The First Strong

Chapter 2597 - Cut up

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Shen Lang originally wanted to stop first, because he felt that the memory of receiving both of them before may not be comprehensive, not necessarily fake, but may lack part.

But the moment that Gao Hanqiu shot, he did not stop, because considering another situation, in case the demon king wants to blew himself to the same level.

Even if they are now self-destructive, they will not reach the level they are at the same time, but there may be shocks and injuries.

At that moment, Shen Lang was the whole spread of the realm of God, covering the entire bottom of the big pit.

He did not participate in the shots himself, but did a work of coordinating the overall situation. In case of any accident, he could respond in time.

When the dog **** came out of the sword in the cold autumn, he immediately shot.

However, its goal is also the virtual king!

This is not because they all choose a weaker illusion after poisoning. The cold autumn is for venting, while the dog **** is poisonous because of the emptiness, this state is suitable for it.

When it was halfway, both of them had already discovered this situation, but because the distance was short and the speed was very fast, it was too late to change.

Gao Hanqiu continued to maintain the fastest speed, even the body leaped over the past, with the sword of the king nailed the emptiness!

However, it is just such a sword. Originally, I wanted to slash it. After this sword, I have already had this sulking. Immediately as the body flashed, the sword of the king once again stabbed the other side of the phantom demon king.

At the same time, the dog **** has arrived, its body explodes quickly, and the big mouth directly bites the vain demon king, ready to swallow this emptiness.

Just like the emptiness of the demon king, there is almost no resistance, and the continuous play of the toxin has greatly affected it.

But the phantom demon king is not the same, it still has spare capacity, it is to wait to see how the illusionless king died, enjoy this more process, also monitor it, do not give it the opportunity to escape.

The reason why the same very weak state is maintained is to confuse the enemy and let the imaginary demon king not know its true strength clearly.

When they came over a few times, it had secretly reacted and was ready to leave quickly.

Shen Lang and others are enough to make it very important. Otherwise, it will not cooperate with the emptiness.

Now it is also very depleted, and it is not at all confronted. The only thing that can be done is to hide into the forest of shadows and escape by the advantage of the land.

When the cold autumn and the dog gods first choose to attack the imaginary demon, the phantom demon king is actually a bit complicated.

This is of course a good thing, it will not let it bear the brunt, but the other side first attacked the emptiness of the demon king, is it not a side note, even if the emptiness of the evil spirits is so deep, in their eyes, it is still more threatening than it?

It is because the Phantom Devil is weaker than the Void, and both of them are in such a state that it makes it more sensitive.

But the devil, it is still very sensible.

The best option at this time is to have to leave the scene quickly, rather than arrogant.

Besides, the emptiness of the demon is considered to be stronger, and it attracts the firepower of the other party, just to cover it by life.

It has escaped by itself, and the feud has been killed. Is there anything better than this?

So when the two of them turned to the emptiness, the phantom demon realized that its opportunity came, and the only chance!

It still does not explode all the power, so that they still maintain a weak appearance, in order to paralyze them.

Wait until the opportunity comes, and immediately go up at the fastest speed!

Its initial goal is very simple, as long as it rushes from here, and then goes to the nearby shadow forest. On the whole, the distance is not far away, only a little time can be done.

But when it just rushed out, it immediately found out that it was forced to be pressed by an invisible force!

This is all-round, pressing on it, pulling around, making it like being trapped in a quagmire, it is difficult to pull out the body.

Of course, this is only a little bit of time. It is not impossible to break through this restriction in its realm, even if it is now wounded.

Just waiting for it to go up, even if it can still be done, but it is still being pulled, it is difficult to disappear from the front.

This is the ban in the field of Shen Lang!

He has just displayed it to understand the situation around him. Any change can be known in the first place and the best response.

As a result, the first one encountered a phantom demon who wanted to leave, and Shen Lang immediately re-adjusted the strategy.

Although the realm of the gods still blocks the entire undercut, it has already focused on suppressing the phantom demon king who wants to get out.

Just the reaction of the devil, let Shen Lang know that it still has the power to escape, of course, the key care of it, not let it have the opportunity to escape.

Under the key observations of the field of God, let alone the devil’s expectation is getting looser and looser, that is, it has just broken through a bit, and now it has been crushed to death.

In the next moment, Gao Hanqiu has already hit the emptiness of the devil, and the reintegration of the sword comes to it.

This is also the phantom demon king can still see clearly, the actual situation on the scene, is almost a shadow.


The phantom demon king, very unwilling to shout out.

It is mad! This alien human race is what is against the sky.

If you surpass it in terms of illusion, it is understandable, perhaps the pointer from the emptiness.

But why can it be hard pressed against it now? That is unfortunate.

Unfortunately, no matter what its current reaction is can not change the fact that the sword of the king of the cold autumn has been directly penetrated into its body!

“Get it’s energy!”

Shen Lang quickly smashed the sentence of Gao Hanqiu. This is the devil of the demon. If you can meet the top-ranking strongman who can’t ask for it, it will be too wasteful. Although there are less than a few percent left, you can’t waste it.

And himself, under the control of the realm of God, took all the collections of the Phantom Devil King.

There is also a pearl of shadow!

Since it is still desperate, it may still be on the body.

There is one Shen Lang, but it has been used, and now it has been used again. The combination of the two can further gain.

In this case, the two shadow beads must be used by himself, and there is no more to give to the cold autumn and the dog god.

The dog **** is already swallowing the emptiness of the demon king, leaving the phantom demon king, so that the cold autumn absorbs all the energy, which is considered a distribution.

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