The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 920:

Chapter 1116

Without taking care of the Kali birds flying in the sky, the convoy escorting the prisoners marched all the way to the door of the Dark Temple.

They did not notice that in the nearby grass, a wild cat was staring at them with scorching eyes.

That’s right, this wild cat is exactly what Ye Ting changed.

To be honest, if it were in the Moon World, Ye Ting would not consider becoming a cat-so easy to be entangled by the excited Feiju and Bastet, maybe something he didn’t want to see would happen.

But now, an inconspicuous wild cat is just right to detect the orcs and blend into the dark temple.

He noticed that even if the escorted soldiers stopped at the entrance of the Dark Temple, the formation remained relatively regular, obviously not an ordinary rabble, but an elite army.

After arriving at the destination, the orcs and cavalry who were in charge of driving took off the package on their backs and took out some pieces of meat to feed them to the seated wolf and the freshwater beasts pulling the cart.

The other warriors changed their talkativeness during the journey and became silent. They sat on the ground, their eyes on the blade and battle axe in their hands, and occasionally glanced at the direction of the dark temple, their eyes full of jealousy and fear.

The soldiers guarding the dark temple are much more sloppy than them. They are more luxuriously equipped, scattered freely near the temple gate, and from time to time try to talk to the orcs who escorted the prison wagons.

It is estimated that these talents are true direct descendants of the Shadow Council.


After a while, the door of the temple suddenly opened. Under the leadership of a black-robed man, a group of orcs took over the prisoners and brought the prison carts pulled by these freshwater beasts into the temple.

No one noticed that there was a wild cat hidden under the prison wagon.

In this way, Ye Ting mixed into the dark temple.

After entering the temple, Ye Ting saw a huge hall. Perhaps because most of the Shadow Council went to the battlefield, the entire hall appeared empty, except for the prison cart, only two huge creatures wandered around.

They wore huge horns, crimson skin, and terrifying figures far higher than ordinary people, holding huge sharp blades, and patrolling back and forth in the lobby.

It is the demons summoned by these warlocks.

The destination of the prison cart was the dungeon of the Dark Temple, and Ye Ting naturally didn’t want to follow there. Taking advantage of the orcs and demons not paying attention, he quickly turned over and got on and off from this “hitchhiking”.

Although Ye Ting expected those orcs who were “test items” to be able to point him to the core members of the Shadow Council, the warlocks of the Shadow Council might not be in a hurry to do human experiments. He had to wait patiently for a while to achieve his goal.

During this time, he intends to stroll around in the dark temple.

As the lair of warlocks, the Dark Temple is indeed full of various detection magic, nodules and traps, but it may be out of arrogance or ignorance. A large part of these magic will only hinder larger creatures. Will not stop a small wild cat at all.

As a result, Ye Ting was in the dark temple as if he was in the realm of no one throughout the day.

To be honest, compared to this huge temple, there are too few warlocks left behind. But then again, even the entire Shadow Council can’t occupy much space in the former Karabor Temple.

In the process of visiting the temple, Ye Ting saw a lot of traces left by the draenei, including bones and bloodstains that were too late to be cleaned up-until now, the orcs have not had time to completely organize the temple.

And now that most people have left, even with the slaves and soldiers under the warlocks, as well as the demons they summoned, it is still not enough to make this fallen land so popular.

Throughout the day, Ye Ting, who turned into a cat, was more leisurely. Until the evening, Ye Ting felt that in the magic mark he left behind, several of them finally started to move again after entering the dungeon and were finally sent. The upper level of the temple.

“So they are hiding there.”

Then, it’s time to act!

Ye Ting began to run quickly in the corridor, heading upstairs based on his memory.

Near the back of the temple, he found the main staircase-while wandering around, Ye Ting had an impression of this place: outside it, there were dozens of huge soldiers with horns guarding there.

Although it is very inconvenient to cast spells in the form of a cat, he still reluctantly puts on an [invisibility technique] for himself to prevent them from seeing himself. Then he walked silently and passed by the demon patrol team.

Fortunately, there is no Hellhound in this team-that is the most likely existence among the demons to find him. Ye Ting took a long breath and watched the last demon disappear at the end of the corridor, and then began to jump up the stairs.

Along the way, Ye Ting passed several rooms, but did not stop. His magic mark is almost at the top of the temple, the sooner he finds it, the sooner he can find the Zerib Crystal.

Finally, when he felt that there was only a wall between himself and the magic mark, he stopped.

But instead of entering the room rashly, he stretched out his paw and felt the air.

An invisible force blocked the way, and these warlocks were fairly cautious.

But their small carving skills could not stop Ye Ting, the magic master.

He changed from the cat’s form back to the human form in a flash, but under the effect of [Invisibility], he still did not reveal a trace.

Ye Ting tried to touch the barrier in front of him with mental power, quickly analyzed its principle, and then targeted himself with spells.

The whole process took less than thirty seconds.

Then he moved on. Even when he touched the barrier, he still felt resistance squeezing him, as if he was trying to cross a real wall. But this kind of obstacle is almost negligible like cotton, only a little bit of money can break through.

But the barrier did not disappear because of this, and the people inside did not make any response.

This is exactly the brilliance of Ye Ting’s magic. Ordinary mages can only violently crack the barrier, and the smarter ones can use magical countermeasures to remove the barrier with minimal consumption, but like Ye Ting, they do not target the barrier at all, and are completely targeted to cast spells on themselves to hide from the barrier. Its brilliance is almost as high as the atmosphere.

After crossing the barrier, Ye Ting saw a huge room.

In the room, a few orc warlocks were busy between the tables, which reminded him of his experience at Hogwarts, at Mystral College, in Dalaran-the scene where the wizards studied and experimented with magic. Nothing more than that.

However, compared with normal wizards, the experiments of these orc warlocks are much darker and bloody, just like combining magic and evil. Under the influence of shadow and fel energy, these warlocks behaved abnormally: most of them looked skinny, rickety, and wore ragged clothes. They even had a bit of effort to stand. This is uncontrolled use. The harm of evil energy to the living.

But at the same time, they all stared nervously and eagerly at their test target-a struggling brown orc prisoner who was fastened to a large wooden shelf by chains.

Ye Ting was originally curious about what their experiment was, but soon, his attention was attracted by one of the warlocks.

On the sorcerer’s waist, he clearly saw a spherical magical weapon–a orb filled with thick shadow energy.

Chapter 1117

I have seen the corpses of two Naaru, Keurei and De’oli, and Ye Ting couldn’t be more familiar with the core of Naaru.

The orb in front of him was full of terrifying shadow power, but compared to the Naaru core he had seen, it had no more powerful shadow power.

In other words, this is the Zeruibu crystal he was looking for.

“Tread through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!”

Looking at the Zeruibu crystal in front of him, Ye Ting felt a secret joy in his heart. He couldn’t think that he would find this thing so soon.

Originally, he thought he had to spend time searching for it. Who would have thought that Baozhu would be sent to him when he arrived here.

But even so, Ye Ting still forcibly resisted the idea of ​​looting immediately, but went through the barrier as before, left the room, and guarded the door.

Until now, the divinely cautious Ye Ting was still unwilling to let his traces be exposed in front of the orcs and the Burning Legion.

As the most powerful Titan that has not yet been born, Azeroth has long been targeted by the Burning Legion, and Sargeras even went there in person, undercover Kara’s praise for a long time under the identity of Medivh. It was he who contacted Gul’dan in the near future and introduced the Horde to Azeroth.

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