The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“In mind”


Oriana pov

The connection to Ainz was severed, and she sighed deeply. Sebas' betrayal was disturbing, but she didn't have the time to deal with it at the moment. She also had complete trust in Ainz and his rather paranoid tendencies; if he gave the green light, it was usually okay. The fact that she didn't have the time to help him at the moment weighed much more heavily on her than that, but this operation was far more important than a bundle of emotions; after all, the preparations for the invasion had been underway for months, which would make it a waste to give them up.

That gave her an idea...She closed her eyes and concentrated, then she saw them—connections that only she could see, stretching from her in all possible directions. Some were more familiar than others, but one in particular stood out. She was bigger than all the others and had that familiar feeling.

It was her own.

Her doll, which she had created specifically to serve as a figurehead for the organization, and soon she would make her first appearance and demonstrate to the world the danger of the Sin Council. She followed the connection until she felt her spirit solidify in the doll, but she decided not to take over the shell for the time being. After all, she had created the doll's spirit for a reason. She opened her mind, looked through Elizabeth's eyes, and tried to feel her emotions.

Joy. That was the first thing she felt—almost innocent and so pure that she could have thought it came from a child who had just bought ice cream. But of course she knew the truth: when creating Elisabeth's personality, she had tried her best to turn her into a heartless monster who liked nothing more than to see people suffer.

But not in the same way that Demiurge enjoyed it. Where the demon saw people as guinea pigs, a plague, and a recourse, Elisabeth saw them as toys for her pastime. Like a small child who just realized for the first time her supposed strength in destroying a sandcastle or setting some ants on fire. To them, it was nothing more than fun, no matter how cruel it seemed. But that made her perfect to lead the organization. Two opposite things usually seemed unnatural when they came together, and unnaturalness caused fear. Of course, a child who killed for a kick was particularly unnatural and frightening.


It seemed as if the main character was ready for her big appearance. Of course, Demiurge also had a big role, but he was competent enough to get along on his own. A quick look through Elisabeth's eyes confirmed that everything was fine and that she was still in one of the many hiding places that she had created in advance. Soon she would move out to see death and despair, a pretty cruel thought when she thought about it, but she didn't mind that. People were dying every day, and soon some more would die. Who cared?

Compassion was a lie, an illusion that people indulged in to show their support because they were afraid the same thing would happen to them or because it had happened to them. It was a luxury that they would give up as soon as they were no longer able to enjoy it. Even compassion that was born out of this very need for help, like a poor farmer who helped his poor neighbor after a bad harvest because he hoped for the same thing in return in a bad year, was a lie. The silent agreement would end the moment one no longer had the luxury of helping the other, which would lead at least one of them to kill the other in order to obtain the recourse they needed to support their own family.

However, that didn't matter anymore; she pulled her mind back into her own body and opened her eyes. After she had confirmed that her doll was ready for the coming invasion, only one thing was missing. A much smaller but still large connection compared to the others brought the answer. Felix, the young man she had recently transformed, was a rather interesting specimen when you thought about it. He was her first successful experiment where she used her blood to create a vampire out of a living person.

Of course, in YGGDRASIL she also had the opportunity to create vampires with her blood, but there she was only able to create them from corpses. Who would have thought that a line from vampire lore that said vampires could transform people with their blood did exactly that in the new world? This was particularly interesting considering that this method didn't cost her any levels, so she didn't have to worry about anyone catching her weakened. 

The strength of the vampire transformed by her blood depended solely on his previous level as a human and the time he spent as a vampire, although she suspected that there was a limit to the strength they could achieve. 

The only reason Felix had become level 24 out of nowhere was probably because she had personally transformed him. Technically speaking, she had turned a nobody into someone who, with the right equipment, could probably defeat Gazef Stronoff, the strongest man in the kingdom. However, this wasn't much of an achievement; the lower vampire servants she was able to create far surpassed Felix's strength. The last glimmer of hope was the fact that he had a mind that could think independently of her and that he seemed to be able to level up.

The knowledge about it was definitely useful, and she had already decided to experiment further with it. Maybe there was more time for that after they finished invading the kingdom. Anyway, she had planned to let the organization shut down a bit afterwards so that she had time to travel the world a little. Maybe the Dragon Kingdom or the Empire? It wasn't decided yet, but definitely to the east; there were so many interesting things there. It was completely different in the west, where there was only the kingdom and later the sea.

She broke out of her thoughts and focused on the connection again. In contrast to her doll, she didn't feel the possibility of transferring her spirit here, but that was to be expected since she hadn't created Felix with her [blood puppet] skill. Despite this, he was still created by her blood, giving her some degree of control over him. She felt that she could communicate with him, influence him, look into his head, completely control him, or even destroy him if she wanted to. It wasn't like Elisabeth, and it felt more like you were controlling a drone than an actual body, but it was very similar.

One thought was enough, and she could feel how she was connecting directly with his mind. She could see through his eyes, she could hear through his ears, and even his thoughts were not hidden from her. Everything about him was under her control. 

Very good.

She took a deep breath, extended the connection, and gave her command.

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