The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 55

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Although the promotion of military positions is not the same as that of civil servants, and departments like Jinyiwei largely depend on the holy family and credit, but like Suizhou, it has risen from the total flag to thousands in just over a year. Households, and also led the North Town Fusi, is still very eye-catching.

When the head of Beizhen Fusi was taken down by Yuan Bin, several thousand households under his eyes stared at this position, but the result was to let Suizhou come up later, which made everyone feel a little unconvinced. After he took office, He secretly gave him a stumbling block. For example, the tasks that should have been completed, such as Yang Fengyin, procrastination, and so on. Some people even saw Suizhou with a cold face. He felt that such a person must be very harsh on his subordinates. Approaching Xue Ling with their clichés, he wanted to see if he could dig out some handles so that he could complain to the upper side and pull him down from his position.

Look, don’t think that Jin Yiwei is not a civil servant, there are not so many twists and turns in the mind, there is never a lack of burrows in the officialdom, sneak attack and ambush these means, like Jin Yiwei, a spy agency that is used to interrogation, does these jobs It’s even within reach.

There are traps in the dark, there are those who read the jokes behind, and those who catch up with each other, there are places where there are people, and this sentence works everywhere.

Within a few days, someone would bring the complaint to Yuan Bin, saying that Suizhou had not taken office for a long time, and forced them to train, adding many training programs that were not available before. This was to torture the entire Beizhen Fusi The rhythm of death, you do n’t care anymore, I ’m afraid everyone ca n’t stand it.

Yuan Bin is seventy-eight years old and has never seen anything before. As the commander of Jinyiwei, he is in a high position. He naturally sees all kinds of people’s hearts clearly, but he said nothing, did nothing, and did not deal with Sui. The plight of the state reached out and did not call Suizhou for reprimand because of his complaint. He was just watching the changes.

If Suizhou can’t even solve these difficulties, then he can’t deserve that position.

As expected, everyone soon stopped.

Jin Yiwei is also a military commander in nature, and they also have to exercise routinely on weekdays. However, as the time since the founding of the country becomes longer and longer, many people will inevitably become more and more slack, and this daily exercise will be useless. Even the Jingying camp has become a flower shelf on the battlefield. Although Jin Yiwei also performs the function of “storing the guards directly, patrolling and arresting”, it is no longer as fierce and fierce as when it was first founded.

Coupled with the suppression of the East Factory, the West Factory was born, and more and more power of Jin Yiwei was separated, making them more and more suffocated and incompetent, which is why they were pursuing Bailianism before. In the past, Jin Yiwei has always learned very little reason.

After Suizhou took charge of Beizhen Fusi, the first thing to change was this kind of atmosphere, so he issued a death order, starting at the beginning of every month, every three days. Everyone must go to the school to gather for two hours of training. All training standards are the same as those of the Beijing camp. Suizhou also added some additional training items.

For many people who have long been accustomed to misbehaving and slept until the three poles of the day, lingering at the blue floor casinos at night, of course they can’t stand it. Everyone has complained about it and even went to Yuan Bin to complain, saying that this Sui Qianhu’s official position is not great Not small, in order to succeed in the official power, he took the lives of everyone seriously, abused his subordinates, and had no humanity.

Yuan Bin couldn’t just sit back and ignore such a large-scale complaint, but no one knew that Suizhou had greeted him long ago.

Prior to the training, Suizhou had approached Yuan Bin and reported his plans one by one, explaining the purpose and reasons. It was just that Yuan Bin could n’t see that Jin Yiwei was corrupted by Wantong to look like this. That ’s why many people ran Coming to sue Suizhou, Yuan Bin was unmoved.

In all things, we must strive for the understanding and understanding of the boss. When we know that what we are doing is correct, the opinions of the subordinates are not so important. Any behavior that changes the status quo will encounter resistance, but if you are afraid of resistance, nothing If you do it, Suizhou will be waiting to be aerial …

Seeing the complaint is useless, everyone can only follow the orders of Suizhou, helplessly came to the school to train.

For the first time, Yin Shi passed a quarter of an hour, and almost ordinary people did not arrive. These people were all pulled to hit the board. Each of them had ten boards. After that, they would continue training. , Next time, and so on.

Everyone saw that Suizhou was real, and no one dared to be late the second time.

But for the training plan he listed, including a bowl of water on his head, Ma Bu who stood under the sun and squatted for half an hour, he also had to take a ten-pound scale on both hands, if the water fell down, That would be a violation of the regulations. To continue the extension of half an hour, many people raised objections, thinking that it was too bitter and exhausting. Jin Yiwei, who was already spoiled and pampered, said that they could not stand it.

Suizhou didn’t say anything. He personally demonstrated it. Everyone saw it for half an hour, not to mention that the bowl on his head did not fall, and even the water in the bowl did not spill a drop. This was completely convinced.

The people in Xue Ling don’t need to say it. They have always followed the footsteps of Suizhou. Suizhou has done what they want. There is no other word. Other people saw the new boss relentlessly, saying nothing, it was useless to complain, lazy useless , Can only die heart, followed by training one by one.

However, Suizhou did not insist on strict requirements. At the end of each month, he would invite everyone to dinner, and those who performed well would have additional rewards. Of course, the money was from public funds. However, when Wantong was in the past, The North and South Town Fusi is under his control. This money is often used privately by public funds, and it is spent arbitrarily. The people below do not want to get their hands. Everyone has no welfare, so they can only reach out below.

After Suizhou took office, he ordered people to re-account, every expenditure must be clearly recorded, so that an extra amount of money can be withdrawn, used to appease people’s hearts, naturally happy.

After three months of this, after everyone gradually got used to this rigorous training, there were fewer complaints. The atmosphere of the entire Beizhen Fusi was not changed. At least there were some changes than before. This change is of course better. Yes, not to mention, the efficiency of handling cases this month has improved a lot.

A boss who leads by example and has a clear reward and punishment is of course much better than a boss who only knows how to eat, drink, and bet, and who only takes advantage of himself all day long. Although Suizhou is much stricter than the original governor, there are also strict Strict benefits, at least those who have a good relationship with the original boss, can no longer sneak and slip, and those who ca n’t hold the big thighs, do n’t have to worry about wearing small shoes anymore …

Unconsciously, Suizhou’s position became more and more stable, and he gradually put his own brand on these people.

On this day, Tang Fan came out of the bureau of the bureau, and everybody was happy and happy. He even walked lightly with his feet. Seeing that it was still early, he turned around, instead of heading home, he went to Beizhen Fu Division.

Since Suizhou was promoted, he has not been here. The loose and loose access control in the past is now stricter. The people on duty did not know him. It was strange to see a Liupin civil servant come here. Stopping him, he heard that he was going to see Suizhou, and his expression was even weirder.

“Who are you? What do you want to do to find the governor?” Jin Duwei on duty asked. His attitude was not very good. If Tang Fan was wearing an official uniform, he doubted that the other party was okay to come and find himself happy.

No wonder he thinks so.

Most civil servants love feathers and reputation, and they usually come to the door reluctantly to be “invited”. Few people like Tang Fan voluntarily find the door.

Tang Fandao: “I am Tang Fan, a friend of your family’s governor. You have heard a lot of trouble. If he has already gone to the office, he is invited to come out.

Strictly speaking, Suizhou can’t be called the envoy now, because he is only acting for this position temporarily, but the officialdom has always carried people up high, like deputy thousand households, others directly call the thousand households, remove the deputy Words, listeners are also comfortable.

The person on duty gave him a skeptical glance, and from the bottom of his heart, he did not believe that someone like his new Beizhen Fushun would actually have a friend. Besides, this person’s grade was also low. Want to climb the town to help?

Tang Fan saw his doubts and smiled: “Trouble this brother Xiongtai bluntly, if he doesn’t see me, I will go home.”

The other party is not deliberately making things difficult, but the rules have become stricter recently. If you are in a hurry to disturb and the person in front of you is not so heavy, you will have to face the problem.

So the man said with a straight face: “The pacification makes the lord have something important, you will come again someday!”

Tang Fan wowed: “Then I will ask, is he still inside, or has he gone home?”

The other said: “Still inside.”

Tang Fan nodded: “Then I will wait for him here.”

He just lifted his official robe, sat down on the steps next to it, pulled out a book from his arms, and read it.

The duty Jin Yiwei glared: “Why shouldn’t you let go at the entrance of Fusi in Beizhen!”

What a joke, the prestigious and ruthless man sitting in front of the governor’s door read a book, why can’t he be scared, okay?

Tang Fan glanced at him slowly: “Let you inform you and refuse to do it. I am here to read books and others, and it will not hinder you. Besides, I have not blocked the gate, this is not It’s got a **** on the side! “

The person on duty was speechless and wanted to say something. The companion who was also at the door gave him a wink, and came over and whispered: “You are not stupid, what if you go in and tell me, if he is calm Let’s friends, we must not sin, if not, just drive him out! “

The man gave him a white look: “You can really say, why don’t you go by yourself?”

The companion smiled, “Go, go, I’ll get the compliment from the governor after a while, you can’t look hot!”

The man was very unbelievable. As a result, the companion turned around and really went in to report.

After a while, he saw his companion hurried out from inside and smiled at Tang Fan with a smile: “This lord, the governor is busy now, but he invites you to wait for him first!”

He opened his mouth wide and watched his companion diligently introduce Tang Fan, and then he returned after a while, and quickly asked, “Who is this person?”

The companion said, “Aren’t you a friend of Zhen Fu? You don’t know? He also said just now, called Tang Fan. I heard that he still lives in Zhen Fu’s family.”

The man gasped: “So good friendship?”

The companion said: “That’s not it?”

The man was depressed and said: “Why didn’t you say it early!”

The companion mocked: “I blame you for your stubborn eyes. I have reminded you. You haven’t reported it yet. If the vindication comes down, I can’t be reprimanded by you!”

The man was depressed and silent, thinking that he had missed another opportunity to show his face in front of the boss.

Regardless of what the two Jinyiwei thought, Tang Fan came to the schoolyard under the guidance of the person on duty, and before he saw the figure, he heard a shouting killing sound from afar. On the competition.

The two figures in the center of the venue suddenly rise and fall, and the sword lights are criss-crossing. The fight is not a dazzling fancy move, but a ruthless killing trick, and a closer look, one of them is not exactly Suizhou?

He competed with another person in the field, and there was a circle of people on the side, all of them were coaxing.

Tang Fan swept around and found Xue Ling’s figure in the crowd, so he walked over and couldn’t help but shoot him on the shoulder.

Xue Ling was startled, and was about to get angry. When he looked back at God, he turned angry and said, “How come you are here?”

Tang Fan smiled, “Idlers, wandering around, are you trying to compare? How can even the Zhenfu Envoy have to play?”

Xue Ling smiled and said: “The older brother has set a rule, and the contest will be held at the end of each month. The contestants can challenge anyone, and the winner will have a reward. Many people have been ruthlessly trained by the older brother, they all hold back. Feel bad, fight him, and all of them are beaten down by the elder brother one by one. Hey, hey, those people don’t know the greatness of the elder brother, can I know it? My old Xue wouldn’t ask for fun! “

In the speech, the field has already been divided into victory and defeat. The man who competed with Suizhou originally thought that he was looking at the other party’s empty space, carrying the embroidered spring knife and swept from the back, trying to make a sneak attack. The eyes are normal, the toes rise to the point, they roll over in the air, kick their opponents out, and when their bodies fall to the ground, with the strength of the ground, a carp hits hard and stands steadily On the ground.

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, sharp and full of beauty, and the onlookers applauded and cheered one after another!

Suizhou, who was standing in the field, was wearing only a pair of trousers. His upper body was naked and naked. Sweat flowed down his forehead and neck, and slid down on his body. His whole body was full of bulging muscles. The appearance of such a muscular figure also comes from hard work every day, and there is no slight slackness because of suddenly standing in a high position.

He stared at his opponent who had been kicked to the ground by his own back, and put his embroidered spring knife on the ground with his backhand, and said coldly: “Come back again if you refuse to accept.”

At this time, Suizhou was completely immersed in the fight. For him, there was no discussion or duel. Since he has already played, he must go all out and take it seriously. This is both respect for himself and opponent. Respect.

The opponent that he was staring at felt like he was locked in shape by a fierce beast. He couldn’t help but shudder, and could no longer stir up any fighting intentions. He quickly closed the knife and arched the hand: “No No more! The adult is strong and strong, and his subordinates are willing to worship! “

The people around laughed for a while. This person has won all the people in Beizhen Fusi for two consecutive months. It is estimated that he is also proud of himself, so he proposed to challenge Suizhou. Many people have been defeated by Suizhou before. However, he thought he would definitely be the exception, but he didn’t expect to concede in the end. It was a bit embarrassing.

As soon as the other party conceded, Suizhou’s vigorous momentum softened around him. He walked over and pulled the subordinate up by himself, and patted his shoulder again: “You are already very good. Master Yuan intends to let us come to Jingying A discussion to encourage morale, and it will be up to you to win glory for our North Town Fusi! “

The subordinates were still a little bit spoofed at first, and upon hearing this sentence, there was a sudden surge of emotions, excitedly: “Adults, rest assured, I will go all out, and will not embarrass our North Town Fusi!”

This way of beating and pulling is really compelling.

Tang Fan held his hand and looked at this scene with a smile, and did not rush forward, waiting for Suizhou to encourage his subordinates and announce the end. After the people dispersed, he walked past slowly: “The town is so powerful. Ah, it seems that the position is just around the corner! “

Suizhou did not fail to notice Tang Fan, but it was inconvenient to speak before. At this time, everyone was gone. Only he looked at himself with a smile, thinking that he had no upper body now, and his cold face flashed a trace of imperceptible embarrassment .

“How did you find here? If there is no rush, wait for me to bathe and change my clothes.”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “If you change yourself, I’m not in a hurry. I’ll invite you to dinner today, Xiankelou. Would you like to go?”

Suizhou originally walked back to the house where the clothes were replaced. After hearing the words, he couldn’t help but stopped, raising his brows: “Where is the money?”

Master Tang is not financially free now. He spends half of himself every month, and Suizhou keeps half of it, in order to prevent him from arbitrarily spending money. The half of his hands will be used up. If it is to be kept in Suizhou, Money is basically nowhere.

Tang Fan laughed: “The sky fell!”

When he saw him selling Guanzi, Suizhou was not in a hurry. He went to take a bath and changed his clothes. Only then did he find Tang Fan, who was drinking tea, in his own room.

“Go and go, eat!” Tang Fan saw him coming and got up.

Suizhou shook his head first, and then asked, “Are you promoted?”

Tang Fan had expected that he could guess and was not surprised when he heard the words. He nodded readily: “Yes!”

Suizhou: “What position?”

Tang Fan: “In the Ministry of Criminal Affairs of Henan Qing Lisi, the first prince gave Wu Pin An Ren and another one hundred silver.”

The above three items, even if it was a late award for Tang Fan’s outstanding performance in the Donggong case and the child trafficking case.

Suizhou raised his eyebrows, suddenly opened his mouth, and raised his mouth slightly: “This is a good thing, and it is indeed worth celebrating!”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “Although I don’t insist on having high officials, I have done something and got the rewards I deserve. It’s also a joy. You won’t let me ask for dinner this time?”

Suizhou nodded, but said: “You don’t have to eat outside. Let Adong buy more ingredients tomorrow. I’ll cook at home.”

When Tang Fan heard it, his eyes were shining immediately, and Suizhou could guarantee that he definitely saw the light in those eyes. He couldn’t help laughing: “Do you like my meals more than Xiankelou?”

Tang Fan laughed happily, and the elegant and elegant style suddenly disappeared: “That is natural. How can the dishes made by Sui Guangchuan be worse than those produced by Xiankelou?”

His generous praise made Suizhou’s mouth curl upwards a little bit bigger.

The head of the family is in a good mood, and the other two are naturally blessed.

In the evening, Suizhou was a rare cook. He made fish-flavored pork, sweet and sour pork chops, braised lion head, and Adong also wrapped the chicken feather dumplings that Tang Fan remembered. The simmered plum wine-because Adong is young, he was allowed to drink this sweet and sour wine.

Before the dinner, A Dong filled Tang Fan and Sui Zhou with wine, and took the initiative to take the cup and said to them: “Congratulations on the promotion of Brother Sui, and congratulations on the promotion of Brother Sui!”

The two of them naturally smiled and drank, Tang Fan said: “Actually, the three-year Beijing inspection was not full. The reason is that when I was not promoted, it was just that the Zhou Qingzhong, the Qing Department of the Criminal Department, died of an emergency. Out of a position, this made me go to fill first. “

Suizhou nodded: “There are always many monks and porridge in the officialdom. Although your government office is not fat, but it is easy to vacate a position. There must be a lot of people robbing their heads. With jealousy and jealousy, it is better to be careful when you first go. “

In fact, he didn’t need his instructions. Tang Fan’s man looked free and easy, but he didn’t lack smoothness and cautiousness. However, with the good intentions of his friends, he naturally wanted to lead them, and he solemnly agreed.

A Dong curiously said: “Brother, what are you now?”

Tang Fandao said: “I used to be from the sixth grade, but now I am from the fifth grade.

Adong Zizi said: “After a few years, my eldest brother is estimated to be able to achieve a top grade?”

Tang Fan was not angry: “You are my father when you are the emperor, and the Ming Dynasty official house was opened by my family!”

A Dong smiled with his mouth covered: “You want the emperor to be your father, the emperor is not happy yet!”

Tang Fan thought, if I had such a dad, how sad it would be! While raising his hand to beat her, A Dong has been working hard to learn Kung Fu with Suizhou since he was kidnapped. Where can Tang Fan hit her, she can only stare.

So everyone in this world has something that everyone is good at.

Like A Dong’s study is not effective, but his talent in learning martial arts is beyond others, and Tang Fanhui will be an official in reading, but in learning martial arts, he can’t work hard, and also experienced the Nancheng Gang. After that, he also wanted to learn two tricks to stay close to him. As a result, after a half-hour horse step with Adong, the young Adong was still sweating, but he still stood firmly on the spot with his teeth clenched, but Master Tang Long ago, he turned upside down, and foamed his mouth and announced that he had given up.

He decided that instead of waiting for Kung Fu to defend himself, he would do less dangerous things in the future.

After taking the official approval, he could naturally report to the new department, but before that, Tang Fan also had to visit the old boss and brother Pan Bin to thank him for his cultivation in the past two years.

After Pan Bin learned that Tang Fan was about to be promoted to the Penal Department, it was both comforting and frustrating.

What is gratifying is that he and Tang Fan are brothers of the same discipline. With this relationship, they can care for each other in the officialdom. This younger brother has a future and does no harm to himself.

What was lost was that Tang Fan was already a Zhengwupin official on the 25th of this year. He came out of the Hanlin Academy. Although he entered the Suncheon Mansion halfway, he is now back to the Sixth Department. Promising young and promising.

On the other hand, although I won the Jinshi, but because of the lack of ranking, I failed to be selected as Shu Jishi, which is a less seniority than Tang Pan. Now I am more than 40 years old. The outsider may seem like a great deal, but in fact he knew in his heart that it was a bit difficult to rise further, because he had no background in North Korea and China, nor did he have excellent skills and qualifications.

Looking at Tang Fan, Pan Bin inevitably rushed into a self-inflicted self-pity that “the Yangtze River waves pushed forward, and the waves died on the beach.”

No matter what, he could n’t put on a sad face to face Tang Fan, and people did n’t owe him money, so Pan Bin still gathered his spirits, took out the status of brother, congratulated Tang Fan first, Yin Yin told him to stop being arrogant and restless, not to be complacent, and the biggest enemy in the officialdom is often not others but himself.

These are all talks of experience. Tang Pan was naturally taught with humility. At the end, he stayed at Pan Bin ’s house for a light meal. Both the left and right teachers and brothers were still in Beijing. .

Besides, when Tang Fan handed over the errands at Suncheon Mansion, when he reported to the Penal Department, it was already early summer in May.

This year is fifteen years of Chenghua.

Just two days after entering the criminal department, Tang Fan discovered that he was inexplicably isolated.

The author has something to say:

One hundred and two gifts of silver are already a lot in the Ming Dynasty ~ contented, Master Tang ~

Master Tang formally changed from Tang Guanguan to Tang Langzhong (in Praying Mantis … This **** horse thing)

These two chapters will talk about how Suizhou and Tang masters have subdued their men and become the real bosses.

Master Tang: In the future, we will also have younger brothers!

Thank you, the little cute things who are the same as fruit candy ~~~

Tunnykiss threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-0520: 15: 53

Sister Maruko tossed a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0520: 17: 57 [Sister of Maruko Maruko or sister of Maruko Maru? ~】

Cang Cang threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-0521: 37: 38

Human language moss threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0522: 49: 08

Kita see mint candy threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0523: 18: 32

Fingertip spirit threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-0523: 38: 32 [looks like seeing an old potmate again]

Aki threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-0607: 47: 33

Grenade threw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-0617: 18: 58

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-0617: 33: 19

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