The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 884:

Regardless of the difference in individual combat effectiveness, the speed cavalry alone has an absolute advantage, which means that the cavalry can actively choose whether to fight or leave, while the infantry can only passively fight against the cavalry.

In this way, just harassment, the cavalry can get all the infantry down.

In the hearts of the orcs, as long as Kirok and his men stepped on the wolves, those brave escaped slaves would be dead.

Under the chase of the wolf cavalry, they will live in endless fear for several days, and eventually be eaten to death by the wolf cavalry.

It’s a pity that Yrel’s foresight made this all in vain, and Kirok and his men took a trip in vain.

To make matters worse, due to the wrong estimation of the gladiator’s strategy, the main force of the Shattered Palm Clan’s pursuits was organized more slowly than imagined. When Kirok’s messenger returned to Highmaul, time went again. Was delayed for half an hour.

When Kirok and the advance team arrived at the animal pen, the gladiator team had already waded across the river under the cliff of Highmaul, and came to the opposite bank.

Compared with the Highmaul Fort built in the mountains, this place is very close to the vast plains of Nagrand, and will soon step into the sphere of influence of the Warsong clan that is nomadic in the grasslands.

Here, Yrel finally stopped.

“Why don’t you go forward, Lord Yrel?”

“We don’t need to rest yet.”

“We can continue to go, sir.”

The gladiators thought that Yrel stopped to let them rest, and they all expressed that they still had more power.

But Yrel shook his head.

“I stopped here because escaping here is almost like walking out of the territory of the Shattered Palm clan.”

Having said that, she pointed her finger in the direction of the grassland.

“There is a small camp there. It is the’Mogorei Outpost’ belonging to the Warsong clan. As long as you go around there, you can enter the territory of the Warsong clan. Although the Warsong clan is also very dangerous for us, they are both large The clan, the Shattered Palm clan simply cannot send a large force into the territory of the Warsong clan, that is to say, we are now a temporary escape.”

“And this also means that I may be separated from you temporarily. After all, our ultimate destination is not the same. I want to return to Shattrath, and each of you has your own home.”

Yrel bowed a salute to everyone, which was the salute the gladiators bowed to each other in the arena before the battle.

Originally, this posture represented killing and represented endless death, but now it is made by Yrel, but it is full of farewellness.

That represented goodbye, not only to each other who were still fighting side by side before, but also to the status of slave gladiator.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of all races were silent for a while, and each saluted Yrel in the same way, and then left one after another.

Before leaving, many people came forward and thanked Yrel.

“Little guy, thank you for leading us out of there.”

A tall ogre patted the **** the shoulder.

“Claw Kutiri will always remember your smell.”

A tiger leaned forward and sniffed her carefully.

“My Tuowo Crowwing will always owe you my life.”

An arakkoa came to her and said solemnly.

“Next time you go to Tanaan Jungle, you can tell me my name, and I will treat you well.”

A wood spirit said.

In this way, Yrel watched all the gladiators who had fought together and left in their respective teams, and only the draenei remained by her side, staring at her with scorching eyes.

In their eyes, Yrel saw recognition, submission, reverence and obedience.

Nothing makes Yrel more happy than recognition from his compatriots.

“Then, let’s go home too!”

Chapter 1074

Bypassing Morgol’s post, crossing the complicated waterways and swamps, the draenei’s team marched all the way through the night, across Nagrand, and marched in the direction of Shattrath.

According to the information announced by Kargath in public, Yrel knew that the Horde would organize a general attack on Shattrath from tomorrow.

Considering that the tribe needs to assemble the army and organize the logistics time, the time for their official attack on Shattrath will not exceed two days at the latest.

Before that, she needs to rush to Shattrath in time to inform his compatriots of the news so that they will not be caught off guard.

Unfortunately, Ye Ting couldn’t help much in this regard.

He who has never set foot in Shattrath has no corresponding space coordinates, and he cannot use the fastest space spell to send them directly to Shattrath. Flying with so many people on the continent of Draenor is simply to set up a target for the Burning Legion. , The only way is to walk honestly.

Fortunately, there is a [group acceleration technique] that can increase the speed of marching, allowing them to walk at almost the same speed as a cavalry.

Under the effect of the [Group Acceleration Technique], nearly a hundred heavily armed draenei marched fast in the grasslands of Nagrand. The background was a dark night. This weird scene made them seem like ghosts floating on the grassland. The shadow is strange.

At this rate, they need a whole day to reach Shattrath.

If everything is as expected.

The starry sky of Nagrand is beautiful and fascinating.

This vast grassland has not yet been completely polluted by evil energy, the grass of the fat girl has not exceeded the waist of a person, and the air is full of vitality.

It was a timeout for rest and recuperation. In an open space, the draenei people sat on the ground in twos and threes, enjoying the rare tranquility and freedom that they could not ask for for a long time in the past.

As the recognized leader of the draenei, Yrel enjoyed a large clean stone as a temporary “bed”. Ye Ting was next to her, lying on his back with his hands on the stone, focusing on observing the sky of Draenor.

For a mage, mastering the astrology is a very important thing. There are many magics that need to be based on the astrology and celestial bodies. The power of the starry sky is indispensable for the mage.

As Ye Ting silently recorded the stars in the sky, he felt someone touch his hand.

Turning his head to see, it was Yrel.

At this time, the girl’s mental state does not look very good, her expression is a bit dazed, although her eyes are looking at him, but they are confused.

“Mr. Sander, do you know what’s going on?” The girl’s voice was puzzled. “I feel something is calling me, wanting to call me to the past-I can’t hear the origin of the call, but I can I feel that it is a soul full of goodwill and integrity, just like… the holy light.”

“Is there still such a thing?” Ye Ting raised his eyebrows. “Did he say anything specifically?”

Yrel shook his head.

“It’s just a feeling,” she said, “as if something important is waiting for me.”

“That’s it,” Ye Ting nodded thoughtfully. “So where did it come from?”

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