The First Hellhound

Chapter 021: Species of Yavea

It took Pola and me quite a while to return through the caverns. We could have swum, but chose the scenic route to be able to talk a bit longer. And we spoke a lot – mostly about other Species. Well… not all of them in detail – mostly the ones Lisitha has met or are prominent enough for her to know about. And her knowledge is limited – she made it very clear upfront.

To begin with – and to my dismay – every sentient, intelligent species is believed to be somehow related to one of the Elder Gods of Beastkin. Urgh, even this topic gets back to the religion – but should I even be surprised? Pre-modern societies – and I’m pretty sure this world is at most Medieval in terms of technology – were very spiritual. It’s obvious in hindsight that there would be mythological explanations for the diversity of peoples. I think the presence of magic in this world – and the middle-school-atheist energy of Olka – made me fall into the ‘magic-as-science’ rabbit hole, completely disregarding possible religious context to magic, which seems to be a paradigm here. Anyway, it’s the Species I wanted to learn about, not religion.

First come, of course, Beastkin – the descendants of Goddess Alarana. I was honestly pretty surprised to learn that Beastkin are probably the most widespread intelligent, sapient Species on Yavea. In most stories I read or played, other races were more common – if we were even featured. But not here – this world is basically our world, as we are literally on every continent. And in many places we are even a majority – even if we are not a dominant Species there.

Next group are Barekin – a group containing Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, as well as – to my great surprise – Orcs, Goblins and Hobgoblins. The myth says they were born from blood spilled by Ostaran, the Dead God, after he was slain by Zhemay – who gives me strong vibes of Satan or Set of Beastkin mythos, if I may say so. The people themselves come from continents to the East – Thaluga and Kutembe. I was surprised to hear that it is common among this group to produce mixed offspring – literally half named Species in this group are such: Human and Dwarf will have a Halfling, Orc and Human – Hobgoblin, Dwarf and Orc – Goblin. And while two Halflings can have a Human or Dwarf baby, A Halfling and an Orc will only have baby Goblins or Hobgoblins.

Another category are Scalekin, which covers all manner of Species with characteristics of reptiles – including dragons. They are believed to be the descendants of aforementioned Zhemay the Corruptor, from the time before his betrayal. According to the myth, dragons lost their intelligence as a punishment for aiding him – except for the Dragons of the Far West, who fought against him and hordes of his DEMONS. They have their own country there, called Belungdos – and from what I was told about it, that region gives me an impression of Ancient China; I need to see it! If I want to meet other Scalekin, I’d probably need to go to their lands, as we are too far North for them to be comfortable.

The forth group are Vodyakin – a plethora of diverse Species living underwater, mostly in shallow, coastal seas and lakes. Or at least those are the groups the land-dwellers have the most contact with – who knows what hides in the deeps? Their mythical ancestor is Vodyana, Goddess of All Waters. They are apparently very friendly and cooperative – and maybe even more diverse and widespread than Beastkin.

Another group are Faekin – descendants of Goddess Nadola. Their most distinctive feature? Pointy ears, strong magical powers and general playfulness. The most shocking part? Apparently, all pure Faekin are now extinct – the only survivors are the results of cross-breeding with other Species under Dwarven slavery. The most common are Elves – children of Humans – and Gnomes – descendants of Dwarves. Rarer are Wylderkin – Faekin of Beastkin ancestry– and Trolls – born from Orcs.

Final group are Featherkin, who came from Zorya, the Sky Warrior, daughter of Vodyana and Ostaran, who replaced Zhemay in the pantheon after banishing him and DEMONS to Cyvsiet. Anyway, they are distinguished by their bodies being covered in – what a shock – feathers. The most common of them are Harpies, who live high in the mountains basically everywhere, and are an all-female Species.

Another thing that surprised me, is that – generally speaking – the Species of children are nearly always the same as their mother. The only outliers seem to be Barekin procreating among themselves and pure Faekin. All the other situations seem to uphold that rule for most of the time. Of course, there are always exceptions possible – albeit extremely rare. I wonder why that is – is it genetic? Magic? I may never know. Unless... Alchemist said they will visit me at some point – such know-it-all should be able to settle this discussion.

In any case, we arrived to the camp soon after Pola started talking to me about some of her… friends, who happen to be of different Kin. I am grateful for that, since she gave me so many spicy details I started feeling some tingling in my groin; her scent I could smell and her taste, still somewhat fresh in my mouth – not to mention a memory of our most intimate of connection – nearly made me push her down. Despite my exhaustion and better judgement. I get a feeling Lisitha is a bit disappointed, but even she has to agree to drop it – we are both just too tired. Still, I give her a quick peck to the cheek and promptly escape to my side of the cave – to the amused chuckle from Foxwoman – and lie down. I soon fall asleep.

-Honey, I’m home! – I say as I return home after successful – albeit tiring – day at work.

-Mom! Dad-mommy came home! -I am assaulted by a familiar, pleasant cacophony of high-pitched voices; shortly after I am assaulted physically by a bunch of smol gremlins, who tackle me enthusiastically. -Welcome home! What cool thing did you brought us this time?

I look down and playfully smile at my kids. -I’m not sure I have anything for you… -Gasps, theatrical in their exaltation escape mouths of small Foxkin, but their smiles and excitedly wagging tails betray their anticipation; it's all just a jest, we’ve done it many times before. -Have you been good little boys and girls?

-Yes, yes we were! -Answers a chorus in a seriously impressive disharmony and disunity.

-Well, if that’s the case… I have this! -I say as I put my hand in my pocket and pull out a small pet dragon, about the size of a large housecat – which elicits a cry of excitement from the little ones.

-Woah! That’s so cool! We should name him Stefan! No, he should have a more intimidating name – like ‘Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz’! -I chuckle at their chattering; suddenly, I look up, as certain fragrance reaches my nostrils, and certain sounds – my ears. I see Pola emerge from the bathroom – and I am immediately stunned. She’s gorgeous. She’s wearing a red and white, striped apron. And jewellery. Blue gems on her anklets and bracelets fit her sparkling, blue eyes. That's all.

-Welcome home, Darling! -She says and I feel a pleasant surge of electricity throughout my whole body. -Would you like to have a dinner, a bath… or me? -She finishes seductively.

All my neurons activate, my jaw drops and blood rushes to my lower regions with great gusto. -I brought dinner. -I say, showing a giant boar I brought with me. -So I’ll take you in the bath!

My statement solicits a radiant, lascivious smile from her. It’s too much for me and I drop the prey. I move, as if pulled by an invisible force towards her and I ravenously take her sweet lips. The same energy moves us through the house, until we stand naked in the bathroom – which is already filled with bubbles and, to my surprise, already occupied.

-I invited some friends. -Whispers Lisitha into my ear. -I know you wanted to meet them.

I look at the colourful group – mostly Beastkin, but there are also some other Species; majority are men, but quite a lot are women. Most of them are quite ripped; all are very attractive, both in looks and smell. I am overwhelmed by their combined presence. I can feel my mini-me twitching in anticipation. Our guests flex their muscles and pose, or just flaunt their bodies, in all their naked glory. I look around, since I have a feeling we are missing someone.


I can vaguely hear some sort of cry in the background; it sounds vaguely familiar, but not what I feel is missing. It gets my attention away from the feast of carnal passion before me. I close my eyes to better focus on the sound.


I can hear it better now, but my comprehension is still incomplete. I put a lot of effort into ignoring what is happening to my body, shutting down all other senses. I can feel… warmth… coursing through my body and soul, escaping. I concentrate even more – and it suddenly clears.”

“Kora! Wake the fuck up!”

I open my eyes, partially confused to see angry – and slightly panicked – Olka, holding bear’s skull, yelling at me. I rub my eyes, realising it was just a dream. But… just how much of that was a dream, really? Only the last part or the earlier too? Just thinking about the lake makes me blush shyly.

“Oi! Stop that! Look at me!” My musing is interrupted once again. I look at Lynxwoman with embarrassment, since it looks like I’ve been ignoring her. “You with me?” I nod. “Good. Now, turn the fucking temperature down!

I look at her dumbly, confused – until I finally notice she is sweating quite profusely and seems to be quite strained. I try to process what she is talking about and notice the heat I am releasing; it seems my Aura went out of control again – luckily, this time nothing burned. I quickly calm it and apologise.

“Finally!” Risitha exclaims with a sigh of relief. “You may come out!”

A splash brings my attention sideways. I look to the source of the sound and see Nugund and Pola, rising from the water.

“At last” says Wolfman and Foxwoman nods; she seems worried. “That heat was unbearable” he continues, as he looks me in the eyes. His sombre mood makes me stiffen; I feel guilty. I think he noticed and asks more softly “is this the first time something like this happened?”

I look down feeling awkward; the blush returns. “No” he sighs and I feel compelled to explain myself. “I… I’ve…” I swallow. “Both times it was because I’ve had a dream…” He quircks his eyebrow. “Ummm… The first time was my first night in the wilderness and I had a nightmare, where I was constrained – I couldn’t move my leg, nor hand, not even tail – and I HATED it immensely, so much I lost control and burned the tree I was sleeping on! This time…!” I cut my gish gallop shortly and blush, remembering what kind of dream I had this time.

“I think we all know what kind of dream you had tonight” says Pola and chuckles. Only now, to my growing dread and with flaring anxiety, do I notice I am naked – and a part of me is rock hard. I hastily cover myself, soliciting a laugh out of Foxwoman. Nugund only shakes his head and a long sigh leaves his mouth.

“That won’t do, young one” says the hunter fimly and I suddenly feel like a little girl, scolded by her father. “We will need to teach you how to properly control your Aura today” he narrows his eyes. “Unless you want to hurt yourself, or – for worse – someone else. But first” his tone softens. “Let’s eat!”

A lot of worldbuilding was made - but the dream sequence was the funniest thing to write! I hope you like it too!

And so, the last chapter of the year 2023 was released. I promised a summary of the year (well... two months, to be fair) So here we go, starting - unfortunately - with a bit of a bad news:

1.I teased that the first extra chapter might be released next week. While still possible (if I put more time into writing - and that is my plan for 2024), I highly doubt I'll be able to. The 'problem' is that I spent most of the time playing board games with my family & friends instaed of writing. So I decided to play it safe and postpone releasing the extra chapter. I'm sorry. orz

From now on are the good news and my plans ^_^

2.I'm absolutely amazed by how well received my story has been so far. Over 25k views is way more than I expected (about 10k seemed fantastic to me). And let me be clear - it's not because I didn't believe in success of 'The First Hellhound', but there are thousands of stories on this site and it is easy to get lost among them. Add to that over 400 favourites and over 200 Reading users and average rating of 4.3, out of 15 ratings! That's amazing! So once again, thank you very much for reading - and enjoying - my story! It gives me a lot of energy!

3.As I've written earlier, I plan to write more - about twice as much as now. It will allow me to refill a backlog (as of now, less than one chapter) and potentially be able to release twice a week, permanently. Wish me persistance!

4.I want to set up a Patreon and/or Ko-fi. While I plan to write a lot anyway, having more financial security would allow me to write even more. But I want to have a backlog of at least 5 chapters, so that my potential patrons would heve some benefits too.

5.Most importantly, I feel that publishing my own work, allowed me to look at the other stories with more of a fresh perspective. I can now see aspects I've never noticed in some stories I've read. Especially on this site. I think I'm now more open-minded and lenient towards others. Turns out that (coherent) writing - especially without editor and in a foreign language - is no small feat ^_^

6.Finally, I want to sart recommending some other stories I've read. It would be cool to be able to promote a story/chapter, but a story/month will do as well XP So here is the first recommendation: by aptly named wolfBrother, who you can often see in comments here! So far I've read only the first chapter (to be fair - it is divided into 4 parts, each one even longer than my own chapters) but it shows a great premise and I think you'll have fun with it. There's even a poll still active there, for about 24h! So go and vote (if you want)!

And as always: feel free to comment (especially if you notice some mistakes), favourite, rate... Peace!

Oh! I nearly forgot: a Happy New Year! ^_^

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