The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 12 – Oh Empress, What Big Teeth You Have


"Empress." The new shadow bowed in front of her, and knelt appropriately.

"Lift your face. I want to see you." The Other lifted her head, and watched a pleased smile float to Lena's lips.


"I am most happy with the gifts my Kyrie has given me. Your name is Valyria. Your sister, Valina, is the leader of my Shadows." She reached out, and put her hands on Valyria's head. She lightly kissed Valyria's forehead.

'Mm, she smells so nice. My Valyria. I hope you didn't kneel in Krov. I shall ask Kyrie to destroy that area of the castle and make sure all traces of my Shadows kneeling is destroyed.' Valyria felt the Empress's lips pull back and her teeth lightly scrape Valyria's skin.

'Control, Lena. Don't frighten her, and let her know how much you want to eat her right now.' She lifted her lips and smiled gently at Valyria.

"Do your duty, my shadow, Valyria." Valyria bowed her head again, and left to do her duty.

"Are you alright, Empress?" Sol asked her and watched as Lena's eyes traveled to her chest.

"No, I'm not. I'm starving." She rolled her eyes, and took a deep breath.

'GODDESS! THIS ISN'T GOOD!' Sol's cry was abruptly silenced as she saw Lena's eyes turn into pure red orbs, and her teeth elongate. She darted forward, and before Sol could stop her, or encourage her, her teeth sank into the soft flesh of her chest. Sol groaned softly, and smiled a little.

"We have forgotten to get some deer for our master." Sol said and chirped as those long teeth sank deeper into her flesh and sheered off a chunk. "That's it, Empress. Eat what you need." She whispered and heard the grunts more common on Haven where physical love can be quite energetic, and violent.

Lena had entered puberty long ago, but now that she had the goddess's power inside her, she had another gift right along with it.

Ravenous hunger.


* * *


"It's alright, Lena." Kyrie said. The carriage had stopped on the side of the road, and the others got out to stretch.

"I ate her!" She cried out. Kyrie grinned.

"Yes, and she liked it quite a bit." Kyrie said and watched Lena look at her with confusion. "On Haven, our natures are more violent and natural. When my Others get worked up, they become more like me. A little more savage. As a precaution, I built into their essence a pain and pleasure center that treats pain like pleasure, and pleasure like pain." Lena frowned slightly.

"So when I bite her, she felt pleasure?" Kyrie nodded. "But if she is pleasured, she'll feel pain, which is also pleasure?" Kyrie grinned.

"You guessed it. The pain is mixed with pleasure, and the pleasure mixed with pain. It's balanced, which allows us to work out our basic needs." Kyrie said and watched the young woman think quietly.

"But why was I so hungry?" She asked. "I eat food all the time."

"The Others are omnivores. They need meat just as much as they need fruit and vegetables. More importantly, they need food from Haven. Because of my gifts, you also need food from Haven, but we neglected the meat." Kyrie said quietly.

"I understand. Valina." Lena called out. The Shadow appeared.

"Yes, Empress?" Valina asked. Kyrie grinned wide as Lena pushed Valina onto the opposite bench, pulled open her shirt and licked her lips with an impossibly long tongue.

"You are just as delicious as I have imagined since I kissed your forehead." She whispered. Her lips pulled back and revealed fangs that were much longer than any of the Others.

"Oh Empress. What big teeth you have."


* * *


"Watch the surroundings. Shadows." Four shadows appeared. "You are Valyria?" One nodded. "Enter." Kyrie said. Valina came out with red cheeks. "Valina, check the area ahead. Remember, you belong to her now."

"Yes, goddess." Valina said quietly. Kyrie chuckled and blew a red mist onto her body, which she sucked up greedily.

"Make sure you return to Haven at intervals so you aren't weakened. Arrange for five hours a day, so you and your sister shadows are filled until she can provide your mist." Kyrie said quietly.

"She'll be able to do that?" Valina asked in shock.

"Eventually, she just might be able to. There is a familiar sensation whenever I am near her. Now head out." Valyria came out, and the next shadow entered the carriage. Ten minutes later, she came out with red cheeks, and tears flowing down.

"I am Valjhana." She whispered in awe. Kyrie smiled.

"It's obvious that the Empress likes breast meat." Valjhana blushed.

"Goddess, be nice." The next one came out with similar red cheeks, and a bite out of her chest.

"I am Valcynie." She said quietly. It took more than a few minutes for the last person to exist. When Kyrie looked inside, she also blushed brightly.

"The Empress is hungry. Your sister's new name is Valthyria, but she'll need to return to Haven to recharge." Valcynie and Valjhana pouted as they felt their sister's cries inside their mind.

The Empress was hungry, and Valthyria loved being the one who their Empress ate. Their goddess would eat one of them from time to time, and she would make the meal especially erotic for them.

Due to the nature of the Others, others like the goddess of death, these acts of savagery drew her shadow guards to her like moths to a flame.

When Lena gave them names, and took small erotic bites, they grew closer to her. When she lost her senses and started to eat Valthyria right down to her bones, she grew to love the Empress down to her core.

"GODDESS!" Lena called out. Kyrie chuckled.

"Your sister is loving every moment of this." She entered the carriage, and saw Lena sitting with Valthyria's head in her hands.

"Well, don't just sit there. Finish her off. She's waiting for you to eat all of her so she can be reborn." Lena looked down at the smiling head, and with her heart pounding, she turned the face away, and opened her mouth.

Valthyria rolled her eyes and smiled. Even after the last bite, Kyrie smiled.

"Now, spit out the core. It's round, and feels cool to the tongue." Lena frowned, but soon her eyes rounded. Her throat bulged, and she held a round red glass ball with her tongue. She pulled it out of her mouth. Kyrie smiled.

"Good girl." Kyrie took it, put it on the cushion, and blew a mist upon the ball. Valthyria reformed and yawned.

"Ah, Empress. That was so good! I haven't been eaten like that for over a decade!" She yawned again. "Mm, only the goddess is able to eat us like that." Kyrie smiled.

"Go home and recharge, Valthyria. I have a feeling that someone will now eat you regularly." she grinned and rolled her eyes.

"I sure hope so." She left the carriage, while Lena looked at her with trepidation.

"So...I didn't do anything wrong?" She asked. Kyrie grinned.

"In the future..." Kyrie leaned in and lightly blew a thick stream of red mist into her ear, then whispered. "In the future, I'll have to let you eat me too. I can't have my girls experience my little love's teeth, when I haven't."

"Naughty." Lena said and yawned. "My Kyrie is so naughty." She leaned over and fell asleep. "Love Kyrie." The goddess smiled gently.

"And I love my little Lena."


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