The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 921:

Now if the Burning Legion finds a human from Azeroth in Draenor, it will definitely arouse their vigilance. And Ye Ting didn’t want to disrupt the “future” by rushing into the timeline of the past.

At the door of this laboratory, Ye Ting patiently waited for most of the night, and many of them entered and exited, but he did not show any clues.

It wasn’t until early morning that the enchantment at the door changed and was lifted by the warlocks.

I saw several warlocks who had been in the laboratory scolding and filed out. Obviously, tonight’s experiment did not have a successful result.

The warlocks who had stayed up all night finally couldn’t hold on, and were ready to go to rest.

Seeing the warlocks leave separately, Ye Ting, who was waiting at the door, finally refreshed, and then stared at the orc with the Zerib crystal on his waist, and slowly followed behind him.

Ye Ting was waiting for this time when the warlocks were no longer together, so he could start.

The owner of Zeruibu Crystal seemed to be very sleepy, and walked towards his room staggeringly all the way.

He never expected that at this moment, in the dark temple they thought was absolutely safe, behind him, an absolutely dangerous figure was following him.

The orc warlock led Ye Ting to the door of a room so unconsciously, then pushed the door open and walked in.

In the next moment, he felt that a terrible cold wave appeared behind him without warning and swept all over his body.

He wanted to do something, but the speed of the cold wave was too fast, and his weak body looked extremely stiff under the terrible cold, and it was quite difficult to move his fingers.

Just a second later, the orc warlock who didn’t even know the name of Ye Ting turned into an ice sculpture, but he himself didn’t react at all, and there was no room for the terrifying fel and shadow spells to play.

His life also faded away with this terrible low temperature.

“No matter how powerful the ability, the body of an ordinary wizard is still too fragile.”

Behind the ice sculpture, Ye Ting shook his head and showed his figure. The hand that cast the spell just reached the waist of the warlock and took down the black orb.

However, when his hand first touched the orb, the power of shadow in the orb suddenly rose, eroding towards Ye Ting’s hand like an infection.

This gem is not something ordinary people can control.

Zarib Crystal is worthy of being the core of a powerful Naaru. The power of shadow contained in it is terrifying. If Ye Ting is not holding the orb at this time, even a powerful paladin must be in this power of shadow. The erosion of the lower body was seriously injured, and even had to be amputated to protect his safety.

But Ye Ting is Ye Ting after all, even if he is a human body, his physical strength can rival that of a weaker dragon clan.

But the dragon clan magic resistance is so powerful, the power of this shadow can’t cause much damage to Ye Ting for a while.

And this gave Ye Ting a chance to resist.

The sudden attack of the power of shadow did not make Ye Ting panic at all, but in an instant, he made the correct response, chanting the spell with high-speed magic words.

As he chanted the spell, arcane magic circles condensed around the Zerib Crystal.

After all, the Zerib Crystal is only the core of the Naaru, not the Naaru itself. Without the body, Naaru’s power could not be fully demonstrated.

In less than five seconds, the power of the Zerib Crystal was firmly sealed in the crystal.

Quickly dispelling the power of shadow in his hand, Ye Ting tentatively pushed his mental power deep into the Zeruibu crystal.

Sealed by his magic, Zereb Crystal could no longer hurt him, and he wanted to see if Kara in Zereb Crystal was still alive.

You can’t make a trip for nothing.

As Ye Ting’s spirit and Zeruibu crystal were linked together, he did feel that there was a dark will in the crystal struggling constantly, trying to get rid of the seal of magic.

However, this struggle was in vain. How powerful is Ye Ting’s seal, how could it be possible for a Naaru soul with only the core to break free?

But the appearance of this will also let Ye Ting breathe a sigh of relief.

Although this will seems weak and there is not much reason, it is a soul after all.

This shows that after experiencing all this, Cara did not die in a real sense.

In this case, Ye Ting’s plan can continue.

As a result, Ye Ting could no longer help but leave.

Before leaving, Ye Ting casually pointed at the orc ice sculpture.

“Blood to pieces—”

Under Ye Ting’s use of the Smashing Curse from Harry Potter, the effect far surpassed its original limit.

I saw a red light flashing, and the original intact “ice sculpture” burst open and turned into flying ashes.

Although there is also the reason why the ice sculpture itself has no resistance, but under the smashing curse, it has become such a degree of smashing, which shows the terrible smashing curse in Ye Ting’s hand.

As the dust drifted away in the wind, or melted into water, the orc warlock was completely destroyed.

Ye Ting believed that the warlocks of the entire Dark Temple would not be able to discover his death within a few weeks, and after that, he might just think that he was missing.

And Ye Ting himself was completely picked out of this incident, and in the end it was just one more headless case in the Shadow Council.

Hanging the Zeruibu crystal on his waist at any time, Ye Ting came to the window, transformed into a huge bat, flapped his wings and left the dark temple on the only remaining night.

Chapter 1118

With the Zeruibu crystal in hand, Ye Ting would naturally not stay in Shadowmoon Valley. After moving away from the dark temple, he returned to Auchindoun after a phantom shift.

After arriving at Auchindoun, Ye Ting didn’t immediately start to resurrect Kara with the Zereb Crystal. Instead, he shuttled through the space again and returned to the Voshugu spacecraft based on the recorded space coordinates.

He came back here naturally for a reason.

Although the Naaru itself has the characteristics of disassembly and assembly, if you want to resurrect—or, to recreate a Naaru, you can’t just have a crystal at the core of the Naaru.

In addition to crystals, Naaru also needs a body to contain and control powerful forces-those jigsaw puzzles are not useless.

And the broken pieces left by De’Oli in Auchindoun were simply not enough to assemble a naaru.

Therefore, Ye Ting returned to the spaceship to find more raw materials-that is, Keurei’s corpse.

Although both Keurei and Deori were not as strong as Kara during his lifetime, Keurei’s corpse was intact after all. Together with the remaining two-thirds of Deori’s body, the addition was enough to make Ye Ting pieced together into the strongest possible body.

But Ye Ting’s ambitions don’t stop there.

Although the purpose of creating the new Naaru at the beginning was only to create a “pseudo-shadow world” for Auchindoun that could attract the souls of the dead draenei, he learned about some of Naaru’s from the classics of the draenei. After some special abilities, Ye Ting hoped that the new Naru he created could play a greater role.

As a creature composed of light fragments, in addition to being born with a strong power of light, Naaru also has many other abilities.

For example, powerful spiritual power.

The Holy Light itself is the energy that contains powerful spiritual elements, and the Naaru is a pure Holy Light creature. It is not surprising that it has powerful spiritual power. Through this power, Naaru can communicate with anyone, and even telepathize across the galaxy and life at the other end of the universe, thereby spreading the doctrine of the Holy Light.

In fact, the Holy Light Church of mankind originated here.

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