The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“The connection”


Felix pov:

Felix sat on one of the padded seats in the now moving carriage. They had resumed their journey a few hours ago and although he already had plenty of opportunities to speak to the woman sitting in front of him, he didn't really know what to say. The things that had happened to him in the last few hours should have been traumatizing. That did of course not include the death of the monsters, that had tortured his sister. He would have enjoyed what he had done to them after waking up anyway.

What had happened to him was another matter. He felt so much stronger like he could just rip a man's spine out. His reflexes had increased, and he could see at night like he could during the day, and that was just the beginning of his newfound strength. Emotionally he felt also different. He felt like everyone was prey and he was the predator a thought which had scared him. Who was this person who could turn him into what he was now with just a little of their blood?

He tried to glance at her unobtrusively, but her blood-red eyes met his. He got goose bumps and almost jumped back. It was like an instinct that guided him. Just as he had begun to look down on the weaker ones. It seemed as if he had also instinctively learnt to listen to those who were stronger than him, but...

It's not just her strength that intimidates me.

"Are you feeling different my boy?", the woman asked, and he nodded with his head.

"That is to be expected, after all you are not human anymore. But I think you already figured that out." She said and put aside the book she had been reading.

He did not speak, it felt wrong to interrupt her. The woman blinked and made a confused face.

"Oh yes, that is right you can speak young one."

"Thank you, I... I just wanted to ask who you are?"

"I am Oriana Arvish di Valentine, the first vampire and the greatest threat to humanity."

"Threat to humanity?" Felix asked confused and with a little bit of fear inside him.

"Calm yourself, you are no longer a part of the human race, you are now a vampire.", she said, and Felix nodded. That confirmed his suspicion.

"I have heard stories about strong vampires. Like the Vampire Lord Lanfall who destroyed an entire country, but your name wasn't mentioned in any of these stories. Does this mean you have only recently awakened, My Lady?", he asked.

"Mmmm, something like that." she said and started to twirl her hair.

" Speaking of which: where are we going, Master?"

"Our target is the Slane theocracy, or more precise their capital." she answered.

To say he was confused was an understatement. First, he was miraculously saved from his imprisonment. After that he was transformed into a Vampire, was able to take revenge on some of the men who remained and now he was sitting with the same woman that arranged all of this in a carriage who happily talked with him. 

The most important thing was... why is she sharing all this information with me. Sure, some things where pretty harmless but to announce the theocracy as her travel goal. She was a Vampire, an undead the enemy of mankind, she herself had confirmed that. Because of that it was very dangerous to openly state her intentions. He thought and looked up again.

"You are probably asking yourself why I reveal so much about myself and my intention, right?" She asked and crossed her legs.

What was that? Can she read my mind? He thought, his inner self in turmoil.

"Although I can read your mind, I don't have to. Your facial expression alone tells me enough to guess the rest.", she answered to his unspoken question.

"To come back to your original question... Do you not feel it?"

"What?", he asked feeling confused.

"You should be wary in my presence, am I right? this is your inner Vampire or instinct. You instinctively know I am stronger and above you in the natural order. Because of this your body refuses to act against me in any way.", she explained.

"And what about the connection you talked about?", he asked interested.

"So, you still don't feel it. Well, you were transformed by my blood, which of course means that a part of me is inside you. For this reason, I am also able to read your thoughts. I could even take over your mind and control you like a puppet. But rest assured I have no such desire if I would have wanted a mindless beast, I could have just created a vampire out of your corpse.", his new mistress said and turned away from him.

"Master?", he said and looked at her questioningly.

"It seems we have almost reached the border.", Lady Oriana answered and pointed out of the window.

As she had said, he discovered the end of the barren desert through his superhuman vision.

"But since our destination is the capital, it will probably take more days until we arrive. Let's use the time productively. You could tell me more about the kingdom and the theocracy or try to better understand your new abilities.", his Lady suggested and opened the book that she had put aside again.

"Of course, Master", he said and closed his eyes to concentrate.

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