The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 84 - Dove accounts for magpie nest (1)

I don’t know the reason, so suddenly lost consciousness in summer, fainted. At the same time, Yu Wenmao came to the Shuguang 2 spacecraft.

Half an hour ago, Yu Wenmao returned to the Shuguang 2 spacecraft under the **** of the armed robot Tai Shici, and passed the biochemical quarantine and radioactive decontamination in the airlock cabin. The door inside the airlock is opened, even if it enters the spaceship formally.

Yu Wenmao took off his helmet and sucked the air inside the spaceship deeply. then……

With a greasy expression, he laughed wildly: “Daming, I Yuwen Moritake is back!”

“Where is the main abacus?” Yu Wenmao asked after laughing wildly.

“Master Yuwen, Diao Chan is here.” Diao Chan’s cold voice answered.

“Help me connect with the Xia adults who are still in the battleship, and lead me to the central command cabin.” Yu Wenmao said, and under the guidance of Diao Chan, walked all the way to the command cabin.

“I’m sorry adults, the battleship has signal shielding, and I can’t connect to the adult tube temporarily.” Diao Chan said.

“What? Master Guan? You have listened to the abacus,” Yu Wenmao said. “From now on, Shuguang 2’s duct belt is me Yu Wenmao, Master Yuwen. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master Yuwen!” Diao Chan’s voice was cold and mechanical.

“So good, from now on, I Yuwen Mao has the highest authority of the spaceship. In addition to the little **** boy named Xia, there are two robots on the battleship to help me connect the robots above.”

“Yes, Master Yuwen. The robots Ganning and Lu Xun. Only Lu Xun is online, and both Xia and Gan Ning are offline. Diao Chan will now connect you to the robot Lu Xun.”

Connected Lu Xun in a short while, Yu Wenmao said: “Robot Lu Xun, now I am the highest commander of the spaceship, I order you, wait, abacus, his name is Xia, what is Xia coming?”

“Senior Qi Jun, his name is summer. In addition, my name is Diao Chan, not an abacus,” Diao Chan answered.

“Got it, Lu Xun, the officer ordered you to kill Summer immediately!”

So far, Yu Wenmao exposed his jackal nature. I just don’t know how he controlled the spacecraft system. Since he got on the spacecraft, he controlled the spacecraft system instantly. How did he do it?

Said that he was going to kill Summer, and on the earth at the moment, Mila and Wu Ruize were still online, and Mila shouted: “Dare you! Despicable and shameless Yu Wenmao, you have to figure out that summer saved you!”

Diao Chan also said, “Master Yuwen, please think twice.”

“Shut up, who is this little girl, stepping on the horse? Little abacus, shut her down for me!” Yu Wenmao shouted and ordered Diao Chan to cut off the connection between Mila and Wu Ruize. At the same time, he gave Diao Chan a nickname “Little Abacus”.

“Lu Xun, didn’t you hear me? Kill Summer immediately. Little abacus, if you talk again, I will rewrite your system, do you believe it?”

“Yes, adult.” Diao Chan replied helplessly.

Luxun on the battleship is just at the door of the hibernation cabin, where the signal from the spacecraft can be received. After receiving the order from Yu Wenmao, he shot a shot towards the back of summer.

Followed by a fight, the two robots Ganning and Lu Xun in the hibernation cabin could be seen through the screen. Just a moment, the signal was interrupted, and I did not know if they were killed in the summer.

Arrived at the command module, Yu Wenmao browsed the spaceship system, and got a preliminary understanding of the general situation of the spaceship. Determined that he had indeed taken control of the spacecraft. Even if he was not killed in the summer, he would not be able to return to the spacecraft and would not pose a threat to himself at all.

He just decided to take a bath. It ’s been 15 years. He has n’t taken a bath in 15 years. He does n’t know how dirty he is. And he has lived ascetic as a monk for the past 15 years, so he next Take a good shower, and need a few beautiful machine room puppies to vent yourself.

There are many robots in the command module, including several female ones, wearing strange costumes, which are particularly enchanting and beautiful. You have to know that these female robots are all dressed up for them in the summer. Their dresses are all the dresses of modern earthmen, so in Yu Wenmao’s eyes, that’s not strange clothes.

Although these robot girls are as pretty as fairies, Yu Wenmao’s favorite is the original costume in front of him. She was wearing a red floral Ming Dynasty costume, carrying two swords on her back, and her mouth was slightly rebelliously upturned, her eyes revealing arrogance.

“It’s you, come and bathe with the official, and then let the official refresh, haha.” Yu Wenmao pointed at the beautiful Ming Diao Chan.

“Sorry, Master Yuwen, Diao Chan is a system computer, not a housemate, and cannot obey your orders.” Diao Chan refused.

“What are you talking about? Computer?” Yu Wenmao was from the Ming Dynasty, so I didn’t know what the computer was like, so I asked this question, but then I understood what it meant, “So you are a small abacus, I said you A system abacus, what are you doing as a house puppet? Today, the officer wants you to accompany you! You must accompany you too, UU reading must accompany you without paying! “

Yu Wenmao said she would step forward and move her hands, who knew Diao Chan said coldly: “I’m sorry, Master Yuwen, please take your own weight.”

“Haha, funny, you robot, tell me this?” Yu Wenmao said, reaching for Diao Chan, pulling out one of the swords behind her, the tip of the sword resting on her neck. Still not?

“Sorry, Diao Chan is really hard to follow.”

“Haha, it’s interesting,” Yu Wenmao said withdrawing the sword, “You have to remember that you are just an abacus, and you actually have a sense of consciousness. Don’t you know Daming’s robot law?”

“Diao Chan knows that robots cannot have independent thoughts.”

“Otherwise what will happen?”

“Otherwise, the system will be reworked, and the independent thinking program will be washed away.” Diao Chan said sullenly.

“Do you know what it means to redo the system?” Yu Wenmao said.

“In a sense, it means the death of Diao Chan.”

“Haha, you are not stupid, then do you still follow me? I can kill you at any time.” Yu Wenmao said with a smile. He is right. Although Diao Chan is the master computer of the spacecraft, she cannot attack him in front of Yu Wenmao who has absolute control. This is also set by the computer program and cannot be changed.

“I’m sorry, Master Yuwen, Diao Chan can’t promise you if he swears to death.” A computer’s answer was unexpectedly justified.

“Okay, I can’t think of an abacus ignoring my existence in this way,” Yu Wenmao said fiercely. He was rejected by a computer. In a rage, Yu Wenmao, who had already turned his back to Diao Chan, turned around violently, and slashed with a sword.

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