The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 67

3. What do you think is Guidro Lockhart’s greatest achievement so far?

And so on, three sides of the paper, the last question is:

54. When is Guidro Lockhart’s birthday? What is his ideal birthday present?

It was ridiculous. He completely regarded the classroom as his fan meeting site.

When reading the original book in the past, Ye Ting thought this guy was quite funny, but when he really experienced all this, he felt that he had been fooled, so he tore the test paper to pieces on the spot, and then fell in front of him. The door leaves.

“Who can tell me, who is that gentleman just now?” Lockhart’s face was a little green when Ye Ting left, and Ye Ting’s behavior made him greatly ashamed.

After learning that Ye Ting’s performance last semester, he seriously said to all the students in the audience: “When I saw him slammed out of the door, I immediately knew why he did it-oh, of course. It’s all my fault, I really want to kick myself a few times.”

He paused and smiled at everyone.

“He wants to be the most popular person in the crowd. In fact, he has tasted the sweetness of fame. He is smart, handsome, and he studies well. Quidditch also plays well. At Hogwarts, whether it is a wizard, Even witches like him, envy him, oh, it’s really a good feeling. But now, I, Guidro Lockhart, Merlin, the Third Class Medal, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, won five times The “Witcher Weekly” Most Charming Smile Award. I came to Hogwarts with such a famous and loved one, and immediately robbed him of the limelight, so that he was no longer the one that attracted the most attention. I was jealous of me, so I slammed the door out immediately. I can understand the feeling. I know he was rude to do it, but I forgive him because I made him jealous. Oh, this is What a terrible emotion, he should understand that he is still young now, and when he grows up some time to become famous. When I was twelve years old, he was as ordinary as he is now. In fact, it should be said to be more ordinary than him. “

Hearing this, Hermione couldn’t help it anymore. She stood up and said loudly, “Ting doesn’t need to be jealous of you! His achievements and reputation are much higher than you. He was twelve years old. He won the championship of the International Wizarding Chess Competition. All wizard chess players are not his opponents; he invented the mobile fireplace at a young age. For this reason, the Ministry of Magic would award him a Merlin Medal III, but he never If you don’t show up everywhere like you, I think he’s right. You are a vain and boastful guy. You are not worthy to be our defense against the Dark Arts professor!”

After finishing speaking, she was like Ye Ting, ignoring Lockhart’s ugly expression, and slammed the door away.

At the beginning of the first class, Lockhart was so embarrassed.

However, his performance was worse then.

For this class, he prepared a cage of Cornish elves, saying that he wanted to examine the practice level of the little wizards. He released the elves and wanted the students to catch them all. But as soon as they left the cage, the elves began to wreak havoc in the classroom and hid under the table.

At this time, Lockhart wanted to show up in front of the students and grabbed all the elves into the cages in one go to save the lost face, but with an empty head, he waved his wand for a long time without effect, and finally even himself. All his wands were thrown out of the window by the elf. In the end, he was a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the third-class Medal of Sir Merlin, and an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League. The little wizards also hid under the podium.

This is just plain revealing. Except for some girls, many little wizards have begun to believe what Ye Ting and Hermione said: Lockhart is just a vain and boastful guy.

Chapter 0092 Lockhart’s Past

After leaving the classroom of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Ye Ting walked all the way to an extremely ugly giant stone monster, then stopped and said to it: “Chilled lemon juice!”

The monster suddenly came alive, jumped aside, and the wall behind it split in half.

Behind the wall is a spiral staircase, which is slowly moving upward, like an escalator. As soon as Ye Ting stepped on, he heard a rumbling from behind and the wall closed again. He rotated higher and higher, higher and higher, and finally, he saw a shiny oak door in front of which was a brass door knocker in the shape of a lion and eagle.

He knocked on the knocker, the door opened, and inside was Dumbledore’s principal’s room. This was the second time he was here.

This is a spacious, beautiful round room full of funny little sounds. On the slender-legged table, there are many weird silverware, rotating, emitting small puffs of smoke.

The walls are covered with portraits of the old principals, men and women, and they all snore softly in their respective frames.

There is also a huge table in the room with claw-shaped legs. On a shelf behind the table, there was a tattered, crumpled wizard’s hat—the Sorting Hat.

Ye Ting saw Dumbledore behind the table, but he was immediately attracted by the bird at Dumbledore’s feet, which looked like a turkey with half of its feathers plucked. The bird looked at him with sad eyes, and at the same time it made a choking sound. Its eyes were dull and its feathers kept falling from its tail.

“Oh, a phoenix.” Ye Ting murmured as he looked at the bird: “A phoenix ready for Nirvana is really rare.”

He turned to Dumbledore: “Professor, can you call me when your phoenix is ​​about to Nirvana? I have never seen this before.”

“Of course, Mr. Ye, I’m glad you are interested in my Fox.” Dumbledore smiled and glanced at Phoenix. “Then, what’s the matter with you coming to see me? I remember Mr. Ye should stay in the dark right now. The magical defense class is the right classroom.”

“You let me stay in that liar’s classroom?” Ye Ting rolled his eyes disdainfully: “You are wasting my time. In fact, I’m here for this.”

He stepped forward, walked up to Dumbledore, and asked, “I don’t understand, why do you have to let such a boastful fellow be a professor at Hogwarts? Can’t you tell? He even has one Even the Iron Armor Curse can’t be used, and letting him be a professor can’t teach us anything at all.”

“Yeah, yeah, Lockhart is really not a powerful wizard,” Dumbledore nodded with a smile. “He has always liked to talk big and show the limelight. He was like that back then. I still remember that when he entered school, He declared that he would make the Philosopher’s Stone before graduation, and also planned to lead the English Quidditch team to win the World Cup and eventually become the youngest Minister of Magic in the UK.”

“Oh, are you familiar with Lockhart’s past?” Ye Ting asked suspiciously.

“Of course, when he was in school, I had served as the principal of Hogwarts,” Dumbledore showed a nostalgic look. “At that time, he was already very unpopular. In order to get attention, he Become a troublemaker. He once engraved his name on the Quidditch court in 20-foot-long letters, once projected his portrait into the sky like the Dark Mark, and sent 800 to himself. A Valentine’s Day card. I still remember that breakfast was cancelled that day because a large amount of owl droppings and feathers fell into the oatmeal. When Lockhart graduated, we all breathed a sigh of relief.”

“Then why would you let such a person come back to be a professor?” Ye Ting was a little strange, “because no one has applied for this position? Or because of his fictitious experience? You never think that is true, right.”

“These experiences are indeed true,” Dumbledore sighed. “But that was not Lockhart’s work. There were others who accomplished those achievements. Lockhart traveled to various exotic places in the world. , To deceive the accomplished wizards, they reveal their greatest deeds to Lockhart, and Lockhart will erase their memories after learning about these deeds. Then, he will write these deeds into a book, and account for them. I have. However, in his “deeds”, there are two things I know very well, and I even know the original owners of two things: an old Armenian wizard and a witch with a mouth, they were all erased by Lockhart. But when I tried to expose Lockhart, I found out that I couldn’t do this. I thought for a long time and didn’t understand why.”

“Because people need such an idol.” Ye Ting replied. He thought of those nasty traffic stars in his previous life: “People need such a perfect idol. He is handsome and has extraordinary achievements, and can satisfy people—— Especially all the fantasies of girls and housewives. Lockhart happens to be able to fully satisfy these needs. I have to admit that he is indeed a good public lover. In addition, Lockhart can bring huge benefits to others. : The media needs him to continuously make news, bookstores need to sell expensive books through him, and organizations like the Ministry of Magic and the Anti-Dark Magic League also need his presence to prove to all wizards that the wizarding world is beautiful and safe…In short Under such circumstances, Lockhart’s position is unbreakable.”

“Yeah, you really see it more thoroughly than me, and it was so difficult for me to figure it out at the time.” Dumbledore nodded in agreement, cast an appreciative look at Ye Ting, and continued: “So I can only He invited Hogwarts. I believe that the school is the best place to expose his scam. I believe that as long as Lockhart is put into such an ordinary school life, his scam will be exposed and he will get Due punishment.”

Listening to Dumbledore’s explanation, Ye Ting found out after a little thought that this method is actually very effective. Lockhart always had to do it himself when he took a professional class like Defense Against the Dark Arts, and in this way he would show his feet in front of the students. .

Hogwarts students are the future of the entire British magical world, and more importantly, they stay in school and see Lockhart’s true standards with their own eyes. They are not easy to be fooled by the media. Their opinions can be quickly Change their parents’ views, so that Lockhart’s reputation will get worse and worse, and his value will gradually disappear. At that time, no one will speak for him except for individual fans. Professor Dumbledore’s purpose is It can be achieved-if the secret room and the basilisk accident did not appear in the original book, then Lockhart’s ending may be like this.

“Your idea is really good, but please don’t let me stay in the same room with him anymore, as well as my friends.”

“Well, I agree to your request,” Dumbledore said. “If you have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you can do whatever you want, but don’t tell others.”

Chapter 0093 Dark Magic Defense Study Group

After getting permission from Dumbledore, Ye Ting began to show up in other places in the castle during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. And soon, his three female friends followed suit.

However, although Guidro Lockhart is a parallel importer, Ye Ting still believes that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a very important course-especially in this period: in the next few years, Voldemort’s minions will be renewed. Resurrect their leader, and the wizarding world will once again fall into chaos.

Take this school year as an example. The Chamber of Secrets was opened again, the Basilisk was released and swaggered to kill people in Hogwarts. In the original book, even Hermione and Penello were recruited. If it were not for luck, the two of them would not have been petrified, but were actually killed by the basilisk.

At this moment, he was presented with an unreliable black magic defense class professor like Lockhart. Ye Ting really had no choice but to decide to do it himself.

In fact, Ye Ting wanted to teach his female friends about the defense against the Dark Arts since last semester, but due to various research and studies taking up a lot of his time, plus he himself at that time It’s just entering school, and he may not be so proficient in the mastery of magic.

But now it is different. Today Ye Ting is already quite proficient in all kinds of magic used for combat. He has also experienced the practice of fighting fire dragons and two head-on fights against Quirrell/Voldemort. Although the actual number of actual battles is not much, the opponents are all It is not an unknown person, but the existence that truly stands at the apex of the power of the wizarding world. It can be said that he has some experience in fighting with magic, even if he is really a professor of defense against the dark arts, it is more than enough.

After planning, Ye Ting went to ask the three girls for their opinions. Penello was quite in favor of this idea. At least it would be of great help to the NEWT exam she will face this school year-the ultimate wizard exam. .

Smart and diligent Hermione always wanted to learn more. Ye Ting’s opinion happened to coincide with her. After returning to Lockhart’s class-Ye Ting was quite satisfied with this matter, and felt that she was finally not there. Pained to her for nothing-she had long wanted to find a way to learn the knowledge of defense against the dark arts by herself, and now that Ye Ting was a genius to teach her, she was a little surprised.

What surprised Ye Ting was that even Zhang Qiu readily agreed, which made his inner heart ready to persuade her to appear to be in vain.

Zhang Qiu has always been not a brave person. Compared to taking risks and fighting with magic on campus, she yearns for the life of ordinary middle school girls and has no lofty ambitions. Ye Ting was very curious, why she made this decision like this.

“In fact, since that incident last semester, I started to want to learn how to fight.” When she spoke to Ye Ting, her eyes kept staring at the ground, “At that time, I had to watch you stand in front of everyone, brave I fought with Professor Quirrell, but I could only run away in panic, afraid of dragging you back. Every time I think of you fighting alone, honestly, I am both worried and guilty, and I don’t want to go on like this… “

At the end, her voice became smaller and smaller, obviously because she felt that she had expressed too much, so that the other party would see her true thoughts.

However, she still mustered up the courage, looked straight into Ye Ting’s eyes, and said the last sentence.

“Next time I am in danger, I will definitely stand by your side!”

After speaking, she blushed and left.

Unknowingly, even Zhang Qiu had such an awareness, which made Ye Ting warm.

His influence and fetters on this world have become deeper and deeper, and the people or things he knows are gradually different from those in the original book. Because of his existence, everything is changing.

The girls around him are beginning to work hard.

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