The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Kami Miyako”


Ainz pov

Ainz sat alone on a chair in his room that he had recently rented. His body, which was otherwise covered in robes, was protected by black full-plate armor and an equally black helmet lay on the table next to him. A rather unsuitable outfit for a magic caster, some would even call it inappropriate but this outfit was part of his cover, hiding his identity to gather information.
That's what he told the NPCs. He just wanted to take a break from doing paperwork and go on some adventures, but of course he could never put it that way. He was the overlord of Nazarik, their boss, and according to the NPCs, a wise man. He had come to this city two weeks ago and a lot had happened in that short time.

He had gotten into a bar fight, agreed to escort a young healer to the village of Carne, and along the way he had tamed a giant hamster, said to be a legendary animal. And if that wasn't enough, the boy he had brought safely back to the city after completing the mission was kidnapped by a cult called Suranon to be used for one of their dark rituals. Which led to him having to fight through a huge horde of undead in the cemetery where the masterminds were hiding to rescue the boy.

At least his strength was recognized, and he was promoted to the Mithril rank, which made it easier to get information. Originally, he wanted to travel with Oriana and have adventures together like the old times but the well-being of Nazarik came first and she had been determined to investigate any hidden danger that might threaten them. For that that reason she had gone alone with just three guards to collect information in the slane Theocracy.

"Speaking of, she should have already reached the capital by now."

Ainz sensed some magic inside the room alarmed he jumped back and looked behind him. A red mist began to form in the air it condensed and soon formed the shape of a woman. Although the woman looked more like a red ghost than a physical being. Ainz visibly relaxed after recognizing her.

"Oriana, it's nice to see you.", he said and sat down.

"It's nice to see you too Ainz, how are things going?", the red projection asked.

"Messy, that's for sure it feels like having done 10 escort quests in a row. Sure, it was fun, but I am really exhausted now.", he answered.

"Well, that's a new way to say that your lazy, we are undead after all, we don't feel exhaustion.", she replied and smiled mockingly at him.

"It's not physical, it's mental, and you know it.", he cried out and looked at her offended. (he tried)

"I am just joking.", she said, and her face instantly changed more serious.

Seeing her change in mood he also became serious "So? What have you learned?", he asked interested and leaned forward in his chair.

"Nothing that important so far. The slane theocracy is led by six cardinals. Each of these cardinals appears to represent one of the six gods. Even though the religion is widespread, the religion of the six gods is only practiced in Slane. All others usually only worship four of the six who represent the basic elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. The only really noteworthy thing I found out is that the six gods were most likely players." Oriana said, finishing her lecture.

"That's interesting why do you think that?", he asked curious.

"The cardinals have been talking about a divine artifact that they want to use to control some dragon. If we consider that they also had a seal crystal, it is reasonable to assume that they have or had some connection to players. They also talked about something called 'godkin'. Since they talked about 'how the bloodline of the gods flows inside them', we believe them to be descendants of the gods.", she said.

"That sounds interesting, please continue researching Oriana." 

"Of course, I want to try to sneak inside the treasury and look for more clues about the so-called gods. Now seems to be the perfect moment anyway." 

"Why is that?", he asked curiously.

"The support of theocracy, its six scriptures are all discarded at the moment. The sunlight scripture was killed by us. The windflower scripture is currently hunting a traitor named Clementine the... " 

"What Clementine...?", he exclaimed in surprise.

"You know her?", his friend asked interested.

"Yes, a woman who kidnapped the young man who hired me. She was wrong in her head that I am sure of... Well, that is not important right now, sorry for interrupting you, please continue Oriana.", he apologized.

"Well, where was I? ...Ahh yes. The Clearwater Scripture is an espionage unit and therefore rarely travels around the city. The Holocaust Scripture is currently repelling the elven invasion and the Black Scripture is preparing to move out, as just mentioned, to prevent the resurrection of a dragon lord. For this reason, I will use the chance to break into the treasury.", Oriana replied.

"It seems we are really lucky." 

"That's true, Well, it was good to see you again Ainz but I have to hang up now, this plan requires my full attention. See you soon and say hello to Narberal for me when you see her", Oriana said.

"Yes, I will do that, good luck with your endeavors" he said, the projection smiled at him and began to disintegrate. The fog cleared and he stared at the now empty room.

I should try harder too, he thought and left the room after putting on his helmet again.

Oriana pov

I sighed and leaned on the comfortable sofa, it had been over a week since I arrived in the city and since then things had begun to get interesting. The Slane theocracy was according to my information the most advanced human nation. This might have something to do with the past influence of the gods, the items they left behind or even their bloodline, but in my opinion it was also religion.

Religion was not only a spiritual support, but above all a weapon. With the tool of believe it was easy to control the crowds and because of that it was not to be underestimated. I was not going to become arrogant just because it was almost impossible for these humans to harm me and although the most important type of power is physical power, being careful was always the better move.
I sensed a movement besides me, after I turned my head around I could see a Hanzo kneeling on the ground.

"Lady Oriana, I am back from the mission you entrusted me with.", the Hanzo exclaimed.

"And?" I asked interested.

"I was able to locate the treasury but as you suspected it is heavily guarded" The Hanzo replied.

"Mhhhh, and How many opponents can we expect?" I asked.

"Only one but she is very strong for a new worlder, I alone would not be enough, she must be a godkin, My Lady." 

"Has this godkin a name?" 

"I am not completely sure, but her appearance suggests that it is Zesshi Zetsumei, she is the extra seat of the black scripture and the most important weapon of the theocracy.", he stated.

"Isn't that interesting? we should soon visit the treasury but first tell me everthing you know about that 'Zesshi Zetsumei'.


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