The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 76: Ready As I’ll Ever Be

A soft sigh left the silver wolf’s lips, relaxing into the chair with me on his lap.

"Fine, you have to cut deep. You know that, right?" He huffed.

Unable to contain my happiness, I kissed him again. I was thankful he let me in without a fight. I grabbed a glass container on the table and placed it nearby before reaching for a small knife that was also close by. Unlike Melody, who had her beast sealed up by the curse, Fenris didn’t suffer from that affliction.

He was right. A little needle wouldn’t be enough to make him bleed, meaning I had to slice his finger deeper than a needle could go. The needles used for Lycans to draw blood were thicker than the ones used on humans.

Though this wolf would heal almost instantly, it wasn’t a big deal for him, but I still hated that I had hurt him. I tried to prepare everything, allowing Fenris to hold me by my waist. Happily, I sat on him with his tail on my lap.

He blew into my ear, teasing me, triggering a shiver to run down my spine. A soft yelp left me before he glared at the playful wolf. Instead of being intimidated by the fact that I held a knife, he chuckled, leaning into me to kiss my cheek.

His affection didn’t change my pouts as I huffed, grabbing his hand.

You’re too playful for your good!

Yet, I couldn’t hate that about him; no, I adored that side of him so much. Especially his loving smile, even if it was terrible for my poor, delicate heart. His hand didn’t tremble in mine, fully trusting me, which pained me because I was taking advantage of that trust.

However, it wasn’t like it was for free. He licked and nibbled on my neck, distracting himself from the pain by touching me tenderly; his free hand searched for my nips within the dress, making me jittery on his lap.

Without wasting another thought, I sliced his palm, causing drops of blood to fall into the glass bowl underneath.

After the blood stopped coming down, instead of reaching for another cloth to clean his blood, I instinctively raised his hand to my lips before kissing it. It was something my mother did to me when she was alive whenever I injured myself. However, what I did next wasn’t something she did.

The taste of iron was something I was used to, so when I sucked his finger into my mouth, I didn’t mind it. When I realized what I had done, it was too late. Fenris grabbed my head, tugging my lips onto his, shoving his tongue into my mouth.

Even though he tried hard to hold back, I woke the wolf within him with that simple act. His hand traveled down to my groin, leaving me little chance to recover. A soft mewl left me when his fingers traced over my vulva through the fabric.

That was when I saw his eyes shimmering brighter than before. Pushing me against the table, he didn’t let me get a word in before grinding himself on my bum through my dress, gripping me tightly against him; I couldn’t help but gasp for air once he let my lips free.

Clasping onto my hips, he continued to ground himself into me, releasing a sharp growl from his lips as saliva dripped down his chin. One of the hands that gripped my hip slipped under the dress as he leaned into me.

His fangs flashed briefly before a knock came from the door, snapping him back.

“Oh… fuck… what was I…” He shook his head before helping me up from the table.

Luckily, nothing had spilled. Somewhat dazed, it left me wanting more than he could give. Noticing he was backing away from me, I…

“Please don’t leave me!” I clung to his shirt.

“I’m sorry, Lily. I have to go. If I don’t, I’ll…” He trailed off, sitting me down in the chair.

I couldn’t help but whimper when he went to open the door for Melody, who was completely unaware of what happened. He could barely find the words to speak to her while I avoided her gaze.

For a moment, Fenris lost control of himself, which was something new to him. This was normal for Lycans during full moons, but he had never once hurt me. Usually, he would hold me the entire night when they happened, and I had my cycle; he would either avoid me through the night or cuddle me to sleep, but today wasn’t a full moon.

Not once have you ever flashed your fangs at me. Is the blood moon already affecting you?

It took me by surprise, and I felt like I was about to go wild after feeling him on me like that. The warmth erupting from me was overwhelming.

If I fail, I won’t see you for a week. No, I can’t let that happen!

When the flustered silver wolf left, I tried to find my composure, finishing the spell that was my first goal before I lost myself. It was a simple one, at least. All I had to do was drop the gemstone into Fenris's blood and cast it.

"Ruber luna sub lumine facti sumus unum." I chanted repeatedly until the stone turned blood red, just like the moon would be.

'Under the red moon, we become one.'

After that, I searched the shelves for a viable ring for the following incantation I needed. Luckily, Fenris also gifted one to me not too long ago. It was made of opal, another gemstone, only that this one appeared like a rainbow.

It would be perfect for what I wanted, plus I needed something he gave me for it to work. With a brief hesitation, I dropped it in the remaining blood, casting another spell.

"Invisibilia, sed solum videri potest ab oculis tuis." I chanted, causing it to glow white lightly.

'Invisible, yet only to be seen by your eyes.'

This was like the spell Stella had cast to trick the Lycans into seeing the little girl like me. It lasted only a day and was activated when the magical item was worn. The same was true of the necklace. Once done, I placed both enchanted accessories next to the book, which I forged before preparing for other things needed.

This included a specific potion needed after the night of the blood moon. I practiced everything I would do during the festival's first two days.

Well, minus opening the portal part.

It was too dangerous to try with Melody around, and I didn’t know if the world would end if I did it. Even though Shade was optimistic I could manage it, I didn’t share her sentiments. Every hour that brought me closer to the fated time made my heart want to fly out of my chest.

I didn’t know if it was the worries that everything might fail or the sexual frustration that I had pent up. Keeping myself in one piece was hard while keeping Melody completely ignorant.

I can already hear you yelling at me for how stupid I was and how you don’t want Fenris to murder you.

Undoubtedly, this black wolf would tell me to find another way.

Sadly, there’s no other way for a witch. Perhaps if I was an elf, but I am not one.

I didn’t know if Melody noticed my nerves the night before, but she sat me down to help me feel better.

"Lilith, it’s okay if it doesn’t work." She assured me.

Oh… It’s much more than that.

"I’m sure it’ll work," I reassure her.

Melody handed me a hot chocolate she made.

"I know... but I’m happy you tried so hard for me if it doesn't. You’re in my life, and I’m so thankful for that. I don’t need anything else,” she confessed, pressing her forehead against mine.

This Lycan's soul was too beautiful for me to handle.

How can I keep lying to you? Because I must...

"I’m thankful for you, too," I whispered, trying not to crumble now that I was close.

You know how to win my heart, don’t you? I won’t fail because you’re depending on me. I’ll set you free from your cage. I promise.

We spoke of simpler things for the rest of the night. I sipped on sleeping tea to rest through all the emotions. The following day, my eyes flew open, but not because of a nightmare, yet the tension of everything at stake became real. Everything I had prepared for…

Hours… It’s just hours away now.

My eyes were locked on the clock by the wall on the side of the bed. I thought I had overslept for some reason, but it was only ten in the morning. Melody was still fast asleep next to me when I stood up, struggling to find my way to the chair by the table.

Taking the accessories out of their hidey-hole, my hands trembled before I slammed my head onto the desk. The loud sound jolted Melody awake as I grabbed onto my shaking hands, trying to quell myself.

Melody rushed to my side to see if I was alright. Somehow, I convinced her that a book slipped rather than my head. Although she noted my shaking, she decided not to push me this time.

According to all the sites, the blood moon begins at seven at night and lasts until four in the morning. By seven, Fenris should be alone. My window to find you is around six to seven.

Using the techniques I was practicing, I mastered my nerves. I readied myself for everything else needed after returning from my venture under the moon. Although I didn’t have Fenris's sense of smell, I knew I would ovulate soon by counting the days.

Fenris wouldn’t be capable of controlling himself this time. Although, I didn’t know if last time I had ovulated from my viable side. This time, it could be possible that it was going to happen. I didn’t want him to deal with the fact I attacked him, causing him to impregnate me.

Layla will murder me if that happens, too.

So, I prepared a potion that would cause the fertile egg to die after the act. Witches had their little handy things for their orgies, but that wasn’t the only thing I prepared. Besides that, there was another potion made for Melody's consumption.

Luckily, she knew nothing of Latin, so I did it right before her, and she was none the wiser. This one was for her to fall fast asleep until I woke her up the next day by touching her. It contained my blood, making me the only one who could wake her, which made me feel terrible.

If anything went wrong, Melody would be asleep forever, but if Fenris lost himself when he was with me and I died because of it. It would’ve been a mercy for her to go while in her sleep. However, that was something I had to avoid at all costs.

Even though I wouldn’t mind dying by his hands if that were what it came to, I did care that Fenris would die after I did. I drew the moon to pass the time and the nerves, imagining how the silver Lycan would appear under it. The more I created, the more excited I became.

The nerves quelled to leave a way to the desires I was holding back.

How long has it been since I… saw you… Ah… One way or another, tonight, we’ll become one.

Once done, I stepped back from the canvas to see Fenris in full splendor. I glanced at the clock to see it was five.

Ah… there are a couple of minutes until six.

Melody sat by Fenris's bed, waiting for the treats she had made to finish cooling.

Grabbing onto the thermos with her potion, I handed it to her. “Drink it.”

For a moment, she glanced at me, puzzled.

“It’s for the spell.” I quickly assured her.

As trusting as she was, she ended up chugging it.

"Lily... I feel... what’s… happening?" Melody struggled to say a coherent thing.

I simpered, "I’m sorry,” turning away from her when she drifted into her dreams.

Turning off everything in the kitchen that was on, I took off my clothes and headed into the shower to cleanse my body before covering it with an easily removable robe. I headed towards the room, placing the potion I had to drink the next morning in plain view.

If it's visible, I won't forget it.

After that, I picked up the accessories, glancing over at the clock on the wall. Watching the clock tick away, I tried not to let my doubts and insecurities in.

So many things can go wrong, but it must work! I’m not doing this only for myself but for…

At six-thirty, I unclasped the bracelet and placed it on the table.

“Ready?” Shade asked as her eyes shimmered, thanks to the rush of magic flowing through us.

Her words caused me to giggle, nervous about what was coming.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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