The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“The Organisation”


Zesshi Zetsumei pov

Her steps echoed through the big hall as usual, the hall she had been protecting from intruders for as long as she knew. It was a very important task. She knew that, but it was also tiering. For decades there had been no one who came even close to entering this place and even though she was the extra seat of the black scripture the only time where she was allowed to go outside was to beat some sense into the newborn godkind, to break their arrogance and show them the difference in strength. 

According to the cardinals there where several reasons for her ban to go outside. The most important one was the fear of the dragon lords, they hunted down anything that was connected to players and since she was a descended from the great gods, she was obviously a target. 

Just let them come, she thought and stroked her hair. Anything was better than staying in this prison.

Yes, it was a prison. Sure, she could go whenever she wanted but something was holding her here. A promise to her mother, to kill the elf king who had raped her. Since she could not kill this bastard alone it was also not possible for her to leave still... The war with the elves had been going on for a long time and there was no imminent end in sight. She really hoped it would be over soon, so she could leave this place and finally do what she wanted.





She heard steps coming closer to her, that was nothing too unusual persei but... she could feel it, the force, the power behind them. There was no one in the theocracy who had ever made her feel that way. She got exited in her long years of protecting this place she had never been so happy. 

Finally, something new, she thought and turned around.

Two hooded figures immediately caught her eye. One figure was far larger than the other and towered over her by almost half the length of her body. Despite the difference in size, the larger figure behaved almost deferentially and walked almost a meter behind the smaller one. Both wore bone-white masks which covered their whole faces and the capes they used to hide their bodies dragged across the floor. The masks had red slit like eyes and the mouth was painted like a mouth filled with sharp teeth and red ran down the cheeks so that it looked like the masks where crying blood. 

The smaller of the two galloped like a small child imitating a "horse." At the same time the figure happily whistled a tune and trotted towards Zesshi. After a short period of time both figures stopped in front of her. The ridiculousness of the situation was hard to beat, she had been guarding this place for decades and the first person to enter was this strange duo. The only thing that kept her from laughing was the power that she could feel from that small person. She made her scythe ready and prepared for the worst.

~Heeellooooo~, the small person shouted. 

She sounds like a little girl barely 10 years old, Zesshi thought.

The smaller person walked towards her, making her gripp her scythe even harder. She was ready to swing but the child made a sharp curve around her seemingly studying her. 

~Heeeeeh, it seems our information was correct, she's not that bad.~, she said.

"It seems so My Lady.", her companion replied sounding like a woman in her thirties.

~So you are that secret weapon the cardinals have been talking about. I am... Wooooow, this place is huge.~, the little figure interrupted herself and began to admire the architecture of the treasury.

"Who... are you?", Zesshi curiously asked but the little girl ignored her and continued looking around.

"YOU...!", the confusion from her face vanished and she started to feel angry. She had never been so disrespected. She was the strongest person of the theocracy and that little girl dared to ignorer her. 

"I apologize on my lady's behalf, she is sometimes a little bit childish.", the woman said and made a small but polite bow.

"My Lady," the woman exclaimed, wasn't there another reason why we came today?" As if reminded of something the girl instantly turned around and looked towards her.

~Ohhhh right! You know originally, we just came to this city to gather information and maybe steal one or two little artifacts. But while we gathered some information about that we heard the cardinals talk about a very special person. They said she was the 'strongest'. Of course that got me interested.~

The girl explained in a much more serious tone than before, her childlike demeanor was gone like it had never existed, but a little playfulness remained.

"And what do you want from me?" Zesshi asked.

~Mmmmm~, the girl exclaimed.

~You see we are strong right? And although there are few who can content against us there is always another one out there that could be dangerous. Because of that reason I have started to form an organization of equal strong individuals. That is of course not the only reason.~ , she said.

"And what would that be?" she asked.

~Well, wouldn't you agree that it makes much more fun to play with a playmate?~ , the girl added in a childlike tone again.

"So, you want me to join your organization as your playmate? But what do I get out of it?" she asked.

~Already negotiating? Well, you would certainly benefit from it. I mean how long have you been here? 10, 20, 30 years? Maybe even more and you haven't even come close to achieve your goal?~

"What do you know?", she snapped.

~I know enough, you want revenge against your father because he raped your mother, am I right?~

"So, you would help me kill him?", she asked hopefully.

~To be honest... no, I have no interest in your father or his kingdom, I have my own playthings to keep me entertained.~ , the girl answered coldly.

"So are the other members of the organization going to help me?"

~Well, maybe, but I seriously doubt it. Why should they, as you are now, you have nothing to offer don't you know that the saying goes: One hand washes the other. We will only help each other if one of us needs help otherwise it's every man for himself.~

"Why should I even join if you are not going to help me?", she asked frustrated.

~Don't you see the advantages? Protection against your enemies, a save place to grow and build your own kingdom and army. After you have connections and wealth information and might the other members will be more willing to help you. That sounds rather generous for me.~

"I have no enemies other than my father."

~Ihihihi ohh yes, you do, just the fact that you are a godkind is enough to paint a target on your back and that is not just because of the Dragon Lords.~

"Fine, let's say I join. How will it work, what are the rules, who is the leader and what are the obligations?", she asked interested.

~hngr~, the girl groaned, obviously back to her childlike personality.

~Rules, rules there are always rules... I hate them they make me feel sick...~, the little girl shouted and stomped her food on the ground like a little child having a tantrum. ~They should not exist they are wrong...YES, wrong, away with them...~

"My Lady...", the woman interrupted the girl again.

~Haaaaa.~, she breathed out to calm herself.

~Fighting each other is not allowed, so is getting in each other's way or betraying our little group but all that is not as important as MY property.~, the girl said, and dark aura started to form around her.

~One thing I hate even more than rules is when someone touches my toys. My toys belong to me if you touch them, you are DEAD. I don't care whether you know the individual whether you want to kill them or save them my Playthings BELONG TO ME, AND ONLY ME, do we understand each other?~, the masked girl asked in a threatening tone. 

"Yes, I understand, no touching your playthings.", Zesshi answered quickly sweat forming on her back.

~Good that you understand.~, the girl said, and the aura disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

"To get back to the topic, after careful consideration I decided to join the organization, if what you said is true it will be most likely be the fastest way to my revenge.", she said and looked at the masked individual.

~Alrighty.~, the girl snapped her fingers showing a violet ring with a strange symbol on her finger. Following the gesture, the other hooded woman stepped forward and handed her a small box

She took it and opened it, inside was a small ring. Almost like the one the masked girl showed before, except it was green and had a different symbol on it.


~This ring identifies you as a member of our organization, the Sin Council. It serves as a means of communication and teleportation and will not only allow you to communicate with other ring bearers but also teleport you to our Meeting place if that is needed.~

~Well then, with the authority of the founder of the Sin Council, will I Elizabeth Hidoi Thorn, bearer of the title 'Sin of gluttony', grant you Zesshi Zetsumei the title 'Sin of lust'. I welcome you to the council, 'Lust'.~ said the girl now known as Elisabeth.

~Alriiighty that's it, enough serious stuff for today. Come on Marie I wanna play, come on, come onnnn.~, Elisabeth whined back in her child personality.

"At once my Lady.", the woman now known as Marie answered and followed her mistress.

~See you soon 'Lust'.~, the little girl shouted and waved while she hopped backwards.

She watched as the two silhouettes disappeared into the darkness again. She looked at her green ring and shook her head what a day, who could have thought that a boring day would end like this.

Who could have thought? 
Oriana pov

"Puhhh I am done." I sighted.

"But you did great My Lady your acting was almost flawless.", Mariana tried to cheer me up.

"It was incredibly embarrassing to act like a child, but I had to do it I don't want my real identity to be confused with Elisabeth and I even had to change my hight aswell as my voice" I answered.

"I think it was cute, My Lady.", Mariana insisted showing a small blush on her face.

"Come to think of..." I wanted to say but a fast movement caught my attention. I spun around and prepared myself for a fight, but it was just one of our Hanzos.

"My Lady, I am sorry for disturbing you, we tried to communicate with you, but you did not respond.", the Hanzo reported.

"What is it, Hanzo?" I asked.

"Shalltear Bloodfallen started a rebellion against Nazarik, Mistress." 


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