The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 929:

Before Neri could reply, Weilun replied.

“In the past few days, Harut and his technicians have been preparing new defensive weapons and crystals, and there is no time to study this.”

“It’s not you, it’s not me, it’s not him, then where did they come from?! It’s impossible for such a powerful fighter to appear out of thin air.”

Watching these mighty fighters even cut a gap in front of the orcs’ fronts when they were outnumbered, and even began to counterattack the orcs’ forces, Kalmar’s doubts grew even more, and he even looked at it with suspicion. To Vinylon himself.

“Don’t guess, these fighters are not from Shattrath at all. Shattrath is not the only one of our draenei clan.” Velen sighed and looked in the direction of Auchindoun.

Seeing this, Kalmar and Neri knew immediately.

“You mean, they are from Auchindoun and are Yrel’s men! How could it be possible?!”

Both Nellie and Kalmar looked suspicious, and obviously didn’t believe the news very much.

It’s not that they don’t believe in Yrel, it’s that she is too young. For such a young man who was promoted at a young age, or even above them, these old seniors instinctively had doubts.

However, Velen looked determinedly: “It’s not her, who else? You guys, I underestimated this young man. She is the one chosen by Cure, and the child of miracle that is compatible with light and darkness like never before. And behind her is the great wizard from another world…”

Just when Vinyl wanted to say something more, the situation on the battlefield under the castle tower changed again.

Perhaps it was because the performance of these “super fighters” was so good that they blocked the orcs’ offensive with their own power, and they were quickly targeted.

In order to deal with them, the orcs sent several powerful ogres, and several warlocks also focused on them.

Coupled with the continuous wave of orc soldiers, these “super warriors” soon fell into a desperate situation of being surrounded.

Chapter 1126

A hero is hard to beat with four hands, and a hero cannot stop a large number of people. This is a universal truth.

Even if he holds a belief that is closer to the truth in his heart, even if he is wearing more advanced equipment, all of this still cannot smooth the gap between the “super warriors” among the draenei and the tribal army.

After a while, these invincible fighters fell into a bitter battle.

The green orcs attacked them from all directions like a tide. Even though there were countless predecessors’ blood as Qi Chu’s elite, they still stepped forward and launched a charge towards the draenei.

Even if they all see how weak they are in front of the energy shield, and how easily the draenei’s warhammer and blade can break through their flesh and blood, this does not stop the orcs from courageously. Scramble for the first place.

They are using flesh and blood to consume the energy of the shield.

And their plan almost succeeded.

Among the draenei warriors, one or two energy shields flickered strangely when blocking the attack, obviously because they couldn’t support it because of the continuous attacks.

But what is worse is the caster behind the warriors.

Originally there were draenei warriors and paladins blocking the front, and the casters could cast all kinds of spells calmly behind them-or slow the enemy’s actions with arcane magic, or destroy the enemy’s body with shadow, or It is to use the Holy Light to offer blessings to the comrades in arms.

But at this moment, the orcs attacking from all directions not only dragged the melee professionals, but also dragged them into the melee combat.

These well-protected spellcasters can no longer cast spells calmly. They had to be distracted to deal with the enemies who rushed closer.

You know, the cloth armor on them does not have the strong defense power of heavy armor.

However, compared to the action of dancing knives and guns by melee professionals, casting spells and manipulating energy are more powerful, but they are also more time-consuming-spell casting requires singing and condensing energy.

Compared with all kinds of AOE spells to kill a large piece, using a single spell to deal with one after another orcs rushing forward is completely half the effort.

However, at this moment, these spellcasters have almost no choice.

Lightning Bolt, Light Smite, Shadow Bolt… all kinds of spells will kill the orcs who try to get close to them one by one.

However, the reflex nerves of the caster are not as good as the melee professional.

Soon, an unprepared mage was thrown to the ground by the orcs rushing up from behind. If they hadn’t been equipped with an “energy shield”, the lighter would have killed him at once.

As for the draenei rangers and trackers, they are in a better situation. With their agility, they are able to cope with this melee calmly, but they also have their own troubles.

Several tall ogres rushed up.

And these huge and heavy enemies must be dealt with by them.

Even with the “energy shield”, the draenei garrison can hardly fight head-on with the ogres. Although the energy shield can prevent the ogres from killing the garrison, it can’t stop the ogres’ mace from smashing them into the air.

If such heavy units are allowed to break into their own formation, their failure will be inevitable.

Compared to the vindicator, the more agile trackers and rangers are more suitable for dealing with such heavy enemies.

But when they looked at these ogres, they were also looked at in the dark.

As the rarest spellcasters in the tribe, orc warlocks usually do not come to the front line. They are well versed in the truth that “a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall”. After the start of the war, they will always hide far behind the front line, preferring to support the front line by summoning demons or releasing long-range spells.

If it hadn’t been for these draenei “super fighters” to be too obtrusive, they would not have rushed to the front line, near the most dangerous gap in the city wall on the front line.

They are like poisonous snakes hiding in the shadows, staring at their prey closely, and when they reveal their flaws, they will release a fatal blow.

This time, draenei rangers and trackers became their prey.

They are not as rough and skinny as the vindicator, nor are they as counter-powerful as the caster. When there is mental arithmetic and unintentional, it is the best goal of the sorcerer.

The ogres are the bait of the warlocks.

But the draenei did not know all this.

As usual, several stalkers shuttled in the shadows, disappearing from time to time in the crowd, taking advantage of the ogres’ unpreparedness, trying to go around behind them and attack them.

However, when they showed their figure behind the ogre again, ready to jump up and give a deadly backstab to the ogre, the “venomous snake” that had been lurking for a long time finally launched an attack.

The evil energy suddenly hit, and the fear from the heart suddenly detonated, causing several trackers to suddenly stagnate.

That’s the magician’s signature show, the function of [Fear Technique].

For such agile professionals, the stagnation of action is the most deadly.

The surrounding orc warriors seemed to have just reacted, and they immediately wanted to encircle and hack the two assassins to death.

In the dark, another sorcerer planned to take advantage of the opportunity of his peers to cast spells to tie up the target, using the power of fel energy to **** up their lives.

Below the city, the newly emerged “super warriors” are showing signs of decline.

On the head of the city, the draenei who were temporarily entangled looked extremely anxious, but were helpless for a while.

On the other hand, the orcs’ side, seeing these terrifying enemies about to punish, naturally gave a boost.

However, they did not know that until now, they still underestimated these “super fighters.”

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