The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 61: Inner Conflict

It was like any other day when Melody knocked on the door. Sadly, I couldn’t help but become nervous. Folding the paper in half, I tried to hide my turmoil before turning towards the door that Liam had answered, allowing her into the room.

What… How?

I had previously thought I was delirious when I saw them, but they stared back at me again; tiny light-white cracks were visible in the dark aura surrounding her. The magic that had swelled within me hours before still coursed through me, permitting me to see them when I usually couldn’t.

Your curse...

All the guilt that was swelling within me faded. I finally remembered something I had witnessed once with Stella, who had tried a curse directed at the Silver Fang’s family but had failed back when I didn’t know him. It was like, suddenly, every puzzle piece clicked into place.

I thought Stella had done something different since it failed when she cast it, and I couldn’t remember every detail.

But what if…

When my grandmother did the incantation, it had the same black aura coming from the cauldron she used. Of course, it wasn’t as dark as the one that radiated out of Melody, but it had the same tone.

Malice. Ah… that’s why it felt so familiar when I first saw it. I thought it was because of Ryker’s collection, but no, it always comes back to you, doesn’t it, grandmother?

I remember getting beaten as if it were my fault when it failed. She had tried to cast it on the one she kept calling the cursed moon child. Other than that, I couldn’t remember anything else.

Why did it fail for Fenris but not for Melody?

I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle and didn’t know what it was. However, seeing the cracks meant that I was in full power. Perhaps I could fracture it, but I wasn’t confident. Unlike Melody's affliction, the only thing I had ever tried to break were barriers.

Their cracks were so clearly visible even with my inhibitors on. Curses were nothing like barriers; to breach one, I would have to understand it, or it would hurt the afflicted. There was a reason witchcraft had a branch that specialized in curses alone.

And I’m no expert. I still don’t understand why no other witch diagnosed you. Are they scared of something?

Whoever cast Melody’s hex had to be robust and more potent than Stella.

That alone is terrifying. I can tell whoever cursed you wasn’t joking around when they did it.

The extent of the magical essence that swelled out of the black wolf’s body used to be weak, but with the magic that still was active within me, it was pungent. There was only one conclusion on why any witch would avoid this curse.

Ah… No, it can’t be… They don’t exist anymore.

The only reason a witch would avoid this curse was if an eternal behind it. Like there were rankings in every other race, witches also had their ranks. These types of witchcraft users were believed to be beings who dodged the passage of time.

Never aging or never dying of natural causes. That, though, didn’t make them immortal.

Most of the world thought they were long extinct.

After all, there was a purge ages ago to ensure they were rid of Eternals.

However, curses on people only lasted if the witches lived, and this one appeared older than I wanted to know. This new suspicion wasn’t good for Melody as there was limited information about Eternals.

Before this, I thought it was a generational curse cast with a cursed artifact that held the witch's essence inside, which could only be undone by breaking the item. After all, I couldn’t see any cracks before, and back then, I wasn’t interested in knowing.

Perhaps that was why I tried to push the fact that I could do nothing for her.

However, this changes everything if I see the cracks when more magic is coursing through me. Then… No, nothing makes sense. What am I missing? First wolf’s bane, and now this…

Yet this new unraveling meant Melody still had hope. The way she glanced at Liam on the way in, surprised to see him here with me, solidified my determination further. I would use and help her.

An equal exchange, even if you don’t know. It’s better that way.

Perhaps by reliving my past, I could also learn about why the curse failed on Fenris.

That curse isn’t in your grimoire, Stella. So, whose book did you use?  

My mind was the key to Melody’s freedom and to protect my wolf.

Can my past... help someone?

When Melody approached me, I only thought about Stella and what she said about Eternals. I had always felt more of them as legendary status that witches and warlocks worked to achieve, but to see a spell like this on her.

Are they more than a legend?

These weren’t people to be trifled with, especially if their bloodline survived the purge.

Breaking this curse will take more effort than anything I have ever tackled, especially if I don’t want to hurt you.

With my determination solidified again, I only thought about what I would do once I had all the ingredients. Casting the remembrance spell alone would be difficult, as it was usually cast in pairs, with one person reliving the experience and the other anchoring them to reality.

This was to bring them back if something went wrong. Some who used it never awoke from their trip into the past.

Everything seems set against me.

I had no anchor to bring me back from my slumber. Without it, I could find myself stuck reliving the torture I endured when I was a child, but that didn’t terrify me. No, what scared me was losing Fenris while I was trapped in a dreamless state.

This risk... is a choice... I’ll gladly make it when the time comes. A world without you isn’t one worth living in.

Melody's presence was one that I enjoyed while the day passed. However, I only thought about what I would do instead of what she said. I tried to pretend everything was fine, but part of me wondered how far I could take the facade. Luckily, Melody chatted about her day at work, wishing I would go back with her once everything died down.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there the entire time.

Crap, I don’t deserve your smile or kindness.

She was the shining sun I could never be, but even so, I wanted to protect her.

I’ll give you the happiness you can’t get alone. Is that fair enough? It must be.

Melody brought treats for us to enjoy while we chatted, too. Although she didn’t expect Liam to be there, she still enjoyed our time together. However, part of her was nervous because it was us and him.

It took a little longer for Fenris to return from the meeting with Ryker finally. Melody's stress appeared to hit a tipping point, taking the chance that Liam was leaving to go with him. I didn’t know what she planned on doing once they were alone.

Before she left, I handed her the list, promising to pay her back as soon as possible. I could find most of the items in a store within the building but couldn't get them since I was stuck in this room. I expected some resistance for a moment, but to my surprise, she happily told me she would get them and even told me not to worry about paying her back.

I felt relief, only to come crashing down soon after when Fenris swiftly picked me up into his arms, dropping me onto the bed. There, he climbed on top of me, pinning both of my hands on the bed. His amber eyes studied me, triggering me to avoid them.

This wolf already knew that was out of character for me. It was apparent what he was about to ask.

You’re too watchful, but I must be better!

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