The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 68

This made Ye Ting more determined to move forward. After all, by his side, there were already really important people who needed protection, and he had to become stronger.

Soon, Ye Ting’s Defense Against the Dark Arts study group was set up. The teacher was him. The group members were Penello, Zhang Qiu and Hermione. Since the four of them are Ravenclaw students, the learning venue is very easy. coordination.

After dinner every day, Ye Ting will be by the fire in the Ravenclaw lounge, accompanied by refreshments, and teach a series of theoretical courses to the three girls. The content starts with how to deal with various dark creatures. The textbook includes “Magic “Defense Theory”, “Dark Force: Self-Defense Guide” and so on, Ye Ting even assigns some homework.

On weekends, the classroom will be relocated to responsiveness, where Ye Ting will teach the girls practical lessons. The content is mainly to learn the spells used in combat, such as the disarming spell, the iron armor spell, the coma spell, Smashing curse or something.

In fact, Ye Ting’s theory class teaching in the Ravenclaw Lounge was no longer a class for three people from the first class.

His three roommates, Anthony, Terry and Michael, first began to listen-because they were Ye Ting’s roommates, they knew and trusted this genius who had been with him day and night best, and they were very happy to receive Ye Ting’s guidance.

Then there are many other Ravenclaw students. Zhang Qiu’s friend Marietta sometimes comes with him, and many students from the same class as Ye Ting also gradually join them. When it was discovered that Penello, the prefect of Ravenclaw, was also a member of the students, many senior Ravenclaw students also put down their face and became students in this small class.

Finally, as everyone gradually became aware of the nature of Lockhart’s incompetence, many little wizards from other academies also came here-because compared to Lockhart, Ye Ting can be regarded as a real teacher with real materials- But they are often stopped outside by questions from the door knocker of the Ravenclaw lounge, and only a few little wizards can get a glimpse of it.

All the little wizards who have listened to his class said that Ye Ting’s abilities are indeed qualified to be their defense against the Dark Arts professor, because he not only has enough profound knowledge, but the content of the lectures is also humorous and simple. , It’s not the type of proclamation, in this case, all the observers are quite rewarding, even some senior students even claim that Ye Ting is the best defense against the Dark Arts teacher they have ever seen, even Professor Quirrell The previous predecessors did not speak as well as him.

In this case, some little wizards also proposed to let Ye Ting be their professor of defense against the dark arts.

But Ye Ting resolutely refused.

“I haven’t lived enough yet!” He explained half-jokingly: “Hogwarts changes to a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts every year, and all new Defense Against the Dark Arts professors have accidents within a year. Obviously, this position is cursed, so I don’t want to touch this brow.”

But no matter what, the little wizards of Hogwarts had one more admiration for Ye Ting.

Item 0094

Two weeks after the start of the new semester, Ye Ting’s first step to become Animagus has been completed. He happily took the mandela blade out of his mouth and put it in the crystal bottle. To be honest, this month is indeed a torment for him, not everyone can hold a leaf in his mouth for a whole month.

After completing the production of the Animagus mixture, Ye Ting once again sneaked into the forbidden forest, buried the bottle of the mixture under a tall tree, and was looked after by his unicorn La Rui.

Now, he only needs to wait for the next storm to come, and at that time, he can try to become an Animagus.

In addition, in a few days, Ye Ting will have to face another major event. In order to reward him for inventing the mobile fireplace technology, the Ministry of Magic will award him the Merlin Class III Medal.

In fact, he is also the youngest medalist in the history of the Ministry of Magic, so on the day the medal was awarded, many people came to the ceremony. Everyone wanted to see what the youngest medalist looked like. The reporters wanted to seize this opportunity to conduct an interview with Ye Ting. You must know that since the International Wizard Chess Competition, no media has been able to interview Ye Ting. Everyone does not know where he hid, even by chance. I found him in Lihen Bookstore, but in the end nothing was found, so this award ceremony today is the best opportunity for them to interview Ye Ting.

However, this award ceremony disappointed all reporters. After reading the acceptance speech, Ye Ting immediately returned to the backstage, and then completely disappeared from the scene. He did not attend the banquet after the ceremony. No one knew where he was, and the reporters once again lost Ye Ting.

In a blink of an eye, it’s Halloween. In the past two months, a major event has happened in the Muggle world: under the leadership of George Soros’s Quantum Fund, international hot money made waves in Europe and successfully shorted the British pound. It caused heavy losses to the Bank of England, and Ye Ting also made a fortune in this incident. His total assets successfully reached 15 million U.S. dollars. As long as it came to the Christmas holiday, he could withdraw the money. .

After the Halloween dinner, Ye Ting and the well-satisfied little wizards returned to their respective academy lounges, but when passing through the corridor on the second floor, he suddenly found that the surroundings became silent, and no little wizards were talking and laughing. Voice again.

Ye Ting looked forward, and the scene in the corridor was quite terrifying: between the two windows, on the wall one foot high from the ground, some writing was smeared, and it was shimmering under the reflection of the burning torch.

“The secret room has been opened. Those who are enemies of the heirs, be vigilant.”

Below the slogan, Mrs. Lorice’s tail was hung on the torch holder, her body stiff like a wooden board, her eyes wide open, staring straight.

Ye Ting could tell at a glance that it was petrified.

At this moment, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are standing next to Mrs. Loris, they both attended the almost headless Nick’s death party, on their way back. Seeing all of this, then it happened to be blocked in the corridor by the little wizards who ended the Halloween dinner.

They are really unlucky, this is the yellow mud falling into the crotch.

There was no sound in the surroundings. Suddenly, a sharp shout broke the silence: “Enemies with the heirs, watch out! The next one is you, Mudblood!”

It’s Draco Malfoy. He had squeezed to the front of the crowd, his cold eyes were alive, and his usual bloodless face was flushed. He looked at the still stiff cat hanging there with a grin on his face.

He really is a nasty guy.

“What happened here? What happened?”

Filch was undoubtedly attracted by Malfoy’s shout, and he squeezed through the crowd with his shoulders. Then, he saw Mrs. Loris, he stumbled back a few steps, and grabbed his face with his hands in horror.

“My cat! My cat! What happened to Mrs. Loris?” he screamed.

At this moment, his protruding eyes saw Harry.

“You!” he screamed, “You! You killed my cat! You killed it! I want to kill you! I want to—”

He threw himself at Harry Potter, who was unlucky.

Of course, he was quickly stopped, Dumbledore and the professors rushed to the scene in time, took Harry, Ron, and Filch away, and this ended the farce.

After that, the conversation among the little wizards immediately shifted to the so-called heirs and secret rooms.

After returning to the lounge, it was Ye Ting’s dark magic defense class time again.

“Ting, why don’t you tell everyone about the heir and the secret room in this lesson.” As soon as she sat by the fire, Hermione could not wait to suggest.

Others agree with this opinion. The incident that just happened is really frightening. They are desperate to find a sense of security.

Ye Ting nodded in good faith and started his lesson.

“Before telling the story of the secret room, first I want to make two points,” Ye Ting looked around at the little wizards with worries on their faces, and said loudly: “First, Mrs. Loris is not dead, it is just being petrified. That’s why the whole body is stiff, like being frozen, and the petrified state can be lifted. Who can tell how to lift the petrified state?”

Hermione immediately raised her hand, even in Ye Ting’s private defense against the Dark Arts class, she was still willing to actively answer questions like this.

“Miss Granger.”

“It’s a resurrection potion. A resurrection potion made of mandela grass can dispel petrification.”

“Exactly correct,” Ye Ting smiled at her, “Unfortunately, I can’t give Ravenclaw any extra points, but I can tell you a good news. Remember that in the herbal medicine class at the beginning of school, we exchanged Mandela grass. Basin, isn’t it? Those mandela grasses will mature for a while, and Mrs. Loris will be able to return to normal at that time, so don’t worry about it.”

He saw everyone breathe a sigh of relief-this was not because they were worried about Mrs. Loris, but because everyone was worried that it was themselves who were petrified.

Then, Ye Ting made a second conclusion: “Harry Potter cannot be the murderer who caused petrification, because ordinary petrification spells are impossible to achieve such a petrochemical effect. It must be very powerful that can produce such a result. Dark magic, and with Mr. Potter’s ability, obviously he can’t do this, he is too weak.”

There was a burst of laughter around him. If Harry Potter were here, he would not be happy because Ye Ting defended him like this.

“Then who did it?” someone asked loudly below.

“Is it Snape?”

“Or Slytherin’s heir?”

“Is it a monster in the secret room?”

“Quickly talk about it, Mr. Ye, talk about it.”

So Ye Ting talked about his views on the Chamber of Secrets and the Slytherin heir.

Item 0095

“As we all know, Hogwarts was founded more than a thousand years ago. The founders were the four greatest wizards and wizards at the time. The four academies were named after them: Godric Gryffindor, He Erga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. They built this castle together, away from the prying eyes of the Muggles, because in those days, the people were afraid Magic, witches and wizards have been persecuted a lot.”

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