The First Strong

Chapter 2596 - Take a profit

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In the underwater city below the mysterious lake, Shen Lang has seen the situation of the phantom demon family, and it is obvious that the green and yellow are not connected.

At that time, it was felt that the demon king and the queen were far ahead of other demons, which were caused by talent and ruling demand.

But in fact, they are taking the pearl of the shadow!

Because there are too few pearls in the shadows, in the phantom demon family, only the devil and the queen, or cultivated to take over, are eligible.

Ordinary demon, or normal resource supply and cultivation.

There is also a problem with the Pearl of Shadows, that is, to fully absorb it, it takes a long time.

But this is not because it is slow, but because the energy is too great.

However, for the demon, the year and month are not a problem. There is no relationship between one year and one hundred years. If you can make rapid progress, one hundred years is worthwhile.

This is the same as the Emperor’s behemoth, their giant beast world, maybe a millennium can have a clear evolutionary mutation, followed by the time of the waves, it is really leaps and bounds.

From the memory of the phantom demon king, Shen Lang also knows a little, the contemporary phantom demon family, only two shadow beads. One is in the devil and the other is in the queen.

The one that the queen presented was the one he owned. It was very valuable to it, but it was still safe for the devil.

This has a problem, indicating that the shadow of this one, in fact, only a part of the energy, not the full state.

The demon and the human race are still different. Shen Lang does not know how much this can help him progress. At least he is okay at any time.

Now he has given him a clear goal. When the Phantom Devil is done, he must get the Shadow Pearl on him!

Since there is only a part, the shadow beads of the two parts will be together, and it should be better than one.

The emptiness of the devil is the collection that he presented before, but it is really no pearl of the shadow.

The purpose of it here is to see if there is a chance to get the shadow of the shadow from the forest of shadows.

After fully understanding the information, Shen Lang looked at the time.

He also made a time estimate for the battle of the two outer demons, and then converted it into the time in the space of the heavenly book.

The time to go out must be very precise.

If you go out too early, it is not a loss of both sides, just like the phantom demon king came out, and got himself into it.

If it is too late to go out, it may be a win, and if the benefits are gone, it will not be easy to search again.

Seeing that there is still time, Shen Lang will share the phantom demon and the magical magic of the illusionless magic to the cold autumn and the dog god!

For such a short period of time, even if you have the secret, it is impossible to learn and use it. But knowing all the conditions in all aspects, it is more convenient for them to fight again.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, there is no war. .

The dog **** and the cold autumn, originally in accordance with Shen Lang’s instructions, are studying and analyzing them, imagining the method of cracking.

Especially in the cold autumn, when I hit the imaginary demon several times, I was escaped. The taste was a bit uncomfortable.

Now they have a certain summary, coupled with the memory shared by Shen Lang, combined with the secrets of the secrets in memory, let them master the seven seven eight eight.

“The time is almost up, it is time for us to go out and clean up the mess!”

They have all been here, knowing the gap in this time, there are hundreds of times, and they have already rested enough and are ready.

At this moment, they are all in a state of flexing their hands. Listening to the orders of Shen Lang, they have long waited for their shots.

When Shen Lang took them out, they saw where they were before, a mess!

It’s just a mess, it’s totally different.

The land with a radius of 100 meters was originally lifted into the air by the phantom demon, and then smashed down. Now when they come out, they will see a big pit on the ground!

This pit is almost invisible, and the fog will pass through, and it will not be felt if it exceeds 100 meters.

But in light of the surrounding situation, it should be seen that the two demon kings are playing, this is a big pit they played!

Shen Lang three immediately flew directly.

Sure enough, the bottom of the next two hundred meters sensed the bottom of the pit, the phantom demon and the emptiness of the demon, all fell to the ground, fighting to the state of your life and death.

Let Shen Lang be a little bit sorrowful, the phantom demon king, still appearing his five senses; and the emptiness of the devil, but also his state of high and cold autumn.

It’s just that the imaginary demon and the phantom demon hard battle are no longer the size of a person, and they are as big as the phantom demon.

At this moment, these two great devils are like a pit at the side.

It can be seen that both sides are exhausted, but they still maintain a confrontation.

Shen Lang has already known their feudal relationship from the memory of both of them. But in terms of strength, the emptiness of the devil is stronger.

However, the imaginary devil itself was injured, especially by the toxins, the power has been greatly reduced, so the weaker phantom demon, hit the level of both losses.

What kind of confrontation they were, Shen Lang was not known, but as soon as they descended from the sky, they immediately shifted the attention of the two demon kings.

“How come you are back!”

The phantom demon king couldn’t help but scream.

Although it seems to be both bad, it is not poisoned, it is still energy-consuming, and it will still win.

As for the Shen Lang several, because it can not be traced, has gone far, it can only be a pity to give up.

However, it is a historic achievement for it to be able to kill the emptiness of the devil.

But this has not killed the other party, this group of people is back!

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am going to die, you can’t live!”

The emptiness of the demon king sent a smirk, and its current body, already visible outside, the toxin attack is very obvious.

They have reached this state already do not expect Shen Lang to unite with them, they are not the value of their own, that is, the time to die.

“What the **** are you guys!”

The Phantom Devil is a little desperate.

Shen Lang is waiting to come to a net to play, of course, will not be so much nonsense with them. – He has not forgotten that the devils are very sensitive to each other!

This means that in the distance, there may be a closeness of the emptiness of the demon, and the phantom queen in the Shadow Forest is also likely to be killed.

So you must make a quick decision!


Waiting for him to order, Gao Hanqiu has been unable to hold back.

Although it is a little bit out of victory now, the strength of the two devils can not be underestimated.

After all, he was guilty of eating in the imaginary demon, so the sword of the king first smashed to the emptiness!

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