The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 951:

Although everyone does not know the reason, strict discipline cannot be violated.

So the garrison officers of the brigade retreated and formed a neat phalanx, with shining holy light shining from them at the same time.

Under the connection of Kara, their holy light spells merged into one, and the holy shield, which could only protect individuals, formed a shield wall.

Seeing the draenei retreat, countless orcs thought they had the power to catch up, and then they were firmly blocked by the Divine Shield Wall. No matter how they waved the battle axe in their hands, they couldn’t do anything about the defense of this holy light.

At the same time, behind them, more ships flocked to Kishimoto, and the orcs in the port rushed ashore.

The orcs in front of them couldn’t get in, but afterwards they kept coming. Soon, the orcs crowded each other like canned sardines in this narrow port.

“It’s nice to see you guys can support it,”

Seeing this, Yrel’s satisfied voice sounded in his mind again: “My compatriots. I appreciate your bravery very much, but we have a better way.”

The vindicators were puzzled by this, and they didn’t seem to know any better way than smashing the orc’s head with a warhammer.

When they formed the shield wall, Yrel had arranged the Immortal to occupy the side roof, which was the widest high ground nearby.

Now, I saw the consul violently waved his hand.

The Immortal’s crystal focusing cannon fired at the port, and with the distorted light, countless orcs’ limbs were flying in the air-such a dense formation made them the best targets.

The warriors of the tribe rushed forward and tried to leave this place of death, but the cruel shield wall firmly blocked their way. More orcs can only run towards the sea, trying to get back to the boat.

However, compared to the harbor, the ships in the sea were more unreliable, and the big waves raised by the Crystal Focus Gun overturned many orc boats at once.

Orcs themselves are not a race that has adapted to the ocean. Most of the guys who drive the boat attack are actually land ducks. Many of the hapless guys who were too late to disembark fell into the sea with their compatriots who had escaped from the shore, and did not float again.

When Nathrezim and the Orc Warlock arrived by boat, the Light Cannon of the Immortal had swept the entire harbor, letting them know that the result of the hard drive was destruction!

In just a few minutes, it seemed that many of the orc fleets had been crushed, and there was only a mess of mess on the beaches occupied by them, which once again proved the advantage of half-pass.

When Yrel ordered a full-line attack, a large number of garrison officers and other draenei wielded warhammers and long swords that had long been uncontrollable.

After the whole army assaulted, what remained on the beach were the limbs of countless orcs and a pool of blood.

The long-planned attack was thwarted, and those Nathrezim had no choice but to leave to avoid further losses.

Chapter 1150

However, the tribe’s attacks have always been continuous and overwhelming.

Yrel felt right, and soon there was news of asking for help, and she had to return to the city.

This time the situation is more serious.

As she kept getting closer to the city wall, a scream of tears and a weary low roar suddenly came in the distance. This rage was exhilarating: her support was fairly timely, and the draenei compatriots were still alive in the city!

And this low growl is trembling: it was Annihran who was angry!

Combining the scene of the Nasrezim’s sneak attack just now, Yrel came to a bad conclusion: the Burning Legion was no longer satisfied with only providing basic support to the tribe, and they had no patience.

Different from the most common demon guards, both Anniholan and Nathrezim are the elites of the demons in the Burning Legion.

Nathrezim, also known as the Dreadlord, is a kind of intelligent and cunning demons. They are the intelligence officers and interrogators of the Burning Legion, the tacticians and middle-level officers on the battlefield, and they are also the leaders of the Burning Legion-such as Kilgar. Dan-the emissary and agent.

They are terrible enemies on the battlefield, but they prefer to make mortal kingdoms meet each other through behind-the-scenes manipulation and trickery. Nathrezim is a ruthless villain who feeds on the life energy of the mortal race. They spread fear and lies, turn their brothers into enemies, and destroy countless worlds under the influence of their darkness.

From the outside, the Dreadlord is like a vampire hunting mental power, taking the weak-willed as his own food and slaves. They have dead gray skin, no hair, and two sharp canine teeth protruding from their mouths. They have superb summoning spells, have a superb mastery of magic—its abilities are even comparable to those of the Eredans—and they are deadly warriors.

Annihran, commonly known as the Lord of the Abyss, is a powerful demonic race recruited by Kil’jaeden for the Burning Legion. Unlike Nathrezim’s willingness to infiltrate and manipulate the treacherous civilization of mortals, Annihlan are more willing to conquer other worlds in a more direct way.

Annihlan was born to slaughter and torture the mortal races standing in front of them. They often enslaved the sub-demons in the void as cannon fodder to besiege mortal civilization.

Anni Helan is described as an engine that spreads destruction. They were driven by pure anger and bloodthirsty. Annihran’s body resembles a giant lizard, with six strong limbs (their four legs are similar in nature to Cenarius’ heirs), a tail, and a pair of wings that grow from the back (the pair The wings have degraded. Even with the blessing of Eredar’s magic, the excessive weight of the Abyss Lord still makes them completely unable to fly).

The upper torso is more human-shaped, with a huge chest, two arms and a huge horned head. Their mouths are full of sharp teeth, their eyes are burning with flames, and their tongues are full of fangs. Two long, mammoth-like fangs protruded from the sides of their mouths. The weapon of choice for the Abyss Lord is a huge double-edged polearm. Although they may look fat and lazy, they are incredibly powerful.

As the mainstay of the Burning Legion, the Abyss Lord and the Dreadlord had never appeared in previous battles. Most of the things Yrel encountered were the most basic infantry of the Burning Legion-the Demon Guard. And now, their appearance means that a greater crisis has come.

But no matter how terrible the future crisis is, Yrel’s top priority is to block the abyss lord in front of him and prevent the wall from being broken. Hellfire is nothing more than a small toy compared to them.

Regardless of the hellfire’s tall stature, these rock giants burning the fel fire are nothing but mass-produced creations of demons. They look tall, but compared to the abyss lord and the dreadlords, they are nothing but mere appearances.

Divided by level, the average Hellfire has at most 15 or 6 levels. Counting the increased combat effectiveness of the body, it is only 17 or 8 levels.

But even the weakest dreadlord and abyss lord have this level. Most of the two demons that appear on the battlefield have the highest level 19 below the legend, and the guys with names and surnames among them generally have the legendary level. , That is, the strength above level 20-such as the leader of Annihilan Mannoroth and the leader of Nathrezim Tichondrius are the left and right hands of the Burning Legion second only to Sargeras, Archimonde and Ki The powerhouse of Eljadan.

As a draenei, Yrel is taller than humans and orcs, but she is too small in front of the abyss lord-she is not even half a calf tall.

If it was the former Yrel, facing such a behemoth, the only way to deal with it was to run away.

But now her body is filled with two opposing terrible powers. She can feel that although the huge demon in front of her is much bigger than her, the true power is far inferior to her.

So she greeted her bravely, just like facing the hellfire before.

When Yrel arrived at the city wall, she noticed that several draenei were already forming a team to fight the huge demon together.

One of the Shadow Defenders jumped from the wall.

The power device of the armor greatly strengthened his power, allowing him to jump several meters high.

When the warrior’s jump reached the highest point and began to fall due to gravity, he swung the battle axe with the power of the void, and the power armor-enhanced slashing superimposed falling gravity faced the abyss lord in front of him. Hack away.

This axe is so sharp and perfect, even if the hellfire is slashed, it has to be slashed.

But for the Lord of the Abyss, who was physically powerful, this blow was nothing.

The Abyss Lord didn’t even move his hand. He casually waved the huge, ugly, but relatively small wings behind him. The Shadow Vindicator flew out like this.

On the other side, a draenei mage had already raised his staff, chanting a spell, and then swiped down fiercely, and a dazzling lightning struck in midair.

At the same time, another draenei priest also chanted prayers. The holy light that was supposed to save the dead and heal the wounded, but gave people hope, now turned into a righteous punishment, and also struck towards the devil.

However, their attacks are of little use to the powerful Abyss Lord.

Not only is this demon’s physical body powerful, but its magic resistance is also amazing. The wizard’s attack only left some small burn marks on the surface of the demon’s fleshy wings.

On the contrary, priests who are not good at attacking do more damage to it.

“Holy Light Punishment” played a role in fighting evil. The strong holy light made the demon breathe back. He felt as if he had been burned. This feeling really made him uncomfortable-but that was all.

So the angry demon wielded a spear—for the draenei, it was thicker than a siege hammer—carrying a bad wind, and slammed it at everyone.

At this time, the shadow vindicator who was knocked into the air just stood up and saw the round spear swept over. He quickly held the battle axe in both hands and rushed forward, trying to block the two fragile legal units. This violent blow.

But the power gap between the two people was too big, and the garrison officer was swept away by the spear and fell into the city of Shattrath behind the city wall.

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