The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 919:

Ye Ting’s analysis was not wrong. Soon, under a broken pillar on the Stars Platform, Ye Ting found a familiar translucent crystal. This crystal was in the wreckage of Deori and Oshugu. Have seen it before.

Isn’t that the “corpse” of Naaru?

Ignoring the stains on it, Ye Ting took the fragment in his hand, feeling the aura of shadow power remaining on it, and then pointed his other hand to cast a spell on the fragment.

“Looking for the root cause——”

The next moment, the power of magic took Ye Ting’s consciousness into the long river of fate, and began to search for the aura related to this fragment.

Soon, Ye Ting showed a confident smile.

“Got you!”

Chapter 1115

After using the tracing magic, Ye Ting found that he was indeed lucky.

Because according to the guidance of magic, the thing with the strongest kinship with the Naaru fragment in his hand is pointing in the direction he came from-that is, the dark temple.

The so-called thing with the strongest karma refers to nature as the core of Nalukala: the Zarib crystal.

In other words, the warlock holding the Zeruibu crystal did not follow Gul’dan to the frontline battlefield, but was arranged to stay in the dark temple.

As a result, the possibility of him getting the Zeruib crystal smoothly is much higher. After all, compared to today’s dark temple, the guards of the orc camp are much tighter, and there are still Kil’jaeden and other demons, and Ye Ting didn’t want to expose himself to the eyes of the Burning Legion so quickly.

The Zhongxing Platform was located on the top of the cliff, but Ye Ting didn’t have the idea of ​​turning his head back down the mountain.

Of course, this is not his brain twitching.

Head down and feet up, the wind whistling in his ears, Ye Ting fell like a rock from the high cliff.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the bottom of the cliff, his figure suddenly shrank rapidly, his arms grew clusters of feathers, and his legs became a pair of sharp bird claws.

Coupled with sharp eyes and long beak, Ye Ting turned into a small purple Kali bird in an instant.

Kali bird is a kind of bird in World of Warcraft. It has a fierce nature and can grow to a very large size. It is often captured by hunters as flying pets.

But in order to avoid being too conspicuous, Ye Ting turned into a small Kali bird.

The wizard of Harry Potter world can be completely transformed into a certain animal through the magic called Agmanis;

World of Warcraft specializes in transformation spells-now it should be classified as transformation-can also temporarily transform yourself into something else through transformation;

Druids who admire nature can communicate with certain animal demigods, obtain their gifts, and transform into specific animals.

But the method Ye Ting used now was not any of them, but it was more clever than any of them.

What he uses is the dragon language magic that is learned from his three “daughters” guarding the dragon, and it is also a powerful ability that only the dragon can master-“Ultimate Transfiguration”.

This transformation technique is somewhat similar to Agmanis. It is not to become another designated appearance, but to become another species’s self.

In other words, each species that the dragon transforms through the “ultimate polymorphism” has only one appearance, rather than ordinary polymorphism.

This transformation technique was used to transform the dragon into a human form.

But in contrast, this kind of transformation also has its own advantages-this is not a superficial transformation, but a fundamental transformation. This kind of transformation, like Animagus, cannot be controlled by magic such as [spell countermeasure]. Cancellation will not be detected by most magic.

But this kind of transformation can only be used by dragons.

Now Ye Ting has completed the transformation with his own dragon factor. After all, the purple Kali bird is too common in Shadowmoon Valley. This appearance is easy to move and difficult to detect.

With the updraft at the bottom of the cliff, the purple kali flew with its wings flapped.

After hovering in place for a while, Ye Ting flew in the direction of the dark temple.

One advantage of being a flying unit is that you can go straight wherever you go, without having to detour because of the terrain.

Among the birds in World of Warcraft, the Kali bird is considered to be a relatively high-end bird of prey in the food chain. Although it is not comparable to the dragon, its status is equivalent to that of the Blue Star’s hawk.

In terms of appearance and habits, the Kali bird is also quite similar to the eagle falcon, which naturally includes the sharp vision of the eagle falcon.

Flying high above the sky, Ye Ting accidentally saw a caravan of orcs on the road in the woods on the ground.

The biggest reason why the convoy attracted Ye Ting’s attention was the several prison vehicles in the convoy.

Seeing the prison car, Ye Ting thought at first that they were transporting draenei prisoners. As an ally of the draenei, Ye Ting even gave birth to the idea of ​​rescue.

But after looking closely at Ye Ting, he discovered that the skin color of the person in the prison car was not blue-purple, but brown-isn’t that the orc’s own clan.

But the brown orcs are now very unique among the orcs.

As early as a few weeks ago, brown was the only dominant color of the orcs. But now, after Gul’dan’s coercion and temptation, most of the orcs have drunk the blood of corruption, and their skin has turned green. Only the Frostwolf clan with Durotan as the chief and a few small clans insist on Did not do so.

And in this convoy, the orcs in the prison vehicles are all brown, and the escorts are all green orcs, which makes people unavoidably think about it.

Reminiscent of the final destination of this road-the Temple of Darkness, Ye Ting had some guesses in his mind.

So he gradually lowered his height, sneaking close to the convoy, wanting to eavesdrop on the status of the convoy.

The orcs who escorted the prison wagon seemed to be anxious to send their prisoners to their destinations. No one paid attention to a small Kali bird flying in the sky, so Ye Ting easily approached the convoy and overheard the orcs in the convoy. dialogue.

The conversation of the orcs confirmed his guess.

These brown orcs were unwilling to obey Gul’dan’s call and drank the blood of the fall, so they were arrested and sent to the dark temple.

These brown orcs were either wandering orcs without clan ownership, or orcs belonging to a small tribe-they also did not drink the fallen blood. Because the Frostwolf clan is one of the seven major clans of the tribe, Gul’dan was temporarily still annoyed. Sorry, so they escaped the disaster, but they were unlucky.

According to the chatter of the escorted orcs, they had already started to do this kind of work for Gul’dan, but the reason for arresting each time was not fixed, but they always sent batches of orcs to In Gul’dan’s hands-it used to be the Hellfire Citadel, now it is sent to the Dark Temple.

No orcs know where the captured orcs have gone, nor do they know what they are doing. In short, they just disappeared.

Gul’dan claimed that they had dedicated their souls to new magic, but the orcs knew that they had died in Gul’dan’s weird magic.

Ye Ting sneered secretly when he heard the words.

As expected, Gul’dan, who is unscrupulous for his strength, did not hesitate to use his own humans to conduct human experiments.

But this also gave Ye Ting a chance.

Since these orcs are all experimental products of the Shadow Council, they must have the opportunity to get in touch with the core members of the Shadow Council.

The Dark Temple is so big, and the magic of [Searching for the Roots] is not a serious way-pointing magic, it can only provide a rough direction for Ye Ting. It is not easy for him to find the Zeruib crystal in the huge dark temple on his own.

But with the help of these prisoners…

Thinking of this, he moved his heart, flapped his wings, quickly passed over the entire convoy, and then flew high.

The orcs escorted were ordinary orcs, and none of them noticed that when the Kali bird flew by, it left an invisible magic mark on each prisoner.

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