The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“The first act”

Third-person pov

A group of strange-looking figures stood around each other in a dark room. They were all very different, but they had one thing in common: their strength. If a normal citizen had entered here, he would certainly have been overwhelmed by the aura of strength, and although they were all different, both in strength in their appearance and in their race, there were no disputes between them. The reason for this was that they had nothing to disagree on; after all, they all had the same goal

or the same orders.

Who could gather such powerful beings under their command? The answer was simple: only the noblest of all beings, the supreme beings, were able to do this. And despite the unity, dissatisfaction was present in everyone and was directed not at their colleagues but at those outside this room.

"How dare they?" spoke one of the silhouettes.

"We should destroy them," offered another.

"That would be too easy; they have to pay for their sin with their bodies," a short figure interrupted.

"I-I think so too," agreed another hesitantly

"Enough; we have our orders. I'm just as mad as you are that the eight fingers decided to insult our masters, but this operation has been planned for a long time anyway. I have no problem adding a few parts if that means that We can fulfill our duty and at the same time teach these imps a lesson. The most important thing is not to disappoint our masters," recited one of the silhouettes as he stepped into the light. He was slim, but his muscles stood out under his tailored red tailored suit.

"I have been given complete control over this operation, including resources and troops. I hope that is not a problem." The red-clad man said with a grin.

"Of course not, Demiurge," agreed a black-clad old gentelman.

"Very good, Sebas. I hope you also see that Tuares life comes second; first comes the operation, and then it's about defending the reputation and honor of our masters." Demiugre said with a viscous grin.

"Of course that makes sense to me," Sebas agreed.

"You would probably be the best person to rescue her; we will take care of the rest in the meantime don't worry obout it." The red-clad one suggested it, to which Sebas just nodded and slowly left the room.

"Now for the rest, I've already divided you all into groups. As for you, Felix, it would probably be good if you went with Mare and Entoma since their team is understaffed." Demiurge ordered

"As you wish, Lord Demiurge," Felix replied.

"After you have looted the bases and secured the VIPs, I want all groups except the Pleiades and you Felix to retreat to Nazarik; I need you for the final act." Demiurge clarified ominously.

"And before we get started, one more thing... Entoma, if you would." 

"That person," said Demiurge, pointing to the illusion Entoma had conjured up: "Will not be killed under any circumstances; of course you can hurt him, but everything else is taboo; this especially applies to you, Shalltear."

"Fine, fine," Whined Shalltear. "I will not do such a thing; are you happy now?"

"Very good," said Demiurge, ignoring her last comment. 

"Then let's get started."


Felix pov

They showed up in front of the large mansion they were supposed to invade that evening. Lord Mare led their small group consisting of Entoma Him and some lesser undead to help them with the lugage. There really weren't many of them, but since, according to his mistress, Lord Mare could destroy the entire kingdom if he wanted to, he wasn't too worried.

This villa... According to his information, it was one of the preferred houses for Hilma Cygnaeus, the leader of the eight-finger drug division. He gritted his teeth and moved forward. Today he would finally get justice, and today he would finally make them pay... for his sister.

Lord Mare drew his cane and cast a spell. 


It was a spell that caused all sound to be eliminated, so it was often used in conjunction with invisibility. He drew his sword and also prepared himself for battle. A quick glance to the side confirmed that Entoma was also doing something like that, but she didn't pull out a weapon; she just fiddled with her neck, which made him ignore her.

However, all preparations for battle seemed unnecessary. Lord Mare's next spell caused dense tendrils to grow out of the ground and quickly overgrow the entire property. The walls and windows were all overgrown; only the door remained free, and they stood in front of it so that no one could escape.

Lord Mare quickly opened the door and slipped in with Entoma. After a short hesitation, he followed them. As soon as he got through the door, he saw a wild sight: several motionless men were lying on the floor; some of them had bloody wounds on their heads, as if someone had hit them with a stick. Others were consumed by flesh-eating flies, and one was even missing an arm. He didn't have to look long for who was responsible for the missing limb; after all, the maid had one of the missing arms in her hand and had apparently forgotten about it.

While Lord Mare ignored the corpses and most of the enemies and preferred to climb the large stairs, Entoma was more interested in killing the guards and retrieving their corpses. Some of the insects she had summoned were ready to drag them past him and into the open. He sighed; apparently there wasn't much left for him to do. A shame, he thought as he raised his sword to stab one of the guards in the heart. He had already prepared himself very strongly for this fight.

Another man rushed towards him; he struck and caught the heavy arm of his attacker, who promptly dropped his weapon and screamed in pain. He slipped past him smoothly, positioned himself behind the man, and sank his teeth into his large neck. His opponent fought violently, but with every gulp, he felt the man's movements become weaker, and he sank more and more into his grasp.

Haaaaah, he sighed in relief and threw the body onto the beautiful marble floor. He hadn't drunk for a long time because he didn't want to attract too much attention in the city, but now it didn't matter anyway. Strangely enough, he could go a long time without blood, and he probably would have lasted a little longer, but it was still a relief. It was just to easy.


Screams from the stairs alerted him. A glance showed that it was a woman; her leg was sticking out at a strange angle, which was probably the reason for the ruckus. So that was Hilma, the leader of the drug department, which meant they had basically done everything they had to do. Unfortunately, he had little time to examine her as Lord Mare pulled her across the floor and past him at a remarkable speed.

"I'll take her with me and I'll leave the rest to you," he said in an unusually firm voice.

"Understood," Entoma said.

"As you wish," he offered.


It had become strangely quiet, and even if that had also been the case before due to the [silence] magic, the absence of the Hecktig and fighting underlined it much more than any spell could ever have.

"We should get to work disposing of the bodies and looting the property." He broke the silence, but Entoma only tilted her head in anticipation.


"Are you still eating it? Entoma asked sweetly, finally breaking her silence asswell, and pointed to the corpse lying on the floor.

"No, you can have it," he sighed, and went to look through the rest of the property. The opponents were already defeated and all that was left was to clean up.

It was really too easy


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