The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 164 - Fanwai Thirteen Wang Zhi

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You are an unwilling person.

In the year when he first entered the palace, Wang Zhi was only nine years old. Unlike the children of poor people, he forced to live in the palace and voluntarily entered the palace to seek wealth and wealth. His father and grandfather were Guangxi Yaomin. The descendants of the prisoners of war were implicated, and Wang Zhi was sent to the palace together with other ethnic children to become an internal attendant.

However, when Wang Zhi and other children who entered the palace stood together and waited for a great eunuch-the most powerful and most talkable person in the palace came to pick the apprentice, the other party was surrounded by left and right. They walked in front of them, sharp eyes passed by their faces, but finally stopped on Wang Zhi and said the above sentence.

You are an unwilling person.

Wang Zhi was stunned for a while. He was too young. He didn’t even speak Mandarin before coming to Beijing. If he didn’t make up for a while after entering the palace, he might not even understand what the other party was saying.

But even if he understood, he still seemed to understand, and looked at each other with confusion.

“I saw ambition in your eyes.” The man said again.

Wang Zhi was still blank.

Or, in fact, he may understand, but he pretended not to understand.

When the family changed and the tribe suffered misfortune, the journey from Guangxi to the capital of Beijing was enough for him to learn a lot.

Such as hiding things.

Such as pretending to be clumsy.

For example, low-key life.

The other party smiled and said nothing more, just pointed to Wang Zhi and several others and said to the inner attendant who was responsible for arranging the children: “It’s them.”

Nei Shi nodded and bowed, leading Wang Zhi and several other children.

In the months since then, they have not seen the person who talked to Wang Zhi again.

Later, Wang Zhi only knew that the man was named Liang Fang, the **** of the palm of the Si Lijian.

The so-called palm seal is not the official seal, but the red, which is the power to help the emperor to review the memorial.

Without in-depth understanding, even if you just listen to it, you can imagine how much power this **** has.

Wang Zhiyao remembered that day when the man was crowded around and followed the clouds, it was more powerful than the big official he had seen.

Can I be like that person in the future?

Now that you have become an eunuch, you must be the most powerful person in the eunuch.

The elder husband is regarded as a master, and the dead is also a ghost.

The life in the Inner Hall is fast, Wang Zhi is talented, and his learning progress is faster than many people, but he sees the dark and dirty in the palace, and understands the reason why the wood show is inevitable by Lin Feng, even though The nature is crazy, and can be forced to suppress it. It is honestly disguised as a low-key appearance. Although it has been praised by the teachers of Neishutang for its cleverness, it is not so jealous.

Neishutang is a school specially set up for eunuchs in the palace. It is not just a matter of reading and writing, but also familiar with the Four Books and the Five Classics, and is familiar with the classics and scriptures. Wang Zhi heard that since the establishment of Neishutang, this dynasty The eunuchs who can be a little bit famous are all the best in the inner book hall.

The reason for this is that the court’s original intention was not to allow eunuchs to test their merits, but to use Confucian doctrine to educate them and make them loyal and reliable.

In addition to teaching arts and sciences, some carefully selected children will also study martial arts in the Shushutang. Wang Zhi is one of them. The martial arts are taught by Ouchi guards, or other **** seniors with good martial arts, and **** Liang occasionally comes over. On a trip, if I saw a good understanding of the bones, I would also give pointers. Among them, Wang Zhi was pointed by him most often. The other party seemed to think that Wang Zhi was a good seedling, and he taught him as a half apprentice, but unexpectedly, Wang Zhi learned The progress was not fast, Liang Fang quickly lost interest, and no longer thought about him.

It was also during that period of study that Wang Zhi heard of a person, Zheng He.

Zheng He did n’t have the surname Zheng, and he was a horse. He was not a Han, but a Muslim. He was plundered to Nanjing because of the war, and because of his destiny, he entered the mansion of Yongle Emperor, who was then Yan Wang. Khan Ma made a contribution to the neutrality of the Northern War, trusted by the emperor, gave his surname Zheng He, and was instructed to go to the western world seven times, sailing on the Bibo IQ, attracting all nations to the dynasty.

What a similar life experience, what a similar experience!

They are also aliens and enter the deep palace involuntarily. The difference is that the **** of the Three Treasures is famous, and his life’s ups and downs are legendary, not to mention that ordinary people are incomparable, even many readers are inferior.

Wang Zhi had a longing in his heart.

Maybe one day, I can become such a person?

Is it hard to be an eunuch?

Of course bitter.

The physical incapacity depends on the person’s complex life, the intrigue in the deep palace, the small life is always in danger, Rao is Wang Zhi no matter how early Hui, no matter how hard, no deep heart is not panic, he often dreams back at midnight Waking up, as if he was still being arrested on his way to Beijing.

Sometimes the officials who followed the palace deliberately passed by, and Wang Zhi could clearly see the undisguised contempt in the eyes of these adults, as if they were clean themselves, and Wang Zhi and others were filthy.

The eunuchs are all slaves.

A slave-servant, a slave-servant for a lifetime, this road was not chosen by you from the beginning, but can’t you ever turn over again?

No, of course he is not reconciled.

Even if he couldn’t choose which way to go, he would have to walk out of his own avenue on this road.

For this obsession, Wang Zhi learned very hard. Other people put in five points of effort, and he often has to pay seven points, eight points, and nine points.

A year later, Wang Zhi was assigned to the Zhaode Palace because of his good performance in the Inner Hall, which is to serve Wan Guifei.

He has a sweet mouth and works diligently, and soon won the love and trust of Wan Guifei.

In the view of Wan Guifei, this young **** has a flexible tongue and a strong working ability, and can be cultivated as a confidant.

Wang Zhi also saw a lot and learned a lot in his days at Zhaode Palace.

Not only that, he also got the attention of Emperor Chenghua, because he loved the house and Wu, and the emperor had a deep impression on Wang Zhi.

But Wang Zhiyi is not here.

Perhaps many people felt very satisfied after they were favored by Concubine Wan and sat in the top position of the attendants in Zhaode Palace, but Wang Zhi did not.

His goal was not Wan Guifei from beginning to end, not even the emperor.

What about the **** of Zhaode Palace, and the imprint of Si Lijian.

I want to stand in a higher position and have more power. Like the three treasures eunuchs, the legend is wonderful and unparalleled.

This is the life I want to live.

Soon, this opportunity came.

Because of the demon fox case, the emperor was in a state of anxiety, and the emperor was uneasy day and night, always dreaming that someone was spying on him in secret. Dongchang and Jinyiwei had not caught the so-called behind-the-scenes chief because of their unfavorable work, and had been reprimanded by the emperor several times.

At this time, Wang Zhi stood up and asked the emperor to ask for help, saying that he could solve the matter.

The emperor was dubious and finally gave him the right to freely enter and leave the court.

Wang Zhi lived up to expectations and managed to do things perfectly. He even captured the demon Dao Li Zilong. A group of people were swept away inside and outside Gong Wei. He took advantage of the emperor ’s bad impression of the East Factory and formed the West Factory. Become the factory manager of Xichang.

The young man came to power, and the taste of Pingbu Qingyun came too fast and beautiful, so that people like Wang Zhi, who were extremely deep in the city, also suddenly became irritated, lost their proportions, and were eager to expand the West Factory. They soon attracted many criticisms, not only civil officials. Xichang held great vigilance and vigilance, Dongchang Shangming and others were also dissatisfied that their power was thinned and secretly tripped him, and even the emperor and Wan Guifei who originally supported him gradually changed their attitudes. .

Wang Zhi was keenly aware that he was trapped in isolation.

It seems that his power is still great, and the momentum is still prominent. When he went outside, when he heard the name of the West Factory, everyone was more frightened than when he heard the East Factory.

This was originally the result of his first-hand efforts, but now the fruit has matured so fast that it is about to fall and rot.

I was still too anxious and strode too fast, Wang Zhi thought a little headache.

Even though he was smart, after all, he was in the middle of the game, without expert guidance, rampage, and in the end he could only lose his reputation.

This is almost the last end of all eunuchs in power, but Wang Zhi is not reconciled.

There is no way to be a man without heaven. When he is confused and confused, a person appears.

The other party called Tang Fan, and Shuntian House pushed officials from Liupin.

The official position was so small that he couldn’t make any waves in this part of the capital, but because of Pan Bin’s remarks, Wang Zhi fell in love with this little man.

In order to understand Pan Bin ’s predicament, the other party used the words of Pan Bin to give Wang Zhi two ideas:

One is to leave Wan Guifei’s camp and switch to Prince.

The second is to abandon everything that is now, and operate abroad, such as military merit.

At first, Wang Zhi didn’t take these two ideas seriously and didn’t take it seriously, but then many things happened, as if to prove the correctness of Tang Fan’s words one by one.

Paying attention, Wang Zhicai found out that this Tang Runqing, despite his low official position, was really a wonderful and capable person.

Not to mention, the cases he solved alone are enough to make people beat the case.

Realizing that he might have underestimated Tang Fan, Wang Zhi deliberately or unconsciously approached him.

Before that, he never thought he needed a friend.

Wang Zhi also admits that when he first made friends with Tang Fan, he had a purpose. He estimated that Tang Runqing’s keenness might have also noticed his thoughts.

However, Tang Fan didn’t say anything, and even gave Wang Zhi a lot of ideas to help him through the difficulties, from the child trafficking case in Beijing to Weining Haizi’s advance and retreat. The relationship is delicate, not friends, but can trust each other unconditionally.

The real gentleman and the real villain seem to always lose out, so even if Tang Fan knows that Wang Zhi is not the same person as him, seeing that the other party still has a bottom line in principle, unlike Shang Ming ’s non-committal role Pointing.

Unconsciously, the two have been in contact for so many years.

When Wang Zhiyang presided over the waves and became the same as the three treasures eunuchs he once admired, he discovered that he seemed to have completely deviated from the original direction.

In the beginning, he just wanted to let all those who looked down on him prostrate and kneel down.

But now, what he got has far exceeded the original expectations.

Perhaps a hundred years later, someone mentioned the name Wang Zhi, not to compare him with Shang Ming Liang Fang, who would only be intriguing and fighting for power, but would say that this is my husband.

It is enough to wish.

“Old ancestor, Tang Xiang will return to Jiangnan in a few days, shall we prepare?” A little yellow door ran over and asked breathlessly.

“What are you going to do, he’s all done, and you still have a hundred officials to meet?” Wang Zhi rolled his eyes.

“But, Tang Xiang is famous in Chaoye after all. I heard that Ding Anbo is also traveling with me this time …” Xiao Huangmen whispered.

“The baby boy must have come to eat and drink again, and when they’re almost there, you can report it. You don’t need to make so many false heads. Believe it or not, you won’t be good at it. One meal! “

Wang Zhi tweeted, although the two temples are now star-white, the outline of beauty is still visible, the color of Zhang Kuang has already settled in the years, only one pair of eyes is as sharp as electricity, and it does not reduce that year.

The little apprentice wanted to say something, but Wang Zhi waved his hands impatiently and had to walk away in a daze.

Despite showing great impatience, when he heard that the man was coming, he still couldn’t help but slightly smile.

Under the west window, the wind shook Cuizhu, suspecting that the old man came.

Every year, full of trees and flowers.

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