The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 950:

However, by now, the draenei people who once regarded Delano as their second hometown have begun to accept the fact that they will lose this planet.

How to resist the tribe’s tide-like attack has made countless draenei people exhausted their minds. The return of Kara and the rise of Yrel gave the draenei, who should have long since collapsed, the power to fight again, and even defeated the tribe twice, earning a ray of respite for the compatriots.

But now, the gaze of the tribe is on the draenei again.

It seems that Shattrath and Auchindoun are destined to suffer a catastrophe. What is even more sad is that in order to severely suppress these only nails on the Delano continent, the Burning Legion also began to personally end.

Although Draenei won two games under the leadership of Yrel, everyone in Auchindoun knew that they could no longer resist the powerful demons. Soldiers with a lofty will and never retreat in front of the enemy also began to find a way to retreat.

In this case, even a stubborn guy like Akama had to accept the help of the shadow power to the draenei-without this powerful force, the holy light would not be able to quickly speed up those demons. beat. The war accelerated the draenei’s understanding of the way of balance, allowing them to embrace the ruthless shadow while advocating the goodness of the light.

But as the tribe continued to approach, a large number of outposts around the twin cities fell, and despair gradually fell in everyone’s heart.

The new consul Yrel did not feel discouraged. She is young, energetic, and full of confidence in the future. She firmly believed that she could bring the draenei to persevere, and also firmly believed that Ye Ting would not let her down.

Perseverance began. In a long period of preparation, the draenei rebuilt the defensive system of the twin cities. The energy of the defensive shield is already full, and a large number of photon turrets and crystal towers cover the walls. The draenei warriors and immortals armed with new equipment must find a way out for the draenei under the leadership of Yrel. Hold on until the restoration of Ginidal is complete!

After several wars, Yrel had already gained the absolute trust of the draenei people, even though she was a passing apprentice pastor a few years ago.

When she first came to Shattrath, most of the draenei had nothing but disdain for an unknown little girl, and had great doubts about the power of shadow.

But now, even Akama sometimes began to regret why he didn’t learn this kind of power in the first place, this kind of power that even the devil can seriously hurt.

When fighting against the devil, the holy light can resist the evil attack of the devil, but when it comes to harming the devil, it also belongs to the terrible power of shadow.

At the head of Shattrath, the tribe’s offensive almost never ceased. Even at night, there were still many orcs rushing to the city under the leadership of the demon guard, causing great trouble to the draenei.

Everyone knows that this is just a tactic of exhaustion, but the draenei still have nothing to do with it.

The tribe has much more troops than them, not to mention that in the process of conquering Draenor, they have captured a large number of slaves as cannon fodder.

Although there is no strong leader, the brutal demons and orcs affected by the blood of the fall are almost always fierce and bloodthirsty.

Another wave of night siege began, this time in addition to the orcs and demon guards, there were several hellfires falling from the sky.

Yrel would not leave this kind of thing in her field of vision, the photon turret roared, shooting a deadly light to kill one orc after another, and the draenei in the golden armor also rushed up.

Although the orcs on the siege are bloodthirsty and violent, they have no reason, knowing that they are fighting each other, and they have no tactics at all. This is also the side effect of the blood of the fallen. Besides, a few orc minions can’t be used. A strong man like Yrel makes a difference.

When the hellfire crashed to the ground, the demon and orcs rushing in the front had already become a pool of blood. Hellfire, alone and without accomplices to attract firepower, could only instinctively retreat and escape the immortal volley as soon as possible. .

But soon, at the other end of the horizon, another long green line turned into a wave toward the city.

Naturally, another attack began.

Chapter 1149

It seemed that they had sensed the enemy in the distance, and the Immortal and Photon Turret immediately aimed their fire at the distance, no longer torturing the thick-skinned hellfire.

Relying on the army behind, the hellfire rushed towards the city wall again.

As the siege weapon of the Burning Legion, Hellfire is so tall that it can stand taller than the walls of Shattrath when standing on the ground. Compared with it, Yrel is so small.

But in the face of such a behemoth, the Delaney Archon was not afraid.

As the earth shook, the huge rock giant quickly rushed to her, a huge stone fist burning with fel flames rushed towards her face, her fist even bigger than her whole body.

But Yrel didn’t have any evasion, but instead rushed straight towards the oncoming giant fist. In her right hand, dark purple energy madly poured into her special crystal warhammer.

The hammer head made of crystal turned into a deep black under the high concentration of energy.

Swinging the long-handled warhammer fiercely, Yrel smashed it into the giant fist in front of him with one hand.

The huge fist of Hellfire and the tiny warhammer hit each other like this.

However, in a collision that is disproportionate in size or weight, the bigger and heavier one is defeated.

Just listening to the loud noise of “Boom!”, the fist made of hellfire rock was immediately covered with cracks-in front of Yrel’s shadow power, the fel energy of hellfire was completely unable to maintain the structure of the structure’s life. It was smashed to pieces by Yrel with only one hammer.

The draenei nearby not only shook their heads when they saw it.

Their new leader is good at everything, but sometimes a bit too reckless and too violent.

Although their past leader, Vinylon, was generally strong, he was always gentle, and basically never even saw his blushing eyes. No matter what kind of crisis he faced, he was calm, either casting powerful spells in the back to bless his own side, or using a powerful one. The power of turning things around.

Which is like this one, he obviously has two powers, and which of them is better than Velen, but compared to the priest, he prefers to be a garrison officer, a paladin. When encountering an enemy, picking up the warhammer, I don’t know whether it is her powerful power or her strange power that ultimately defeats the enemy.

Just like now.

While Hellfire was smashed back by Yrel’s hammer, the girl rushed forward and jumped high in front of everyone.

At the same time, the highly condensed holy light appeared behind her, forming a pair of holy light wings, which made the girl look like an angel from a distance – of course, the people in World of Warcraft didn’t even know this kind of creature.

“Holy Fury—”

When Yrel’s last hammer fell, the hellfire was smashed into disintegration by her on the spot, and the burning fel flame gradually dimmed, but the body made of huge stones was also unceremoniously torn apart, almost burying her.

Fortunately, the shield formed by the holy light was still faithful, so that she didn’t suffer any harm. With just a casual pull, she crawled out of the gravel pile of hellfire corpses.

Originally, she wanted to return to the city wall and wait for the next wave of attacks, but suddenly there was news that the port of Shattrath was raided by the tribe and was already in danger under the siege of the tribe.

After listening, Yrel immediately rushed to support without thinking about it-she would never let Shattrath fall before Ye Ting heard the news!

In fact, as the main city of Delaney, Shattrath has always been a coastal city. When Delaney was at its peak, the port of Shattrath was always full of ships.

However, with the rise of the tribe and the draenei stepping back step by step, the draenei caravan that came from there is no longer there, and the port of Shattrath is gradually disappearing.

But whether it was the first or second battle of Shattrath, the port was not the main garrison of the draenei.

The reason is simple. As the No. 1 tribe in Draenor, the tribe almost never set foot in the sea, and there is no navy. In the eyes of the orcs, the ocean is only the background of the world, and they will never and have no ability to attack Shattrath from the sea.

And this also greatly reduced the defensive pressure of the draenei, allowing them to concentrate their only troops on the half of the city wall that is not close to the sea.

But no one thought that the tribes who had never set foot in the sea would one day attack Shattrath from the sea and from the port.

The Nathrezim of the Burning Legion themselves took action and hid their tracks for the orcs. So a tribal army rode a rough sea boat like a wooden box to the port north of Shattrath and stabbed them from behind. .

However, equipped with golden armor, the draenei’s combat effectiveness is much stronger than in the past.

When Yrel arrived at the port, he discovered that there was a whole team of garrison officers here. It seemed that even though they were fighting alone, they still persisted.

In the face of cruel and powerful enemies, all the draenei are the most brave fighters, and they will never retreat in front of the enemy!

Even if there is a tide of enemies ahead, even if you know a dead end!

However, when another wave of logged-in orc forwards and the draenei began to fight hand-to-hand, Yrel’s command was conveyed to the hearts of every garrison through Kara:

“Retreat! End the battle! Stand on the defensive posture!”

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