The First Hellhound

Chapter 020: Water Bed Talk

Fixed the articles and some other small mistakes left; please notify if you see any I missed!

“There is bad blood between Dwarves and everyone else!”

I am taken aback by the intensity of Pola’s statement – the hostility, even disgust in her voice. “What happened… what did they do?”

The Foxwoman takes a deep breath. “It’s a long story…”

“So start with the beginning” I interject. “And remember: this world is new to me – even what you find boring or ordinary can be marvellous and exciting for me” the Lisitha looks back at me. “Think of me like a bigger version of your son” I say with a playful smirk, which makes her laugh.

“I keep forgetting about it; all right! It’s not like we are in a hurry” there’s a mischievous spark in her eye. “And we are stuck here together anyway” I blush which makes her chuckle. Then she closes her eyes and leans on me. “So you want to start from the beginning, eh?”

I nod. “From the beginning of the conflict – or rather its’ causes.”

She stays silent for a moment. “There are two things that made Dwarves into assholes they are: their beliefs about our world and monotheism”

I’m dumbfounded at her statement. “What?! How?” It makes little sense to me initially… but as I think about it deeper, an idea strikes me. “Do they believe that they are some sort of people chosen by their god to make the world theirs? And their god is a massive, jealous cunt, very keen on controlling the behaviour of its believers – especially in” I cough and blush. “Especially in intimate settings?”

Foxwoman looks me in the eyes with surprise. “You are actually quite correct. Were there similar people in your old world?”

“Yes, quite a few” I nod and reminiscent about my past encounters with various preachers. “Actually, I would say that most major religions were like that – full of fanatics and busybodies telling others how to live” my mood starts worsening, so I take a deep breath. “I don’t really want to talk about them right now; can you tell me more about Dwarves? What did they do in particular?”

Pola gives me a sly glance. “What if I don’t want to talk about Dwarves?” She chuckles. “I’m joking, of course; I’ll start with our world – Yavea – and how we see it. To begin with, what we see all around us is Yavsiet – it is a place for us, mortals. Zavsiety are where the souls of the dead go to. There are three of them: Prevsiet, Cyvsiet and Snevsiet. The first one is for freshly deceased – they stay there untill all of their memories and identity are cleansed from their soul; when that happens – however long it takes – they move to the last one, where they wait to be reborn in a new form” I nod; her explanation somehow fits what Alchemist told me about souls and stuff. “Then there is Cyvsiet; it’s a bad place – a place where the evil go to repent. It is a place where Zhemay the Corruptor was banished and where he created the Demons…”

The mention of ADVERSARIES makes my blood boil; my Aura flares and a low growl escapes my throat, startling Pola. I take a deep breath to calm my raging HATRED. “I’m sorry” I say as the Lisitha opens her mouth. “I just… I can’t stand even the thought of – you know – THEM” I say gesturing wildly. “A part of me holds a very, very deep grudge against THEM, literally ingrained in my soul.” I sigh. “Please, continue your explanation, it’s very interesting.”

She smiles reassuringly – but I can sense she is unconvinced and still worried about me. “Umm… are you sure about that? Do you… want to talk about it?”

“No” I say flatly. “Not right now at least; I would need to be able to even think about it before I can talk” I look her deep in the eyes. “I don’t even have any memories of what happened that made me hold such a grudge and it's a feeling I have no words to describe. But don’t worry!” I say with a smile. “Your presence, openness and how welcoming you are – it all calms me and warms my heart. And I honestly want to learn more about the world… from you.”

Pola’s demeanour changes after my declaration, she appears to be slightly embarrassed, but simultaneously flattered and happy. “Umm… thank you!” She says with a smile. “I’ll skip telling you about Cysviet – you have the idea after all. And just so you know – the circle of transmigration is not perfect. You are not the only one who has memories of their previous life. Not to mention it is possible to visit Zavsiety – and before you ask” she stops me, as I am – indeed – about to ask a question. “You should talk with Olka about it – she is a Witch, even if she is still studying.”

The new information surprises me, but it makes some sense; it explains – at least a bit – why a minor was sent on such a difficult mission. “So she is a witch, Nugund is a hunter – what is your role then?”

The Foxwoman chuckles at that. “I’m pretty good with magic – illusion magic to be precise – and I’m quite familiar with our stories; our plan was for me and Nugund to locate the Great Oak, and for Olka to communicate with it. But we digress” I apologise. “Don’t apologise for your curiosity; it's a good thing. But going back to the topic: Beastkin – and most other Species too, to be honest – know of reincarnation. We know souls reincarnate – but Dwarves believe differently” she scoffs at that. “They think Cyvsiet is some sort of final destination, where 'sins' are punished and 'virtues' – rewarded.”

I frown at her statements; that seems like a pretty standard religion bullshit to me. “What’s the problem with that? Isn’t it what religion is for?”

She looks at me incredulously. “There are two problems, in fact; first – they are wrong. The circle of reincarnation is just that – a circle. There is no end to it” she shakes her head. “Their way of thinking brands people who kept remains of their past lives in their memories as Undead, ‘heretics’, and even worse. They are killed when found.”

I freeze at that. I have been extremely lucky I met with Beastkin – then again, Alchemist sent me precisely here, where they live. I frown. “Are there any Dwarves living on Orezemj?”

Pola thinks for a moment. “No, I don’t think so; at least not that many. And those who do, do not follow their religion. Speaking of – another issue is that there have only one, single God – and thus a single way of life” she shakes her head. “We have many Gods, who show us different ways of being a good person. And we can choose: if Sirvaga’s judgement is too harsh for you, you can always ask what Tamara would do” I roll my eyes at the names that tell me nothing. “However, sticking to one Deity is no good. It narrows your point of view, making you see others as enemies, for not believing what you believe. And how they worship the same God as you. Not to mention that not every Deity is suitable for every situation – you won’t pray to the Chainbreaker when you are tending to your animals after all.”

“That’s a lot to consider” I say, deep in thought. “So the gods are like role models, right?” She nods and I continue. “And there isn’t a single interpretation of a given deity, do I understand that correctly?”

Pola nods. “I spoke with some Kin from other lands and we share believes – even if there are vast differences, like calling the same God by different name, or imagining them differently; the core is always there” she smiles at her memories. “Such discussions are encouraged by the Elders. They remind us that Gods can come in many forms and shapes. Especially the Elder Ones; they can freely change how they look, as they are older than us, mortals. In fact, it is us who descent from them” I roll my eyes. "They have forms they prefer; Nadola, for example, often takes the form of a little kid. So if their form is open to interpretation, their teachings are as well.”

“And Dwarves believe in only one, single god – right?” I ask, not exactly keen on having complex theology lesson on the belief system of Beastkin. I wanted to hear about other Species earlier, way back when I was leading the trio to the bear – and there is nothing to detract me here (well, except the sexy Foxwoman in my lap), so I’m going to press the issue. “And from what I heard about them so far, I guess that causes them to have a very strict, narrow worldview. But how does it make them so despised? In other words: what did they do?”

Pola sighs. “It’s not a pleasant topic. Are you sure you want to hear about it?”

I smile at that. “I have to learn it sooner or later, and I prefer sooner.”

“And you prefer to learn about it earlier than about beliefs of your own Kin” Lisitha says with a melancholic smirk and I cringe to that; she got me. Luckily, she doesn’t hold that against me. “Your guesses about Dwarves are mostly correct. Their belief in the afterlife instead of reincarnation makes them view their mortal lives – and the lives of others – as less important; what is a few decades or centuries of suffering when an eternity of pleasure awaits you, right? And their monotheism makes them very narrow-minded and self-righteous. That’s a very dangerous combination” she shakes her head. “I don’t know the details why, but they started conquering, enslaving and even killing other Species. They first subjugated everyone on their home continent – Thaluga – then started invading other ones” she hugs me tightly; I can sense her discomfort and sympathy for the victims of Dwarven bigotry – and fatigue that starts catching up with her. To be fair – I also start feeling tired. It is very late at night after all, and the topic is definitely not invigorating.

“If you wish we can talk about it later” I tell her in a low voice. “I think I have a pretty clear picture of them now.”

Pola looks at me and smiles – but shakes her head. “Well, there is still more – but not that much. I’ll shorten it as much as possible” she pauses for a moment. We are still cuddling, so we just enjoy the moment of intimacy between us – until she is ready to continue.

“Dwarves tried to conquer Orezemj four times. They failed every time – but many, many Kin and our allies died. Many others were enslaved and carried off, away from their loved ones, never to return. Even more left their homes to escape. That was the fate of our tribe, for example” she closes her eyes and sighs, once again; she seems to do that a lot when she feels sympathetic pain. “We are called Nine Sisters Tribe, because nine sisters – Olka, Ulka, Tina, Tika, Rona, Lona, Kara, Kana and Kasa – led us from the East, over mountains, through the wilderness and treacherous forests, full of wild, powerful beasts” she smiles with pride. “It’s a fantastic tale, especially when told in songs, with dances, and music, and everything” she gets pumped up and her enthusiasm is contagious. “And we prospered! So when The Third Crusade happened – and it was the most devastating one – we, along with other tribes, were able to repel them from our new home! And do you know what is the best part?” She leans in, with a certain smugness in her voice and demeanour. “When they were preparing The Fourth Dwarven Crusade – their slaves rose up and crushed them! Some say that it was Sirvaga’s Champion, some others – the Goddess of Liberation herself – who broke the chains and lead the rebellion! For nine days and ten nights the blessings of the Goddess gave unmatched vigour and strength to the masses. For nine days and ten nights the soil of Thaluga was soaked in Dwarven blood – so much so, that some places are still coloured red! And it happened hundreds, if not thousands of years ago!”

The enthusiasm Pola describes the massacre with makes me feel uneasy. “I get the feeling of satisfaction at their disaster, but” I take a deep breath. “Were Dwarven children among the killed?”

Silence speaks louder than words. The Foxwoman looks abashed. “You are right” she says finally and takes a deep, long breath. “I… I don’t really think about it that much” she smiles nervously. “You are right, they should have been spared… but Sirvaga is a harsh Goddess.”

“Did every Dwarf there get exterminated?” I ask, dreading the answer.

“No” I exhale in relief. “Those who were in mountainous regions of Northern Thaluga, and those on the Snezemj – the continent to the North – survived. They, however, become cursed by Zorya – their hair and skin turned sickly white, their blood – blue, their eyes – red, and the light rejects them now" she leans closer and whispers conspiratorially. "It is also said that they live shorter and often have deformities.”

That sends me deep in thought. So, all of the Dwarves degenerated into albinos riddled with birth defects? Is it due to inbreeding? Does that mean that genetics work in Yavea as they worked on Earth? Is this why Beastkin don’t do incest? But on the other hand I was told that children nearly always belong to their mother’s species – if it followed Mendel’s laws, shouldn’t it be fifty-fifty? So many questions.

I drown in my thoughts, until I notice Pola’s yawning; I quickly apologise. “Don’t worry abut it… but we really should start getting back” she smiles. “I guess there are other entrances to the cave system – we don’t need to swim back” I nod and her smile widens. “Great, let’s go that way then; we will have more time to talk – I can feel you want to know more.”

I blush and nod – she got me. We finally separate – I already miss her warmth – pick our belongings (not that we brought a lot) and go back. The scenic route.

And another chapter! Now we finally know what them Dwarves did - and it was not groovy. Not groovy at all. And it didn't end well for them. Speaking of - which theory is your favourite: the Divine Punishment or Plain Genetics one? Or is there a third, hidden option you prefer?

Anyway, I have some good news! The X-mas (Merry Chrismas btw) and New Year are coming and I will have more time to write! So I should - should - be able to post an extra chapter for the first tuesday of 2024! I will update you an that prospect on the last chapter of 2023 - along with some summary of the year (honestly, it's way, way beyond what I was expecting when I started)!

As always - feel free to comment, favourite and rate. If you spot any mistakes, have any questions, or have some problems with the story - please, write. Especially the last one - I would really appreciate the feedback, especially on which areas I need to improve in. Peace!

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