The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL



Felix pov:

The sun went slowly down at the horizon and colored the landscape golden yellow with it's beautiful light. An event which he would normally have enjoyed, but today was not normal. He was neither in the right position nor the right mind to savor this show of nature. He shifted uncomfortable and tried to regain a better position but the little space he had been granted was not enough for that.

His hands were cleaning the bars of the cage, and he gritted his teeth. His anger began to build up and he gave his tormentors a hateful look, as if he wanted to burn them with his gaze. He wanted to hurt them, torture each of them into insanity and make sure they would regret every life choice they made, but he knew better. Not only were they taller than him, but he also felt very weak, probably due to his lack of food, sleep, and the constant beatings he had to endure.

The reason he found himself in this situation was because of his parents, whose addiction to black dust, a drug common in the kingdom, had made their financial situation even worse than before. To the point where not only had they amassed a huge mountain of debt to the kingdom's most famous crime syndicate, the 8 Fingers, but they were also forced to sell him and his younger sister.

Since her birth, his sister was the only person in this world he truly cared about. His parents were terrible people even without drugs and only stayed together because it was more convenient for them. They had never wanted children and he and his sister had only been conceived by accident. He had always tried to be the best big brother he could be, by taking his parents' beatings, when he had to give her some of his food or comfort her whenever he could.

And now she was dead. 

After their parents handed them over to the criminal organization to pay off their debts, he lost the last bit of love he had for his "parents". He had really hit rock bottom... well, that's what he had thought. It seemed like no matter how much you lost, you could always lose more. Less than two days after their capture, his sister was raped for the first time by her captors. But that wasn't the end, it repeated itself over and over again.

His sister had stopped crying and became quiet and empty. Her eyes began to look hollow and she stopped speaking altogether. The last straw that broke the camel's back was a few days ago. After another round with her tormentors, she had found a small shard, probably from one of the many bottles the thugs had left behind. Without hesitation, she pushed the piece into her artery. He had held her hand as she collapsed in the cage next to him. A smile crossed her face and she whispered something to him.

I am sorry...

The assholes hadn't cared about her death. The only reason they were worried was because she was "technically" property of the organization. Nightmares began to invade his mind day and night. He heard her crying, begging and screaming, it just wouldn't go away. Until one night he was woken up again in the middle of the night. He listened into the darkness and sure enough there was something there. It seemed to be the sound of a cart or carriage, and after turning as best he could in his cage, he could see a light that looked like a lantern attached to a carriage seat.

The carriage stopped just before the camp, that of course caught the attention of the bandits and they started to surround their new prey. After a few moments the door opened, and a beauty emerged that this world had not seen before. Her pale skin was shining in the dark as where her blood red eyes. He was afraid for her safety because he didn't want to experience what had happened to his sister again.

His greatest fear seemed to repeat itself when the bandits started talking about selling her. Some even wanted to rape her, but his fears proved unfounded as the lady started walking towards the cages and any person who tried to attack or escape exploded. Soon it reached him and his fellow prisoners, an unknown force destroyed the locks, but he couldn't move.

He was scared. Anyone would be scared if they witnessed this massacre, but... He was also happy. Something inside him was just grateful, but also wished that it was him who could tear them apart. Too late he noticed that the lady who was now standing in front of him had asked a question. 

"I-I want to live.", he replied hastily.

"I can see it in your eyes, you want revenge, am I right?", the Lady asked.

"Yes.", he answered with determination. If he truly would be given that chance, he would take it.
The sharp nails of the pale woman pierced her beautiful hand and blood started to drip onto the ground in front of him.

"Then drink child and be reborn once more. Take this cursed hand for, it will bring you your revenge. Follow it, serve it, because it will be your new purpose. You will not be the same as before, stronger, better, humans might hate us, curse us. That may be true but in exchange you will become immortal. Betray me and you will suffer for eternity. Stay loyal and you will strive.", she said and he drunk without hesitation.


His nails started to fall out.

It hurt.

His heart started to slow down.

"He was dying.", he thought. 

"What have you gotten yourself into?", it was almost like he heard a voice speak to him.

"Why?", the voice asked. 

His hair also fell out, too.

"Why?", the voice asked again, sounding even angrier.

"Revenge." he thought

His teeth falling out to.

"Is that truly worth it?" the voice asked


His eyes began to bleed.

"Give up!" the voice demanded

"No." he resonded weakly


"No... I still must do something...", he answered but he could not remember what it was. The pain was to strong.

"Is it worth that much pain?" the Voice asked

"Haaaaa", he wanted to give up, his mind felt fussy.

Give up.", the voice demanded again, and he started to slowly close his eyes.

"Brother.", he heard a female voice calling him softly.


"Thats right, his sister..." 

"Sister?" the voice asked confused.

"Yes!" he replied


"Yes, I wanted revenge.", he thought and remembered the faces of the men who had hurt her.

"Allright.", the voice declared.

The pain started to fade.

He could feal his nails regrowing.

"Stronger and Better." he noticed as they dug into the iron bars, which he was still holding on to convulsively.

His hands touched his head.

"Silky and pleasant.", he thought as he stroked his regrown hair.

"His rapidly beating heart began to stutter. 

"So cold.", he noted.

"Strength.", he could feel it.

"Light.", he thought, he felt so weightless.

"Bump. Bump."

His slow-beating heart became even slower.

The inside of his mouth hurt like hell as his new teeth grew.

"Bump. Bump."




Even Slower.


His heart stuttered...

"Bump." last powerful pump and his heart stopped beating.

He opened his crimson eyes and saw the world in a new light.


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