The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 11 – Departure


"Why are you here?" The shaman shivered in fear as the black cloaked figure appeared out of the shadows. Even now, he could not detect her presence. Her eyes were black, while her teeth were long, sharp, and white. She looked like a demon of their myths, but this person was real.

"The goddess has a message." She said and grinned. That sent another shiver down his spine.

"What does the goddess wish of us? We've left the southerners alone, haven't we?" He asked in a grumble. 'Southerners' to those in the northern most parts of the continent were everyone they could touch with their spears or arrows.

"Careful, shaman. You wouldn't like to see the inside of the goddess's dungeon. People go in, and beg to die. They never do." She said.

"My deepest apologies." He said sincerely. Valina listened quietly, and nodded.

"My Empress has instructions. The goddess kept you away from that place for her alone. She leaves the north in a week. After that, your restrictions are off." Valina said, and watched the shaman's eyebrows lift.

"We'll be free to do as we wish?" He asked.

"As you wish. In the south, the Great Temple will be occupied again. Young maidens, or children no younger than five, may be taken there. They will live their lives in dedication to the Empress, and the goddess. Those who are dedicated and serve there may speak for your tribes." She said. He frowned.

"I do not understand." The shaman said.

"By having a maiden present to serve the Empress, the Empress will allow trade with the tribes. Iron. Fish from the sea. Salt. As the town under her grows, the town will trade with the temple, which will have more goods to trade with the tribes. Farms are under her hand. Grains. Eggs. Cheese." Valina saw the shock in the tribe's spiritual leader. "I see you understand. Your plunder is yours to trade as you wish. The goods your tribes produce, leather, smoked meats from the north, those are unique in the south. They have value." Valina smiled.

"Your people will no longer have to scratch a living from stone, and smash the cities of the ones who believe themselves to be 'civilized'. If your people take over the lands of that foolish king, remember the lessons they learned, and prosper." Valina disappeared.

The shaman immediately lowered himself to his knees and bowed to the south.

"Remember and prosper. Forget and suffer. Those are our customs, servant of the goddess of death, and the Empress." The shaman stood up and left his tent in excitement.

He had much to discuss with the chief of his tribe.


* * *


"The Empress leaves Krov, your Highness. It is time to replace her as Empress." The First Minister said.

The other ministers agreed quickly, while the eunuch rolled his eyes. He was with this king since the beginning of his reign, and he was the only king who dared to call himself an emperor while not conquering a single land. The lands he ruled were the former provinces of the old king.

Soon, there was a laughter in the court, that started as a soft chuckle, but soon rang out. When they turned to see who dared to laugh, they paled. Three people had appeared, all wearing black cloaks with their head covered. When the hoods came off, fear radiated off the ministers.

"Poor King Bardulf. Does no one share your concern for your kingdom?" Hannah asked with a wicked grin. The eunuch could recognize these three women, as he has seen them often enough that they filled him with dread.

"Do not worry, poor King Bardulf." Nikki said beside her. "The Empress was not crowned as such by the likes of a king who can not even protect his own lands." Rachel grinned beside her as each curse fell from their lips.

"Too true." Rachel said, as she was in the lead. "The Empress was crowned by the goddess herself. Whether you try to give her position to another is of little consequence. It is not yours to give." The eunuch stuttered a few times.

"W-W-What d-d-does she want to do?" He asked in a high pitched voice.

"Only to inform you that the protection the goddess gave this country is now over." Rachel said with a grin. The ministers frowned.

"Protection?" The eunuch asked. Rachel laughed loudly.

"Such foolish humans. Did you think that the tribes stayed away from your borders due to your soldiers?" She laughed and turned away. "You have all brought this upon yourselves. Assassination attempts. Poison in food. Schemes upon schemes." Nikki lost her laughter.

"If the Empress would allow me, I would destroy your pitiful kingdom myself for the offenses against her." Nikki turned away as well and walked to Rachel's side.

"Now that she has left, so we will leave." Hannah said, and the three disappeared into a thick red mist. The mist swallowed their forms, and faded from sight. The ministers looked at each other, then to the king.

"Your Majesty, I must go secure the borders of my province!" He didn't wait for the 'emperor' to dismiss him and ran out. Each minister bowed, and quickly disappeared from the throne room.

The eunuch frowned and walked to the middle of the throne room. On the floor, letters were carved into the stone.

"Oh. Heavens have mercy on us." He returned and whispered into the ear of the 'Emperor'.

"Inform her. She will be pleased that it is her son after all." Bardulf slumped on his throne.

The last shred of hope for the kingdom just evaporated. He forced himself to his feet and walked over.

'The prince is the consort's son. Courtesy of the goddess of death.'


* * *


"Flaming Nightmares!" Kata said in excitement as she pulled herself into the carriage. Lena already sat inside, guided to the carriage by Sol earlier.

"The goddess is fond of the Empress. She would not allow anyone to get near her, nor would she allow her to travel in some rickety old carriage from this pathetic kingdom." Sol said as she sat next to Lena.

"When will I see her again?" Lena asked quietly. She sat properly in her seat.

"Most likely when we arrive, and you get settled." Sol said quietly. "She, along with Lydia, and a few of the ministers in her throne room, watch the roads ahead of us."

"Valina." Lena called out.

"Here, Empress." A soft voice said near her ear.

"Damn it, Val, you scared the mist out of me!" Sol said and growled. Lena chuckled.

"Valina has been by my side since before I gave her a proper name. I just like to comfort myself that she is still watching over me. How are the other shadows?" She asked.

"On the road ahead." Valina said quietly. "They each scout a portion until we catch up, then move ahead." Lena nodded.

"Have the next one stop by, and say hello." Lena said quietly.

"Understood, Empress." Valina dropped an apple into her hand. "From the goddess. You need to eat Haven's food every day."

"Thank you, Valina. My Shadow."


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