The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 54

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

After this missing child case, the Nancheng Gang was naturally uprooted, not to mention the core of the gangs like Deng Xiucai and San Dangjia. When the Xichang and Beizhen Fusi jointly searched and arrested, an ordinary soldier was not let go. Tongtong was arrested and questioned, and the Nancheng Gang completely collapsed in the capital.

This turmoil also caused turbulence, and all the gangsters in the capital reshuffled. Lai Boss, Liu Zhili, and other gang leaders were also “please” to ask questions. For a time, everyone had to pick up their tails and be trembling. I’m afraid I’m out of luck with the Nancheng Gang.

No one has a few lives, a few cases, and these tyrannical forces are no longer arrogant, but they are no match for the government’s intention to deal with them.

After this passage, the capital appeared to be much cleaner immediately. According to the feedback from the old king of Shuntian House, even the wonderful empty hands of Shunyang have stopped a lot recently. People who just came to Beijing from other places thought that the security of the capital has always been so good. Still lamenting that “the foot of the emperor really is extraordinary” Yun Yun.

On the other hand, from Deng Xiucai’s mouth, Tang Fan also got a lot of information about Bailianism.

It is said that the history of Bailianism can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the world was chaotic and heroes came out. It was also when the Bailianism flourished. The nominal leader at that time was to compete with the Tai and Zu of the dynasty. The world’s Han Wang Chen Youliang.

Later, Chen Youliang died, and the power was annexed by the princes and ancestors. The emperor and ancestors intended to be the world. Naturally, they were very disgusted with the Bailian religion, an organization that was detached and not very compliant with discipline. Be mercilessly exterminated, and from then on the white lotus religion will turn from light to dark, and the flag will die.

But of course they did not really disappear. During the Hongwu years, due to the strength of the emperor, the white lotus did not dare to come out to make chaos. When the battle of Jingnan, the Emperor Yongle and his nephew competed for the throne, the white lotus came out to support the emperor Jianwen. In the future, the young and weak Emperor Jianwen was naturally better controlled than his wise and powerful uncle who had gone through hundreds of battles.

As a result, I didn’t expect to bet the wrong treasure again this time, my nephew was defeated, my uncle became emperor, and the white lotus was forced to sink to the surface again.

The white lotus lurking in the dark did not stop, but continued to develop its own forces silently, waiting for the right time. After that, Emperor Ren Xuan made the country enter a stable development period, and the politics was still clear. Fortunately, there is no room for Bailianism to do. They also disappear from the sight of people, and disappear. Younger people probably haven’t heard of the name of the white lotus.

By the time of the Emperor Emperor Zong, the emperor himself did not fight, and was encouraged by the eunuchs around him to decide to recruit himself. As a result, he ran for thousands of miles and became a captive of the Valkyrie. Later, it turned out that Wang Zhen, who encouraged the emperor, was inextricably linked to the white lotus , And then the other party colluded with the Valkyrie, attempting to take advantage of the headless dragons of the Ming Dynasty to capture Beijing and swallow half of the country.

After that, it experienced many setbacks.

All in all, once the current situation is stable and there is no opportunity to take advantage of it, Bailianism seems to disappear from the world completely. There is no trace to find. Once there is a little storm, they will not know where to come from and stir up the wind and rain.

The imperial court was very troubled by this, but the factions of various factions were competing with each other. Since the intrigue was still not enough for years, the emperor had no intention of political affairs, and the use of adultery was only used in the imperial court.

It wasn’t until the demon Dao Li Zilong incident that the emperor was shocked and angered that Jinyiwei and Dongxichang were together and stepped up their efforts to hunt down Bailianjiao demon everywhere. But the whole country is so big that it is difficult for those demon to hide in the middle of the people.

Like this time, if Tang Fan heard Jiu Niangzi admit it, he would not have thought that this young brother, Wantong, who bought Wan Guifei, and the Nancheng Gang, like the snake in the capital of Beijing, actually colluded with the White Lotus.

For a long time, the Nancheng Gang was supported by Bailianjiao. Their activities are no different from other underworld forces in Beijing, and most of their profits need to be turned over to the General Teacher.

But Deng Xiu was an ambitious person. Over time, he felt dissatisfied. He thought I would do all the hard work and hard work, but the benefits are all yours. He thought about what he wanted to do by climbing to Wantong and leaning towards the court to draw a line with Bailian Religion.

On the one hand, he has n’t completely torn his face with Bai Lianjiao. The money he should pay is still on the pretext of being unfavorable for the business and decreasing year by year. On the other hand, he has a good relationship with Wantong, and even distributes the profit of the freehand building to Wantong Half of it is about every source.

But the general manager got less money and naturally sent people to investigate, so Jiu Niangzi came. I did n’t expect Deng Xiucai ’s men to have long eyes and tied two people who should n’t. After that, even Wantong couldn’t keep him, Deng Xiucai had to rush to the deserted village to avoid the limelight.

As a result, Jiu Niangzi and Deng Xiu had not been reconciled for a long time, and just came to Tang Fan, she used Tang Fan to fight with Deng Xiucai, and finally put her own life into the fight.

This is the ins and outs of things.

But Tang Fan wanted to know more than that.

They even want to know the situation of the White Lotus, including where is the so-called general religion, how many believers are there, where are they distributed, what conspiracy are they planning recently, etc.

It is a pity that Deng Xiu didn’t know all these things.

Although he controlled the entire Nancheng Gang, he said that he was still an outlier of Bailian Religion and was not qualified to participate in major affairs in the teaching.

Under the means of the West Factory, Ren Dengxiu was a copper and iron skeleton, and he only confessed. He said that he only knew that the white lotus had a big leader, that is, the leader, very mysterious, let alone Deng Xiucai, Even people like Jiu Niangzi from the general religion have never seen the true face of the leader. In addition to the general altar, the power of the white lotus religion is spread all over the country, that is, the establishment of branch altars in various places.

Because Beijing is where the Imperial City is located, and Jinyiwei and Dongxichang are sitting there, Bailianjiao did not dare to be too arrogant, so he did not set up a separate altar in Beijing, but only supported peripheral forces like the Nancheng Gang.

The Nancheng Gang regularly pays taxes to the Archbishop every year. The time is indefinite. The Archbishop sends people to come over. Deng Xiucai and they are only responsible for reception, and the messengers are also uncertain every year. The person of this year is Jiu Niangzi, and both parties use the token and slogan of Bailian Religion as their contact method.

The token is the archbishop token that Deng Xiucai took from Jiu Niangzi at that time. The one with the highest gold content can command Bailian to teach the congregation, but if you have only one token and you ca n’t match the secret secret code, then there is a token. , Others must know that you are counterfeit.

The secret code is also very mysterious. There is a set of corresponding secret codes in the White Lotus Church. Deng Xiucai naturally explained them all, but he also said that in order to prevent the appearance of traitors, this set of secret codes will be replaced regularly. Every time the messenger comes, Teach him the password that needs to be used next time, instead of using a set of passwords.

Such interlocking and strict meticulous, so that the white lotus can escape the government’s arrest and suppression, and has been handed down from generation to generation.

All that Deng Xiucai can explain is only this.

The woman who knew more was Jiu Niangzi, but she and her two men had already been killed by Deng Xiucai.

Although Wang Zhi and they failed to eradicate the Bailianjiao, they finally removed the nail of the Nancheng Gang in the capital, which was a great achievement. However, Tang Fan felt that since the Nancheng Gang could get on the line with the palace, it would be young Tong Fa was sold into the palace as a eunuch, afraid of not only bribing Wantong, but there may be other ways in the palace. Wang Zhishen is recommended.

Of course, this proposal was rejected by Wang Zhi.

The reason for Wang Zhi’s refusal was simple. He had originally taken the time to come back to do the errand. Now that the errands have been completed, he will naturally have to rush back to Datong.

Moreover, he told Tang Fan that the palace was thoroughly investigated as early as the demon Dao Li Zilong case. At that time, people who had a scar on their body, not to mention the white lotus brand, were all singled out and sent to the east and west factory. Interrogation in turn, after that, all the criminals who were in contact with Bai Lianjiao were caught, and others who were okay would be regularly checked, and they would not leave any branding of Bailian Jiao at all.

That is to say, the branding of the white lotus is indeed something, but it is only aimed at the middle and lower classes of believers, such as the messenger of the Jiu Niangzi, who has no body at all. Anyway, it can’t be used as a proof to discriminate against Christians.

At the end, he solemnly warned Tang Fan: Don’t be okay!

The last sentence has a profound meaning. With Tang Pan ’s cleverness, it is not difficult to hear the connotation.

Wang Zhi’s reluctance to cause much trouble is actually very easy to understand: although he has tremendous power, most of his authority is concentrated outside the palace, and he cannot reach it. Not only him, but also Shang Ming of Dongchang. There are only two people who can speak in the palace today, Wyan and Liang Fang.

Among the twelve prisons in the inner palace, Si Lijian and Yuma Jian have the most authority. There are also palm prints and pens in each department. In simple terms, they are the boss and the second.

Qualifications should be emphasized everywhere. The two elders, Wyan and Liang Fang, are the current bosses of Si Lijian and Yumajian. Even Wang Zhi and Shang Ming, the two upstarts, can only name the second son.

The bosses of these two departments were deeply trusted by the emperor, especially Liang Fang, because after taking the route of Concubine Wan, it was more like a fish, more friends, and a lot of influence in the palace. Wang Zhi did not dare to provoke him easily.

The Nancheng Gang colluded with the inner palace, although it may not be directly related to Liang Fang, but it certainly did not conceal Liang Fang ’s eyes and ears, and perhaps the benefits among them were not less respectful of Liang Fang. Body.

Wang Zhi and Liang Fang are both traveling together. Everyone raised their heads and did not see their heads down. The latter is still a senior. Of course, Wang Zhi did n’t want to offend Liang Fang, not to mention the fact that this time has involved a Wantong out. After the bribery of the Nancheng Gang, although he did not look at Wan Guifei’s face, he invited Yuan Bin out to sit in Jinyiwei, which deprived Wantong of his authority and gave him a small warning.

Wantong died depressed, of course he did not dare to deal with the emperor, but it did not hinder the spread of anger on Wang Zhi.

Although Wang Zhi is also a concubine of Wan Wanfei, is he a younger brother of Wan Guifei, a slave-in-law, and a younger brother?

Wang Zhi was naturally called by Wan Guifei to have a good meal.

So Wang Zhi was also very depressed. He was appreciated by the emperor, but turned to eat and hang in front of the concubine. Of course, he did not want to offend Liang Fang anymore. After warning Tang Fan about it, he went straight to Datong the next day. Going to build military merits wholeheartedly, seeing is not upset.

Without the support of the West Factory, Tang Fan alone would certainly not be able to track down the palace. Fortunately, A Dong and a group of children were all safe, and the culprits were all caught, especially Deng Xiucai and San Dangjia of the Nancheng Gang, and that was Deng Xiucai treated Ding as a puppet master, and all of them were sentenced to a final decision, while the other gangs were sentenced to exile and fill the army.

“Daming Law” refers to trafficking in human beings as abductors. Trafficking in beneficiaries is more a crime than trafficking in slaves, and it attracts beauties and betrays the slaves in slavery.

However, Deng Xiucai and they colluded with the Bailian Sect, and naturally could not be equated with ordinary trafficking. The successive dynasties had the heaviest convictions related to rebellion.

Originally Deng Xiu was still to be cut by the waist, but because he confessed to be wide, so Kane can let himself take poison and commit suicide, painless suicide, and then cut off his head after the end-waist cut is extremely painful, in order to die To be more comfortable, Deng Xiu did not hesitate to spit out all he knew.

Before Adong, they did n’t know how many children were in their hands. Even Ding Yimei, who was actually a puppet, did n’t actually blend in with them. They did n’t know how much innocent blood was on their hands, so The deaths of these people were not wronged at all.

Everyone had tossed around for the most part of the night, but the incident came to an end and barely ended successfully.

In this incident, apart from those who were injured while fighting with the Nancheng gang, Tang Fan was the heaviest injured.

He was knocked with a sap on his head before, and it was confirmed that it was indeed bleeding. In the cellar, his hands were also bound to bleed, and he was pushed down by Xin Stone again. At that time, his hands were tied and he did not act, and his knees were immediately bruised and bleeding. There are necks that were later scratched by porcelain, etc …

Although the injuries were generally not serious, the whole body was covered with scars. Fortunately, they were all injured due to work, so Master Tang comfortably took a half-month injury leave to celebrate Suizhou.

Yes, Suizhou was promoted again.

But this time was purely an accident.

Originally, after going to Jiangxi to handle the Huang Jinglong case last time, he has been promoted to a deputy thousand households. It is reasonable to say that there will be no further promotion in a short period of time, but because the child was lost, the emperor was dissatisfied with Wantong and the bandits. Please return to Yuan Bin to sit in Jinyiwei.

This is what Yuan Bin is like-saving the driving force, and saving the first emperor.

When the civil engineering changed, Yuan Bin drove around, guarding Yingzong, and even being taken into captivity together with Yingzong. He took good care of him. The emperor and minister experienced difficulties and their feelings were not comparable to those of ordinary officials. Later, Yuan Bin helped the first emperor to restore, which can be described as a credit Hehe.

Because of this past incident, after today ’s ascension to the throne, Yuan Bin was also favored and courteous, but he grew older, so he no longer managed the practice, only hanged the name of the Jin Yiwei commander, this time the emperor intends to give a lesson Wantong invited Yuan Bin out of the mountain again.

Yuan Bin ’s seniority and prestige, even today ’s majesty, must be respected by three points. That is why the cheap foreigner like Tongtong ca n’t keep up.

Over the years, because of Wantong, Jin Yiwei was upset by him, and the villain rampaged.

Those who flattered Wantong can become the guests of the Wan Family, and those who can’t pass him are suppressed by him using Jinyiwei’s authority. Like the Suizhou said before, the spokesman is also because of impeachment. The younger sister of the concubine, so she ended up in a ruined family.

Now when Yuan Bin came, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Although Yuan Bin is old, he is always strong and strong, and has a tough style. As soon as he got the two heads of Fusi from Jinyiwei’s Nanbei Town, that is, Wantong’s heart and teeth, Wantong gritted his teeth, but he couldn’t help him. I went to the emperor to complain, because Yuan Bin was sent by the emperor to rectify Jinyiwei.

In this way, everyone sees that Wantong dared not say anything. Those cows, ghosts and snakes naturally have to retreat from Sanshe and obediently pick up their tails to live, so as not to be affected by the pond fish.

Although these things are not directly related to Suizhou, but because of his hard brand and ability, he quickly removed the adverb in the official title and became a veritable household.

Thousand households are the top five ranks, not to mention the poor quality, or military officers, but the power of the thousand households in Jinyiwei is already not small. Five households under the Fusi division of the north and south towns, one of the thousand households.

More importantly, because the head of Beizhen Fusi had just been taken down by Yuan Bin, and no one was sitting in this position, Yuan Bin asked Suizhou to temporarily act as the governor of Beizhen Fusi. He was promoted, fearing that he would not be able to serve the crowd, so he did not directly promote him, but let him temporarily lead Beizhen Fushou in a part-time manner.

The veteran is out of the ordinary and extraordinary. There is a lot of attention here. Suizhou has done a good job, and it is just around the corner, but if it is not done well, you can kick him at any time. Most people covet that position, which is also considered indirect. Suizhou is encouraged to work hard.

Therefore, Suizhou is now holding the salary of five households and thousands of households. In the presence of an official from Sipin, the speed of promotion is really jealous. However, Suizhou is also facing unprecedented pressure. How to gather people’s hearts, How to convince the crowd and how to make those people obey their assignments are all difficult problems.

In any case, this is a matter of congratulations. In order to celebrate Suizhou, Tang Fan and Xue Ling and other old Suizhou men and women set up a seat outside-not the cyclamen building, where it is too expensive Too. Anyway, everyone is an acquaintance, and there is a lot of food in the capital, so there is no need to choose there.

Tang Fan picked an old-fashioned food shop called Yang Ji Lamb, where the lamb meat is the most famous. He packed a private room in advance and asked his colleagues who had made good in Shuntian House, as well as Suizhou and Xue. Ling waited for a Jin Yiwei, and everyone sat at a table mutton.

There are four pots on the table, and there are four large plates of fat and tender lamb, as well as various side dishes such as greens, mushrooms, vermicelli, garlic, soy sauce, shallots, sesame oil, pepper, and other colors. , Eating is an atmosphere.

This time, not only Suizhou, but also a group of people such as Xue Ling, and Yuan Binzhi’s blessing, also raised a step up, and they were all very happy.

On the other hand, Tang Fan succeeded in two big cases and made two credits. The former cleared the suspicions for Wan Guifei, and the latter recovered the families of officials, and went deep into the thief cave to fight against the wisdom of Nancheng. He spared no effort, but he didn’t even have a reward, and his grades were still on the spot. Tang Fan himself was nothing, but familiar friends would inevitably have to pay for him.

When the wine was full, Xue Ling got up from the seat and walked over, patting Tang Fan’s shoulder for comfort: “Run Qing, I don’t think you look like a bad luck. You will be able to be promoted to be an official in the future, now And don’t be discouraged! “

“Yeah!” Pang Qi also said, “You are just out of luck, don’t be discouraged.”

He and Xue Ling are still working under Suizhou, but they have been promoted to one hundred households, and they are considered to be official fortunes. Not only the two of them, but also the old cadres under the original Suizhou, most of them have been promoted. Come, everyone knows that following the boss to eat meat, naturally become more loyal to Suizhou.

Suizhou saw Xue Ling drinking too much, and the whole person leaned against Tang Fan halfway, and could not help reaching out to pull him apart, scornfully saying: “No standing!”

This is not doing business, everyone drinks again, and Xue Ling is not afraid of him, but jokingly laughs and said: “Big Brother is really good to Run Qing brother, and even our brothers before and after the saddle Can’t compare! “

Everyone agrees “yes” and “yes”.

Suizhou said: “Anyway, I still have an empty house. If you move in and live with me, I will treat you day by day, how?”

Xue Ling Lima laughed happily, no longer squeaking.

Just kidding, although he hasn’t gotten a wife yet, but he also has concubines at home, and often hangs out in Qinlou Chuguan, let him face the boss’s cold face every day, it is estimated that it is more uncomfortable than kill him.

Tang Fan laughed: “Everyone is thinking about promotion, I’m not happy.”

Xue Ling shouted: “It sounds like it’s wrong, and no one is willing to be promoted!”

“Yes!” Everyone cheered.

Tang Fan’s pretense is painful: “You think, I am just starting from Liupin, I have to go deep into the thief pit, be beaten with a sap, and nearly die. “You can’t sit next to me today and drink alcohol!”

His explanation was also interesting. Everyone laughed. He wanted to comfort him. When he saw him so open-minded, he closed his mouth.

After a wine feast, the host and the host went back to their homes and found their moms. Why should they go?

On the way home, Suizhou saw Tang Fan’s depression in his eyebrows, thinking he was free and easy in front of outsiders, but he certainly still minded, he said to him: “Blessedness depends on everything, good and bad depends on each other, this time Not being promoted to an official may not be a bad thing, maybe there are other good things waiting for you in front of you. “

Tang Fan: “I’m not worried about this …”

Suizhou puzzled: “What’s the matter?”

Master Tang said embarrassedly: “It’s not yet mid-month, and I’m running out of salaries.”

It turned out to be the case. Suizhou was a little speechless. He froze with a cold face: “… Where did the money go? You guys invited me to dinner today. It seems that your share of money is only a few hundred words?”

Tang Fandao said helplessly: “Yesterday, Mr. Pan asked me to go out. The two had a meal outside. Who knew that when the bill was about to be paid, my brother would go to the toilet with a stomachache. I want to give it, where can I collect his money! “

Suizhou: “You wouldn’t go to the Cyclamen House to eat?”

Tang Fan: “That’s not enough. It’s at the dumpling shop not far from the Yamen Gate of Shuntianfu. You can eat fish dumplings and cabbage and pork dumplings. Don’t say, their craft is not worse than Chengbei wonton stalls. There will be chicken feather fillings, which is called a delicious … “

Suizhou: “… digression.”

Tang Fan uttered aloud: “After a meal, it will be about a hundred.”

He said with a bitter face: “But the day before yesterday, when I visited my house at the same year, I found that his family was almost too poor to uncover the pot, so he invited him to eat out, and it took another fifty times … it felt useless once. How much, how come it seems to be used up all at once? “

Suizhou heard something more and more wrong: “Did you take the five hundred and two from the Bailian woman before, even if you gave me half, and the remaining two hundred and fifty two did not run out so quickly?”

This thing made Tang Fanmei beautiful for a long time. Without telling anyone, he told Suizhou alone, and he also divided it with Suizhou one hundred and twenty-five.

Suizhou refused to accept it, and he forced him into his arms, forcing Suizhou to accept it.

Speaking of this, Master Tang was even more embarrassed: “I saw that in the same year, my family was poor and suffering. There were still four children in his hometown who wanted to feed. The house he rented in Beijing was about to expire, and he could not raise money. Give him those two hundred fifty-two. “

Suizhou expressionless: “You are really generous.”

Tang Fan thought that Suizhou was boasting about him, with a cheeky humility: “Where and where to help the poor is the responsibility of the people of my generation, anyway, this money comes effortlessly, and it doesn’t hurt!”

Suizhou continued his expressionless expression: “How come this money has to come effortlessly, are you going to steal or grab it?”

Tang Fan: “…”

Suizhou: “Did you forget that you almost lost your life in that thief’s cave? Even if his home is even more difficult, you can give it a hundred or two. Is n’t it okay? There is no plan to do things, and spending money is like running water! “

Master Tang was trained to look up like a child and dared not to look up. He was ashamed: “Yes, yes, I will let Adon help supervise me when I go back!”

Really do n’t say, since Sui Qianhu was promoted to Sui Qianhu and was in charge of Beizhen Fusi, this majesty was one day after another. The original training was enough for the posture. Can make people dare not speak.

Suizhou said: “How can Adong restrain you? After you exchange the salaries, you will pay half of it to me. I will keep it for you. If you still need to use the money after you spend the money on hand, you need to contact me. Say it, I agree to use it. “

Suizhou has never loved to do much fuss. Almost all the fuss he has managed in his life has been in charge of Master Tang.

But it is also due to their friendship. Otherwise, if someone listens to it, they will find it difficult to understand, and they may even turn their faces.

However, people like Master Tang who are different from ordinary people nodded happily: “That’s fine. With your restraint, I won’t spend money!”

So from then on, Sui Qianhu, in addition to taking care of the affairs of Fusi in Beibei Town, returned home and helped Master Tang to manage the money.

Just when everyone thought that Tang Fan had to continue his job as an official, there was news from the officials that Tang Tang would go there.

The author has something to say:

It is true that Bailianism originated in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the rest are fictional.

Ah, it ’s a fat chapter again, I ’m really a hardworking bee ~ (too shameless …)

Actually, you can search for the information of Yuan Bin and Yingzong. I think he was a good friend of suffering … The emperor was attacked by Hezhong dog …

Also, chicken feather dumplings are really delicious!

Crabs are fat and juicy (…) little cute things!

Luonan threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0420: 03: 20

Throwing a sponge and throwing a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0420: 28: 09

Yuehua threw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-0420: 45: 39

Xiaoyu threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-0422: 05: 34

dodo threw a rocket launching time: 2014-11-0422: 22: 00

Tao Zhi Yao Yao threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0422: 22: 27

Human language moss threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0422: 35: 37 [Really poetic name]

Human language moss threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0422: 36: 39

Human language moss threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0422: 38: 16

Aki threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0423: 03: 29

Susu threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0423: 03: 53

htauto threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0423: 35: 50

dodo threw a rocket launching time: 2014-11-0423: 47: 01

Yi Yao_Fork threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0513: 17: 02

Aran threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0513: 26: 03

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0516: 31: 56

Throwing a mine without a bone throwing time: 2014-11-0516: 52: 35

Bounced and threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0518: 31: 02

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