The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 77

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

How did He Lin stand up to being taught in public by his uncle? Then he stooped to pick up the stick and gritted his teeth: “This is the family affair of our family. You have no right to ask, my son will discipline me and kill him!”

Although he said it hard, when he saw Yan Li and Gongsun Yan standing staring behind Tang Fan, the stick in his hand could not be shaken somehow.

“Shut up, there’s no share for you to speak here!” It was Mr. He who rebuked him.

He didn’t look at his son’s flushed face. He came out from the crowd and said to the Tang Dynasty: “Yinxie, I have a few words to ask you. It has nothing to do with today’s affairs. I also ask Xiexie to take a step and say a few words. “

Although Tang Fan was very polite, he did not walk sideways according to his words, and only smiled: “If there is anything uncle, just say it here, gentleman has nothing to tell.”

First, Yan Li, and then Tang Fan. Both of these are soft and hard to eat. Grandpa He ca n’t. He can only ask: “The wise nephew came to live here. The old man was welcome. If the nephew is accompanied by Jin Yiwei, the old man will inevitably ask more than two sentences and ask the nephew to forgive him. “

Tang Fan nodded: “I know what Uncle wants to ask. These two brothers in Jinyiwei are worried that my orphan is unsafe and accompany him specially. It has nothing to do with the court. Uncle does not have to worry about the family.”

Jin Yiwei ’s identity is sensitive. Since others know it, it ’s normal to ask one more question. Moreover, even if he knew that he was removed from office, he would treat him as before, no matter whether this friendship was for his late father or for something else. What is the reason, Tang Fan remembered in his heart.

Therefore, although he hated his brother-in-law because of what he saw and heard, especially today, when He Lin beat his son indiscriminately, Tang Fan naturally could not be rude to Tang He.

Yan Li, who was next to him, said: “Our Zhenfu envoy and Tang dynasty have no relationship, so we specially sent the two of us and others to follow him for eviction and protect the adults. He He need not be suspicious.”

Grandpa He listened to their explanations. Not only did his doubts not decrease, but more.

It is not uncommon for Tang Fan to have good relations with Jin Yiwei, but what kind of friendship must this be so that Jin Yiwei can act as his bodyguard?

And from the point of view of Yan Li and their expressions, the two of them are not unwilling to part with each other, which shows that they are obedient to Tang.

What the **** is going on? Is Tang Pan in the capital in recent years?

Others might as well think so much. He only heard the identities of Yan Li and Gongsun Yan. When they saw the two people’s respect for Tang Fan, their hearts were already shocked, and their impression of Tang Fan immediately fell from a “failure in the officialdom.” “People” rose to “mysterious people with deep background.”

There is a background and no background, the difference here can be big. Even if Tang Fan wouldn’t have an official to do for a while, as long as someone in the officialdom was willing to wave his flag and help him to be polite, he could recover at any time when the time was right.

Thinking of this, even He Lin, who was full of anger, could not help but loosen the strength of the stick in his hand.

Tang Fan was not interested in what they thought. He bent down, supported his sister and little nephew, and then gently lifted He Cheng’s chin to check his injury.

“Qilang, does your body hurt?” Tang Fan asked softly.

He Cheng nodded, shook his head again, and gritted his teeth, not even leaking out.

He usually looked weak and introverted, but his bones were extremely stubborn.

Before putting his mother to protect him, he still got two sticks. Although it was not heavy, he was young, tender, and naturally less capable than adults.

Seeing him covering his other arm with one hand, Tang Fan gently lifted his cuffs to examine his injury for him.

But when seeing He Cheng’s forearm swelled with a purple scar, Tang Fan touched it lightly, and he couldn’t help but yell.

Tang Yu shed tears in distress.

Tang Fanqiang endured his anger and looked up to Yan Li.

The latter noticed and stepped forward to look at it and said, “If you don’t hurt your bones, just give him some medicine.”

He Lin listened to this and couldn’t help saying: “I said I didn’t make any effort …”

Before the words were finished, two severe eyes came and suddenly killed his unfinished words in his throat.

One of the eyes came from Tang Fan.

The other is Mr. He.

Grandpa He coughed a little: “Xianxie, this matter, since the Wei family has already reported to the official, let’s let the county grandfather handle it?”

Even if Grandpa He does n’t look forward, but if he puts it in front, he does n’t know that when Tang Fan stood behind Jin Yiwei, he would never ask this question, because no matter whether He Cheng has anything to do with the case, He is all from the He family.

According to the current etiquette, as He Lin said, it is natural and proper for Lao Tzu to beat his son.

Of course, if Tang Yu’s maiden family is very hard to come by, for example, Tang Yu’s father is the first assistant, and six books, then Tang Yu will not live in the He family even enough for daily expenses.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than feeling that Tang Yu’s mother’s family is helpless, so over the years, the He family has also opened their eyes to this.

But now that Tang is here, the situation is very different.

Since Master He knew that Tang Fan and Jin Yiwei had a great relationship, what he said should be more polite.

Tang Fan nodded: “Uncle’s words are reasonable.”

But after saying this, he said to the Weng county magistrate: “Brother Weng, this matter had nothing to do with me, and I shouldn’t be too busy, but I also asked Brother Weng to see the part of my nephew involved in this matter. Let me participate in assistance from the side. I, being my uncle, ca n’t really sit back and watch him be wronged. “

The county magistrate nodded: “Naturally.”

This small episode came to an end, and the county magistrate began to investigate the case.

People at this time also know that when such a case of a dead person occurs, the scene is extremely important. It is a last resort. It will not let people take the body to the county government to review it. In that case, many clues of the surrounding environment will be ignored. .

Therefore, Weng Xianxian first allowed the government to enclose the backyard, and did not allow idle people to enter and leave, and ordered the Wei family to strictly guard the door. No matter whether it was a male or a female, they were temporarily not allowed to let go.

Of course, this also caused a lot of complaints from guests.

The place where Wei Zhuniang played before her death was actually located in the backyard garden. She had not yet had a feast in the backyard. It was also a distance away from the banquet hall in the front hall.

It is full of flowers and fruit trees and is spacious enough. The children who frequent the Wei family like to come here to play.

Wei Zhuniang was originally accompanied by a maidservant. By this time, she had been found out and was kneeling and crying on the ground.

The county magistrate asked her why she didn’t stay with the little master when she had an accident.

She said: “It was the five girls who asked her maid to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. She said she wanted to eat golden silk jujube cake, but she didn’t have it on the table, because the five girls often played here. There were also girls from the He family and the Zheng family. When the girls were present, the maid went first. Who knew that the jujube cake was not ready, they heard, I heard the five girls … “

The girls of the He family and the Zheng family in her mouth, one is He Yuan and Wei’s daughter He Yuan, and the other is Zheng Juren’s daughter Zheng Qingqing.

In addition, several young masters were present.

Everyone heard what Wei Zhuniang said to the maidservant, and they also confirmed that the maidservant was true.

He Yuan and Zheng Qingqing were called to question again.

They were frightened by the incident and stuttered their speeches. They said unfavorably for a long time. Although they looked pretty Wei Zhuniang on weekdays, it was not good for them, but that was the little girl ’s previous struggle for jealousy. He Yuan and Zheng Qingqing obviously never thought After Wei Zhu Niang will die.

In fact, before the Weng County Order came, they had been cross-examined for a round. What they said now was not much different from what Yan Li told Tang Fan before.

Both said that they had heard the quarrel between He Cheng and Wei Zhu Niang.

After the quarrel, He Yuan and Zheng Qingqing were on the rockery at the time. They felt that they could not go out like this. If they were seen by Wei Zhuniang, they would definitely be embarrassed. Although the girls in the big households were young, they already knew a lot about their love.

So they left from the other direction of the rockery and played elsewhere for a while, before going back to Wei Zhuniang.

He Yuan and Zheng Qingqing could not see Wei Zhuniang in the old place, and thought she ran away, until the group of boys who went to pick flowers and catch birds for Wei Zhuniang also came back, and found no one around, they mobilized Wei’s maidservants. Find together.

It was also a maidservant who discovered the pearl earrings dropped by Wei Zhuniang at the edge of the well, and discovered the anomaly.

In the end, people were pulled out of the well.

Weng County Commander frowned when he heard it: “After that, when Wei Niang fell into the well, there should always be a cry for help. Haven’t you heard it?”

Everyone said they didn’t hear.

When the Weng county magistrate questioned, Tang Fan walked over to the well, bent down, and looked at the probe.

He found that it was very possible that nobody heard Wei Zhuniang’s cry for help.

Because the water level of the well was so deep, at first glance, only a dark piece could be seen, and no reflections on the water surface.

And after the girl fell into the water, she could only struggle twice, and the voice was weak. If no one passed by at that time, it might not be heard.

He watched intently for a long while, and walked to Wei Zhuniang again, opened the white cloth covering her, and took her hand to take a closer look.

Because there were two Jin Yiwei beside them, everyone looked at Tang Fan and touched on the body, but he didn’t dare to say anything.

At this time, the county magistrate had asked many people that their confessions were all right.

When Wei Zhuniang fell into the water, no one was present.

But before falling into the water, He Cheng had a quarrel with Wei Zhuniang, which he himself admitted.

So the question is whether Wei Zhuniang accidentally fell into the water, or someone pushed her down.

If someone pushed her, is this person He Cheng?

The county magistrate asked He Cheng: “Where did you go after arguing with Wei Zhuniang?”

He Cheng calmed down gradually under the comfort of his mother, and did not seem so scared. He whispered, “I am in the garden.”

County Weng: “What are you doing in the garden?”

He Cheng lowered his head and said nothing.

He Lin saw his son’s fool’s appearance and came to the fire, but who let him be taught before, no matter how angry he could bear it.

However, He Cheng refused to speak, and even the county magistrate frowned slightly.

Anyone who sees this child’s gimmicks and hesitant words can’t help but doubt.

Only Tang Yu believed that his son was not such a person, and still coaxed him to speak.

Tang Fan stood up next to the corpse at this time and took the wet cloth from Qian Saner to wipe his hands.

He went to He Cheng and said warmly: “Qilang, you told your uncle, where did you go after the argument?”

He Cheng still didn’t speak.

Tang Fan smiled and touched his head comfortably. He didn’t seem to mind that He Cheng didn’t open his mouth. He turned to the crowd and said: “Wei Zhuniang was really pushed down, but the murderer was not He Cheng.”

Wei Ce couldn’t help but anger: “Tang son, I know He Cheng is your nephew. You want to defend him, but it doesn’t seem that you should decide whether to kill or not!”

The county magistrate also said: “Brother Tang Xian, what evidence do you have?”

“There is naturally evidence.” Tang Fan nodded.

He walked to the body and let everyone see Wei Zhuniang ’s nails: “There is no moss in it, no matter if she fell off or was pushed down, she will inevitably struggle violently before her death, and her fingers will desperately want to climb Things around, but her nails are too clean. “

“Moreover, the neck bones of Wei Zhuniang’s neck have been broken, which means that she should have been covered after her mouth and nose and pinched her neck bones before she was thrown away, so this process has not experienced any struggles, let alone There was any voice, because she was dead before she fell. “

This conclusion was so shocking that everyone couldn’t help but cry.

Many people looked closer, and it turned out that there were no moss on the fingers of the corpse, only some blood stains.

Seeing that everyone accepted his explanation, Tang Fan replied: “Since this is the case, then the death of Wei Zhuniang is a deliberate murder. And whether He Cheng and her are just arguing, whether there is such a deep hatred, no To put her to death. The more important evidence is that He Cheng is not much taller than Wei Zhuniang. Just ask him if he can cover Wei Zhuniang ’s nose and mouth effectively to ensure that she will not make a sound at all. Squeeze her neck bone again, and then drag her to the well and cast it down? “

Everyone looked at He Cheng and Wei Zhuniang, and they thought it was indeed impossible.

Tang Fandao said: “It is not possible to do this with the strength of ordinary women. Therefore, the murderer who killed Wei Zhuniang is most likely an adult man with considerable strength, so naturally it will not be a congratulation. Clear. “

When he said this, many people suddenly realized.

Weng Xianling Xinyue sincerely convinced: “Tang Xiandi deserved to have served in the Criminal Department. In just a few moments, he has sorted things out so well.”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “I am also concerned about chaos, adults do not care about me more and more, I will be grateful.”

Wei Ce came to shame and asked for guilt: “Just before Wei’s words were invisible, he asked Tang to forgive me!”

Tang Fan waved his hand: “You are worried about the death of your daughter, what is the crime, and the top priority, or the murderer is first identified as the first.”

Wei Ce said with sorrow: “Young Master Zhi Zhi Zhuge, please give a certain way to Wei, who is this murderer?”

Tang Fan did not answer, but looked to Weng County Commander.

Weng County Commander knew that Tang Fan was showing himself the wise master of the county, so as not to misunderstand that Tang Fan grabbed his limelight, and was grateful.

Seeing everyone puzzled, he explained: “There are blood stains on the nails, indicating that Wei Zhuniang must have struggled violently before she died, and it is likely that the murderer’s arm was scratched, so you can start screening from men based on this range. “

There was a breakthrough in this case in an instant. Although the words behind the Weng County Order restored some face, everyone could see that if it was not Tang Pan’s temptation at the beginning, I was afraid that everyone thought it was right He Cheng did it.

This case had nothing to do with Tang Fan. If it was not for the suspicion of nephew, he would not cross the Weng County Order to speak. Now that I have seen the case, I no longer intervene. Instead, I whispered a word to Weng County Commander, and said goodbye to him.

Grandpa He glanced at Tang Fan ’s brothers and sisters, and then looked at his son who was not satisfied. He sighed and stepped forward, and said to Tang Fan: “Hime nephew, Gan Yu did not do this properly. In order to protect the reputation of the He family, you will only argue with you. Please do not worry about this matter. “

Gan Yu is He Lin’s expression.

Tang Fan did n’t change his face: “The uncle ’s remarks have nothing to do with you. Why did you apologize for him? The young nephew ca n’t bear it. What ’s more, the young nephew was angry, not because his brother-in-law did not speak badly to me But because he was the father of Qilang, he even condemned Qilang indiscriminately! Lord Xuanzun did not convict him, so he shouted so much, if there were more doubts in Qilang, he was Isn’t it going to kill Qilang in front of my sister and me? “

Grandpa He was a little embarrassed. He thought that he had been soft, and Tang Fan would go down the steps. Unexpectedly, he fell to his face in public, and he felt a little irritated.

But Tang Fan’s words are not wrong. To put it in perspective, he still blames He Lin for being confused.

Tang Fan glanced at He Lin, who was also embarrassed and embarrassed. In front of the family, he said coldly: “Brother-in-law, Qilang is your son, let alone tiger venom, and he doesn’t eat children. What is Qilang’s character, you? When I was a dad, do n’t you know? Even me, who has just been here for a few days, knows that although Qilang is easy to be shy, he does n’t speak much when he sees a stranger. People who are not familiar with him think he is somber and introverted, but The elders who knew him inevitably knew that the child was so kind-hearted. My sister said that he even cried for a long time even if the bunny he raised died, how could such a child push Wei Zhuniang down? ! “

He Lin clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

Tang Fanzi’s words and sentences all accused him of his lack of due diligence.

As the owner of the He family, Father He and his father, they looked at it like this, but stood idly by and did not stop Tang Fan.

Scolded by his uncle like this, he seemed to feel that all his skin had been peeled off, and it hurt painfully.

And watching this scene, not only the people of the He family, but also the people of the Wei family, the people of the government, and the guests who went to the banquet today …

After Tang Fan finished speaking these words, he ignored him and squatted instead to hug He Cheng.

“Qiro, can you tell your uncle now? Where did you go after you quarreled with Wei Zhuniang?”

After the redness on He Cheng’s cheek was smeared with the medicine brought by Yan Li, it seemed to have disappeared.

He clasped Tang Fan’s neck with his hands and snuggled softly in his arms. After a long silence, he whispered: “I picked up the hand that she had dropped before and didn’t want to take it back to her, so I threw it in Into the pond over there. “

Tang Fan asked: “Are you afraid your father and mother will scold you when they know it, so dare not say it?”

He Cheng nodded and looked at Tang Yu timidly.

At this time, Tang Yu was sorry that he was too late. How could he scold him?

She didn’t dare to kiss He Cheng’s face, fearing to hurt his wounds, she held He Cheng’s hand tightly and rubbed down.

Tang Fan saw this and said to Grandpa He: “Uncle, Qilang is injured and needs to rest. My sister and I will take him back first.”

Isn’t He He not agreeing? He quickly asked a servant beside him to take them back, and asked Tang Yu and He Cheng to rest well.

Mrs. He said: “Let’s find a doctor to treat Qilang, don’t leave any hidden dangers.”

He Xuandao: “Mother, we still have some good medicinal materials in the warehouse. Let the doctor ask if we can use it for Qilang. If we can, we can make Qilang a good supplement.”

Tang Fan didn’t talk to them blindly: “Thank you so much.”

The old lady He gently smiled and said: “They are all a family, Runqing should not be seen.”

He Jia Youxin and Tang Fan repaired well, so as not to leave a crack on each other’s talents. In the final analysis, he still looked at the two Jin Yiweis who followed Tang Fan. Tang Fan knew what he knew, but he did not refuse the goodwill of others.

But even He Xuan, who had nothing to do with it, took the initiative to release the goodwill, except that He Lin, who should come to care about his wife and children the most, still stood there, unmoved.

Grandpa He couldn’t help it, and said angrily: “You’re not going back, what are you doing here!”

He Lin looked up at them, threw the stick in his hand fiercely on the ground, turned around and turned away the crowd, and walked away without looking back.

Old Master He was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring at his eyes. If it were not in full view, he would just scold him.

Now all the old faces of the He family were lost.

Tang Yu looked at this scene. She lowered her head and looked at He Cheng, not knowing what she was thinking.

Tang Fan helped her: “Sister, let’s go, let’s go back first.”

The He family went away in luck, and returned unhappy, not to mention much depression.

Because Wei Zhuniang is Wei’s younger sister, He Xuan and Wei Shi remain in Wei Fu to help his father take care of the future.

The rest of the He family returned with Tang Fan first.

Tang Fan took his sister and nephew instead of returning to Tang Yu’s residence, but came to the bamboo courtyard where he lived.

He asked the maidservant to take He Cheng to rest, and then retreated the others.

“Sister, if it wasn’t Qilang’s business today, how long would you have to hide from me? The discord between you and your brother-in-law is not a day or two?”

After today ’s changes, Tang Yu had uncovered tiredness on her face, but Tang Fan knew that she could not give her time to rest and think, otherwise the sister must have an excuse to escape, so she was cruel and chose to expose her wound.

Since it will hurt sooner or later, it’s better to have a harder pain rather than a long one.

Tang Yu sighed: “He didn’t look like this. When I first married into the He family, he was really kind to me. He also told me that although men, wives, and concubines are common in big families, he has I am enough. I used to think of him as a joke, but now you have seen it, even if we are in such a situation, he has not proposed to concubine. I always remember his sentiment in my heart, so it is later him My temperament has changed a lot, I have never had a second heart, and I do n’t want to upset you, but who can think of today, he treats Qilang … “

When he thought of the wound on He Cheng’s body, Tang Yu was so distressed that he couldn’t talk about it.

The husband is no longer considerate, and the brother is far away, the son has become her only hope.

“Daming Law” stipulates that every man who is forty years old and has no heirs will be concubine.

But here is not to say that forty-year-old without a child can concubine, but that a man who has no children at the age of forty, must concubine in order to continue the blood of the child.

Of course, some people do not reach forty, and his wife can have children. He also wants to accept concubines. Even if there are restrictions under this law, he can still keep his wife and one person wholeheartedly, and at most have his stepchildren from the family.

Therefore, the concubine is not looking at the law, but the heart.

For men of many large households, if they have this condition, they can use the forest without being in vain. Why should they keep a tree alone? Like the eight girls in the He family who Yan Li had loved before, it was not the old woman who was born and prospered.

It is indeed rare for He Lin to be able to make unconvinced promises and insist on fulfillment.

After listening to Tang Yu’s words, Tang Fan finally calmed down a little: “In this way, in fact, the brother-in-law is not hopeless, but the fact that after so many years of trial and error, he has been repeatedly and repeatedly frustrated. I ’m so crazy about doing such a confusing thing. “

Face is what a man values ​​most.

Before Tang Fan saw that He Cheng had been beaten like that, he would say in front of everyone that He Lin had tried many times, which was equivalent to tearing her face completely with her brother-in-law, and He Lin got angry at Tang Fan, Looking back must be vented on his wife and children.

Tang Fan saw that Tang Yu was in a low mood, and said, “Should I go back and apologize to my brother-in-law?”

Tang Yu shook his head: “You apologize, you have said everything I can’t say, I should thank you for venting me!”

She paused and looked sadly: “You don’t have to say good things to him anymore, Qilang is my lifeblood. For the sake of his face with the He family, he has been so cruel to Qilang, even though there are so many couples , Also let him beat him. “

Tang Fan saw that she was finally awakened, no longer forbearing, and she was also relieved: “How is that sister planning now?”

He took Tang Yu’s hand: “I was going to take you and Qilang out of here, and live in Beijing for a while, but it’s not up to me, I still have to listen to you. In any case, you don’t have to worry, With my brother here, you will always have a family. “

Tang Yu couldn’t help but hug Tang Fan and started crying.

Tang Fan patted her on the back and smiled: “I have n’t told you yet. Although I do n’t have an official position, I am not without friends in Beijing. Today, you know the identity of Yan Li, Jinyiwei Zhenfu If it is indeed my friend, if the He family or He Lin dares to embarrass you, I can make people turn their family upside down. You are a person without a natal family. The entire Jinyiwei is your maiden family. Is this Da Ming more powerful than you? “

Tang Yuming knew that he was unraveling himself, and he was still amused and laughed.

“Good hair, my sister knows that you love me and Qilang, but even if I want to go, I can’t walk like this. You tell me, can I get away from your brother-in-law and take Qilang away?”

Looking at her sister looking at herself expectantly, although Tang Fan wanted to say yes, he could only say slowly: “I can do it if you want to be separated or righteous, but if you leave after the separation To take Qilang away, I am afraid it will be a little more difficult. Because Qilang is a member of the He family, even if the brother-in-law is willing, he will not be willing to do it. Management. “

Tang Yu was a little disappointed, but she knew her brother knew the law and would never deceive herself.

“What should I do?” Tang Yu asked.

“If you can’t get away from it for the time being, just leave in the name of your mother-in-law, would you?” Tang Fandao said.

Tang Yu nodded without thinking. For Qilang, she endured for years. Now, as soon as her brother comes, she seems to have the backbone, and she doesn’t want to be patient anymore.

After receiving a positive response from her sister, Tang Fan was also happy: “Then I will find a way, and you will wait for the good news.”

The two were talking, and Qian San’er knocked on the door: “Sir, Weng County Commander sent someone over there.”

Tang Fandao: “Let him come in.”

Tang Yu wiped away her tears and avoided the inner room, while Qian San’er brought the entrant into the house.

The other party’s surname is Huang, who is a follower beside Weng County Commander. Tang Fan has just seen him.

Lao Huang bowed his head, saluted, and then said: “Tang son, our lord invites you to visit Wei’s house.”

Tang Fan was stunned: “Isn’t this just back from there?”

Lao Huang was worried, “No, but someone died just now.”

The author has something to say:

Tang Fan: Sister, let’s make a consultation. There will be outsiders in the future. Don’t call me a nickname?

Suizhou: I am not an outsider.

He Cheng: Uncle Maomao, neither am I.

Wang Zhi: Haha, I wo n’t call it. Does Maomao have babies?

Tang Fan: …

A person’s personality is multi-faceted. While he is scum on the one hand, he certainly has merits on the other hand, but this does not mean that the brother-in-law’s approach can be forgiven.

The author also thinks that a man who only vents his dissatisfaction on his wife and children is the most useless, but because of the patriarchy and patriarchy in China for thousands of years, men see their face bigger than the sky. It ’s all …

As soon as this case came out, it felt a bit like the Ming Dynasty version of today’s statement ha ha ha is my illusion → _ →

However, the clues of this case should be spread out with the subsequent development, so there is no open guessing, but if everyone ’s ideas are justified, there will still be red envelopes (* ^ __ ^ *)

Because the 123 romance customization is closed now, there are many Mengmeng to ask questions about opening a personal history, the question is too much, and the author also feels sorry, so he opened a vote on Weibo, if you want to buy which one You can vote for it in the past, and you will consider making it based on the one with the most votes ~~


There’s a lot of nonsense today. Thank you for the overlord ticket tomorrow.

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