The First Dragon of Marble

28) A Date in the Moonlight (R-18)

Chapter 28

After leaving the vendor, I stop by another stall to buy some hair ribbons for Melora and Helen and finally head back to the inn. When I walk inside the inn, the pub area has people having lunch. I look towards the bar and see Lucy and Melora eating. I sneak up behind Lucy, but she notices me and turns around, smirking. “Nice try love.” I frown and say, “How did you know?” She giggles and says, “You have never been very stealthy. Hehe.” “Ah fair.” I stick my tongue out at her, then peck her cheek. I sit next to her when I feel a hug behind. I look behind me and see Helen. “Hey sis. Did you take care of my mate and Melora?” “I think it was the other way around.” She lets go and gives me a teasing look, so I ask, “Why are you looking at me like that?” “No reason. I’m just glad you are taking good care of your mate. You make me so proud.” I go red in the face and look at Lucy, who blushes in her ears. I lean over and whisper to her, “Um, Bunny, did you talk about last night?” She blushes harder and whispers back, “Sorry they wouldn’t leave me alone about it. But I didn’t mention about what happened after...” I sigh and think to myself, “Women really do talk about that stuff together. I guess I’ll just have to get used to it, I suppose.” I shake my head. “It’s okay, bunny. Did you have fun?” She nods and gives me a bright smile. She tells me about the clothes and other things they bought for Melora.

I smile listening to her and the others as Cliff brings my food, and I eat while listening. When they start to talk among each other about future shopping trips, I talk to Cliff. “Hey Cliff, do you know of any houses for rent close by?” Cliff sets down the mug he is polishing and says, “Hmm. I cannot think of anything off the top of my head, but the guild could probably help.” I groan at the thought of going back to the guild again today. “Is there not a realtor around here I can talk to instead?” He just grins and shakes his head. “Nah, there is one close to the residential district, but the guild deals with rentals in this area.” "Fuck, I really didn’t want to go back to the guild for a while.” “Why not?” I sigh and smirk, “I may have caused some trouble for them earlier this morning.” Cliff chuckles and sighs, "Well, if you want one close by, they are the only ones you can trust.” Defeated, I just nod my head and finish eating.

When we finish eating, Helen goes back to waiting on tables, and I ask Lucy and Melora to follow me up the stairs to the room before we leave again. When inside, I sit down on the desk chair, and Lucy sits on the desk by me with Melora on the bed. I notice that Melora is still wearing her makeshift clothes, so I ask, "Melora, do you not like what Lucy bought you?” Melora tilts her head in confusion. “You’re still wearing the same thing from the forest.” Melora looks down and says, “Oh yeah, I forgot to change when we came to the inn.” Lucy smiles at her and says, “I’m sure Ladon would like to see you in something rather than rags.” Melora blushes and says, “I’ll go change really quick.” Melora flies out of the room and goes to change.

I raise a questioning eyebrow at Lucy, who just giggles. “I know you have been looking at her love.” I become flustered, “Wh… What?! No, I haven’t!” Lucy giggles some more and sits in my lap facing me. “It’s okay, sweetie. I admit I have been looking at her too.” I make a conflicted expression and say, “Do you have feelings for her?” Lucy shrugs and says, “I think we all need more time together before something can be decided.” “Lucy, I still don’t know how to feel about having more than one partner. And Melora has a more open mind about sexual partners. I don’t know if I could trust her to be exclusive to us. I trust you more than anyone, and we are even moving faster than I thought we would.” Lucy becomes serious, “Are you having second thoughts about us?” I vehemently shake my head. “Of course not, Bunny. I love you more than anyone. I just don’t know if I have room for anyone else, and that wouldn’t be fair.” Lucy smiles and leans in to kiss me sensually. “I love you too, love. I won’t push you like we agreed on before. We both need to have romantic feelings for the other party before bringing them into our relationship. I like Melora, but I do not know if it is a romantic way like how I love you.” She strokes my cheek, and I close my eyes, enjoying her touch. “What are we going to do about her though?” I ask Lucy, talking about Melora. “Do you want her to live with us when we get a house?” “Hmm...well, she has nowhere to go, and she is basically on her own. I wouldn’t mind if she came with us. Besides, I think we need to keep her close due to our similar traits.” Lucy points to hers and my eyes. “Yeah, you make a good point, I suppose. Plus, if it will give us time to get to know her better and decide in a few months rather to pursue her if you want.” Lucy smiles softly and nods, leaning against my chest and listening to my heartbeat.

Melora comes back in the room wearing a yellow sundress, and I am left speechless at her beauty, even in her small form. “Um, well, how do I look?” Lucy leans up and is left speechless, the same as me. Lucy and I both say at the same time, “”Stunning!”” Melora smiles brightly and flies over to us and pecks both our cheeks. “Thank you.” I shake myself and say, “Please sit, Melora; we have some things to talk about between the three of us.” Melora nods and sits on the desk facing us. “First of all, do you have any plans? Do you have anyone in the city?” Her face saddens a little, and she says, “No. The Fae race does not like to live in big cities like this one. I am not sure where my clan went, but I am sure none of them reside here.” I nod my head and let Lucy talk next. “Would you like to stay with us when we find a house to rent?” Melora looks up in surprise and shifts her view between me and Lucy. I nod to let her know that I am okay with her coming with us. “Really?! You two would let me come with you?” “Yes, though there will be conditions.” Melora stands up and says, “Hit me.” “One. You will have to register with the guild and join our team. You don’t have to right now since we are going to take a break for a couple of weeks to research some things that we have questions about. So, you will have time to think about it and stay with us while you do so.” Melora thinks for a moment and then nods. “Two. You will have your own room and respect mine and Lucy’s boundaries when it comes to...personal space.” Melora face becomes complicated to read. I wait for her to acknowledge my condition when she says it with confidence. “I like both of you very much. Not just as friends, but something deeper.” There is silence in the room for a few moments as Lucy and I look at each other.

Lucy finally breaks the silence and says, “Is this coming from what we talked about at the café?” Melora nods and says, “I know you both must have romantic feelings for me before a relationship is considered, but I just wanted to state my feelings for both of you. You have treated me just like another person, and we have had fun the past week. I have observed the both of you, and I want what you two have.” “Melora,” I say, but am cut off by her. “I know you are not keen on the idea of polyamory, and you may think that I am too free when things come to sex. But it’s not like what you think. We are free-thinking and follow our desires by nature, but when we truly find people we like, then we are only loyal to those people. I am not asking for immediate answers to my feelings. All I am asking is to give me a chance, and I will respect any boundaries.” She finishes her little speech, and I can tell she is genuine. I look at Lucy, who smiles and nods at me. “Okay, Melora. We’ll give you a chance and revisit this conversation in a few months from now. By then we will know each other better and have a better read on each other by then.” Melora smiles brightly and nods, almost tearing up. Lucy picks up in her palm and brushes her tears away.

I watch them and smile, and then I ask a question that I have been wanting to ask Melora. “Melora, on a different topic. Is this size your true size, or is the other one?” Melora looks at me and thinks for a moment. “They are both my true size, I suppose. Why?” “Well, I was hoping it was a spell so that I could use it in my dragon form. Lucy likes it when I am smaller and able to sit in her lap as she pets me.” Melora looks back at Lucy with wide eyes and asks, “He used to be smaller.” Lucy giggles and says, “Yes, and he was very cute except when I saw him slaughter a bunch of thugs who kidnapped me. Back then, he was so hot when he saved me.” I raise an eyebrow at Lucy, who was lost in memory. Melora looks back at me and says, “I would like to see that. Hmm…maybe I could help you come up with a spell if you want.” I smile at her and ask, “Are you proficient in magic?” “Yes, I have been around for several hundred years, so I have learned a few things.” My mouth opens in astonishment. “Several hundred years! Just how old to races live in Marble now? Fuck! Just more questions to find answers to. For now, moving on to more pressing matters. Wait, maybe she can help us figure out a few things then.” I close my mouth and say, "Well, if you help me, I’ll teach the same spell I’ll be teaching Lucy soon when we have our own private space.” Melora jumps up and down in excitement. “Yay, I can’t wait.” We chatted a little more, and then I decided it was time to go to the guild.

We reach the guild to see the wall boarded up as we go inside with Lucy beside me and Melora on my shoulder. I don’t see Sherry anywhere, and the only one at the counter is Camilla. "Fuck, I don’t see Shirley anywhere. I don’t want to deal with Camilla today. Stay here; I’ll go look for Jon or Sherry.” “Can I come with you?” Melora asks in my ear from my shoulder. I look at Lucy, who just smiles and nods and walks over to the job board to see what jobs are available. “Sure, let’s go.” I walk past Camlia and upstairs towards Jon’s office. She gives me a dirty look that I ignore. “What is wrong with that human?” Melora asks me as I climb the stairs. "Ah, don’t mind her. She is just a racist and bitter woman with a stick up her ass.” Melora looks back at the woman and sees her staring down at the mink adventurers. “I see. She seems to have a grudge against minks, it seems. Will Lucy be alright, and I didn’t see any stick up her ass?” I stop on the stairs and try to hold in my laughter before saying, “Yeah, Lucy can take care of herself, so don’t worry her, and there is no actual stick up her ass. Haha… It is just an expression from my country that means she is a bitch.” Melora blushes a little at my last comment, being embarrassed that she didn’t catch my meaning of the phrase, but soon composes herself and nods, and I continue towards Jon’s office.

When I reach Jon’s office, I knock, and a few seconds later the door opens, revealing Jon. He recognizes me and sighs. He opens the door and motions me inside. “That was rather rude, dwarf.” Melora says, standing my shoulder with her hands on her hips. “It’s okay, Melora. We have caused trouble for each other. More so on my part, causing him trouble though with good reason.” “Hmph!” Melora just huffs and points her nose up at Jon, who shakes his head and moves to his desk, where Sherry is sipping tea. “Have a seat, Ladon.” I sit down, and Jon says, “Please tell me you haven’t started anymore trouble today.” I fake being offended and say, “I’m hurt, Jon. I don’t cause trouble. Trouble just seems to follow me.” “Well, your temper doesn’t help. You know we had Lord Oliver coming to arrest his shity son and bodyguards when you arrived this morning and threw Abel through the wall.” “Then it was just bad luck then that I came in this morning for you. You knew what I would do when I saw them. They will get no mercy from me, and I only gave them to your lord so that paperwork can be done so as not to become wanted murder.” I look at Sherry and place my hand over my heart and say with gratitude, “Thank you, by the way, for filing my case with the authorities. I had been so busy when I returned from the dungeon that I forgot to do so. Thank you truly.” Sherry is taken aback at my sincerity and then smiles kindly. “Of course, Ladon. Your gratitude is felt.” Then I smile evilly and say, “I hope to see you both at the dinner party at the end of the week.” Both of their eyes twitch as they mumble quietly, “Cheeky little shit.” I chuckle at their irritation and lean back in the chair.

Melora giggles at my antics and asks, “What dinner party?” I then forgot to tell them about it and said, “I’ll tell you when we meet up with Lucy.” She nods and flies over to the teacup that Jon sets down for both of us. “Haa...why did you come back to the guild today, Ladon?” Sherry asks, rubbing between her eyes. I sip my tea and say, “Ah right, I was told the guild handles the rental properties around this area.” Jon speaks up and says, “Yes, though they are mostly apartments, and the more expensive rentals are houses.” “I would like to see the rental houses, please. We plan to stay in Melcox for a couple of years before moving on to see new sights.” Sherry stops midway through sipping her tea and looks at me. “Why?” I raise an eyebrow and ask, “Is there a problem?” She shakes her head and sets her cup down. “Of course not; the guild will appreciate having a strong adventurer here for a while. There are a lot of jobs that only the strongest teams or individuals can take care of, and we are lacking in such individuals. I just thought you would be moving on soon.” I smile and say, "No, not for a couple years at least. I need to do some research on some things and need a stable base to do so.” Jon thinks for a moment and brushes his hand through his beard.

He looks at Sherry, and they seem to talk telepathically as their faces change into different emotions. Jon finally speaks up and says, “If I can find you a good house to rent and raise your rank, would you take the jobs that we are having problems with?” I look at Melora, who is eating a cookie twice her size, as I think. “That seems pretty good on the surface. They won’t be using me but only asking for compensation. Hmm…” “Will we still get paid for the jobs?” Jon nods, and I ask another question: “We can do that, but we won’t be suddenly coming back from one job to only leave the next second for another job when we return. I like to take it easy after hard work. Also, you will need to raise Lucy’s rank as well. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind being tested again.” I smile with pride and continue. “I’m sure she will impress you.” Jon raises his brow and says, “We can do that, but she has only been an adventurer for a couple months. I don’t know if the ranking test will do her any good.” “Trust me, just do it, oh, and Melora here.” Melora looks up from her second cookie and waves her tiny hand. “She wants to register, so when is the next assessment?” Sherry and Jon look at Melora. “A female wants to register as an adventurer?” Sherry asks, and Melora nods, smiling. “Is there a problem?” “No, it’s just very rare for a female to be an adventurer. We have only seen one near the frontier before we retired. The next one will be next week on Tuesday.” Jon says. "Cool, so when can we look at the rental houses?” “Now if you want. I can get one of the staff to help you.” I stand up and nod when Melora says, “Not that Camlia bitch.” I smile at her and shrug at Jon. I picked up Melora and put her on my shoulder, then we left and went downstairs to wait for a guild employee.

When we reach the main hall of the guild, I see Lucy still looking at the board with a couple of male minks trying to talk to her, which she just ignores. I smile and roll my eyes as I come up behind her and hug her. She closes her eyes, enjoying my embrace as I whisper in her ear, “Want me to get rid of them?” She shakes her head and says loudly, “They just got back from a job and do not know who you are. Besides, I could handle them if they were too disrespectful.” I kiss her cheek, and the two minks have an annoyed look on their faces. “What the hell?! You have a mate and a mutt at that?” The dog mink says with a growl, and the other mink, a frog mink, croaks in anger. Lucy opens her eyes and says in a sweet voice, “Yes, he is, and he is no mutt. That is such a horrible word to describe someone.” They grumble and decide to leave us alone. “That’s my girl.” Lucy turns her body around and kisses my cheek, then I pull her to a table to wait.

“Are we waiting for someone?” Lucy asks, and I nod. I tell her about Jon’s, Sherry’s, and my conversation and tell her about the dinner party at the end of the week before I forget. “So, I’ll take the ranking test already?” “Yep, I didn’t tell them about how much you have improved, so they will be shocked to say the least.” “What about this dinner party? I have never even met a noble before.” “Don’t worry, bunny.” I lean in close and whisper, “You are a mate of a dragon." You will never have to bow to anyone, not even these poor excuses of nobles.” Lucy shivers and breathes hard from the stimulation and just nods. “What about me?” Melora chimes in finally. “Neither should you, but you are in the status of friend for now.” I chuckle at her childness. She smiles and nods, eating cookies she took from Jon’s office. After around thirty minutes, a male dwarf shows up beside us in a guild uniform, clean-shaven and neat-looking.

“Ahem, I presume that you are Sir Ladon, Madam Lucy, and Madam Melora?” I raise an eyebrow at his politeness and stand up, offering my hand, and he takes it with gusto. “Yep, did Jon and Sherry send you over to help with the rentals?” “Yes sir. If you would follow me, I will lead you to the properties. I was told you are only interested in houses. Do you or the company have any other preferences?” I look at the others and say, “I haven’t given much thought. How about you two?” “Me too?” Melora asks. “Yes, you, too.” She smiles and thinks for a moment. “I would like for it to have at least a small yard and a privacy fence if possible.” Lucy says, hugging my arm after thinking for a moment. “Ooo. How about a fireplace too?” Melora says excitedly as her drool can be seen at the corner of her mouth. “Why is a fireplace making you drool?” I remark in my head and just shake my head. “At least two bedrooms and an office area. We are adventurers, so please keep that in mind.” “Hmm... I can think of a few places in mind. My name is Justin, by the way.” After saying that, he walks towards the entrance of the guild, and we follow.

He takes us to various houses that were not really to our tastes until the last one. “ This is the last one. It is a three-bedroom house with a kitchen and two bathrooms, one small upstairs with a toilet and shower and a bigger one downstairs with a large bathtub and shower. The backyard is medium-sized and has a ten-foot privacy fence. The living room provides a cozy atmosphere with a fireplace.” We are in front of the two-story house, and on the outside, it looks like it was carved out of a big tree. There is a small yard in front lined with the street. “Shit, Justin, you should have led with this one.” The dwarf smiles and says, “Follow me, and we can take a look inside.”

We go through the front door, and the first thing I notice is the smell. The house smells of pine and cedar, causing a calm atmosphere and reminding me of my hometown back before I died. We walk through a small hallway and come into the living room. The walls and fireplace have small designs of nature and animals carved into them. The house seems to already be furnished, which is a relief to me. I look at the girls, and Melora flies off to check the fireplace, and Lucy goes into the kitchen to test the magic appliances. I go to the bathroom on the first floor and see a big round bathtub with a rain shower hanging from the ceiling. The bathroom is covered in rock slates, making the whole place waterproof. I was impressed with it. I step out and go upstairs to check the rooms, of which two are furnished with beds and dressers and the third an office with shelves and a desk facing away from a window overlooking the backyard. During our inspection of the place, Justin is waiting in the living room. I gather the girls and take a look at the backyard.

It is decently big, and we should have enough space for our training from now on. I nudge Lucy and ask, “So? Do you like it?” She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. “Yes, do you?” I nod and turn to Justin and ask, “How much for rent?” “Usually, this place is fifteen silver coins a month, but Jon has instructed a discount for you, so we are asking for ten silver coins a month.” I think for a moment, then smile and stick my hand out to shake his hand. “Deal. When can we move in?” “Tomorrow afternoon at the earliest with a deposit of twenty silver coins.” I hand him the coins, and he hands me some paperwork to fill out. We go back inside, where I fill it out and hand them back to Justin. “If you come to the guild tomorrow, I’ll hand you the keys after noon. There should be enough time to have the place cleaned and ready for you all.” I nod, and we leave, going our separate ways from Justin. I look up at the sky, and the sun is descending rapidly.

“I am sore from walking all day. Do you two mind if we go back to the inn?” “Sure.” “No problem.” So, we go back to the inn to eat and chat with Cliff, Helen, and Vincent, who is here to see Helen. After a while, I look out the window and see that nightfall has come. I lean over to Lucy and whisper, “Bunny, would you like to go on a night flight with me?” Smiling in excitement, she nods her head. I stand up and take the ribbons I bought for Melora and Helen. “When I was in the merchant’s district, I saw these and thought y’all would like them.” Melora takes her small, yellow ribbon that goes well with her hair. She smiles widely and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Ladon. I love it.” I then give Helen’s hers, which is pink ribbon, and she hugs me. “Thank you, brother.” I pat her head and then grab Lucy’s hand and say, “We’ll be out for a bit. Have a good night, everyone.” We wave and go behind the inn. I martialize my wings and pick Lucy up and fly south to the hills. When far away enough, I transform into my dragon form and have Lucy climb on, and I ascend towards the moon.

Lucy holds my neck for support and is looking down at the ground with awe and excitement. I look back and smile, “Hang on, bunny.” “What?” I suddenly start doing air acrobatics, and Lucy holds tighter. After she gets over being startled, she starts yelling in enjoyment and excitement. “Wooooo! HAHAHA! YEAH!!!” After a few minutes of this, I level out and keep a steady speed and altitude as we talk about nothing in particular and just enjoy being with each other. After about an hour, I head back to the hills and land, pulling out some fur for us to lay on at the top of the hills. We stargaze and hold each other’s hands as I point out some contestations that seem to still have survived the mana surge. Soon though we become quiet and just stare into one another’s eyes.

“Ladon… I have something for you.” I smile and say, “Really? Well, I have a few things for you as well.” Lucy’s ears twitch, and she raises her eyebrows. “Well, I want to go first then.” I chuckle and nod. “Okay, bunny.” She pulls out the amethyst bead with the crescent moon diamond. “Sit up, please.” I sit up, and she comes to my side and braids a portion of my hair on my right side, which dangles with the rest of my loose hair. Lucy holds the bead in front of me and says, “In my clan we have matching hair beads to signify being mates.” I take it and look at it closely, and then turn to her and say, “I love it, Lucy. Thank you so much. I love you.” I kiss her and then pull back and see her blushing in the moonlit in her ears as she smiles adorably. I hand her the bead back, and she uses it to hold the braid together. “Can I ask you to braid my hair every day so that I can wear it all the time?" I ask, and she nods, hiding her giddiness. When she finishes, she sits back and observes her work. “You look even more handsome. I knew that bead would look good on you.” I smile and say, “Thank you, Bunny. And as a matter of fact, I have something for you as well.”

I pull out the aquamarine bead with the pink sapphire in the shape of the crescent moon. I hand it to her, and she is speechless and confused that I would know about getting one matching mine. I smile and say guiltily, “I’m sorry I saw you girls as you were leaving the district and overheard your conversation about the beads. I wanted to get you one as well.” Lucy looks up at me and tears up. “*Sniff* Thank you, Ladon. This means so much to me, you don’t even know.” I come closer and wipe her tears away and say, “You mean so much to me, Lucy. I love you so much.” She jumps at me and hugs me tightly, crying with joy. We stay like this for a few minutes before she breaks away. I then grab some hair on her left side and braid it like she did mine and use the bead to hold it together. When I was done, she grabbed it and brought it into her vision and just smiled widely and giggled. “I have a few other things, but they can wait until we get back.” She nods, still looking at the beads, and I start to think the beads mean more to her than I originally thought.

We stay for a few minutes holding each other as she plays with her bead and kisses me lovingly. Finally, we decide to go back, and I materialize my wings and fly us back to the inn. We go inside, and the pub is deserted as everyone is in bed now. We go up to the room and see Melora on our bed looking out the window. “Melora? Is something wrong?” I ask when I see her. She looks at us and shakes her head and then sees the beads. “Oh, so you gave him the bead, and... did you buy one for yourself, Lucy?” Lucy shakes her head and says, "No, Ladon bought this for me when he saw me buying one. It surprised me he knew about it. Hehe.” Melora smiles a little and looks left out, but I think she is staying out of it as we are not there yet between the three of us. “How come you are not in your room?” I ask as Melora looks at our beads. “I was waiting for you two to come back. Um… I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight.” I look at Lucy, who says, "Yes, if you want too, but there won’t be any extracurriculars. Like I told you at the café, Melora, there will be no sex until both Ladon and I accept you in a romantic way.” Melora nods vehemently, “I know, I won’t pull anything to disregard the trust of you two. It’s just… I think I’ll have a better night’s sleep if I am close to the two of you.” I raise my eyebrow but say nothing.

Lucy looks at me and asks, “Um, do you want to take a shower again tonight?” I smile and nod. So, we go into the bathroom and take each other’s clothes off as we kiss each other. We part, and I turn the shower on, but before stepping inside, I pull out the products I bought Lucy. “What are those?” She asks, and I smile at her and say, “These are yours. When you said you were using a cheap shampoo for your fur, I went to the guild to ask about where I could find some quality ones for you.” Lucy tilts her head and smiles at me, then comes closer and places her hand on my cheek and strokes it. “You are going to spoil me, love.” I place my hand on hers and say, “If it's for you, then I will spoil you to no end, bunny.” She kisses me lightly, and we touch foreheads. She pulls back and looks at one of the bottles and smells it. She does the same to the others and brings one into the shower, holding her hand out for me to follow. 

I step inside and take the bottle from her and begin washing her like yesterday, but more in a loving way and not in a sexual way. The scent of the shampoo has a faint hint of peaches, which enhances Lucy’s feminine charms. Once I was done, I pulled out my own soap and shampoo, and she washed me as well. When we are done with washing each other, we entwine our bodies and kiss sensually. We do not do much due to Lucy being still sore from the previous night, but it does not hide my erection that builds from the intimacy we are sharing. She looks down at my cheek and giggles. “Do you want me that bad?” I groan and say, “I can’t help it, bunny. You have no idea what you do to me; besides, it has a mind of its own.” She giggles and kisses my neck and whispers into my ear and says, “Ya know, I have read about a certain act in books where the woman relieves a man without penetrating them.” My body shivers from her hot breath brushing my ear along with the hot water from the shower. She kisses my neck again, then my collarbone, preceding down my chest and abdomen to my erection.

Lucy looks up at me and smiles before licking the tip of my upturned head. I groan as I watch and feel the sensation. She giggles and places light kisses along the tip and base of my cock. When she reaches my balls, she kisses them as well and inhales my scent. I close my eyes to enjoy her touches, and then I feel a warm and wet suction on my tip and open my eyes quickly. I look back down and see Lucy has the tip of my cock in her mouth, sucking it like a baby on a teat. “Fuck, bunny.” I groan, trying to keep my voice down since Melora is in the room. Lucy smiles and stares into my eyes as she tries to take in more. She can only get a few centimeters before choking and coming up for air. “Haa…Haa… Sorry, love, you are just so big.” I smile at the ego-boosting comment from her and stroke her ear. “It’s okay, bunny, come here.” She stands up, and we kiss some more before she goes back down to my angry-looking dragoncock. She is clumsy with her movements, but it still feels divine and has me grunting and bucking at the pleasure she is giving me. For five agonizingly pleasure-filled minutes, Lucy bobs her head, sucking and licking my cock as if worshiping it, which finally drives me to orgasm. I grab her head as lightly as I can and say, “Argh. Bunny. Haa. I’m about to cum!” Lucy looks up at me and smiles with her eyes, giving me permission to cough in her mouth. Looking down at her as she looks up at me snaps the last remaining strand of restraint I had from holding back my orgasm. I push deeper into her mouth to release the seed being held back. “Fuck, Lucy!” Cum rushes forward down her throat, filling her mouth, and because of the amount a dragon produces, apparently, overflows from the side of her lips. After about thirty seconds of cumming, Lucy separates from my cock with a pop and coughs a little from not being able to breathe. She stands up and washes the cum away from her face and turns to see me huffing and puffing, looking at her with a glazed look.

While looking at her, I growl and move closer to her, pin her to the wall, kissing her deeply, and roam my hands throughout her body, trying to burn her very visage into my brain through my hands. As we kiss, I can taste her sweet saliva and my own, but I do not mind. I would kiss her after giving her head, making her taste herself, so why would I care if I tasted myself from her doing the same? After a full ten minutes of kissing, we separate, and I look deeply into her eyes and say, "Gods, Lucy, I love you so much that it is starting to make me scare a little.” Her eyes search mine, and she just smiles. “There is nothing to fear, my mighty dragon. I am here with you now and will be long into the future, my love. I am not going anywhere.” I look away and start to feel emotions that I did not want to feel again start rising. I look back at her and say, “But what if...” Lucy puts a finger on my lips to silence me and wipes a tear from my cheek that seemed to escape from my eye. “Ladon, listen to me and listen well. Nothing, and I mean nothing in this world, will ever make me leave you. If anything does, we both will destroy them. For in this world all we both have is each other forever and always.” I move my hand up to her cheek, which she rubs her face into. I smile, and finally I feel something that has been holding me back finally let go. “I love you, Lucy.” She smiles at me and says, “I love you, Ladon.” We hold each other for a while under the water and finally decide to get out. We dry off and put on our pajamas, which are just a big shirt and pants for Lucy and loose pants for me. Inside the room, we see Melora eating cookies she took from Jon’s office.

I lay on the bed, and Lucy follows, cuddling up to me. Suddenly Melora takes off her dress and grows bigger. Now she is completely naked, standing beside the bed. “Whoa! Melora!” She tilts her head and says, “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.” Lucy giggles at Melora and my exchange and gives Melora a big shirt to wear. “Here, put this on. Don’t make Ladon uncomfortable.” Melora grumbles and puts on the shirt and looks down at us. Lucy pulls me to the middle of the bed, and Melora lays down beside me. “Um, is it okay if I cuddle too?” Lucy nods, not waiting for my opinion. Melora smiles and snuggles up to me and says, “Thank you…both of you. You two have been more kind to me than my own clan.” I make a pained expression and think about how Lucy and Melora situations are similar. Looking at Lucy, who nods, and I put my arm around Melora, holding her close, and say, “If nothing else, Melora, we are glad to find another friend who cares about us as much as we care about you.” Melora looks up at me and then Lucy and smiles. She lays back on my chest, and I feel wetness on my chest, so I look down and see tears coming from her eyes. I stroke her hair, and she soon drifts off to sleep. Lucy whispers and says, “I just want to protect her.” I grin and say, “So do I. I don’t know if I’ll feel the same way towards her as I do with you, but I know that I don’t want her to feel unwanted.” Lucy takes my cheek and pulls it towards her. “Let’s just take it slow, okay? Whatever happens, happens.” She then kisses me and snuggles into my neck.

I now have two women snuggled up to me, and thankfully it is starting to get rather cold at night, so it felt cozy. “I know Lucy feels something that is more than a platonic feeling for Melora. If I am to be honest with myself, then I do as well, but we need to take our time right now. I still have trust issues, and I already have a beautiful girl that wants me just as much as I want her. Haa, I suppose only time will tell. I do not want to hurt Melora.” I look down at both as they are now both sleeping. I close my eyes with a smile and slowly drift off to sleep, hoping tomorrow will not be as hectic as today.

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