The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 66

If Ye Ting wanted to, he could immediately get the diary and destroy it with fierce fire, so that he could severely inflict Voldemort and spend a safe and sound year.

But Ye Ting didn’t do this, because he still wanted to wait for Voldemort to pass the Horcrux and release the basilisk from the secret room of Slytherin.

Since this is Guidro Lockhart’s signing event, there are many media present, and neither side of the fight is ordinary people: one is an ancient pure-blood family, the patriarch of the Malfoy family, Hogwarts The other is the director of the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Prohibition of Muggle Goods-but there are only two people in this department-so that two persons with identities fight in public, it is simply big news.

So a reporter stepped forward to interview the two parties in the fight, but suddenly, a young female reporter found a bigger target next to them.

“Isn’t that the youngest wizard chess champion, Ting Ye?” The female reporter couldn’t help yelling, and then she reacted and closed her mouth regretfully—that could have become her exclusive news.

It was too late now, and everyone saw Ye Ting who was buying books. The reporters left Lockhart and the two old men who were fighting with each other and ran in Ye Ting’s direction.

It has been only more than a month since Ye Ting became the champion of the international wizard chess competition, and next month, the Ministry of Magic is also preparing to award Ye Ting the Merlin Class III Medal to reward him for inventing the mobile fireplace technology.

In other words, Ye Ting’s limelight has not yet passed, and he is still a topical figure at this time-due to his age, his topicality is far more than that of Guidro Lockhart.

This accident made Ye Ting quite annoyed, because it meant that his trip to Diagon Alley had to be hurriedly ended, and he had to leave here immediately, otherwise he would definitely be in trouble.

So he made a decisive decision and shouted to the girls: “Use Floo powder to return to the car to find me.”

Then he turned his head and ran away, escaping from Li Hen Bookstore.

Reporters and onlookers followed him one after another, and the bookstore instantly became empty, leaving only a few customers who were actually buying books and Lockhart who was at a loss.

This time, the girls finally saw Ye Ting’s true fame.

Hermione looked at Lockhart with her head down and looked at the door where Ye Ting left. Suddenly she felt a sense of loss in her heart. She found that compared to Ye Ting, who had achieved various achievements and had been helping her all along. Lockhart is actually not that great. She found that the fundamental reason for her admiration of Lockhart was because of his fame and handsomeness, but the more handsome and more worthy of her admiration were actually by her side.

So, she and Zhang Qiu did not go forward to ask Lockhart for an autograph. They hurriedly left the bookstore after purchasing a set of books.

In the last few days of the holiday, Ye Ting was surprised to find that Hermione and Zhang Qiu’s attitude towards him was suddenly much better than before. Since they got in the car, they would always have trouble with Ye Ting from time to time because of the presence of the other two girls. .

Now, Hermione no longer always argued with Ye Ting on some academic issues, and Zhang Qiu was no longer jealous because Ye Ting had said a few more words with the other two. They even took the initiative to learn from Ye Ting to cook dishes with magic and prepare breakfast for him.

Ye Ting asked curiously what happened to Penello, but the senior sister didn’t say anything, just smiled and winked at him.

So he had no choice but to start enjoying this inexplicable tenderness with peace of mind.

Happy times always pass quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the summer vacation is over.

On the last night before school started, Ye Ting prepared a sumptuous candlelight dinner for everyone. Regardless of all the minors present, he took out red wine. This is Ye Ting’s collection from Russia—it’s probably a diplomatic collection. The gift that arrived-Romani Conti in 1945, tastes quite good.

Few of them have ever drunk red wine, the first time they drank such a delicious red wine, they were all a little greedy.

After the dinner, everyone became a little drunk. I don’t know who suggested it first. They started playing cards in the living room. Those who lost were fined a glass of wine.

In the end, everyone went crazy, and the punishments became strange. Early the next morning, Ye Ting discovered that the four of them actually slept together in the living room all night. Each of them wore thin clothes and slept in a ball. He also found many lip prints on his face. , Apparently from different people.

Fortunately, he didn’t do anything further.

But after that, the four of them were a little embarrassed with each other.

Ye Ting sighed inwardly, this time it was a bit playful, and it would be difficult for them to get together like this next time.

In the afternoon, before they set off from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts, Ye Ting received the Evening Prophet of the day.

Like many adult wizards, Ye Ting has long subscribed to newspapers such as “Prophet Daily” and “Witcher Weekly”. In addition, he also subscribed to “Today’s Transfiguration”, “Magic Innovation”, “Practical Potions” and other academic papers. publication.

Ye Ting didn’t read the newspaper for the first time. He had to clean up his laboratory. When he returned to the living room, he found three girls gathered together, reading “Daily Prophet” enthusiastically.

“What happened?” Ye Ting didn’t understand. He had just left for a while, how did the three girls get together, and they were embarrassed to talk to each other before.

“Harry and Ron, they secretly drove Mr. Weasley’s car! They actually dared to come to Hogwarts in a flying car!” Hermione said loudly, the surprise in her tone obvious.

Ye Ting was surprised, how did Hermione know about this? Scanning the newspaper in Hermione’s hand, he understood everything in an instant.

He took the newspaper in his hand and saw the bold black headline at a glance: “The Ford Anglia will fly, and the Muggles are amazed.” He went on browsing, “Two Muggles in London are sure they have seen one. An old car flew over the post office building…in Norfolk at noon, Mrs. Hetty Bellis was drying her clothes… Mr. Angus Fleet of Pebbles reported to the police…”

“How did you know that it was the two of them?” He was still a little puzzled. Hermione and the savior duo are currently just ordinary classmates, and they don’t even communicate with each other. She can’t understand all this like the original book.

“It’s a letter from Harry and Ron to you.” Penello handed Ye Ting a piece of paper. The letter mentioned that they would not be able to pass the nine and three-quarters platform. I hope Ye Ting can help figure out a way, otherwise they can only open it. Going to school in Mr. Weasley’s car.

“They didn’t know that you drove to Hogsmeade. They thought you were going to school by train as before, so they sent you a letter asking for help. Unfortunately, this place is too far away from London. The letter just arrived.”

“Okay,” Ye Ting smiled somewhat gleefully, “I hope they won’t be scolded too badly tomorrow.”

Item 0091

On the evening of the beginning of school, news broke from Hogwarts: instead of boarding the train, Harry and Ron arrived at the school in a flying Muggle car, and they ran into the precious battering willow. .

Fortunately for the little lions, because Harry and Ron’s violation of school rules occurred before the school opening ceremony, Gryffindor was not deducted points for it.

However, Harry and Ron themselves were in a much worse mood, because they were seen by Muggles while driving, and the incident even made the news-in addition, Ron’s wand was also broken in the accident. He could barely use tape to tie the two pieces of wands together, but accidents happened frequently in the process of using magic.

Early the next morning, they discovered that the bad luck had just begun: Mrs. Weasley actually wrote them a roaring letter, which was delivered to them by the owl in front of all the students at breakfast.

When Ron tore open the envelope with trembling hands, Neville immediately blocked his ears with his fingers, and Harry was confused by their movements. But I knew why right away.

At first he thought it was 12 that had exploded, and a loud noise filled the entire auditorium, shaking the dust off the ceiling.

“… if they stole the car, if they fired you, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Seeing how I will clean you up then. You probably never thought about it at all. Your father and I were in the mood when the car was gone. …”

It was Mrs. Weasley’s shout, which was a hundred times louder than usual, and it shook the plates and spoons on the table so loudly that the echoes from the four stone walls were deafening. Everyone in the auditorium turned around to see who received the yelling letter. Ron slumped in his chair, only seeing a flushed forehead.

“I received a letter from Dumbledore last night. Your father was so ashamed to die. We worked so hard to pull you up. I didn’t expect you to do such a thing. You and Harry almost lost their lives…” Harry kept listening to when his name came up. He tried to pretend that he didn’t hear the sound of hitting the ear drum.

“…Too annoying, your father will be censored in the work unit. This is all your fault. If you don’t follow the rules anymore, we will bring you back right away!”

This letter made Harry and Ron faceless in front of all the teachers and students of the school, and they became everyone’s after-dinner jokes.

When he was at Lihen Bookstore, Ye Ting once told Hermione and Zhang Qiu that Gidro Lockhart was just a poser, his books had no practicality, and he himself was not a powerful wizard, if He became the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, so don’t expect to learn anything normal.

Hermione and Zhang Qiu didn’t believe this at the time, they thought it was just Ye Ting’s misunderstanding of Lockhart.

But now, only Gildro Lockhart only took the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, which exposed his essence.

Take a look at what his class content is:

After the class, Professor Lockhart first made a self-introduction that he thought to be humorous. Then immediately arrange for everyone to take a 30-minute quiz. There are 54 questions in the quiz. The topic is like this:

1. What color is Guidro Lockhart’s favorite?

2. What is Guidro Lockhart’s secret ambition?

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