The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 10 – Quiet Watcher

Up to chapter 22 for first tier, and chapter 24 for second on Patreon.


Gallae moved her world into the path to block the young celestial beings from another galaxy. She moved to a spot in space far ahead of their intended target, Imera.

'Get out of our way, you old crone!' The being said with arrogance.  They were living celestial beings that were supposed to watch over their living planets.  Instead, they consumed them, greedily licking up the life to grow quickly rather than at the intended pace of maturity for a celestial body.

Gallae held out her hand. Though he was arrogant, as soon as the energy she wielded began to coalesce around her palm, he squealed in fear.  The energy gathered had more force than the output of their entire star.

She fired off five blasts and went back to Imera. This confused each of the five celestial beings, as each had the strength of a young star, and could dodge that incoming blast.

They were confused until they saw each blast of energy head to their intended targets.

There was nowhere to run to. They went at the horrendous speeds to get away, but the beam slowly caught up to them. There was no reduction in energy output. If anything, the energy levels grew stronger the longer it chased them, as though each was imbued with a will.

Five young stars were extinguished in a far off galaxy. Instead of going nova, they stopped producing any energy, as though their cores were held frozen in time.

Gallae didn't kill the stars. Instead, she eradicated their minds, which they sent out in those avatars, and left seeds to grow in their cores. In several millennia, these seeds would sprout, and give birth to new celestial beings.

Since the other ones refused to do their duty, Gallae would restore the star, and rebuild the living planet so that life could flourish in an otherwise dead galaxy.
If the caretakers she left behind would not do their jobs, she would replace them with children better than they were.
I wonder where Kyrie got her blood thirstiness from.

* * *


"Report." Kyrie asked her closest servants.

"Gallae, the planet of calamity, has moved between Imera and the outer belt." Lydia said.

"Anything else? Mother always said to be wary of Gallae, but not fearful." Kyrie said quietly.

"There were some anomalies further out, but these were extinguished quickly." Lydia said. "Our sky-watchers keep on the lookout, just in case something disturbs your mother."

"If Gallae moved, something might have attempted to disturb mother. She never has a single bad thing to say about Gallae." Kyrie sighed a bit. "She almost looks gentle when she speaks about that planet." She looked at Lydia. "Gallae is not a threat to us. The Empress?"

"Lena is fine. She healed amazingly fast from her injury during pregnancy. The wet nurses have taken the prince, while Lena remains in her courtyard. There have been no movements out of the palace." Lydia finished the report.

"The child is born. Whatever significance they believe my Empress to possess within that dog faced king's country is over. Their target will be the prince." She said. "I'll go visit my girl now."

Kyrie disappeared, while Lydia looked unsure.

"What's wrong?" Hannah asked her as she appeared. "The goddess dismissed me from inside the room." She said at Lydia's look.

"She doesn't want to know what plans the harem has?" Lydia asked.

"Does it matter? Anyone moves on Lena will die. Anyone tries to poison her, they will die. Any soldiers enter her courtyard, they will die. Lena will survive even if the goddess razes that kingdom to the ground." Hannah shrugged her pale white shoulders. "Soon, she will move her to the temple. A year or two. Then we'll see just what moves they want to make." Hannah said.

"Yeah." She let out a breath. "I just thought she might be interested in knowing that the harem is blaming the Empress, and the new born prince, for the signs in the sky." Hannah snorted.

"The prince is the king's and the consort's son. It has nothing to do with the Empress."


* * *


Lena opened her eyes as a gentle hand moved the hair on her forehead. She saw ruby red eyes, solid orbs, perfectly round with no facets, and a slight shine to the surface, looking into her eyes.

"Kyrie." Lena said weakly. "It's done." She closed her eyes for a few seconds, before she opened them again. "Will I have to endure that again?"

"The king's violation, or pregnancy?" Kyrie asked with a slight smile on her lips. She lightly traced Lena's belly.

"Him, of course." She turned up her nose. "He smelled horrible. I thought royalty were supposed to have a good scent, but he smelled of funk and sweat. I can't get it out of my mind even now." She closed her eyes again.

"If my people can't keep you safe from a single human being..." She turned to Rachel. "Then they do not deserve to be in the throne room, nor on Haven." Rachel paled. She was about to kneel, when Kyrie hissed.

"Do you really want to disobey your Empress when I'm here?" Kyrie said through grit teeth. Lena's hand went up and cupped her cheek, which immediately made the goddess quiet down, and turn her attention away from her people.

"How long?" She whispered.

"When you're an adult." Lena shook her head.

"I can't stay in this place that long. Take me away from here. The temple is where your people once worshiped you. It is my rightful place." She said firmly.

"What about servants? You need people to serve you." She said softly.

"Rachel, Hannah, Nikki, and the shadows serve me. Kata serves me. As long as there is food, which your people bring to me anyway, why does it have to be a place where the memories are like this?" Lena said, and slowly closed her eyes as she was overcome by fatigue.

"Very well, my Empress." Kyrie said softly, and lowered her lips to her cheek. She kissed her gently, and blew a red mist into her face. It seeped into her nose, mouth, and eyes this time, and to Kyrie's eyes, Lena's body sucked it in hungrily.

"Prepare the carriage, and the squads. Move everything that belongs to the Empress over to Haven until she gets to the temple. Nothing is to be lacking." Kyrie stood up.

"Goddess, why did you want to wait?" Rachel asked.

"When she leaves, I wanted to be sure there was no reason to hold back." She groaned. "I still have to be patient while she matures." She groaned again and looked upward.

"I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and now two years feel like an eternity."


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