The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 928:

Although the team that infiltrated Shattrath was completely annihilated in the end, the barrier generator was completely destroyed by the terrible evil energy. Even Archbishop Hataru was seriously injured while defending the barrier generator.

But the most important thing is that there is no barrier anymore, and the most powerful secret weapon of the draenei is lost.

Fortunately, the core of the barrier generator, one of the seven Atama crystals-“The Shield of the Naaru”, has not been lost. With it, the draenei can rebuild a new barrier generator.

But will the orcs leave them such an opportunity?

The barrier generator is destroyed, and the orcs’ offensive is even more frantic.

The orc warlocks also tried their best. From time to time, huge meteorites burning with green evil fell in the sky. Each fall would shake the city wall a bit, and at the same time a stone giant stood up from the pit and waved the rock. The giant fist destroyed the city wall.

Finally, a corner of the city wall collapsed in the heavy bombardment of the hellfires and the flames of fel energy.

Although the draenei dispatched a large number of elite troops such as garrison officers, rangers, trackers, and even remote professionals such as priests and stargazers, they were desperately stepping to the forefront, but they faced the tribe that was rolling in like a flood. The army, they still seem to be powerless.

The big axes of the orcs slashed at every opponent that stood in front of them, and the ogres also twisted their huge bodies in the first gap in Shattrath, wielding their large mace, and at the same time. There were bursts of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

The entire gap was blocked by the green orcs, and it looked like a large green ocean from a distance.

In the chaos, the orcs gradually moved forward and gradually entered Shattrath.

The draenei’s first line of defense collapsed…

The flames of war spread mercilessly into Shattrath City, and the streets were flooded with blood like a bursting river.

In this regard, the draenei are quite prepared.

Long before the war began, the draenei had built indestructible fortifications on many streets. The countless blocked roads and strong barricades proved to the orcs that these heroic draenei had already done a good job. They are preparing for street fighting.

However, the speed of the orcs was so fast that many draenei soldiers had not had time to withdraw from the front of the city, and their green figures had appeared near the block closest to the city wall.

You must know that if there are not enough soldiers to organize defenses, only the strength of the draenei civilians will not be able to withstand the orcs for long.

In these natural killing machines, the resistance of the draenei civilians was futile.

Soon, there was a massacre under the walls of Shattrath.

“No-we have to hurry up and support them!”

Above the city, the high-level draenei headed by Velen were distraught. They wanted to quickly lead the army and fight side by side with their people, but they were dragged down by a group of orcs who were not afraid of life and death.

Just when they could only watch the orcs slaughter the weak ordinary draenei, an accident happened.

Several draenei wearing golden armor they had never seen before rushed out from behind the barricade, standing in front of the civilians, blocking the heavy attack of the orcs.

Chapter 1125 Super Soldier

Although the newly-appearing draenei soldiers had the appearance of a draenei, armed with draenei-style weapons, and the armor was also draenei-style, none of the people present would regard them as draenei soldiers of Shattrath.

The reason is simple-they are too special.

Compared with the gorgeous and traditional draenei full body armor, although their equipment still adopts the artistic style of the draenei, the whole is full of high-tech atmosphere.

Especially those mechanical joints and cables all over the place, all reflect the technological content of this armor.

But compared to the attire of Harut and the draenei technicians, this armor is not so bulky. The streamlined lines and the complex spells all over the surface of the armor make this armor elegant and gorgeous. It can be described as the ultimate combination of technology and art.

Even the armor of the spellcaster among them is of this style-except that the armor is only concentrated on the shoulders and waist, and the other places are cloth robes.

And their tactics are amazing.

Velen saw with his own eyes that facing an orc soldier’s blow, the headed draenei did not have any blocking action, but also waved the two-handed warhammer at the opponent, as if he was about to die with the opponent. Same.

You know, the traditional draenei vindicator would never make such a move.

Compared with the belligerent orcs, the draenei who believe in the holy light yearn for peace more. This style also affects their fighting skills, making their fighting skills biased towards defensive counterattack.

Coupled with the sparse population of the draenei, this has further prompted the draenei to resist the tactics of one life for one life at the same time.

Unless it is a critical moment, the draenei always protect their side in battle before considering counterattack.

There has never been such a thing that ends up with the opponent.

Compared with the draenei, the orcs, a warlike race, are naturally the least caring about getting together, especially after drinking the blood of the depravity, they are even more crazy.

Just as Velen sighed for the fierceness of the draenei warrior, an accident happened.

The warhammer of the draenei warrior and the big axe of the orc fell on the opponent’s head almost at the same time.

The draenei’s warhammer successfully smashed the orc’s skull, but the orc’s axe fell on a blue energy barrier that appeared out of thin air, and did not hurt the draenei—the biggest damage was to destroy him. Shocked a few steps back.

The orc himself really lost his life.

“What…what’s going on? Is it magic?”

When Velen saw this, his eyes lit up, and then he hurriedly looked at the other draenei.

Then he discovered that many of these draenei also adopted such a trick. When fighting with the orcs’ fate, that kind of blue barrier that suddenly appeared can always save their lives under the orcs’ swords.

And the orcs who dared to try to “die with them” were either dead or seriously injured.

Of course, these sudden appearances of draenei were abnormal in more than one place.

For example, they will always explode in the process of fighting with strength and speed that do not belong to them:

Velen saw with his own eyes a draenei tracker (thief) who launched a raid suddenly more than doubled in speed. His target couldn’t react to the sudden increase in speed, and a sharp dagger was sent into his throat. .

When another hapless orc was competing with a draenei garrison, he almost completely suppressed the opponent. Who knows that the draenei suddenly exploded with an unprecedented force, pushing the offended orc He stumbled, and then took the opportunity to kill him.

Many draenei trackers have demonstrated skills they have never seen before-they are able to completely erase their figure in front of everyone’s eyes, then show up behind the enemy, and sharpen them before the enemy reacts. The dagger wiped their throats.

You know, the real World of Warcraft is not a game, and thieves are not mages, they can’t hide their bodies out of thin air. The so-called “sneak” is just a technique to dive into the shadows and reduce the sense of existence.

But these draenei trackers are truly “invisible.”

“Good job!”

Seeing another orc dying unexplainedly from a backstab, Kalmar couldn’t help but praised it loudly. He turned to Nellie, the female archbishop was not only responsible for leading all the draenei rangers, but also these trackers-in other words, the two professions of trackers and rangers were not so different.

“Is that your new technique? It’s so tightly hidden.”

“I don’t know them at all!” Nellie was also somewhat inexplicable, “I still want to know who they were trained by the army. What about those garrison officers? Are they under your command?”

“Uh…that’s not my army either.”

Hearing Neri’s rhetorical question, Kalmar shook his head again and again. He thought about it for a while, and guessed: “Could it be Harut? It seems that those new abilities come from their armor. Harut likes to study this best, you knew.”

“No, it’s not Harut.”

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