The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 882:

“I support Lord Yrel!”

“Master Yrel saved me, I listen to Master Yrel!”

“Master Yrel, I believe you!”

“I admire the strength of Lord Yrel, so I listen to you.”

The first responders were basically the draenei. As a clan, they naturally believed in Yrel innately-especially after seeing her holy light.

Immediately afterwards, more gladiators also began to respond, some because they believed in her plan, and some because they admired her power, including the old Sabretooth man who had antagonized her just now-he was also persuaded by Yrel. Even if the remaining people still have doubts, they have to follow the crowd if they want to be free in this situation.

For a time, Yrel controlled the whole situation.

This result made her a little unbelievable.

But now is not the time to struggle, the girl sees that the heart is available, and immediately arranges the task.

She picked out a few talkative gladiators, distributed the collected keys to them, and let them go to other cells to release other slaves, which was also equivalent to gathering people.

Then, she arranged several draenei, bladetooth tigers, and arakkoa gladiators who were similar in size to the orcs, and asked them to return to the corridor where she came from, take off the armor and weapons from the dead orcs, and prepare them for the time being. Responsible for guarding the prison and killing any orcs you see.

Then, she arranged for several tall one-eyed monsters and ogres, as well as small demon pods, to go to the tunnel leading to the center of the arena. The ogres and the one-eyed monsters are responsible for the destruction, blocking the passage with bricks and debris in the passage, and causing trouble for future chasing soldiers. The short and agile Demon Pods are responsible for the investigation. Once someone finds out the situation here, they can first inform Yrel.

Finally, she asked Ye Ting to take the people to leave first and head to the arena’s weapons depot, responsible for opening the warehouse before the prison escape team arrived, and preparing the materials to be taken away, so as not to waste too much time at that time.

Although it was the first time that Yrel gave orders and commanded so many people, it seemed a bit strange, but it was still well-organized and well-organized, and basically everything that could be considered was taken into consideration.

When the gladiators saw this, they were more confident of a successful escape, so they took their orders and went busy separately.

As for Yrel himself, he was not idle, he personally joined the task of freeing slaves and expanding the team. The girl kept in mind Ye Ting’s previous teachings, and naturally couldn’t let go of this opportunity to gather people’s hearts. After all, the greater the cohesion of the entire team, the greater the possibility of successful escape-if it is not time critical, she even plans to be responsible for this task alone.

There was still chaos in the auditorium of the arena.

Ye Ting’s illusion magic confuses them. In the eyes of the orcs, Yrel in the arena is completely a lamb to be slaughtered. With so many people present, she has no chance of living. Therefore, they were not eager to kill her, but chose to spend time deciding on the issue of Kargas’ power to rule after his death.

They didn’t know that at this moment, a prison escape was unfolding inside the arena under their feet.

With Yrel taking the lead, one after another prison doors were opened, and one after another enslaved soldiers joined her team. The orc jailers were killed one by one, and soon the entire prison was completely controlled by the gladiators.

Under Yrel’s arrangement, everyone was divided into teams according to races, each selected the person in charge, and then followed her and walked mightily towards the weapon arsenal.

There, Ye Ting opened the door long ago, and all the weapons and other materials they needed to take were piled up at the door in separate categories, waiting for them to receive it.

Because it is the weapon arsenal in the arena, the weapons in it are mainly used by gladiators, so the weapons and armor sizes and models are in various categories-from the largest one-eyed monster to the smallest demon pod, from good at From heavy axe to good use, everyone can get the right size armor and weapons to weigh their hands.

In addition, Ye Ting also prepared dry food, kerosene, torches and so on.

Seeing weapons and food, many gladiators instantly blushed, and immediately rushed forward one after another.

The former is what they rely on to escape. Without a weapon to take advantage of, their combat effectiveness can be reduced by more than half.

As for the latter, many gladiators are still hungry.

However, Yrel smashed the first arakkoa to the ground with a hammer.

Because he didn’t really use any force, the hapless man was not dead or seriously injured, and he could get up and glared at her.

Yrel stared back immediately.

“Everyone, listen to my orders, one by one to pick up their own equipment and supplies, and not to jump in the line. All of them are swarming to make everyone trapped here?”

Chapter 1072 Escape From Highmaul Fort

Yrel was right, one by one sounds very inefficient, but at this time, if you swarm them, you will basically make a big mess.

Due to Yrel’s power and power, they also agree with her. These cruel gladiators are just like elementary school students, lining up one by one to receive their own equipment and supplies.

Yrel nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, with the help of magic, the efficiency of the gladiators’ collection of supplies was much faster than Yrel had imagined.

Hundreds of slave gladiators, it only took five minutes for everyone to get ready to go.

Under Yrel’s leadership, the large group left the warehouse and marched towards the gate of the arena.

With this number of people, Yrel didn’t expect the team’s whereabouts to conceal the guard at the door.

The sound of hundreds of people’s footsteps, the clash of armor, the sound of breathing, and even the sound of speech. Gladiators are not well-trained soldiers, and there is no way to organize an ambush.

Sure enough, they were only a little closer to the gate, and they were found by the guarding orc soldiers. Soon someone locked the gate, and the rest of the soldiers began to yell and try to find reinforcements.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yrel knew that no time could be wasted, so she turned to Ye Ting:

“Mr. Sand, please use magic to open the door.”

Ye Ting nodded, and lightly pointed at the heavy iron hoop wooden gate locked by the heavy big lock.

“Alaho Cave is open!”

The curse from [the world of Harry Potter] showed obvious effects here.

After a flash of blue light flashed, the door suddenly opened as if it had been hit by a siege hammer. The orc soldiers who tried to block the gate were knocked far away along with the debris they brought.

Seeing this, Yrel took the lead and shouted:

“Now is our first step towards freedom, everyone, charge with me—”

The holy light began to envelope her body, bringing strength to her, and at the same time resisting the damage outside her body. At this time, she is like a beacon to freedom, and the sacred light shines on the road to freedom.



“Long live Lord Yrel!”

Behind her, the gladiators also held up their weapons, stepped forward, and followed the golden light ahead. The holy light shines on them, and also shines on their hearts that have become cold due to imprisonment.

At that moment, they began to truly identify with the person in front of them as their leader.

In just a few seconds, Yrel rushed out of the gate and really walked out of the arena. What was displayed in front of him was a wide and simple city. The houses were built of rough stones and wood. He was sent into the arena before. She had already seen this city-Highmaul Castle on the way.

Yrel was still charging forward. She saw a dozen orcs running from several directions in front of her, seeming to have responded to the guard’s call: they didn’t know how large-scale prison escape they were facing.

So Yrel wielded the warhammer and rushed towards them, not caring that there was no one else around him.

She remembered that she was the leader of the gladiators.

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