matter of time, but now the manor has been destroyed.

The large image of the nightmare world began to expand from the entrance of the passage, and the sky was replaced by the desolate appearance of the nightmare world.

In places covered by the aura of the nightmare world, those rooms that were still intact had their protection destroyed in an instant.

The survivors escaped in panic. The only good thing was that there weren't too many nightmare creatures nearby, so people were safe at least for a short time.

Looking at the tall supervisors nearby, these survivors were stunned for a moment.

I didn't know the truth about the nightmare world before, and most people didn't even know that the actors who played the regulators were actually some of the big guys in their world.

Stirred by multiple emotions, the survivors began to escape.

The overlap between the nightmare world and the manor gave these survivors some breathing space.

Some people also took advantage of the props to distance themselves. In short, it was a mess that neither Xu Feng nor Tang Yulong had imagined before.

The only role of the two now is to slow down the invasion of the nightmare world and give more survivors a chance to escape.

There are also those supervisors who should have been eliminated during the invasion. They also have a chance to breathe. Most of the current supervisors have survived, but every one of them is in an extremely embarrassed state.

The Rangers' goal had been achieved, the fighting had slowed down a lot, and some people began to try to escape from the battlefield.

But at this time, as the manor was being torn apart, some prop-like light spots began to appear in some rooms.

These are the spoils of the Rangers' attack, and the retreating Rangers also try to pocket these spoils.

One or two people may not have much loot exposed, but a manor with a scale of thousands of people seems a bit scary.

However, due to the appearance of Tang Yulong and Xu Feng, the speed at which the manor was invaded was reduced a lot, and the loot was also much smaller than before.

When Xu Feng was still stunned and didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly sounded very clear, "Seeds, there are seeds..."

An almost golden dazzling light appeared and slowly rose at the core of the manor.

The moment this golden prop appeared, the battlefield within the entire manor came to a standstill.

For a moment, the stagnant battlefield suddenly erupted into a more intense battle, as everyone tried to rush to the core of the manor.

As long as they can grab the seeds, the wanderers can achieve their purpose of plundering, and the guardians can rebuild their homes.

Whoever gets the seed will be the winner of this invasion.

The appearance of such props exceeded everyone's expectations, and the manor has not been completely destroyed yet.

Although it is just a matter of time, the fact that a seed appears now still shows that this time's luck is somewhat smoother than imagined.

Even Tang Yulong was involved. Only the intruder who had been hiding before was faster and rushed to the vicinity of the seeds before anyone could react.

The golden flame instant message was taken away by the intruder.

And a large number of vines appeared, building a passage under the intruder's feet, allowing the intruder to quickly escape.

Tang Yulong reminded loudly, "Stop him, don't let him run away..."

This reminder is naturally for Xu Feng. When everyone is involved, only Xu Feng can keep people behind.

The survivors were still fleeing, and Xu Feng originally wanted to save more survivors.

But facing the manor seeds, Xu Feng could only restrain his unnecessary thoughts.

When the chain was swung, the intruder who was walking away on the vines was directly locked.

Seeing Xu Feng approaching quickly, the intruder subconsciously frowned.

The props have been put away, and now the two of them can only decide the final outcome by deciding the winner.

The intruder didn't dare to be careless and just waved the weapon in his hand.

It was an axe, and its identity was the crybaby Xu Feng had just met some time ago.

Gu Hanshuang had come into contact with such a supervisor in trials before, and this was the first time for Xu Feng to come into contact with such a survivor.

Two huge figures collided, and no one took advantage for a while.

However, the invaders casually planted a huge tree of peace. Xu Feng recalled the memory of the crybaby and instantly summoned Big Eyes as his second pair of eyes.

Sure enough, a ghost appeared in an instant, and followed the crybaby's pull and crashed directly towards Xu Feng.

Although he didn't know what impact it would have, Xu Feng would definitely avoid it since it was an enemy attack.

The huge body made surprising movements and forcibly avoided the crybaby's attack.

But then the intruder gained the acceleration effect and fled directly into the distance.

Before leaving, he did not forget to laugh mockingly. It was obvious that all this was planned.

If the attack hits, the intruder will follow up with additional attacks. If the attack does not hit, the invader will just get the acceleration effect and escape smoothly.

But how could Xu Feng let people go so easily? The chain swung out again, and strangely avoided the intruder's attack in the air, and then hooked the building closer to the exit.

By the time the intruder reacted, Xu Feng had already appeared in front of the intruder.

There is still a short distance from the exit, but even this short distance cannot be crossed because of the appearance of Xu Feng.

The intruder was extremely angry. He didn't expect Xu Feng to be so difficult to deal with.

Just as he was about to break out of the encirclement, he was suddenly staggered by an umbrella that appeared from the sky.

Tang Yulong, who had finished dealing with his opponent, appeared nearby and sandwiched the intruder with Xu Feng.

"You're here and you want to leave? What you think is really simple."

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