The First Dragon of Marble

29) Moving into Our New House (R18)

Chapter 29

            The next morning, I wake up to spooning Lucy and Melora spooning me from behind. I inhale Lucy’s hair and smell the scent of peaches from the potions I bought her. Lucy turns her head and smiles at me. “What are you doing love? Hehe. That tickles.” “Just enjoying your smell.” I say as I peck her lips and brushing her hair out of her face. “Do I smell good?” “Mhm. Good enough to eat.” I move my hand up to her breast and squeeze her breast. “Mmm. Ladon, if you do that then I’ll be the one to eat you.” I look over at Melora and see her still asleep and turn back to Lucy. I whisper into her ear and say, “Nah, bunny. A dragon will always eat his prey.” I shift my hand down her flat stomach and into her panties. “Ahh.” Lucy moans quietly looking in my eyes. I silence her and shove my tongue into her mouth, and we wrestle with each other’s tongues.

            I rub her pussy feeling the heat and increasing wetness as we kiss slowly as not to wake Melora. She turns her body to give me better access and I find her clit. “Mmm…” She moans raising her hand to the back of my head pressing me into a deeper kiss. I rub her clit more, slowly making circles. She starts to move her hips, and I separate from the kiss and whisper, “You are so sexy, bunny. You drive me wild in ways you will never understand.” “Ahhh…Ladon, please.” “Please what?” I look into her eyes and squeeze her clit softly. Her eyes widen seductively as her mouth opens as if she is going to scream but no sound comes out. I smile and kiss her again and insert my middle finger into her drenched pussy. “MMMMM!” Her muffled moans become louder when I enter her. I shove my tongue into her throat moving it in and out. Then I insert my ring finger and place my thump onto her clit. I curve my fingers inside to rub her top wall and rub her clit with my thumb at the same time.

            Lucy’s wraps her arms around my head and presses my lips further into her as I continue to finger her pussy. Her hips begin to move on their own wanting my fingers to come inside deeper. As we do this, we do not notice Melora has awakened and started to masturbate. I hear quiet moans but think that they are coming from Lucy. I retract my tongue for Lucy to breathe better. Lucy is breathing hard from arousal and the difficulty to breathe for a moment. “Haa…Ladon…I love you…I’m cum…I’m cumming!” She whispers shouts at me, so I silence her again with my mouth and move my hand faster. Soon Lucy starts to quiver, and her legs start to shake uncontrollably. “MMMMMMMMMM!!!” I feel a small amount of juices splash against my hand, but I continue moving my hand to keep her orgasm going as long as she can. “MMMM…Mmm…mmm…haa…haa.” When she starts to come down from the orgasm, I slow my hand movements and stroke her head as she basks in the afterglow.

            I slowly remove my hand from her panties and look at my hand covered in female juices. Lucy looks at me as I bring my fingers to my mouth while looking at her and suck the juices off. “Oh…my…gods…Ladon that is so hot.” I smirk and lick my hands clean. I lean in and say, “Thank you for the meal, bunny.” She shivers and grabs my head pulling me into a kiss sucking my saliva straight from the source. We separate breathing hard and extremely aroused. I look behind and see Melora still asleep. “Are you feeling better today?” I glance at her lower body and Lucy seems to get the gist of what I am getting at. “Yes. But Melora is right there.” I smile and say, “I know. I wasn’t talking about right now but when we move into the house. We will need to break in the new bed and spread our scent around.” I wiggle my eyebrows getting a laugh out Lucy which causes Melora to ‘wake up’.

            “Mmm…Good morning.” Melora says and we return the greeting, and I ask, “Did you sleep well? There wasn’t much room in this bed.” Melora yawns and stretches as she sits up. “Yeah, I slept a lot better than last night. No nightmares this time.” She shrinks into her small size and flies over to me naked and kisses my cheek and to Lucy to do the same. Lucy and I smile and sit up in bed. “Melora please put on your dress.” Lucy says as I try not to stare. Even though Melora is small she still looks like a woman. Melora grumbles and puts her dress on and flies back to sit on Lucy’s lap. “So, what are we doing today?” Melora asks leaning back onto Lucy stomach. I think for a moment and then remember that I bought Lucy a new storage earring.

            I pull out the earring and hand it to Lucy. “Here this is a storage earring with a lot more space than that ring.” Lucy takes it and looks at it then says, “Okay but what about this ring then?” I look at Melora and say, “Give it to Melora after taking your things out. She needs one to keep her clothes in.” Lucy smiles and gets up from the bed and takes her things out of the ring. As she does so Melora looks at me and says, “Why are you giving it to me?” I pick her up and place her in my palm. “Because I trust you and you need one for when we get your gear and things.” Melora smiles and then looks down, “But I don’t have any money to buy any gear.” “Don’t worry about money. I have enough to cover things. Besides if we are going to team up adventuring, you need weapons and armor or whatever you use for combat.” She looks up and gives me a side smile, “I feel like you are just taking care of me while I give nothing back.” Lucy speaks up and says, “He does that for people he cares about Melora. And he is too stubborn to listen to any arguments against his spoilage so just get used to it if you are sticking around with us.” Lucy sticks her tongue out at me, and I do the same, sticking my long tongue out.

            Melora giggles and blushes before saying, “Fine you, stubborn dragon…Thank you.” I stroke her hair and place her on the desk. “Though there is the problem of you using the ring in that size.” Lucy is done taking her things out of the ring and storing them in her earring which she puts on. “You don’t have to worry. Most magic items will adjust their size to the person wearing them.” I blink as Lucy says this while one by one, she puts her items in the earring as pops fill the room. Melora sees my surprise and giggles, “Hehe, duh Ladon. Everyone knows that.” I smile embarrassed and say, “Right I forgot.” Lucy looks at me with a knowing look and shake my head slightly. She breathes out and continues with her items. Melora takes the ring Lucy put down and it shrinks to fit her finger as soon as she touches it. I stare at it and rub my chin.

            “Are there clothes that do the same thing?” Lucy stops what she is doing and thinks for a moment. “Hmm…I am not sure. Since faes are rare around here I doubt we will find any around Melcox, but maybe in this country’s capital or we could see if we could order some from a merchant.” Melora observes the ring and comments, “No offense put this is rather ugly.” I laugh and Lucy narrows her eyes at Melora who notices and says, “Sorry.” “Haha…I’ll get you another one like Lucy’s or another ring after we do another job for the guild. I came about that ring by…chance so I am not attached to it.” Lucy smirks and finishes putting her items away. She comes over to me and sits in my lap. “Are we just going to wait here till it is time to get the keys for the house?” I start playing with Lucy’s ears and think then I say, “Well we can go to the guild to see if we can get tested to rank up in the guild.” Lucy closes her eyes and smiles as she enjoys me playing with her long rabbit ears. “Hmm…we don’t have anything better to do. What about going to the church?” Lucy says and I look at Melora when she mentions going to the church.

            “I think that can wait until tomorrow. We can get our promotions out of the way hopefully this morning and then break in our new house this afternoon. We can unload some of the things from our storage rings to free up space and get some kitchen ware and food to stock the pantry.” Lucy lifts her head to look at me and jumps in my lap and says, “Ooo…maybe we can find stuff to make pizza finally.” I smile and nod with anticipation. “That sounds great, bunny, but let’s do that tomorrow. And invite Cliff, Helen, and Vincent as a housewarming party. I have some alcohol in my earring, so we are good on drinks.” Melora jumps on the bed and says, “Party! Party! Party!” We laugh and soon go downstairs and talk to Cliff and ask him to mention it to Helen as we may not come back today. He agrees and we eat then leave for the guild.

            Inside the guild I see Sherry talking to a knight as he hands her an envelope. I snicker as I approach, and the knight starts to search for the other adventurers that were at the inn during the Stray Dogs attack. Sherry notices my snickering and she rolls her eyes and motions us to come over. “You love causing trouble for Jon and I don’t you.” I shrug and say, “You reap what you sow. Should have remained blissfully ignorant of who I really am.” “Yeah, yeah, thrust me. I wish I would have kept my curiosity to myself.” Lucy giggles and Melora looks between Sherry and me and whispers into my ear while hovering, “What are you two talking about, Ladon? Is she an enemy.” I turn my head and smile. “No, I’ll tell you later but to suffice it to say she is too sharp for her own good. They are good people though. They have helped me a lot, so I consider them…hmm…I suppose…” I look back at Sherry who is listening to me. “I suppose they are like a nosy aunt and uncle to me.” Melora looks at Sherry for a moment and smiles. A smile filled with mischief and planning. Sherry just shakes her head and says, “So, why did you come by the guild this morning. The rental won’t be ready until this afternoon.” Lucy steps in and says, “We were wondering if we could take the test for promotion to the next rank.”

            Sherry nods and says, “Well, Ladon, you won’t have to be tested. Everyone saw how you completely manhandled a former ‘B’ rank adventurer team. As far as you, Lucy, if there are any ‘C’ ranks beside Ladon here then we can test you this morning. Just give me a few minutes to tell Jon and see if there are any others willing to test you.” Lucy nods and smiles, “Thank you, Sherry, we appreciate it.” Sherry smiles and says, “You are so much milder tempered than Ladon. Please keep him in line. I see you have him wrapped around your finger. Hehe.” Sherry giggles along with Lucy as I retort. “Hey!” Melora joins in as Sherry turns around and leaves before, I could say anything else. I sigh and walk over to the job board while Lucy and Melora find a bench to sit on and chat.

            I look at the jobs posted and notice a job involving searching for bandits who have settled near a trade route close to here. I take it down and see the same stamp from what was on the goblin settlement job saying Extremely Urgent and Dangerous. I read the details of the job, and it says that some bandits that were former soldiers of another country that fell nearby to the Empire has taken to raiding caravans and random travelers. They are wanted dead, and proof will be the head of the leader, a human, whose name is Vald aka ‘The Tongue’. “The Tongue? The kind of nickname is that? Does he have a long tongue like mine, or does he perhaps cut the tongues of his victims?” I mutter to myself as I then look at the reward which is one mandium. “Hmm…one mandium is worth ten gold coins.” I place the parchment back on the board. “If the job is still here in a couple of weeks, then we may take it. Maybe the reward will go up soon.” I think to myself when I hear a familiar voice from behind.

            “Hey! Horn boy! Remember me?!” I turn around and see an elf with an angry face. I look him up and down trying to remember if we had met before. “Honestly no.” The elf’s face distorts even more, and he gets into my face and says, “My name is Garrik!” I close my eyes and go into thought. “Garrik? The only elf I know is the apothecary elf, but I don’t think his name is Garrik. Wait…ah I remember now. This was the prick elf in Lauren’s team before I stomped his ass in the ground for being a douchebag.” I open my eyes to see his and I smirk at him. “Garrik, Garrik? Ah right, now I remember. You’re that prick elf that used to be in the Planters team.” When I say this, the elf hits me in the nose. I barely feel anything and see him hold his hand in pain. “Now, now, little elf. There is no fighting permitted in the guild.” I see Lucy starting to get up and rush over to me, but I hold my hand up stopping her. “What can I do you for, Garrik the Prick.” I hear a couple snickers from nearby adventurers which makes the elf furious. “You cheated in your test to be ‘C’ rank asshole. I want a rematch.” Sherry starts to come over and as she does, I say, “Well I think the guild thinks otherwise because I was just promoted to ‘B’ rank.” Sherry then gives my new tags, and I give her my old one. “See.” I show it to him, and he reads it then looks at Sherry.

            “Why would you give a mutt a promotion to ‘B’ rank?! This is a stain on the guild’s reputation.” “Sir Garrik, I would like to remind you that you are inside the guild hall, and you need to lower your voice and be professional. Calling someone a mutt is a nasty slur and is not looked upon by the guild in a positive light.” Sherry pitches in while I decide to add on by saying, “Besides I am not a mutt, though there is nothing wrong with having two parents from different races.” Garrik just looks at me is disbelief and disgust. I just roll my eyes and decide to ignore him from now on. “Sherry, is Lucy’s test ready?” She smiles with a business smile, “Well, there is no ‘C’ rank here aside from Sir Garrik here.” I move away from Garrik who is still fuming and motion for Lucy to come over. She gets up and walks over with Melora on her shoulder. Then I think of something and smile evilly which Sherry notices and starts to sweat a little. “Everything okay love?” I kiss her on the lips and say, “Well, unfortunately there is no ‘C’ rank here aside from Garrik the Prick here so we may have to wait since he doesn’t seem to be willing to do so.” Suddenly Garrik is standing beside me again and with a loud voice says, “Is this your mate, Horn Boy? You are with a filthy mink? Haha, I knew you were nothing but filth yourself.” I have to bite my cheek so as not to kill this fucker, but I am proud to say I held my temper.

            “Yes, she is the love of my life and my little bunny.” I hear some giggles and awes from the female adventurers, and I notice Lucy blush in her ears and Melora snickering at her. “She is not filthy, nor are any minks that I have met so far. There are only filthy people like you, and you wouldn’t stand a chance against her, Garrik. The. Prick.” I can see the veins popping out of forehead and his long ears burning red from anger and embarrassment. Then he suddenly smiles and looks at Sherry. “I’ll assess her, human.” He says ‘human’ with disdain in his voice which Sherry to her credit does not react to. Sherry looks at me and Lucy with a concerned look. I just nod and so does Lucy who has a look that could kill. Sherry sighs and says, “Very well, I’ll watch the assessment personally. Come with me Madam Lucy, Sir Garrik.” They both follow him and Melora flies over to my shoulder. “Are you sure you want that man going up against Lucy? I don’t think he will be doing any assessing but rather try to hurt her to get at you. What did you do to that pompous elf anyway?” I start walking to the training grounds where the assessment will be held. “Lucy will be fine. She is ten times stronger than that prick. As far as what I did, well, let’s just say I cost him his temporary position in a team and bested him at his own game.” Melora hovers in front of me. “And? What was his game?” I smirk and say, “Magic.” Melora grins and snickers.

            We get to the grounds and see Lucy and Garrick standing in fighting stances. Sherry is to the side and is about to give the go ahead to spar. Melora and I stand to the side, and she asks, “Aren’t you going to sit in the stands?” “Nah this’ll be over quickly.” Melora shrugs and sits between my horns playing with my hair. Sherry raises her hand and looks at both Lucy and Garrik and says, “This is the assessment for promotion to ‘D’ rank for Lucy. Ready?” Lucy nods and so does Garrik, then Sherry drops her hand and says, “Begin.” It happens in a blink of an eye and only I and maybe Sherry and possibly Melora could see what happened. Lucy bursts forward and disappears. Garrik is left shocked only to be punched in the stomach and have a blade to his throat. “E…Enough!” Sherry stammers and raises her hand. Lucy backs away and waits for Sherry’s assessment. “Lucy…” “Argh! That is impossible! How can a mink beat me, an elf.” Garrik suddenly unleashes a spell at Lucy causing her to back step and avoid a fire lance coming at her. Garrik is about to do the same thing again, but Lucy disappears again leaving him to franticly look around for her. I look up and see her in the air coming down feet first aimed at Garrik. When she lands a large dust cloud envelops them and when it clears Lucy is standing on Garrik’s back. She steps off and leans down to whisper something into his ear and then walks over to us.

            “Lucy you are so badass. That was sexy.” “Yeah, what Ladon said. That made me shiver to my core.” Lucy smiles bashfully and softly says, “Thank you.” I peck her cheek and brush some dust out of her fur as Sherry checks on Garrik and then comes over us. After looking around she asks, “How in the world are you so strong after only two months, Lucy? I looked at your assessment paperwork and it showed that you were skilled, but this is a massive improvement just from fighting some goblins.” “Um…well there were more than just goblins we killed during that time. Ladon gave you a report, yes? Plus, Ladon pushed me a little to be able to keep up with him.” Sherry looks at me and is about say something when I cut her off and say, “Nope.” Sherry grumbles and just huffs. I knew she was about to ask how I was able to level her up.

            Sherry breathes deeply and recomposes herself and says, “Well if you wait a few minutes, I will get your new tags ready.” “What about that asshole?” I point at Garrik who is trying to stumble to his feet. Sherry shrugs and says, “I’m tired of dealing with him to be honest. I’ll have Jon deal with him instead. He may be demoted for his misconduct, but he hasn’t done anything so drastic to be kicked out of the guild.” I shrug and say, “Okay.” We all go back into the building and wait for Lucy’s new tags saying she is now ‘C’ rank. Soon afterwards Sherry brings Lucy her new tags and we leave the guild. I look up at the sun and see that it is nowhere near noon yet. “Well seems we have more time to kill than I thought we would. Now what do we do?” “How about we go buy some things for the house and then spend the rest of the day decorating it?” Lucy suggests and Melora adds, “Yeah we can get some food and things to cook with as well.” I smile at them, “Sounds good let’s do that then.” So, we headed to the merchant’s district to go find things for the new house.

            We spend the morning buying things for the house such as new sheets and blankets for the beds and kitchen ware as well. My camping gear wouldn’t really suffice for the things that go with the magic kitchen. Afterwards we split up and decide to buy things to our own tastes to decorate the house with. I give Melora some coins so that she can buy things. Soon it was approaching noon, and I notice someone following me. I turn down an alley and hide in the shadows. Soon a figure comes into the alley and starts looking around for me. As they get closer, I come out and ask, “Who are you and why are you following me?” The stalker stops and says nothing. I can not see any expression on their face since they have a hood. I bring out my axe and ask again, “Who are you and why are you following me? I will not ask again. If you know who I am then you know that I mean what I say. Now answer me!” The person shifts his hood, and I see long rabbit ears like Lucy’s.

            I stare in disbelief since the person reminds me of Lucy but has different colored fur and eyes. “I see. If you are here to harm Lucy, then you have made a grave mistake moon rabbit clan.” I narrow my eyes and let mana course through my whole body ready for a fight. “Wait, son of Tiamat and Odin, first dragon of Marble. I do not mean to do any harm to you or the cherished one of Goddess Fauna.” I try to hold my shock back showing on my face from his knowledge of me. I grit my teeth and change into my half dragon form. “How in the hell do you know that about me and what do you mean cherished one of Fauna? Are you talking about Lucy?” The rabbit mink walks closer into the light and now I see them better. They seem to be male with a large scar forming at the bottom of his hair line as it drags across his face diagonally disfiguring his nose and cheek. “All in due time Dragon Ladon. I have come to you to pass a message from Goddess Fauna.” I narrow my eyes and say, “Why the fuck would she want to talk to me? The only gods I am on good terms with are my parents. I don’t trust the rest of them.” He sighs and mumbles, “Fauna told me about his mistrust, but this is rather annoying.” I growl at him since I could hear him with my sharp ears. “Well, I am only here to pass on a message. She wants you to go to the church so that she can talk to you when you talk to your parents.” I just stare at the mink as he stares back.

            “Fine. Just know I will be looking out for you rabbit and if you turn up again unannounced, I will turn you to ashes. I do not like to play games like this so pass the word on to the ones hiding in the shadows behind you.” I can see his eyes widen at me knowing there were more than just him surrounding me. I blow smoke through my nostrils to show them that I can act on my words and put my axe back into my belt. I walk closer to him and when I arrive beside him, I say, without looking at him, “Oh and one more thing. If you are the remnants of Lucy’s clan or some other clan with ties to her clan, I will advise you to stay away from her until she is ready to face her past again. She is my mate, and I will burn the world if I must, to keep her safe and happy. Do I make myself clear, little rabbit?” The man side glances at me and says begrudgingly, “Perfectly, Dragon Ladon.” “Good, now get the fuck out of my sight before I decide not let you all live.” They all disappear when the man raises his hand, and I go about meeting up with Lucy and Melora.

            As I walk to the meeting spot, we agreed on I think to myself. “That fucker knew about mother and father and that I am the first dragon. Is it true that Fauna told them about me? Then why would mother and father tell her about me then? This must have something to do with what happened at the crater lake when I was wanting to talk to them.” I narrow my eyes and think of something else as my thoughts turn to drastic reasons for Fauna trying to contact me. “Maybe Fauna thinks that Lucy is really cursed? Maybe she wants to get rid of her?” I feel my fists clench as my claws scratch my scales as I have not released them yet in case the rabbits decide not to heed my warning. “If that is so then I will even kill a god if I have to, to keep Lucy safe…If you can hear me Fauna then you better think twice on your future words with me because I will not hesitate to kill you.” I arrive at our meeting spot and wait for Lucy and Melora to arrive as I go through every scenario I can think of pertaining to why Fauna wants to speak to me.

            Minutes later Lucy and Melora arrive, and we head to our new house to unload our shopping. As we walk Lucy notices me being quiet and asks, “Ladon is everything okay?” I look at her and smile softly, grabbing her hand, “Yes, bunny…I just met some people who may be a problem later. I’ll tell you when we get home.” She squeezes my hand, “Okay. If there is anything I can do let me know. We are partners after all.” I squeeze her hand back and say nothing as we continue towards the house. When we arrive, Justin is sitting on the steps leading into the house and gets up when he sees us. “Sir Ladon, Madam Lucy, and Madam Melora, the house is ready to be moved into and has been deep cleaned.” I shake Justin’s outstretched hand and say, “Thank you, Sir Justin. You have been very accommodating towards our needs. I will put in a good word for you to Jon and Sherry.” Justin smiles and says, “Thank you, Sir Ladon. Here are the keys for the house. I shall now take my leave, and I hope you enjoy the house.” I take the key and Justin heads back to the guild. I look at Lucy and say, “Make sure I keep my word. I may forget.” Lucy giggles and nods. We go inside our new house and see how there was not spec of dust anywhere.

            “Wow! They really did deep clean this place.” Melora says flying throughout the first floor inspecting furniture and other things. “Must be magic…I don’t think even the chemicals we used in the past would have this much effect.” I mutter to Lucy so Melora could not hear. “Likely, but even I have not seen something so clean. Not even the inn is this clean.” We sit on the couch in front of the fireplace and relax for a few moments before I tell Lucy what happened. Lucy is shaking a little when I finish and is hugging herself. I pull her into lap and Melora sits in hers. “Lucy, you don’t have to worry. I will never let them take you back. You are my woman and mate. I will burn the world for you, and you know I can.” I squeeze her waist as I say this causing her to stop shaking as much. She nods timidly and smiles a little. Melora then adds, “Not just Ladon. I am your friend so I will keep them from doing anything to you with my magic. I can turn their bodies into salt if you wish and use them for seasoning.” I just gap at her causal words of using people as mere seasoning. Lucy finally giggles and says, “Thank you Melora, Ladon. I am fine now I promise. I just thought that I was done with clan. I don’t know why they would even be looking for me or you Ladon. I have never talked to Fauna, for me to even be considered cherished by her. Even if I am she has a funny way showing it with the way I was treated.” I look away in thought and say, “I’m not sure either, but maybe when we go to the church tomorrow, we will get some answers.” Melora tilts her head and says, “You are going to the church tomorrow? Why?” “I need to research some things, and the church has the only library in town besides the guild which I have read everything that resides in it.” Melora shrugs and says okay and goes back to leaning on Lucy’s stomach.

            We sit together for a few minutes and then Lucy gets up putting Melora on her shoulder. “Let’s stop speculating about things we have no control over and get started decorating the house, shall we.” I smile and stand up kissing her on the lips. “Sure, bunny sounds like a better use of time right now anyway.” We pull out everything we bought along with items crowding the space in the storage rings. I leave Musir’s weapons and items inside my earring until I can get rid of them and sort through the rest, separating items that will stay in my ring like potions and camping gear from the items I bought. I bring out some weapon racks and shield mounts to put up for display when we have extra weapons. I also pull out my bathing items and put them in the bathroom downstairs and some extras in the bathroom upstairs. I come back downstairs and put the food I bought in the pantry and magic fridge.

            Lucy brings out some shelves and knickknacks, the sheets, and blankets along with her potions that I bought her for her fur. Soon she comes into the kitchen and pulls out the pots and pans along with utensils. She bumps her hip into mine as I am in her way and smiles at me. I stick my tongue out at her and move for her. Melora only has a few things she bought since her ring could not hold very much. She had bought her own bathing products and put them in the bathroom. She seemed to have bought some picture frames, and I pick one up and ask, “Is there a camera or something still around?” “A camera?” Melora asks and I point at the frames she is putting on the shelves. “Oh, I bought these in case you want to put still paintings in them.” Lucy comes over from the kitchen and says, “There is a magic device that paints an image instantly. They are a little expensive though.” I think for a moment and say, “Well after the next job we take we can get one and fill the frames.” Melora smiles and dances in the air as she puts more of them around the house.

            Lucy comes in front of me and asks, “What do you want for dinner love?” She twirls my braid with the hair bead as she waits for my answer. I put my hands on her hips and bring her in close. “Hmm…I’m not picky, bunny when it comes to food.” Leaning in and brushing her lips with mine I say in a low voice, “Just make something to give energy. You may not be sleeping tonight.” Lucy brushes my lips with hers and looks up into my eyes and says, “Really? Promise?” I smile and hum deeply almost forming a growl as I lick her lips. “Oh definitely. We need to break in our bed. And you can be as loud as you want.” Lucy shivers and whispers, “What about Melora? Isn’t it kind of unfair to her?” I lean back and study her face before saying, “She’ll just have to get use to it.” I kiss her again, but Lucy backs away and asks, “How do you feel about her?” I give her a confused look and grab her hand before shouting at Melora upstairs to tell her that we are going to check the back yard. Leading Lucy we go outside, and I turn towards her and ask, “We just went over this yesterday, Lucy. Why are you bringing this up again so soon? Is there a cultural thing that I am missing here?” Lucy comes closer to me and says, “I don’t know love. I just see you looking at her and wonder if you want her now and if you are developing feelings for her. That’s all.” “Have you?” Lucy shrugs and says, “Well she is so hot, and I feel bad about leaving her out of the fun. Maybe it’s the pulling feeling like what we have.” I close my eyes and try to control how hot the situation is, but I know that it would not be very good in the long run to rush things.

            “Lucy, I like Melora and may even feel the same as you towards her. Maybe it is the pulling feeling, but I need more information. Please don’t rush me on this. It is still very new to me.” Lucy blinks a couple times and then steps back. “I…I’m sorry Ladon. I didn’t mean to…” “No, no, you didn’t do anything wrong bunny. I promise. Just…let’s take it slow with Melora, okay. I wanted you as well when we first met, but I held back to see how we were together before rushing into something physical. I want us to be happy.” Lucy nods and turns to go inside. “Fuck…never had this happen before.” I say out loud as I look around the yard with my hands on my hips.

            “Ladon.” I look behind me and see Melora flying over to me. “Hey. Did you finish with the frames?” She smiles and then asks, “Did something happen with Lucy?” I turn back around and take a deep breath. “I…think she feels like we are leaving you out of things as far as well to put it bluntly, sex.” I begin to flow mana throughout me and cast protective spells on the property like anti-Theft and early warning spells. Then I just practice casting different elemental spells as I move my body like a martial artist. Melora observes me for a few minutes and then asks, “Is there a specific reason you don’t want me to join?” I stop dead in my casting with my leg in the air after casting a small fire spell with it. I put it down and look at Melora. “Melora I am not very knowledgeable about the culture of today. In time, if our relationship grows closer to Lucy and me then I will fill you in on everything.” I then take a deep breath and then puff my cheeks and aim my mouth upward and try out different patterns with my flame breath. When the stream of flames run out and I snap my mouth shut and exhale smoke. Melora is still with me watching me and asks, “But it is just sex.” I turn to her and narrow my eyes, and I say, “To some people yes. Sex is just the instinct of procreating and releasing endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin into the brain. But it means more to me Melora. I am not physically or emotionally able to just have causal sex with someone. There must be love and passion between me and my partner.” I then stomp the ground, and stones fly up in front of me and I punch them while in the air and send them flying into the distance not really knowing where they will end up. “Have you told this to Lucy?” “In a way yes. But I think she is confused about something or perhaps worried about something. I’m not really, sure. Maybe it was just about me mentioning the rabbit minks I met earlier.” “Maybe.” Melora soon goes inside, and I continue to train being careful not to destroy the fence.

            Once I was done and sweaty, I looked around the yard again and think, “Maybe I should get some training equipment for us. Like some training dummies or something.” “Ladon dinner is ready love.” I hear Lucy from the door, and I turn around and see her in a pink sundress with Bluestar flower design pattern. My jaw drops and I run over to her. “You are absolutely gorgeous bunny.” She smiles and says, “Thank you, love…I’m sorry about earlier.” I grab her cheek and look into her eyes and say, “No I’m sorry. I came off a little too defensive.” She rubs her cheek against my hand and says, “No you were right. We need to wait a while before things get physical with Melora.” I smile and kiss her lips. “Mm. You are all sweaty. Hehe. Next time take your shirt off so I can watch you through the window.” I laugh, “Haha…It’s a little chilly for that don’t you think.” “Pfft you are a dragon you don’t get cold.” I smirk, “True. Come on let’s go eat. I finally to get to taste your cooking.” We go inside and I use Cleanse to get the sweat off me and sit down at the table.

            Lucy has cooked some pasta with a creamy sauce and some bread to go with it. I wait for them to sit down and then we eat. “Mmm…God this is fantastic, bunny. This is way better than Cliff’s meals.” “Yeah, Lucy, wow. I never suspected you to be able to cook so good.” Melora and I scarf down the tasty food like we were starving as Lucy smiles. “Thank you but you do not need to embellish it so much.” I stop for a moment and grab her hand from beside me. “No, I’m serious. This is so good.” Lucy smiles and she starts eating herself but in a more elegant way compared to Melora and me. Soon all the food was gone leaving no leftovers. Melora and I are rubbing our stomachs when we finish. “I’m so glad you two liked it so much.” Lucy says as she starts taking the dishes into the kitchen to clean them.

            I get up and follow her and say, “Nuhuh, bunny. I can wash the dishes go relax.” “But…” “No buts. I got this I promise.” I kiss her and bump her with my hips like she did me earlier. She giggles and sticks her tongue out. “Fine. I’ll go read some in the living room.” She walks out and Melora brings the rest of the dishes to the sink where I am washing them. Melora shifts into her bigger size and helps dry the dishes off and puts them away. I smile at her, and she smiles back. As I wash a plate, I say, “Thank you for helping me.” “Of course, if you two are going to let me stay, I need to pull my weight as well.” I smirk and decide to tease her a little. “How can a little nymph eat so much that she could put starving soldiers to shame?” Melora giggles and says, “Well the fae are mostly mana so what I consume is turned into mana and helps my mana organ grow.” I stop washing the plate and look at her in amazement. “Really?” “Yep. Pan, our god, molded us from pure mana.” “Huh, interesting. Y’know my mother told me something similar about dragons.” I hand her the plate I was washing, and she takes it and says, “Oh. Are dragons’ part of the fae race?” I shake my head and say, “No we are a new race, and I am the first one.” Melora drops the plate and quickly catches as it almost hits the floor. “You are the first of your race!” I look at her and see a shocked expression looking at me. “Did I not tell you?” She shakes her head and I just shrug. “Just make sure you keep that to yourself. Only Lucy knows about most of who I am and where I come from.” We finish the rest of the dishes and go into the living room.

            Lucy is sitting in a big chair by the fireplace cuddled up under a blanket as she reads a book. I go over the fireplace and breath purple flames onto the logs to warm the house up for the night. Then I go over to Lucy and pick her up, sit down with her still in my arms and put her in my lap. She snuggles up to me as I pull out my own book about monsters and read with her. Melora comes over to us and looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I look at her and ask, “What?” “Can I cuddle up too?” The chair is big and even with her being in her bigger size she could fit. So, I flip the cover over and she smiles and sits beside me and leans her head on my shoulder and looks at my book that I am reading. We stay like this for a couple of hours until daylight vanishes. I close my book and look at Lucy and ask, “Want to take a shower?” She closes hers and nods. We get up and head upstairs to the bathroom above and let Melora take the one downstairs. We wash each other again and I grab her afterwards and rush to our bedroom which is bigger than the other one. I throw her onto the king, sized bed which makes her giggle, and I say, “You ready to be eaten all night long little bunny?” Lucy looks at me as I take my shirt off and she just nods slowly. And then I pounce on her.

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