The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Talk with a Demon”


Demiurge pov:

Demiurge walked slowly down the large hallway. His black shoes clacked on the floor. He was wearing his usual suit with his red necktie just as his creator intended. Everything was as usual, except the gentle smile that could be seen on his face. It showed joy and satisfaction. 

The question was, what could make a tormentor of humanity, a sadist who enjoyed torturing people, an Arch Demon, smile? 

Well, the answer was quite simple, Demiurge had been summoned personally by the supreme being Lady Oriana herself. An honor that made the Arch Demon happy like a little child on his birthday. What could Lady Oriana need from him? 

He looked up and recognized the rich looking door which was the entrance to the supreme being's domicile. He inspected his immaculate clothes and nodded contentedly. He always paid a lot of attention to the condition of his clothes but before meeting on of his master's extra care was necessary. He knocked at the door and soon after a maid opened it. 

"I am expected.", he said. 

The maid bowed and made space for him to enter. What welcomed him was a large luxurious room. In one of the giant armchairs near the fireplace that housed a glowing red fire, sat his Lady. She was holding a book and glass with a red substance within it stood on a table next to her. 

She looked up, it seemed as if she had only just noticed him, but Demiurge knew about her keen hearing and that she had noticed his arrival probaly much earlier.

"Leave us", she ordered the maid who had stood beside the door, bowed and left the room quietly.

"Demiurge, it is good to see you, come and take a seat.", said his Lady pointing to the sofa opposite to her.

"Thank you, my Lady," he replied and took a seat (like a good boy, not like young Skywalker).

"The reason why I have summoned you here today is that I have a task for you before I will continue with my plan."

"As you have probably heard, Ainz is going to visit the Kingdom disguised as adventurer to collect information. He has offered me to join him, but I politely declined him."

"Why is that my Lady?", Demiurge asked, he could practically feel the wisdom of the woman in front of him."

"I have different plans. It's about ensuring that humanity is not a threat."

"How can these worms ever be a threat to us my Lady?", he asked confused.

"They pose a threat not only to us, but also to the planet. They are multiplying far too quickly for my liking. But the biggest problem is that they will invent very dangerous things. They will become dangerous if you give them time," his Lady replied.

"I want to keep them small, so they are not able to do as I said earlier.", his lady said and took a small sip from her glass.

"Very good, as expected, the blood of a female light elf does have a very unique and pleasant taste."

"Which blood do you like it the most, if I am allowed to ask, my Lady?", Demiurge asked curiously.

"Of course you can, I am not quite sure myself, but I think it depends on several factors. First, the most important thing seems to be the level. The knights which I have encountered in the village smelled disgusting. In the end I was only able to drain the blood out of them using my tentacle but even thinking about drinking it normaly spoils my appetite."

"In my opinion, the second most important thing is personal taste: after all, every race tastes different. And what is also important is the cleanliness of mind and body. If they were in pain all their lives, their blood would have to taste much worse than if they had lived a good life.", his Lady explained.

"But enough of that, I wanted to talk about something much more important. To solve our little problem, we just need to reduce their number. This prevents them from evolving and becoming too big to cause much trouble. Of course, I don't want to tarnish our own name, so I will create an organization or some kind of cult to serve as our world enemy."

"I want you to be part of that organization, one of seven leaders in fact. I will also send a replacement for me, so we are allready two the rest will be picket accordingly. Now all we have to do is cause a little chaos with this organisation every now and then and our problem will be solved.", his Lady explained.
"You are tasked with founding this mysterious organization. You are in charge when I am busy, but report to me if you do anything drastic. I will travel to this Slane theocracy to gather information about them. I want to make sure what this state of God is all about, after all, believers are one of the most dangerous thinkers there is. That's all. I will be leaving in 2 days, make sure you are ready by the time I get back.", Lady Oriana said.

"Fu fu fu, what a great and wise plan leave it to me my Lady." said Demiurge. He could already see what other, still unexplained thoughts his Lady had.

He left the room still thinking about the conversation and what wonderful things he had learned about Lady Oriana. Ultimately, it was a great honor and joy to learn more about the Supreme beings. And what made him even more happy was the task he had been appointed with. But still what Lady Oriana had revealed about her personal taste... Maybe he could incorporate this into the idea he had for a while.

And he already had the right name for this project: The "happy farm" – a place where he would not only make scrolls from the skin of these "animals" (Humans), but also breed them to create better farm animals to restock Nazariks recourses. One part of the farm could be used to breed perfect specimens that Lady Oriana would feed on. He just had to respect Lady Oriana's preferences. And with a new Idea in mind the Arch Demon made his way to the seventh floor.


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