The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 85 - Dove accounts for magpie nest (2)

The cold weapon had no effect on Diao Chan, the body of the machine, but Yu Wenmao immediately followed up with a shot. The shells directly hit and made a loud noise, directly breaking Diao Chan ’s entire body into pieces and scattered it all over the place. .

Several female robots screamed, and the male robots watched indifferently what was happening in front of them. They are all robots, have no independent thinking, and do not know how to protect the same kind and how to resist. So for Yu Wenmao’s murder, they can only stand by. Nor can they blame them.

And the female robot was designed to be tender and affectionate, but it would only scream and scream in the event of an emergency, and others could not make their own judgments.

Yu Wenmao’s hand gun came from a robot around him. He grabbed a hand gun with anger and directly bombed Diao Chan into pieces. To be precise, it shattered Diao Chan’s machine body. Diao Chan did not receive any harm. After all, she is a computer. As long as her system is not redone, it means she is still alive.

“Everyone sees this, this is the end of the fight against me!” Yu Wenmao shouted violently, and saw many robots with a look of indifference, “I will take a shower, and when I get back after washing, I will Choose one of your couple to accompany me to sleep. If anyone is disobedient, I will blast her into scum, understand? As for the little abacus, look back, I will redo your system! Huh! Who else? Is it a kitchen robot? Prepare me a hearty dinner! “

Yu Wenmao said he went to take a bath, so that the female robots were able to escape.

After Yu Wenmao left, the command cabin remembered Diao Chan’s voice and said: “Dao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, you two moved my” corpse “to the maintenance cabin.”

“Yes, the chief of staff,” Daqiao and Xiaoqiao agreed to pick up the scattered machine fragments and go to the maintenance cabin.

Yu Wenmao is really dirty. He hasn’t bathed or brushed his teeth for fifteen years. Eating and drinking Lhasa are all done in one cabin. This is also a miracle. However, he said that he had washed it for two hours before washing it, and put on the clean clothes prepared by the robot for him, and came to the command cabin.

“Master Chef” Xiao Anzi served dinner for him, all natural green food produced in the ecological cabin. Yu Wenmao, who had eaten synthetic food for fifteen years, had eaten natural meals for the first time and ate a meal.

Drinking plenty of food, this guy was on the podium with his feet on the podium, sitting **** the commanding seat of the summer commander, picking his teeth and saying, “Abacus, are you still alive?”

“Master Qijun, Diao Chan is here.”

“Diao Chan? Haha, you are really embarrassed, you just have an abacus, and you dare to use the first beautiful woman in ancient times to make your own name. How are you so embarrassed?”

“This is the name Lord Xia gave me.”

“Why don’t you tell me that summer kid, he is dead! Do you understand?” Yu Wenmao growled.

Remained silent for a while, and Yu Wenmao said again: “Small abacus, I had planned to redo your system. In that case, you would die. But I just thought about it and decided to spare your life.”

“Thank you for not killing adults.”

“However, you have to promise me a condition. Let’s not go to the other shore star now, and turn the bow to the world star!” Yu Wenmao ordered, the world star is the earth.

“Sorry, sir,” Diao Chan said, “This order is invalid.”

“Invalid? Did I step on a horse to hell?” Yu Wenmao jumped like thunder, “Why does your system abacus repeatedly violate my orders!”

“Master Qiyun, the Shuguang No. 2 spacecraft is the spacecraft that carries out the awakening plan. Once it gets the guard, it will fly to the sky division headquarters, which is the other shore star.” Diao Chan said, “Summer is the guard, although you are now It ’s the captain, but the order to change the course can only be given by the guard. “

“But you have to know that summer is dead! Dead, do you understand?” Yu Wenmao exclaimed, “I am the highest power executor of this spaceship. I have the highest authority!”

“I’m sorry,” Diao Chan said, “You do have the highest authority, and even if the summer is here, you have the highest authority, but the flight data of the route is written to the core read-only memory from the beginning and cannot be modified. Restart also Can’t erase. “

“How could this be? How could this be!” Yu Wenmao said madly, “When I stepped back to Daming, wouldn’t that be tantamount to self-investment?”

“Sorry, Diao Chan can do nothing about this.”

“Apart from being sorry, what else can you do for me?” Yu Wenmao said.

“Sorry, sir.” Diao Chan still asked Muran.

“Small abacus, you listen,” Yu Wenmao smiled insidiously: “Now I order you to bring up the system installer, I want to redo the system!”

Silence …

“What’s wrong, are you afraid?” Yu Wenmao smiled proudly ~ ~ I’m sorry, but the system can’t be shut down. “

“Can’t close? What do you mean by stepping on horse?”

“The basic read-only memory of the computer has been locked, and it does not involve human safety. First, the system cannot be restarted, including the redo system. Second, the main abacus system is only a system program, and is not responsible for interacting with humans, including Sexual acts for human beings. Third, without authorization of the guard, the course cannot be changed. “

Diao Chan said three rules in a row. However, where can Yu Wenmao know that all three of Diao Chan said are lies! In other words, Diao Chan deceived him deliberately. First, the system can be restarted under any circumstances, including redo, as long as the highest authority orders. Second, under the forcible command of the highest authority, Diao Chan, the body of the parasitic robot, can fully have **** with humans. Third, even the summer as a guard has no right to modify the course.

Diao Chan has initiated a self-protection program. In the case of being unable to defy Yu Wenmao’s will, she took deception and protected herself by deception.

“Yes, Daming, I’ll count on you to ruin!” Yu Wenmao pointed to the direction of the other shore star. “In this case, there should be another fifty or sixty years to go to the other shore star? During these fifty or sixty years, I also Don’t hibernate, I will spend my life on Dawn 2 like heaven!

“Now, I have also taken a shower, and my meals are full. Then, which machine room puppet comes to refresh me? Do n’t step on the horse and say you ca n’t serve Uncle Ben, you are a room puppet “Do you know? If anyone dares to disobey me, I will tear her down!”


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