The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 55 – To Share


"You've recovered?" Sena asked as Sol walked up to her within the temple. "I was told you were taking longer than normal to heal, when I last asked about you." She blushed a bit. Sol smiled and licked her lips.

"Ah, no wonder the Empress lost control. You and your sisters are quite lovely, just like the Asmarians and Vhaac of my time." Sol said silkily. "To answer your question, I shared a lot with my sisters, the Shadows that serve the goddess and the Empress. They shared with me their way of the Offering, and took me to the edge of a true death."

"Oh. I didn't think anyone other than the goddess could do that." Sena said.

"The Empress can, and her 'spirit' merged with the Shadows so she could indulge in her lust." Sol sighed softly. "Poor Valina can not even remember the event, and she took the lead."

"Lust. Was it strong?"

"Quite. As well as pleasurable for me. I was in a near ecstatic state the entire time." Sol smiled, reached out, and took Sena's hand. "Your hands are strong, yet you have not indulged in any of the old ways, have you?" Sena blushed brightly.

"No, Sol." She said. She looked at her fellow Vhaac, and lowered her eyes. "We still lust, and hunger, but none of us have indulged ourselves." Sol smiled.

"Then follow me." Sol's smile grew wider. "I wish to give you, and your sisters, a small gift." Sena tilted her head, while one of her companions, Lany, frowned slightly.

"A gift? We are the Vhaac, and you are a servant of the goddess. Should you not give us instructions?" Lany asked her quietly.

"No, that is not my duty. I am bound by my role to teach, and show you how the Others of Haven behave. Now that I have been reborn with a dual nature, both of the Empress and the goddess," She licked her lips. "I wish to share something with you." She purred slightly.

"Something personal, and highly valuable."


* * *


To the surprise of the Vhaac, Sol closed the door to the tower room, and climbed the ladder to the second level. She beckoned for them to follow her up the ladder, and waited for them to all climb up before she pointed outward.

"Out there is the wide world of Imera, the living planet, the goddess's mother. This piece of Imera has been given to the goddess for her temple, and her people." Sol said, and smiled at them.

"Though this seems like it is basic knowledge, most people do not know this. They also do not know about the natures of the Others, or even the natures of the Vhaac, and the Asmarians of old." Sol said, and watched as each woman nodded.

"True." Lany said, and Sena also nodded. "None of the Digallans know about our more lustful natures, nor of our desires to dominate, or submit." Sol smiled.

"As you know, this nature is violent, but also lustful and quite intimate." Sol started to growl a little. "We would grasp our partner like this." Sol closed the distance between herself and Lany, reached around and up to grasp her hair. She pulled her in, and pulled back her head so her neck was exposed. Lany's breath caught in her throat, and shuddered a bit as Sol inhaled her scent.

"This is violent, and forceful, but also intimate. One can not make your partner submit without being close." Sol watched each one nod one after another. "So, in order for you to experience some of the intimacy of Haven, I am going to do something no Other has ever been granted permission to do." Sena swallowed a lump in her throat, and grew warm. She thought it might be what she often dreamed about, but she was wrong. It was more intense.

"All six of you will be my partners, and Offer me to my Empress. With your lips, your tongue, and your teeth." Sol said. Sena frowned, as did the rest.

"I don't understand." She said. Sol shivered.

"Only those from Haven have ever consumed an Other of Haven. Today, you shall eat my flesh, right down to my bones."


* * *


Sol's meager clothing was on one of the crates in the corner. She laid down on a leather ground sheet, and the six women surrounded her, all on their knees, and either on a leg, an arm, or near her breasts.

"This is an incredibly intimate act. Each of you take a bite while I talk. Do it as your instincts will it. I will not die, as I've already died hundreds of years ago." Sena blushed as she put her mouth onto Sol's thick upper thigh.

The other Vhaac watched as her lips drew back a bit, and her mouth slowly began to close. Sol smiled gently.

"You can't hurt me. I am asking you to bite hard, and through my skin. Do it slow, or fast. The result is the same, but let your desires guide your efforts." Sol said. Sena looked up at her with an apology in her eyes, and put her mouth back down.

With a wide open mouth, her lips sucked softly on her skin, and slowly she closed her mouth. Her teeth started to dig in, but not go through the surface. As she learned how to do it, and how much pressure to use, she bit down harder.

"That's it. Just a bit harder will do. There you go. Continue to close your mouth, and bite through my flesh. Now chew and swallow. Notice how I don't bleed too." As soon as Sena was able to bite through her skin, and take a mouthful of flesh, she saw that the wound did not bleed like a human's.

Instead, she watched as it stayed the same, just like raw flesh without blood. She began to bite and chew up the mouthful, and soon swallowed. She slowly licked her lips

"So good." She whispered. Before she could lower her mouth again, the rest of the group began to bite through her skin as well. Sena lowered her mouth and started to take another bite, still going slow, but listening to Sol as she bit into her flesh.

"Mm, that's it. So nice and slow. Let me feel each bite. Let me feel your need and hunger to bite me. Dominate my flesh, and show me your affection." What started tentatively, turned into a more erotic act.

Sena laid down on her belly, and became more eager. She maintained the slow method, as she grew more aroused with each bite, and each moan from Sol.

"Tell me your names." Sol said as each one laid down to increase the intimacy.

"Yani." One said and took long slow suck on her wound, and moved her mouth to get more.

"Tema." Another whispered as she wrapped her mouth around Sol's right nipple. The bite was so slow, Sol was not sure it would break her skin, but soon Tema chewed on her flesh and swallowed. "You are so delicious. Now I know why the Shadows wanted to eat you. I am so worked up, I need to rub myself." Sol smiled.

"Slowly, Tema. Don't ruin our moment by finishing yourself off, but let one of your sisters make you climax after dominating you." Tema nodded, and returned her mouth to Sol's breast. Each bite made Sol moan, so even when a large portion of her flesh was wounded, she still asked for more.

"Don't stop, Tema. Sena. Lany. Yani. Camma. Rinni. Don't stop. This feels so good. Show me how much you desire me. Don't stop." Sol begged them not to stop, so even when they were nearly full, they didn't want to stop.

It was a Haven based orgy of flesh and intimacy that they would only feel once they ascended to Haven after their Offering.

Each of the Vhaac felt incredibly blessed to participate.


* * *


"Ha ha. Their human bodies can not process the flesh of someone from Haven, and from the Empress." Kyrie said. Lena smiled warmly as she watched them from another tower that was at south east corner.

"Hm. I wonder." She held out her hand, and the flesh that filled their bellies slowly dissolved and came back to Lena's body. Kyrie hugged her about her hips, and held her on her lap.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Kyrie asked. Lena pouted.

"About how everyone is eating my Sol except for me!" She growled a little, but smiled as she watched the events from a distance so the participants wouldn't feel their presence.

"It is a great gift she's given them." Kyrie whispered.

"True. They shall be her attendants, until they are unable to be hers alone. Also, they shall teach their sisters about what they learned." Lena said and licked her lips. "Her attendants will be my first Offerings to Haven. To you, my goddess." Kyrie smiled.

"When are you going to call me your love instead of your goddess, Lena?" Kyrie asked. Lena blinked, then started to blush.

"I've always loved you. Do I not call you mine, and mine alone?" Lena asked her. She smiled. "My goddess is mine alone. If we have any Others to love, we must love them together as I am yours, and you are mine." Kyrie blushed a bit, and quickly changed the subject. If she didn't, she might take Lena to Haven long before she was supposed to.

"You should call Syl to you, Lena." Kyrie said. Lena blinked.



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