The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“The departure”


Oriana pov:

I watched as Demiurge left my private room, at the same time my maid who seemed to have waited in front of the door, stepped back in. With her was another woman who I instantly recognized. It was Mariana a vampire NPC, she was neither a created NPC nor a mercenary NPC. I had gained her during a limited event, and she was around level 80 which gave her the power level of a normal mercenary NPC. Mariana came towards me while the maid positioned herself in the background to wait for further orders.

"My Lady you have asked for me, how can I please you?", she said and instantly bowed.

Very strange, because I did not create her, for this reason she should not have a flavor text. But even without that she still acts respectful and submissive towards me. Is this how the devs have codded her or is it because of my status as Primordial Vampire? 

"I have called you because I want you to join me on my outside adventure and we still have much to talk about." I hastened to say after realizing I had forgotten to answer.

"As you wish, my Lady", she responded and kneeled to the floor.

"The most important things first, we will be leaving in 2 days until then I expect you to prepare some things for the trip. A good disguise for staying undetected will be crucial, I don't want anybody to find out that we are vampires they seemed to be looked down upon, especially in the theocracy, where we will go.

"I understand, Lady Oriana.", Mariana responded and started writing on a notepad. God knows where she pulled it out from.

"We will be traveling by carriage, of course we want to raise as little attention as possible. Because of that we will take some servants with us. Just two people on a trip through the country is too suspicious."

"Your knowledge knows no bounds, my Lady.", Mariana praised me and scribbled something on her notepad again.

"Ehhm yes... I appreciate you trust in me.", I replied a little embarrassed to her high praise.

"To come back on topic... If someone gets too interested in us, we will pose as merchants and use our high profile as cover. You will also be responsible for gathering information as soon as we arrive in town."

"But My Lady who will help you with your personal need if I, as your most faithful servant, am not there to help you? It would not appropriate for a woman of your status to take care of herself. I believe I am the best suited for that task.", she replied enthusiastically.

"As I said earlier, we will take some servants with us. But if you really want to pose as my personal maid, I think that is acceptable as well."

"Thank you, My Lady, you are to kind to me.", Mariana replied and tried to bow down even more.
"Well, well, now hush and leave me, I have other things to attend to. I expect you to be ready in two days. Prepare everything you need including your outfit. We will meet at the entrance of the tomb."
"As you wish My Lady, I will not disappoint you.", Mariana said, and I watched her as she left my room." 

Now for the unpleasant part... I still must choose a travel wardrobe.
Ainz pov:

"Sigh" Ainz sighted without a lung and looked in front of him, the pile of papers on his desk seemed endless. It didn't matter how many of them he went through, whether he agreed or rejected the suggestions on the documents. It just would not end. Fortunately, it would no longer be his concern. He had convinced the guardians to let him, and Oriana go for a reconnaissance mission to personally assess the situation in the new world. 

Originally, he wanted Oriana to accompany him, but it seemed the Vampire had something else planned. He chuckled; Ash always was like this. When there was a problem, he was most of the time too prideful to let somebody help him. Ash would sometimes try to solve the problem by himself even though teamwork was much more appropriate in such a situation. But if his friends were in danger, he would do everything he could to help them.

His non-existent brain switched to "overload" (Yang would be proud) when he laid eyes on his arch nemesis again. The top sheet of paper immediately caught his eye. He picked it up and scanned it quickly through. It was from Demiurge, the content seemed to be something about a project to restock Nazarik's recourses. He remembered his concerns about that topic. Although Nazarik was rich on resources, they could not waste any of them because since they weren't in YGGDRASIL anymore, getting replacements was difficult.

But maybe Demiurge had found a solution to solve that problem. Without hesitation, Ainz reached for the stamp and marked the document to show his approval. If the demon was really successful in his endeavour, Nazarik would have one less problem to deal with. He put the document on the "processed" pile and took the next one.

Just a little more and I can get out of here.


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