The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Carne part 4”


Oriana pov:
We watched as the warrior captain rode into the setting sun. Ainz had previously said that he "liked Gazef Stronoff's eyes," whatever that meant. But I suppose his eyes were different than those of the knights who attacked the village. Unlike Gazef, they tried to run away after realizing that victory was impossible. Gazef on the other hand stayed and even wanted to use his own life to bait the enemies away and save the villagers. That is very commendable and brave...
"But also foolish..."

Oh sure of course, he was the hero in shining armor who sacrificed his life for the common folk and was the trying to save them even on the expense of his own life. But that was very naive, his opponents were actively hunting him and using the villagers as a bait. They couldn't be so stupid and come unprepared against the strongest man of the kingdom. 

Come to think of it... Humanity has always been stupid, maybe the hunters really were thoughtless, uneducated idiots who couldn't even think of something so simple. But not even that could compete with Gazef itself. What does he think would happen if the strongest man in the kingdom died? I didn't know how big the consequences would be because I knew little about the kingdom. Therefore, I could not say with certainty what inner conflicts his death might trigger.

One thing, however, was crystal clear, and that was the response from other countries. The soldier I had interrogated had spoken about their goal to weaken the kingdom to enable the empire an easy takeover. Which meant he was irreplaceable for the kingdom right now. And still he threw it all away just to save a small village. He was naiver than a young child.

Again, I withdrew from my thoughts. It was about time, Gazef should reach them soon. Ainz and of course me wanted to see what the so-called strongest warrior in the kingdom could do. So, we both used a summoner-specific ability called [Shared Vision], which had the effect of showing us what our summons could see.

We both had a summon stationed near the field that would soon be a future battleground.

What followed was a great spectacle. Gazef used many unknown technics which did not exist in YGGDRASIL. But it was as I expected, even his will to fight could only last that long. Soon he was on the ground as just his man, the great warrior reduced to nothing more than a beaten dog, ready to be taken out. He stood up again but what good did that do? He had no strength left and would die regardless.

"It looks like it's time to switch", said Ainz he tock my hand the view changed and we teleported.


I looked at the magician unit in front of us, all of them wore the same equipment but it did not look like the typical magician robe it was more like an armor.

"Greetings gentlemen from the Slane Theocracy. I am Ainz Ooal Gown and the Lady behind me is Oriana Arvish di Valentine. But please call me Ainz."

"Lower life forms do not have the right to address me so casually, do not expect the same honor my friend has bestowed upon you", I said. 

It felt weird, previously the kingdoms knights had been disrespectful too, but it didn't bother me this much at that time. Now on the other hand I felt disgusted at the idea of this vermin calling me by my first name.

"I have some questions for you regarding your summons. Are they the result of a third-tier divine spell?", Ainz asked.

But the man didn't respond in fact he even dared to ignore the question and ask his own.

"Enough nonsense, where is..."

"Quiet, my friend is talking", I interrupted him firmly and let my aura run wild. 

The effect was similar to Ainz's aura of despair but not the same. My aura should not even influence him and still it did.

The cosmetic description of the ability in YGGDRASIL said ...the aura of the Primordial Vampire instantly compels any (Lesser Vampires) to change their allegiance. Normal (Vampires) in the pretense feel the need to bow and are unable to take part in a fight. Even (True Vampires) are unable to resist the authority completely and drawn to protect serve and respect the (Primordial Vampire). They are also greatly weakened in a fight against the pinnacle of their race.

Nowhere was mentioned that it had the same effect on humans but still... it did. That meant that my assumption was correct, this world worked different than in YGGDRASIL. 

"Let the angels attack them!", the now scared and rude idiot shouted.

[Blood Ray] my sixth-tier spell activated; beams of blood started to destroy every angel that came near us. Of course, I did not fear them, but I hated the thought of having to deal with another dress up event from the maids that would surely follow if my dress got dirty. After all the angels were destroyed, I nodded seemingly pleased. My inner peace did not last long as the unfriendly mortal drove away my good mood.

"That's not possible..." 


"Take this you Monster... [Holy Rain] "

"Die... [Fire Ball]"


[Holy Fire] 

[Lesser Evil] 

[Holy Light] 

They chanted but I just stood there confused and looked into the sky. Just now I felt a presence up there it was likely someone was spying on us, this person was likely from the theocracy. I shifted my attention back to my dress luckily it was not dirty.


A cry AGAIN interrupted my line of thoughts. It was a human with something that looked like a slingshot who tried to shoot at me. Annoyed I flicked my finger, and he exploded – blood splashed everywhere.

"Pr-principality of Observation! Attack!" 

The man ordered his much bigger summon to attack me. Which... was of course futile again. [Blood Spear] like the weaker angels before, this one crumbled as well.

"I-in just one hit."


"COMMANDER NIGUN WHAT SHOULD WE DO?", shouted the pathetic sheeps.

"I know, protect me if you want to life. I will summon an angel of the highest order.", the man called. Nigun declared and tock out a blue crystal.

Wait a moment, isn't that... a spell-sealing crystal? 

If an angel of the highest order was really sealed in this crystal I needed to fight seriously. Even Ainz who was quiet the whole time, became serious. I took out my scythe and made myself ready. Unfortunately, I already used my trump card on the first day in my room to find out if it still worked. But my normal build should be enough.

What really came out of the crystal... shocked me.

"Behold! The highest of the highest angel! Dominion Authority!" Nigun declared proud as if praising the seize of his dick.

I resisted the urge to bury my head in my hands and looked at Nigun as if asking him if that was a joke. Angel of the highest order? My ass, this angel was mid-tier at best. Behind me Ainz was mumbling something about becoming a standup comedian and Nigun?... Well, he was still talking shit.

"Yes, you should be proud to be disintegrated by an angel of the highest order. You truly are strong, and I personally would like to take you as a subordinate but unfortunately I am not able to do so, now perish... because nothing can stand against 7th tier spells and..."

[Red-Evening] I chanted, and everything turned red like a painting. After turning everything red, I consumed it, the color faded again like a sunset and with it, the angel, and the holy radiance it had emitted.

"W-WHAT" seemed to be what everyone was thinking but none of them made a sound.

"Magic that can even destroy Dominion Authority, who in god's name are you?"

"Haaaaaa..." I sighted and looked at the mortals who stood before me, they were trembling.

"What an excellent question... you should have asked it waaaaay earlier."

"But you didn't want to. You wanted to do anything but ask... Even though it is far too late for you I shall answer at least one of them.", I said.

My aura started to leave my body, it was so intense Nigun and his flock kneeled instantly. I pulled back my veil and gave them a mocking grin. The white of my teeth flashed in the darkness.

"I am the first vampire, the primordial one, also known as... mother of all vampires," I said, but it seemed as they had already fainted.

"You did quite the number on them Oriana." Ainz finally spoke up.

"They are as dishonorable as they are fearful, just scum, they deserved no better." I answered and shocked myself with this cruel reply.

"They will make a good information source, speaking of how we proceed?" I asked.

"I wanted to go to the city the village elder spoke about, to get more information and... well, get some air. Do you want to go with me?" asked Ainz.

"Thanks, but I have something different planned. I will visit this theocracy the one who was spying on us is most likely also from there. I will investigate and see what they are all about."

Ainz nodded "So you also noticed? Fine then, I presume we will see each other in Nazarik then. I will go ahead"

I focused on my gaze on the starry sky... Speaking of, I need to talk to somebody...


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