The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 883:

On the battlefield, in order to facilitate command, the commander of the army will generally set up a tall battle flag to prove that they are there.

And in this dark night, the holy light on her is the best battle flag. All the gladiators will know the direction of the charge when they see the light, and she will always rush to the place with the most enemies.

On the way to the charge, Yrel felt his arm shook, as if he was hit by something like a throwing axe, and finally stopped in front of the strong holy light. She ignored this, and rushed towards the camp of the orcs, and overturned an unlucky one with the blow.

The sound of killing around Yrel shook the sky, and everywhere was the sound of metal collisions and sharp blades biting into flesh and blood.

Some of the more clever orc guards realized what had happened and ran from other places to join the battle. However, they underestimated the number of gladiators who escaped from prison. Such behavior is nothing more than death.

Yrel felt a pity for their senseless death, and swung the warhammer to defeat any orcs who stood in front of her.

Soon, there was no standing orc where she could see.

“It’s time to retreat,” she yelled.

Through the dark night, she began to accelerate away from the arena, and the gladiators followed. One or two guards who had just arrived tried to catch up, but Ye Ting shot a cold arrow and froze in place.

Because he had explored the city beforehand, Ye Ting knew the way in the city. With him leading the way, the team quickly left the arena, and eventually everyone came to a square…

Here, Yrel stopped.

“Before the guys in the arena can react, we have to leave the city quickly.”

The girl changed her mind.

“But we can’t run away blindly. Before we leave here, we have to cause them some trouble so that they can’t devote all their energy to hunting us.”

After that, she looked at the gladiators behind her and made arrangements.

“That direction is the orcs’ granary. Burning their food and grass will obviously cause them big trouble, Volian, take your people to do this, and come back in five minutes.”

“Follow your will.”

Volian is a draenei hunter, he nodded, and ran away with dozens of draenei in the direction pointed by Yrel.

“There is the market of Highmaul Fort, there are many wooden structures, blood mane, you took someone to burn it there, it will take five minutes.”


A team of Tigers left the big team.

Then Yrel arranged several teams to set fire to several places in the city.

And she herself stayed in place with the remaining gladiators, waiting for the return of the arson.

Soon, several places in Highmaul Fort flashed fire.

Taking into account that the gladiators were not a prohibited army, Yrel waited in place for about ten minutes with a large group of troops, during which he repelled several waves of guards who had found their tracks before returning to most of them.

Naturally, gladiators were sacrificed on the road to arson.

But no one cares about this. Everyone understands that jailbreaking itself is a job to pin your head to your waist.

At this time, Yrel could already hear the noise coming from the direction of the Highmaul Arena.

By this time, the orcs in the arena had already discovered the escape from prison, and the fire everywhere in the city was telling them that there was a problem.

They must hurry and leave.

So the team opened again and ran all the way to the outside of the city.

There were not many orcs guarding the city gates, about a dozen or so, and they were defeated by the gladiators in just one face. After Ye Ting’s magic opened the door, the gladiators rushed out of the city.

They are finally free.

Chapter 1073

Escape from Highmaul Fort was a big step on the road to freedom for the former slave gladiators.

But every one of them knows that just escaping from this city does not mean truly escaping to heaven.

Today’s orc tribe has become the most powerful force in Draenor. If they want to be truly free, they must be able to escape the orc’s sphere of influence.

Before that, they would all be hunted down by the Shattered Palm clan, and the Shattered Palm clan would never allow their slaves to flee in such a big way–especially if the liberators of these slaves killed their chiefs with their own hands.

For an orc clan, this is undoubtedly a great insult.

The bad news is that the sphere of influence of the orc tribe is extremely large. For now, the seven regions of Draenor, Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge, have basically belonged to the orcs’ territories, and Gorgrond and Shadowmoon Valley have almost half the orcs’ sphere of influence.

Only the primitive beasts of the Tanaan jungle, the arakkoa of the Aklan Mountains, and the draenei of Talador still maintain the rule of the area, and most of the other races can only survive in their own corners.

But the good news is that although the clans of the orcs are unified by the tribe, this unity is nothing but an alliance of clans.

Even though the orc chieftain today is more powerful than the orc co-owners of the past, the only chiefs of the clans he can directly order, but usually cannot intervene in the clan’s internal affairs.

In human terms, “My vassals are not my vassals.” Orc tribes are not the kind of central empire that has the same government orders.

This also means that as long as they can escape the sphere of influence of the Shattered Palm clan, the hunting and killing they can receive will be greatly reduced.

Although the rest of the clans might try to capture them and enslave them when they see them, compared to the broken palm clans’ purposeful pursuits, the rest of the clans can only encounter patrols and hunting teams of about a hundred people at most. The threat posed is not great.

But before fleeing, Yrel still intends to use some tricks.

Following the light of the paladin, the gladiators came to the vicinity of the camp surrounded by a wooden fence. There was the animal fence of the Shattered Palm clan, which domesticated wolves and Kodo beasts.

Although as a tribe of gladiators, the fighters of the Shattered Palm clan are mainly infantry, there are few wolf cavalry and Kodo riders, but considering tactical factors, they still retain a small number of wolves and Kodo beasts as mobile forces.

And now, Yrel’s purpose is to extinguish their only mobile unit, making them impossible to pursue.

At that time, everyone will chase two legs with two legs. Who can chase whom?

Under her leadership, this multi-ethnic army quickly entered the animal pen.

How could the few trainers guarding the animal stalls stop the gang of tigers going down the mountain, but they almost wiped out the army after only one encounter, so the gladiators captured here and quickly slaughtered all the living creatures in the camp.

When the chasing advance troop organized by the Shattered Palms finally arrived here, all they saw was a mess.

“Damn! These nasty cowards, they didn’t dare to face us, they actually attacked my Whitemane (the name of the wolf)! How dare they!”

Their leader, Kirok the Scarburner, couldn’t help but curse aloud when he saw this scene.

As the advance team of the pursuit force, Kirok the Scar was a rare wolf knight in the Shattered Palm clan, and the leader of the wolf cavalry of the Shattered Palm clan. He was in the Warsong clan before he became a slave gladiator to an ogre. Wolf rider.

And his advance team is basically wolf cavalry.

Originally, their advance team was sent out and rushed to the animal pen as soon as possible, in order to rendezvous with their wolves, and then hunt down the escaped slaves.

Although their number is only over a hundred, and the number is much lower than that of gladiators, cavalry and infantry are not the same.

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