The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 354 The battle between regulators

Surrounded by Xu Feng and Tang Yulong, the wanderer who got the manor's seeds turned ugly.

Xu Feng was quite difficult to deal with, and Tang Yulong who appeared later was even more difficult to deal with.

But there was a somewhat successful smile on the wanderer's face, and he said arrogantly, "It's not up to you whether to leave or not."

"Brother, I know you are not an ordinary person, but our goal has been achieved, why do we need to kill everyone?"

In this short period of time, the entangled wanderers and guardians have separated from each other.

The destruction of the manor could no longer be stopped, and the guardians saved their lives because of the appearance of Xu Feng and Tang Yulong.

The Wanderers want to leave, but the Guardians just want a brief respite.

As the crowd parted, the wanderers had begun to gather.

Although the guardian is out of danger for the time being, he can't be of much help for a while.

Therefore, the gap in strength began to widen. At least on the surface, it was the Rangers who were marauders who had the advantage.

Xu Feng frowned for a moment as he looked at the gradually increasing number of enemies.

But Tang Yulong was extremely indifferent. Facing an enemy several times his own, he just said softly, "I said you can't leave today, you can't leave today."

After that, he said to Xu Feng, "You hold him back, and I will take care of the rest."

Before, they said they could let these intruders leave at will, but everything changed because of the emergence of manor seeds.

Xu Feng is a bit big-headed, so it's no problem to drag one person down, but the number of enemies is obviously too many.

The wanderer who got the manor's seeds was obviously not easy either. Seeing Tang Yulong make such an arrogant statement, he felt a little unhappy for a moment.

"You don't even make a draft when you are bragging, so what can you do to us?"

As he spoke, he was about to order a breakout. As long as he could break through the blockade, there would be no need to worry about having nowhere to run in the vast nightmare world.

Several other people were also eager to try, although Tang Yulong had already shown his absolute strength, and some people had already bowed their heads because of Tang Yulong's appearance.

But to run away, just run away.

Seeing that Tang Yulong was about to unleash his large-scale combat skills, a new figure suddenly appeared in the torn passage.

Although the connection between the manor and the nightmare world has been opened, if you want to enter the manor now, you still have to follow the broken passage.

For a moment, both parties were a little cautious, not knowing who the visitor was.

When the teleporting flame disappeared and a familiar figure appeared, Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It was Lan Chen and his two personal followers who had arrived late.

Perhaps sensing something unusual in the manor, the three of them looked like supervisors when they appeared.

Especially Lan Chen, who was second only to Tang Yulong. When the wooden stick in his hand hit the ground, a large area of ​​electromagnetic light immediately spread out, completely blocking everyone's escape route.

Tang Yulong was too lazy to talk nonsense, "Kill them and get to work..."

Lan Chen didn't even know what happened. He just noticed something unusual, so he decisively blocked the passage after entering.

But Tang Yulong's words gave both sides no chance to relax, and even the guardians who had lost their homes gathered around.

Xu Feng's side had the manpower advantage, and the battle broke out in an instant against several wanderers.

The fastest one was Ye Qingchen. As the photographer, he trapped a wanderer in the mirror world in just an instant.

This is a fight between opponents, and the winner cannot be determined in a short period of time.

After him was Tang Yulong. As the bell rang, a wanderer lost consciousness in an instant.

The remaining people also fought against each other. Some wanderers tried to break out of the siege, but they were all beaten back by the defense line formed by Lan Chen.

As for the others, they were forced to fight with their respective opponents.

Xu Feng had no time to pay attention to other people's fighting. The supervisor who looked like a crybaby had already rushed forward with an ax in his hand.

At the same time, new rest trees were planted, both to block the view and to summon spirits that can be used in attacks.

With the help of the big-eyed guy, Xu Feng understood all the battles in an instant, easily dodged the ghost's attack, and then entangled the giant tree with chains and crushed it into powder.

Crybaby's attack was blocked and he could only forcefully collide with Xu Feng.

But after all, it is not as luxurious as Xu Feng's configuration. The bonus brought by the skin of a molten iron hound is not comparable to that of a supervisor with ordinary skin.

At the beginning, the Rangers were able to rely on their rich experience to contend with Xu Feng, but as the collisions between the two sides gradually increased, the Rangers quickly realized their disadvantage.

Tang Yulong's speed was very fast, and every once in a while the Rangers were unable to withstand the attack and were retreating.

Xu Feng was just distracted and saw Tang Yulong grinding a supervisor into powder.

This was the first time Xu Feng saw the appearance of the defeated regulator, which ended up similar to that of a nightmare creature.

But there is also a difference, which is the props carried by these wanderers.

At the moment when the Rangers were attacked, they were all exposed in the space, and there was a crash. Among them were not only nightmare coins and various props, but also many props that Xu Feng had never seen before and belonged to the nightmare world.

Taking advantage of Xu Feng's distracted moment, Xu Feng's opponent charged directly towards him.

With a desperate blow, it seems that now the only option is to defeat the opponent in front of him and then seek a breakthrough opportunity.

The huge ax struck directly at Xu Feng's neck without any fuss.

The whistling sound woke Xu Feng from his distraction, and he raised his hand to directly block the sharp ax blade.

The hot solution splashed directly into Crybaby's face. Among the many tall supervisors, Crybaby was originally short.

Xu Feng felt the pain on his arm and became serious for a moment.

He grabbed Crybaby's weapon with his backhand, and at the same time, the chain was wrapped around him, directly locking Crybaby's neck.

The outcome of the wrestling match between the two sides was quickly determined. The crybaby looked embarrassed and his throat was tightly locked by Xu Feng.

The feeling of suffocation quickly came over. Although it was Xu Feng's first time to participate in such a battle, his combat power was far beyond what ordinary people could compare to.

As the hot magma rolls inside the body, the force becomes stronger and stronger.

Other battlefields gradually calmed down. With Tang Yulong and Lan Chen around, the Rangers had no chance to stand up.

The wanderer who was controlled by Xu Feng began to beg for mercy, his hands had dropped their weapons, and he was frantically trying to break away from Xu Feng's chains.

At the same time, he begged, "Let me go, let me go, I am willing to hand over the seeds, please, please..."

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