The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 56 – Damage

Both chapter 55 and chapter 56 have been released on the same day. If you have read this one before reading chapter 55, you have missed a chapter.


"Close your eyes, and picture Syl. She should feel hungry." Kyrie said as she held Lena around the waist from behind. Though she was disappointed that Lena was not distracted, she was quite happy that she was able to concentrate when she next spoke.

"There you are. Why didn't I feel you before this? Syl, come here." Lena reached out and frowned. "Why can't I pull....oh. There is the tether, and it's made with the white mist I now have. Come here, Syl." Lena wrapped her fingers around something and pulled.

"Oh!" Syl said as she appeared before the Empress, and the goddess. Lena pursed her lips.

"It appears you didn't call out again. Or I didn't hear you, Syl." Lena pouted. "Why didn't I hear when I can now hear you calling out so loudly?" She reached out again and pulled Syl onto her lap.

"Empress, I'm sorry. I tried to endure, but I'm so hungry." She said miserably. Lena tapped her lips to quiet her, then sealed her mouth shut with her own. Kyrie watched as Syl began to squirm and murmur as Lena's strength invaded her body.

After she was fed, and looked fresh again, Lena lifted her lips.

"I am sorry, Syl. I should have heard you." She said quietly. "You have been so good lately, Syl." Syl sniffed as she heard Lena's words. "You make me proud that you endure when it's difficult." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I try, Empress. It's lonely there, but I am also happy you decided to keep me alive. The barren world continues to change around me. Water collects and it rains from time to time." She smiled. "Stones have ground down and turned to dust, but there isn't any soil yet." Lena nodded.

"It won't be a long time before there is some life to care for there, Syl." She tapped her nose. "In the meantime, I believe it's time for you to meet your new sister." She tapped Nuri's thigh.

"Nuri, you know Syl." Syl turned and her mouth fell open.

"Nuri? Is that really you?" She asked in awe. Nuri frowned slightly.

"It is me, Syl. Why?"

"You're beautiful." Syl said without restraint, which made Nuri blush a bit. Lena nodded.

"She was always beautiful, but lacked confidence. Haven allows you to look as you feel, and change your appearance to match your mood." She stroked Nuri's side. "I do not allow her to wallow in self pity. She is beautiful, and should remain as she is naturally." Nuri blushed.

"Empress, what things you say." She said in a soft voice.

"I speak the truth. Now, it is time for you to take Syl to meet Sol again." Lena grinned. "She had a wonderful core unwinding recently, after she was consumed by some of the Vhaac, and feels a bit more free." Kyrie chuckled a little. She looked at Syl, and nodded.

"Sol is mine and Lena's. We currently share her, but she'll soon belong entirely to Lena. You should go see her, and understand that she is above you in the hierarchy." Kyrie said, but smiled. "You feel different, Syl. Your arrogance is gone, and your humility is not faked. It was a good thing that you were humbled, as you can still live a long life, with much happiness ahead of you." Lena smiled.

"True. Nuri, if you feel like it, you and Syl should be intimate with Sol for the afternoon." She grinned. "Sol is a delicacy that I don't mind sharing with either of you." Nuri pouted.

"Empress, so naughty." She stood up and had Lena stop her from leaving the area. "Empress?"

"Dress, Nuri. No one is allowed to see you unless I approve of their eyes daring to ogle you." She licked her lips. "You belong to me, and only I have the right to say who may see you in your wonderful natural state. Only Sol and Syl may see you naked after you leave this room." Syl bowed with her head to the floor.

"Thank you, Empress." Both Syl and Nuri left the room while Nadya enveloped Lena from behind and Kyrie sat next to her.

"You know what will happen." Kyrie said quietly. Lena smirked.

"Of course." Lena touched a solid surface that was invisible to the naked eye, and it began to glow. Nadya's eyes widened a little, and watched as the window focused on Syl and Nuri as they walked right up to Sol.

"Oh. That didn't take long." Nadya said as Sol was gently coerced into returning to the upper tower room. They watched as both women were quiet, gentle, and intimate with Sol.

Kyrie grinned a little as she watched Lena grow warm and sigh happily.

"Sol looks so happy. Two orgies in only two days. I bet she'll be the favorite partner for many of the Vhaac from now on." Kyrie said. Lena slapped her thigh.

"She's mine, and unless I say so, she may not be intimate with anyone." She said firmly. "I let Syl and Nuri love her, and look how much she enjoys it. I let the Vhaac enjoy her, and she loved it. If I say no, who will argue with me?" Kyrie chuckled and hugged her.

"Only a fool, my love. Only a fool."


* * *


"You ate her?" Another one of the Vhaac asked. Sena nodded eagerly. "And she is still alive?"

"She died hundreds of years ago, Rhina." Tema said, but rolled her eyes. "She is one of the Others of Haven. There, being consumed is an act of lust, and intimacy." She blushed a bit. "She actually climaxed twice while we ate her."

"But..." Rhina protested. Sena held up her hand.

"She's an Other. She heals, and does not bleed. Once she was eaten down to her bones, she reformed and we had a big orgy together." Sena started to blush brightly. "She knows about our natures, and says that we can learn to unwind the stiffness of our control, but not lose control." The group looked at each other, and back to the six Vhaac who had participated in the orgy of flesh.

"Would she let the rest of us do the same?" She asked quietly. Sena smiled and looked around.

"If all of you agree, we can approach Sol together, and ask discreetly. She may need to ask permission of the Empress and the goddess, but I don't think she'll say no." Sena said and squirmed on the chair. "Ah, even now I think about what we did, and get so turned on!"

The rest of the Vhaac that were present nodded, some gripped their breasts firmly, while the rest lightly rubbed their thighs together.

They were all turned on, and wondered what it would be like to consume an Other, or be consumed by one of them.

That was a question that Lena hoped one of them would eventually ask, and want to learn.

Lena couldn't wait to eat one of them herself.  The act would bring the person who was consumed closer to the one who ate them.  It was the dual nature of the ones like the goddess.  Both savage, and lustful.

And Lena's lustful nature was growing stronger by the day.


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