The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 78

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

When Tang Fan was in the Wei family, through the mystery in Wei Zhuniang’s nails, the range of the murderer was already drawn out.

The murderer is 90% male.

The murderer must have suspicion with Wei Zhuniang, but Wei Zhuniang is just a little girl, and who will have a deep hatred with it? Therefore, Tang Fan suggested that the county magistrate should investigate from Wei Zhuniang’s biological mother and the people she met.

More importantly, the murderer should be quite familiar with the Wei family, otherwise he would not be able to follow Wei Zhuniang in such a short time, kill her, and escape before others find out.

As long as the county magistrate was not too stupid, it was only a matter of time to find out the murderer according to the clues and scope drawn by Tang Fan.

However, at this time, Weng Xianling sent someone to tell Tang Fan that the Wei family had another accident.

When Tang Fan came to the Wei family, he was led to the lobby of the Wei family by the followers of the county magistrate.

At this time, there were chaos inside and outside the Wei family. Some guests had already left, and some had not been allowed to leave. They had to stay in the Wei family.

According to his ideas, it is best not to let go alone until the murderer is found.

However, this is obviously impossible, because the guests here are all people with faces and faces in the county. They almost monopolized most of the fields in the county. Relying on their support, this is the reason why Weng Xianling can’t hold them back.

Tang Fan is no longer the official of the former court, even if he is not used to it, it is his turn to intervene. It ’s okay to remind the clues before. Too much control is overdone.

There were two people sitting in the Wei family hall at this time. In addition to the dignified Weng magistrate, there was also a sad face of Wei Ce. He slumped in a chair, and the maid next to him was applying mint cream on his forehead.

Before Tang Fan left, Wei Ce was sad, but did not reach this point.

It can be seen that the second person in trouble must be a very important person for Weize.

Seeing Tang Fan coming, Weng County Commander got up and greeted him: “Tang Xiandi.”

Tang Fan: “Brother Weng, I heard that something happened again.”

The county magistrate nodded heavily: “The dead son of the Wei family happened to be the full moon today.”

Tang Fan gave a cry.

It turned out that after Tang Fan left, the county magistrate consulted with Tang Fan before and began to investigate the suspects in the government.

As a result, at this time, the nursing mother and maidservants who took care of the young master of the Wei family hurriedly reported that the young master had an accident.

In his later years, Wei Ce had a son. For his son, if he was a treasure, he deliberately arranged for a nursing mother and two maids to take care of her. This is a relatively luxurious treatment in the home of a large household.

Hu’s nurse, who was serving the Wei family’s children, was brought by the child’s birth mother and was loyal. The two maids were Xiao Lu and Xiao Shuang. They were the children of the Wei family, and their loyalty was unquestionable.

Today is the full moon banquet. Master Wei Xiao is the protagonist, but those delicacies have nothing to do with him. After he was taken out to show the guests a circle, he was put to sleep in his hut, and his biological mother, Li, visited him once.

Then came the news that Wei Zhuniang fell dead and the three of the Hu family were confused, so they sent Xiaolu to inquire about the situation, because there was a nanny and Xiaoshuang around the young master, so there was no harm.

After a while, the people from Li’s side came to him and said they had something to do with Hu’s family.

It happened that at this time, Master Wei Xiaowei was wetting the bed, and another young lady Xiaoshuang got up and went to the next room to find him a new bedding to replace.

It has not been the case that three people happened to be absent before, because there is only a moment in between, and generally nothing will happen, but today is the exception.

When Xiaoshuang took the bedding back to the original house, he went to see the young man in the crib as usual, but he was shocked to find that the baby was exhausted.

This wave is not smooth, and after another wave, Wei Zhuniang’s affairs have not yet come to light, and then the Wei family’s work has happened again.

Upon hearing the news, the child’s biological mother fainted immediately.

Weeze is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Within a day, he lost two children, which also included hope to continue the Wei family’s incense.

The county magistrate also encountered difficulties.

He has been checked one by one. None of the men and women of the Wei family, the male guests, and the entourage they brought, there was no scratch on any of the arms. That is to say, Tang Fan’s inference may be wrong.

On the other hand, at this time, the Wei family was dead again, which made the county magistrate almost burnt and had to find Tang Fan again. In fact, he also wanted to ask for help.

After listening to them, Tang Fan frowned, “Can you confirm that you haven’t missed someone?”

Weng Xianxian nodded: “Yes, I personally supervised from the side and looked at each one according to the name. There were really no people with scratches on their hands. Only three people had been scalded by hot soup before. There is still a circle of gauze wrapped around the back of the hand. “

Tang Fan raised his eyebrows: “Who are those three?”

It was Wei Ce who answered him: “One is Chou Jing’s cousin, whose surname is Chai, and the other two are Wei’s partners in the business field.”

Weng County Order: “But they are unlikely to be the murderers of the Wei family children.”

Tang Fan: “Why?”

Weng County Commander: “Because the children of the Wei family died, these three people were in the hall. At that time, there was something happening to Wei Zhuniang. There was noisy things in the hall. Everyone hurried over to see the excitement. These three people have been spilt by hot soup, so they can’t possibly have the skills of identity and identity. “

Tang Fan pondered: “I want to meet those three people.”

Weng County Commander nodded: “They are waiting in the side hall, Lao Huang, you call them.”

Taking advantage of the long attendance, he asked Tang Fan again: “Do you have any clues?”

Tang Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly: “After listening to this ins and outs, I’m afraid it’s hard to have any clues, how did the Wei family die?”

Weng County ordered: “I was suffocated by the swaddle cloth covering my mouth and nose and died.”

Tang Fan: “Will it be the nursing mother or the maidservant who carelessly covered the quilt too high? This is not the case in the past.”

Wei Ce interjected: “Son Tang, this is impossible, because Xiaoshuang’s dead girl vowed that when she went to get the replacement bedding, she confirmed that the child’s quilt was pulled under the neck, but when she came back , The quilt was already covered in the mouth, and someone must have been there during the period! “

During the talk, the three men were brought in. Tang Fan looked at them and saw that they had bandages on their hands.

The three men looked depressed, and after the ceremony, Weng County Commander asked them to sit down.

Tang Fan asked them: “How did the hot soup splash at that time, even if the three of you even sat together, how could you be splashed at the same time?”

Chai Ze, his wife’s cousin, smiled bitterly: “I didn’t sit with them at that time, I just passed by, and I didn’t know which one did not touch the crock pot for soup without long eyes. When I got it, Brother Wang was right next to me and it was also affected. “

Another said: “I was sitting there. I saw that they were burnt. I hurriedly got up and helped the crock. As a result, there was residual soup in my hands, which was also splashed on my hands.”

Tang Fandao said: “The three troubled ones will remove the bandage and let me take a look.”

All three were stunned. This was just the bandage.

But the county magistrate Weng also said: “Resolve.”

They had to remove the bandage reluctantly.

Although the positions of the three persons were all hands, the left and right hands were different, and the positions were also different.

Chai Ze was injured on the back of his right hand, and Wang Da was injured on his forearm, because Wang Da walked behind Chai Ze at the time. After Chai Ze was first burned, he screamed and hid aside, the people behind came up, just right Push Wang Da to the front, and the soup is spilled onto his forearm.

The other one was Bao Yi. As he said, when he reached out to stop it, he forgot that the soup in the crock was boiling hot. As a result, he was also burnt. He hurt the palm of his hand and a part of his back was also injured.

The abscess under the bandage was reddened, and the skin was burnt in some places, and it was stained with dark ointment, and it looked a little bloody.

Tang Fan took a closer look and then let them re-entangle and let the three go down.

County Weng ca n’t wait to ask: “How?”

Tang Fan shook his head and said nothing.

At this time, Wei Ce had gradually relieved himself. Although his face was still bleak, he finally spoke with some strength and organization.

He told Weng County Commander and Tang Fan: “We just thought about it and thought that it might be Wang Dagan’s.”

Weng County Commander asked: “Can you have credentials?”

Wei Zedao said: “The credentials are not there, but this Wang Da, the person who wanted to get to know the Yan Yunsi through me before, sir, you also know that this salt shop is my belonging, where can the relationship be handed over to people? I didn’t take care of him. Later, Wang Da asked me a few times, and I was tempted to make excuses. I don’t know if he would hate him and turn to revenge on me? “

Weng County Commander frowned: “He killed Wei Zhuniang and your child, what can he do? If it’s grudge, it might as well start with you!”

Tang Fan nodded: “What Master Zun Zun said is very true.”

Seeing the two adults disagree with each other, Wei Ce was a bit frustrated.

It is not a way to sit still and wait for evidence to come to the door. Tang Fan proposed to go and see the banquet hall.

Weitzer folded his spirits and took him personally.

The county magistrate had nothing to do anyway, so he followed.

This place was also visited by Tang Fan before. Naturally, he is not unfamiliar. After the screen, there is a place where he sees Wang Gonggong, a private visitor from Weifu, scared the boss, and in front of the screen is the living room. Ten round tables in yellow marble and rosewood inlaid with marble are placed on the table. Each table has eight people.

However, in addition to the guests, there were also servants serving food, and maidservants who helped to drink wine. Some people also got up and toasted in and out. This way, no matter how big the place was, it would be noisy and crowded.

Tang Fan asked Wei Ce: “Which table did Bao Yi sit at?”

Weise didn’t remember, turned his head to look at the housekeeper.

Following the left and right butlers quickly pointed to one of the tables near the door and said: “This is this!”

Tang Fan asked again: “They said that the soup is hot, is it true? I used to leave before, as if I haven’t seen this dish before?”

The butler said: “Yes, that soup is the penultimate, called Emerald Abalone Soup, it is to put a dozen crocks together and braise them, then use the heat to lift the crocks up and serve them to the guests. The Wei family does n’t have such a big place or so many crocks, so this dish was first prepared in the restaurant! ”

Tang Fan asked: “Which restaurant is this far from?”

The housekeeper said: “The restaurant is called Biyuntian, and it is the largest restaurant in the county. From here … I don’t want to embark on a tea.”

Tang Fandao said: “If you order this dish from the restaurant, even if it is freshly prepared, when should it be served, you should always inform in advance and reserve some preparation time for others?”

The steward responded: “You are right, we informed one day in advance that the soup will be simmered for twelve hours before it tastes delicious. When the third dish is served here, it will send someone over to start telling them to start the pot send over.”

Tang Fandao said: “This time is the time of two teas. This meal takes at least one hour, that is to say, after the crock is here, it must be at least half an hour before it is served. table.”

The butler nodded: “Yes, almost, because the weather is hot and the crock is well sealed, so it won’t cool down until the entrance to the table.”

Tang Fan said to Wei Ce: “At that time, the county magistrate took a step earlier than me, so I definitely didn’t drink that soup, did you drink it, did you burn your mouth?”

Wei Ce smiled bitterly: “At that time Wei Mou heard the news about the mistress and hurried over, and didn’t drink it.”

The butler said: “The villain took a sip and really burned his mouth.”

Tang Fan asked: “Then if the soup spilled on your hands at that time, do you think your hands will ulcerate and foam like them?”

The housekeeper hesitated: “This … should I stop?”

After all, Weng County Commander responded faster than others, and after hearing it, he said, “Do you suspect that the three men are covering their scratches on their hands with burns?”

Tang Fan nodded: “Yes.”

The county magistrate frowned: “But the murderer will not always be three people?”

Tang Fandao: “Naturally not.”

Weng County ordered: “Then I will cross-examine them separately.”

Tang Fandao: “No need to worry first.”

He didn’t explain much, but asked the steward first: “Does the Biyuntian Restaurant now have the jade abalone soup you mentioned? Do you still need to make it now?”

The housekeeper said: “Yes, there are many guests who go there for dinner. The restaurant will simmer two pots every day. They are also burned for twelve hours. There is no late arrival. You have to order in advance, so this dish is very popular. “

Tang Fandao: “Then go to Biyuntian to see if there is any of this dish. If you have one, buy a jar and follow the route and method of your delivery today, and present it after an hour.”

The housekeeper didn’t understand his intentions, and couldn’t help but look at Weeze, who was busy: “Do what Tang Gongzi said!”

When the housekeeper left in a hurry, Tang Fan said to them again: “Look, this table is so big, the dishes delivered are usually placed in the middle, except for the crock soup, because it will be served to the guests, so it will Set it aside. “

Both nodded and agreed.

Tang Fan: “Assuming that the situation was very chaotic at the time, everyone heard about Wei Zhuniang’s things and wanted to go out to see what happened. At this time, I don’t know who touched the crock. According to Bao Yi’s statement just now, Tang went to him He fell in the opposite direction, and then he stretched his hand to help him get burned. Then the crock must have been touched by his elbow, and he just dumped on Chai Ze and Wang Da standing beside the table. “

He gestured, and Weng County magistrate and Weeze immediately understood.

Tang Fan: “Assuming that one of the three is the murderer, and this person is Bao Yi, then this crock was knocked over intentionally, but if the murderer is either Wang Da or Chai Ze, he does not It may be calculated that Bao Yi will knock down the crock. “

Weng County Commander concluded: “So no matter what the situation, Bao Yi is lying!”

Tang Fan nodded: “Yes! But we have to prove one thing now, if we can prove it, then everything can be solved.”

Wei Ce is still a bit confused, but Weng County Commander has fully understood, he twisted his beard and smiled, “Yes!”

He is not a jealous, envious person, not to mention that Tang Pan is very decent, and he does not grab the limelight, but also gives him credit. He is very fond of Tang Pan, and he does not hesitate to appreciate: “Xiandi is really capable, and the court does not need you Officials are really their loss! “

Who this “them” refers to, the county magistrate did not say so, but he knew each other.

Tang Fan shook his head: “When I can’t afford the praise of Brother Weng, I can only check the case. I won’t be an official. What’s the use of light investigation?”

His words reminded Weng County Commander of his bumpy official journey, and he could not help but smile bitterly.

Wei Ce couldn’t help saying that they were fighting with a machine front: “What about the death of the child, can the two adults have an eye on them?”

Weng County ordered: “If we are not wrong, you and your daughter’s death should not have been done by the same person.”

Wei Ce uttered a blank expression, bewildered: “This, how is this possible …?”

As a businessman, harmony and wealth are the first priority, but no matter how exquisite a businessman is, there will inevitably be opponents and enemies in the business field. This is the same as Tang Fan ’s in the official field. There has never been a lack of political enemies.

However, such hatred is so deep that it is very rare to kill others in the family.

The murderer’s death is a law that has not changed since Qin. Even though there are various restrictions and modifications, even ordinary people know that killing is not a trivial matter.

Weng County ordered: “You think about it, besides Wang Da, who do you offend on weekdays?”

Wei Celan: “There are naturally many offended people. Business deals, one side makes money, the other side must lose money, but I have never heard of anyone killing people for this! Not to mention the revenge of the children and children. , Why do n’t you come at me? ”

Neng County Commander and Tang Fan did not speak. They have been officials for many years. They have seen more cruel cases than this, so although they are sighing, they are not as empathetic as Wei Ze.

Between the words, the housekeeper had come, followed by a servant holding a crock.

“Sir, the emerald abalone soup is the one here, according to what you ordered, and I took it one hour after getting out of the oven!”

Weng County Commander said: “Place it on the table, then find someone to open the jar and pour it on your hands.”

“Ah?” The butler was completely dumbfounded, and didn’t understand what the regulations were.

Tang Fan said aside: “Go find someone who is willing to do so and come over and give him a reward later.”

Wei Ce also said, “Thanks for the two silver snowflakes.”

This is not a small number. The servants who came with the housekeeper’s eyes lit up immediately and stood up and said: “Does the master see the little people?”

Wei Cewang ordered to Weng County Commander.

Weng Xianxian nodded: “Yes, you show us, don’t hide, we just want to see how your hands are burnt.”

The servant’s heart inevitably whispered the uncle of the county, but the wealth was touching, and he had to fight for those twelve silver coins.

The housekeeper immediately opened the crock and poured it over his hands reaching out.

The hot soup was sprinkled on his hands, and Rao was mentally prepared again, and the servant still couldn’t help but scream, his expression twisted.

The soup splattered on the ground, and the fragrance of the emerald abalone soup suddenly spread.

After a while, the county magistrate allowed the servant to wash his hands, but he still did not let him take the medicine, and only ordered to come over after washing his hands.

When the housekeeper brought the people back, Tang Fan looked at the hand they reached out.

I saw the other person’s skin that was scalded by the soup just now.

But they were not as seriously injured as Wang Da.

Upon seeing it, Wei Ce burst out: “What’s going on, why are they burned differently from the old Dong? Is it because the old Dong’s skin is thick and fleshy?”

The county magistrate asked the housekeeper to take the man to take the medicine, and then puzzled Wei Ce: “It is not his thick skin, but the crock that scalded Wang Da and the three of them, which was heated after being delivered.”

Wei Ce understood: “So Tang Cai Tang Tang asked the steward to repeat the situation of delivering soup today, in order to prove that when the crock soup was on the table, although it was still hot, it was not enough to burn seriously? “

The county magistrate nodded: “It’s good, so as long as you go to the kitchen to find the person who heated the crock that day, you can follow the vine and dig out the murderer.”

I have been able to help. The next thing has nothing to do with Tang Fan.

He declined the invitation of Weng County Order to participate in the interrogation and took Qian San’er back to He’s house.

After a long day of tossing, it was already late at night, Tang Fan did n’t eat well, he felt hungry, and it ’s inconvenient for people to make another meal at the He ’s house. Find something to eat outside.

Unexpectedly, Xianghe County was not as prosperous as the capital city. At night, even the restaurant was closed. Except for those blue-house prostitutes, few were still in business.

Qian San’er smiled and proposed to go to Qinglou for dinner, which happened to solve the problems of his life as well. He was slapped on the back of the head by Tang Fan. He suddenly deflated his mouth and dared not say anything.

Tang Fan warned him: “If you want to follow me, don’t think about these things, go back to the wife, An Ansheng lived a life!”

Qian San’er was aggrieved. He was guilty and not guilty. He was very hurt when he looked at himself with the eyes of his clients.

Tang Fan rolled his eyes: “What use do you swear at me, and send it to your future daughter-in-law!”

Qian San’er cheap smile: “Master, you have a great friendship, find me a chant, I have absolute confidence in your vision!”

Tang Fan: “Do you have to find me?”

Qian San’er: “That is!”

Tang Fan: “That dare to have a good relationship. When I get back to Beijing, I will give you the relatives of the proprietress who sells pancakes to the east lane.”

Qian San’er screamed: “My mother! That woman is forty, fat like a ball, lord, do you have the heart to let me get into the tiger’s mouth ?!”

Listening to him describing himself as a sheep, Tang Fan’s face almost didn’t squeeze: “Then don’t you mean that every time you go to buy pancakes, she flirts at you?”

Qian San’er was depressed: “That’s because she sells pancakes there every day, and she has never seen someone as handsome as me, so Chun Xin is sprouting, but I can’t send myself into the devil’s claw because of sympathy for her!

Tang Fan: “Go, really treat yourself as a green onion, go cool while you don’t bother me!”

The two walked all the way back, and in the distance they found that the entrance to the bamboo courtyard was very lively.

Tang Fan frowned slightly and hurried forward.

The lively protagonist is the second room of the He family.

He Lin and Tang Yu.

To be precise, it was He Lin who drank the wine and was mad at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu was separated by Yan Li and Gong Sun Yan. Because of He Lin’s identity, they were not easy to get started, but with them there, He Lin could not get close to Tang Yu half a point.

The two Jin Yiwei looked at He Lin with disdainful eyes, and He Lin was irritated by this look.

There are too many things happening today, especially for the Wei family, and even more so for He Lin.

He didn’t expect that he would drink a full moon of wine, and he could drink a bunch of things.

Under the circumstances at that time, everyone ’s doubtful eyes were on himself, but He Cheng could n’t say a word of defense. He Lin felt that after changing others, he certainly could n’t think of a better way. What’s wrong with hitting your son.

But Tang Fan stood up. He first lifted Jin Yiwei and He He to press himself. In front of everyone, the youngest uncle even went up and down, and relentlessly reprimanded his brother-in-law. He also condoned those eagle dogs to deal with him. This is a lifetime. Things that are not acceptable to He Lin who are all good-looking.

After he left Wei’s family angrily, he went to buy drunk, and then he met several friends who usually sing poems right. Those people heard about what happened to Wei’s family, and in the name of comfort, they laughed at the truth, implying his husband. Gang is weak, even if it is compared with his own brother, and now even the youngest uncle looks down on him, and ridicules whether he has to go back and kneel and wash the board.

Hearing these words in He Lin’s ears, he added fuel to the fire and drank the courage to drink. He also had no fear of Jin Yiwei, and there was only one thought left in his heart: find Tang Yu to settle the bill!

For He Lin, it is difficult for him to think from the perspective of Tang Yu, to understand that Tang Yu has not been easy these years. He only sees that Tang Yu has a younger brother to support him, so he does not take him into consideration. After today, In the He family, in Xianghe County, what other faces do you have?

So there was this scene that Tang Fan saw.

Tang Yu saw that it was too late. She was originally planning to go back to where she lived, but she was not worried about He Cheng. She was afraid that after going back, she would be borrowed by He Lin to find fault, so she planned to leave her son in the bamboo courtyard and let Tang Fan help take care of it for one night. Unexpectedly, Zuo et al. Could not wait for Tang Fan. She had to bless He Cheng to read books without disruption, and then came back first.

Unexpectedly, he came across He Lin who came back drastically and drunk.

Yan Li and Gong Sun Yan were frowning, and he looked at He Lin and started to move his feet with drunkenness. They were thinking about whether to hurt each other. But He Lin always belonged to Tang Yu ’s husband, Tang Fan ’s. The brother-in-law, so the two were not well-balanced, and they began to look forward to Tang Fan’s return.

Seeing Tang Fan appear, both of them rejoiced: “Son!”

He Lin did n’t know if he was drinking too much and he was so stupid that he did n’t even look back. He was still yelling at Tang Yu: “Since you married into the He family, I ’m sorry for you! For you, I do n’t have a good wine taste. Even in Hexuan ’s yard, there is a common room, but I have nothing. Others say you are jealous. I ’m still saying good things to you outside! But you, how did you treat me? Did you let my brother fall on my face like this! The He family lacks you or shorts you? Don’t think that with your younger brother backing up, you can do whatever you want! Don’t think about it and leave you, I’m going to rest … “

“Shut up !!” The flat ground snarled.

It’s not Tang Fan, he doesn’t have such a good Dantian strength.

Everyone looked around with sound, and he saw Father He approaching angrily with his cane, without a word, he raised his hand and gave He Lin a slap.

The women who followed were shocked, and when Grandpa He wanted to start, she quickly said, “Say something!”

The bamboo courtyard was right next to the He family. He Lin was in trouble, and the people of the He family would soon know.

The reason why Tang Fan did not stand by was that he wanted to wait for He Lin to say something, or to use it as a handle.

Unexpectedly, Mr. He came so fast and so timely.

He Lin was stunned by this slap, his expression was stunned for a moment, and he could not say anything.

Grandpa He wanted to come again, this time he was stopped.

The man who stopped him was Tang Fan.

Tang Fandao said: “Uncle, beating people can’t solve the problem. Since the brother-in-law has reached the point where he wants to abandon my sister, I think we should still sit down and have a talk.”

Although Master He didn’t understand Tang Fan, he felt his reaction was too calm. The calmer this is, the less good it is.

“Hime nephew, I want to help you out. This is a good lesson!” Mr. He looked angry. “Don’t stop me, don’t see me not breaking his leg!”

Tang Fan calmly and ironically said: “I have any anger that others need to help out, isn’t it because my sister is angry?”

Grandpa He ’s movements were slightly changed, and he looked at Tang Yu and the drunk He Lin, then shook his head and sighed, “Injustice! Injustice!”

“Dad, mother, I have something to say.” Tang Yu, who has been silent, suddenly said.

Her face was almost indifferent, and it was just that He Lin shouted like that, and she did not show any unexpected or sad expression, and now it is calm and abnormal.

He said: “If you have anything, go into the room and talk.”

“Tomorrow, let’s say that my sister and nephew live in the bamboo courtyard tonight.” Tang Fan said.

Mr. He nodded. He did n’t want to stand outside at night because the family affairs were too troublesome. Moreover, after experiencing the affairs of the Wei family, everyone was very tired today, and only He Lin would quarrel at the door regardless of the situation.

He ordered someone to hold He Lin up, but he stared at him personally, and saw that He Lin was going to resist, and he was asked to take the rope to tie it away.

Mrs. He told Tang Yu to take a rest and said that she would come to see her grandson again tomorrow, and let the hospitalized servants take care of them. They all explained it carefully before leaving.

As soon as those people left, Tang Fan accompanied Tang Yu in and saw that there were no outsiders. Tang Yu stared at Tang Fan. “You still asked me to give back all the hardships I have suffered over the years. I want to scold at a stretch, but you are all interrupted! “

Such Tang Yu seems to have the charm of the old Tang family girl.

After marrying a woman for so many years, I am afraid that even she has almost forgotten what she used to be.

Tang Fan grieved: “But I am hungry, and I have the strength to quarrel when I’m full. What if I get half hungry?”

Tang Yu was funny and distressed. Even the sullenness and pain of Fang Cai was put aside.

“Don’t you learn to take care of yourself outside all these years? Just sit inside and I will go below!”

“Eh, I want to add a poached egg!” Tang Fan smiled.

He glanced at the tearful Qian San’er next to him, and added compassionately: “Sister, add another bowl, and San’er hasn’t eaten yet.”

Qian San’er will shine with a little sunshine, and immediately smiled with a smile: “Then I want a poached egg!”

Tang Fan was not angry: “Go and go!”

The author has something to say:

Dwarf oil, Master Tang, you are all old, and you are spoiling with your sister, is that right?

(Everyone: Even the key clue to the homicide case is gourmet food, what kind of trouble do you want the author to have!)

Thank you Mengmeng’s overlord tickets and nutrient solution, see you tomorrow night, don’t you ~

A little dizzy, comment back tomorrow ~~~

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Waiting for a sunny day to throw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2721: 47: 03

Xiaoyu threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2722: 18: 41

Deng Zi and Deng threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2722: 23: 53

Huan Le Ge Huan threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2722: 32: 50

Xian Xian 824 threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2723: 14: 25

Hokkaido Shannon Toast threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2800: 11: 15

Just want to change the user’s nickname and throw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-2800: 12: 11

Piupiu Pi threw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-2800: 25: 49

A fish from the tropics threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2800: 41: 52

Lianyi against the water threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2801: 01: 38

The little tadpole looks for MM and throws a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2801: 06: 24

Sophia threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2802: 03: 17

Sophia threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2802: 56: 38

Aki threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2807: 25: 09

Qingqing threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2807: 26: 10

Rarely threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2816: 00: 44

Deng Zi and Deng threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2820: 19: 02

aqavrw threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2820: 19: 22

Dream Yin threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2820: 30: 51

Dream Yin threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2820: 31: 54

Dream Yin threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2820: 36: 27

Scrambled eggs threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2820: 42: 06

Huan Le Ge Huan threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2821: 01: 24

Courtier threw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-2821: 18: 52

Qingqing threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2821: 19: 50

Hokkaido Shannon Toast threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2821: 30: 48

Yulouchun threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2823: 02: 47

Xian Xian 824 threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2823: 07: 32

MOMO threw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-2823: 42: 29

Eighteen fruits threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2900: 09: 59

Bluffing penguin threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2900: 21: 01

Aki threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2900: 38: 46

The little tadpole finds MM and throws a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-2902: 12: 10

Push cloud boy threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2908: 38: 32

Ao Jiao soft sister paper threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-2910: 17: 44

Yulouchun threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-2912: 04: 02

Just want to change the user’s nickname and throw a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-2912: 50: 19

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