The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 163 - Twelve stars

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

After the sound of firecrackers from New Year’s Eve, it was officially entered Hongzhi for eleven years.

The people in it may not realize it. The days are really fast. Winter goes to spring. After the New Year ’s Eve is the Lantern Festival. After the Lantern Festival, the dragon looks up. Jiao Rui, after the vernal equinox, Qingming is coming again.

While the north may still be chilly, the south is already a sloppy peanut tree and grass flying.

Everywhere along the way was splendid, and the spring scene with flowers, which made people happy when they saw it, seemed to be flying with spirit.

Bian Wendong is no exception. Looking at the new green on both sides of the strait, he exhaled slowly, as if to pour out all his grievances over the years.

He has been in the exam for several years in a row. However, he had no luck and failed to take the exam. He simply gave up the idea and began to make other plans.

The Imperial Examination is like a single-wood bridge. On the other side of the bridge is Tongtian Avenue. Everyone in the world thinks about it, and the people who can finally squeeze it out are a few.

Bian Wendong was also one of those unlucky people, but he did n’t complain to himself like many outspoken scholars. After trying three times in a row and finding out that he was probably not the piece of material, he made a decisive decision and decided not to spend his entire life on the imperial examination. Above.

This year, if you do n’t study, you have less choice. You can either go home to farm, but Bian ’s family is good. You do n’t need Bian Wendong to be a farmer, or you can travel around. Take a look at the South and do some small business.

It happened that a cousin who was close to a friend was doing business in the south, and I heard that Jiangnan was rich and prosperous, and there was wealth everywhere. Bian Wendong went all the way south, preparing to go to Ningbo to meet his friend’s cousin, and then make plans.

He was born and raised in the North, and has never been to the South. This line gradually went south, and what he saw and heard really surprised him. The more he goes to the direction of Hangzhou and Ningbo, the more prosperous the town is, nothing else, just Dressed up, it is more fashionable and fashionable than the North, and the atmosphere is more open.

Xiucai does not go out, can know the world.

Bian Wendong is not that kind of nerd who doesn’t understand anything. Reading books and reading books, at least he will pay attention to the world’s major events.

He knew that Hongzhi had sent Wang Zhi to promote Ningbo to expel Japanese pirates in the three years;

I also heard about the fact that Daming Marine, who was organized by Wang Zhi, completely expelled Japanese pirates from Hongzhi in the six years of Hongzhi.

It was also heard that in the seven years of Hongzhi, the imperial court agreed to Wang Zhishang’s request, expand the scope of the Kanhe trade, and gradually open up private sea bans and collect commercial taxes.

But on this trip, he found that he didn’t know much, and there were many things he had never heard of.

For example, when staying in an inn not far from Hangzhou, Bian Wendong listened to people who claimed to be returning from the sea, saying that this west of Daming is not the only one. There are many countries.

At that time, Bian Wendong said: I know this is not Jiaozhi, Tianzhu, Siam!

Whoever knows is laughed at by the other party: This is the old yellow calendar of the year. Now who doesn’t know there are these countries, I am talking more westward.

Bian Wendong was very dissatisfied: more westward, wouldn’t that be a big food!

The other party still shook his head, an expression that the child could not teach: more than a big food!

This time Bian Wendong determined that the other party was a cowhide, and he was too lazy to talk to him, and patted his **** and left.

Bian Wendong was born in a wealthy family. Although he was engaged in trading, he did n’t lack that amount of money. When he arrived in Hangzhou, this paradise on the earth, he was ready to hang out. Someone lingered in the tea shop for a few days. Only discovered that the ignorant person turned out to be himself? !

What Europa, what Italian, what Americana, what Tessie, Hongyi, Helan, Franji, these are like a fantasy, so he was confused, Bian Wendong almost thought he had arrived in a foreign country!

Hangzhou city is really prosperous, in addition to its own compatriots with black hair and yellow skin, there are still many high noses and deep eyes, blonde interracial, just like the legendary color eyes, Bian Wendong has not read before in the book. The scene of the gathering of four different ethnic groups in Yuanshi, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still suffered a lot.

I heard that these people are not called Semen, but come from a place called Europa. The locals call them the Tessians. They came from the big food, and some of them took the sea route, but the sea route is too far, too. Large, often overturning the boat halfway.

I heard that there are many countries in the west of Taisi, and the territory of Daming is similar to a whole continent of Europa.

I also heard that there are two very powerful countries over Europa. Their sailors are very powerful, and they often go to sea. Because they were originally very poor, they had to grab gold treasures from all over the place. This made the country gradually richer …

Gee, these acts of robbers are simply contrary to the teachings of the saints. No wonder they are like uncivilized barbarians, how can they compare with me, the Kingdom of China!

Regardless of how Bian Wendong vomited in his heart, all he saw and heard shocked him a lot. Like all the people who just went south from the north, he laughed and questioned, disdained, and gradually shaken, doubted himself, then Seeing with my own eyes, I was shocked, my heart was loose, and at last I was doubtful.

What is different from others is that Bian Wendong has a wider mind and a broader horizon, so it is easier to accept these “absurd” new things.

After arriving in Hangzhou, Bian Wendong originally wanted to take the land route to Ningbo, but someone told him that he can now walk from the sea in Hangzhou and take a boat to Ningbo. This will be faster. Now the government and the people have opened such channels. The carriage is also cheaper.

Many northerners have never tried the sea route. When they saw the vast sea, they had weak legs, worried about wind and waves, worried about overturning the boat, worried about going back and forth, but Bian Wendong happily found the local merchant ship specializing in marine operations. Although he vomited Along the way, the legs remained soft until disembarkation, but I also saw the vast ocean of other populations.

Is it right or wrong to expel the pirates and open the sea ban?

In the four years since Hongzhi, this issue has been endlessly controversial between the government and the government. Some people even called Wang Zhi a traitor, Tang Tang was an eunuch’s backer, and some even lamented that businessmen are unworthy businesses. If everyone sees openness The sea ban is profitable. Even the farmers have given up their arable land and went to do business.

But as time goes on, such voices are getting smaller and smaller, because the benefits brought to the court by the liberalization of the sea ban are very obvious. If nothing else, every year the silver two enter the treasury like running water. You can wipe out credit for slander.

Bian Wendong is only a small talent, he does not know how deep the meaning is behind these things, and he does not know how much Tang Fan played a role in it, but what he can see is that Jiangnan is different from North is open and inclusive, prosperous and prosperous.

I heard that there are many businessmen in Ningbo City, and the people have received a lot of benefits. It is difficult for Bian Wendong to portray it more specifically, but in his view, the prosperity of Ningbo City is indeed about the same as that of Beijing City. Years ago, this was nothing more than a slightly prosperous city in Jiangnan, and it couldn’t even be compared with Hangzhou.

He came to pick up his friend’s cousin Gao Chang. The other party listened to Bian Wendong’s thoughts and laughed with surprise: “Brother Liangcai is so good at adapting, as far as I know, many northerners come here At one and a half, I found it difficult to accept. I also saw an old man who sighed out that Daming was about to let the Yi people take it. He ran to the government and asked the government to expel the people! “

Bian Wendong disagreed: “If Yi Di entered China and was willing to be enlightened by China, why can’t he be tolerant and accept it? I thought that in the prosperous world of Tang Dynasty, Chang’an City was full of Hu people. Is it that we are not as good as the ancients now? Now! “

Gao Chang said with a smile: “Not everyone thinks like you. I heard that Guangzhou saw Ningbo’s situation and was very jealous. It also sparseed the court and wanted to expand the scale of the city’s shipping company and specialize in Nanyang. The reconnaissance trade there is over, and all the countries in Nanyang are saved. We are here in Ningbo! “

Bian Wendong saw that his tone of voice was gentle and elegant, and his clothes were neat and comfortable. The days he had had had a good time. No wonder they all took root here, took wives and had children, and did not return to the north.

“When I first arrived, I didn’t understand many things, so I had to ask Brother Xinyue for advice!”

Gao Chang said with a smile: “You are Zhengya’s best friend, that’s just like my cousin. You don’t have to be so polite, there is nothing I can do to help, despite speaking!”

Bian Wendong: “Dare to ask Brother Xinyue, in this Ningbo city, what kind of camp should I do?”

The two are walking from the port to the most prosperous place in the city. Gao Chang wants to take him to dinner. The two are talking while walking, and the pace is not fast.

Gao Chang said: “You can ask the right person. According to me, Ningbo is everywhere … Huh?”

He stopped before saying anything. Bian Wendong waited for a long time and did not wait for his second sentence. He had to follow his line of sight to see what suddenly attracted the attention of the other party.

But I saw a group of people walking not far in front, surrounded by two men, one in Tsing Yi jade belt, one in Sapphire straight, although they are all dressed in ordinary clothes, but from their full body and excellent appearance, they can see at a glance Seeing that they are not ordinary people, not to mention that they have followers around.

“Is that …?” Bian Wendong thought that Gao Chang saw an acquaintance. After all, the other party was a teenager in Ningbo City. It is said that there are many contacts on the official face.

“That’s Grandpa Wang, Ningbo Admiral!” Gao Chang took a little excitement and looked at him intently.

what! Bian Wendong quickly opened his eyes, fearing that he would see less, this is a well-known character!

Wang Zhi ’s expulsion of the Japanese pirates has become a legend. When he sat in Ningbo City, everyone felt at ease and regarded it as the patron saint of Ningbo. , But was dissuaded by a letter from Tang Fan.

When Tianzi trusted the **** with outstanding military merit, just as Emperor Yongle trusted the three treasures eunuchs in the past, the emperor and the minister got another good story. As the things of the West Factory faded away in the early years, what people can remember now is the opposite. It was Prince Wang who defeated the Tatars and Japanese pirates.

It’s not that there is no impeachment to impeach him, but because of the emperor’s trust, Wang Zhi himself fought, and there is nothing to discredit. The impeacher can come and go and come up with it, but it is Wang Zhi’s temperament and early establishment of the West Factory. Wait, it won’t shake Wang Gong.

“Which one is next to Wang Gong?” Bian Wendong questioned.

The other party is obviously not an eunuch, but his temperament does not fall. The whole body is elegant and elegant, and it does not look like a pure reader, a person as proud as Wang Zhi, but there is a somewhat polite gesture next to that person. This is really amazing.

Gao Chang looked at it for several times, and answered what he was not asking: “I heard that Tang Shoufu returned to his hometown to visit the grave to worship his ancestors recently. His hometown is in Zhenjiang, which is still far from Ningbo.

“Brother Xinyue said …?” Bian Wendong thought for a while, and was shocked.

If you take a closer look, the man’s style is so outstanding, it doesn’t seem to be …

“I’m just guessing. I have seen a lot of officials in Ningbo and Zhejiang, but without this number of people, let’s say that with Wang Gong’s status, the official of Zhejiang No. 1 does not have to labor. He personally meets!” He laughed and pulled him, “Go for a walk, we can’t take care of those big things, go to Huixianlou first, I have already booked a table, and I will clean you up! This will be Ningbo One of the best in the city … “

Bian Wendong couldn’t help but looked back several times, and then followed Gao Chang’s footsteps, gradually moving away.

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